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11303834 No.11303834 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop chasing females? Why the fuck did I just buy tinder gold?

What are some steps I can take to start approaching females naturally so I can get off tinder and it’s toxic platform?

>> No.11303852
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Stop masturbating and embrace suffering, it won't get you laid of course but you'll be better off in the long run

>> No.11303953

I don’t masturbate anymore

>> No.11303999

females are half of the population. you will encounter many women you're attracted to just by going about your day. when you do encounter one, approach them. that's all there is to it. stop thinking about them, just go about your day. improve yourself.

>> No.11304006
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From experience, it's better to just do both, sometimes you need to talk to a real girl just to remind yourself, how easy you have it, try talking to a real life female, it's fucking terrible. We are lucky now that they pick us first and we decided if we talk back. Go be a monkey in real life, I give u 2 days mate u will re-install and count blessings u actually getting pussy.

>> No.11305425

Why not buy a gynoid?

>> No.11306036

Get a propper drug addiction. Withdrawal from painkillers or diazepam to get an idea what a urge is.

>> No.11306638

Degenerate faggot

>> No.11306647

I am probably the only one here who absolutely loves being around women, I have almost 0 male friends

>> No.11306676

what do they smell like?

>> No.11306701


>> No.11306704

Heaven, friend. I am still a 21 year old virgin, but honestly, women smell amazing. It's always easy for me to tell if I will get along well with a girl simply by her smell. Pheromones are a real thing

>> No.11306735

Get your test levels checked. How are you around women but still a virgin?

>> No.11306759

Weed and depression, I was hospitalised at 17, didn't pass a grade and the first time I went on 4chan I was in primary school and it was 2009 or 2010. I am naturally an anon and I have only recently begun to get out there. I have definitely cut down on weed (now 2 grams lasts me a week, it last me a day at my "best").This wednesday was the first time I have ever asked a girl (a cashier) for her number, and I actually got it, so that was incredibly nice

Getting my test levels checked is however a good idea, but I don't know how to go about it. Do you have any advice?

>> No.11306773

Because he doesnt know the difference of empathy enough to make a bond and empathy enough to do sex.

Once you go to a side its difficult to go the other.

>> No.11306788

I still can’t approach females. Fuck.

>> No.11306798

Cum in a cup and taste it

>> No.11306805

Seriously, the key to women is to avoid wasting too much time and money on them.

If you waste too much of either, I don't care how much poon you get: you're still a loser.

>> No.11307294


actual fags on /biz/

>> No.11307430

Go up behind girls with big asses and say braaaaaaaaap, then inhale strongly and whisper to her "imagine the smell" they'll get wet and want your dick

>> No.11307450

My dude

>> No.11307455

Probably right since biz is not a place for faggots

>> No.11307465

you care too much. stop putting them on a pedestal. every time you see one you want to fuck, think of them shitting and approach them.

>> No.11308003

>turbo autist explains why he thinks guys with enough money and time to spend fucking lots of women makes them a loser
>logs back into wow

>> No.11308151

Look at women like children.

They're stupid , and they don't know too much shit about anything , and like a child , you need to guide them. Not in a Child type of way ,but like a leader type of way.

>> No.11308206

Masturbate more so you stop caring

>> No.11308335

ultra normie detected

>> No.11308376


Bro, I met my soon to be fiancé on tinder... it’s a long shot. But all you can do is put yourself out there and not try too hard after that. Just make yourself available and it will come when you least expect it... had a few rough tinder dates, all the bs but I paid for a month and crushed the like bottom without looking until I got to the end in my area... then I weeded them out from matches. Will be worth it if you find a good girl or a few fuck buddies.

>> No.11308533

>Bro, I met my soon to be fiancé on tinder

>> No.11309398

Develop a strong moral foundation, go to church, put yourself around non-thots.
Also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qh9ZZgDqzAg

>> No.11309426

Then embrace suffering

>> No.11309474

Learn salsa dancing

>> No.11309556

Please be a larp.

Anon I don't know you but I want you to be happy. Please think about this, she will cheat on you. YOU MET ON A HOOKUP APP FOR CASUAL SEX.

>> No.11309725

How to do this if you don't like mexicans?

>> No.11309767

90 percent of tinder bitches are hoes but some are actually really sweet girls ive had 2 ltr's that started on tinder.

problem was i cheated on them for more tinder hoes

>> No.11310543
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I'm horribl at making moves on women, how do I initiate sex without wasting so much time "getting to know her"?

>> No.11310558
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>> No.11310576

read the rational male

>> No.11310601

oh my

>> No.11310751

this image made my penis jiggle with excitement
not an erection per say, but jiggling up and down with quick tenses followed by relaxation
A homely woman is the greatest thing a man could ask for

>> No.11310784
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There is only one true gf choice

>> No.11310803


>> No.11310838
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This one gets me erry time.

>> No.11310919

>he had to buy tinder gold
>he doesnt have tinderS

>> No.11310941

This is actually good advice thanks bro

>> No.11310953


>> No.11311073

>Ignore local women
>Focus on life, career, monies, hobbis
>Set Tinder location to (next vacation city)
>Think Mexico, Colombia, Asia, E Europe
>Talk to international hoes and get #'s
>Bang sluts abroad
>Repeat 2x / 3x per year...like a cleanse