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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11302084 No.11302084 [Reply] [Original]

Any writers here looking to make commission on articles/blog posts? Open field as far as topics go (business, politics, short stories, tech reviews, survival, whatever), you should just be able to churn out high-quality content, in agreed upon timelines. I don't want to spend time pouring over your content, if you think it's good - it goes live.

You can use your real name, or not, or no name, it really doesn't matter.

Maybe you post once a month. That's cool. Maybe you post news articles twice a week, great.

I've got a site basically done and a brand in the works, we just need (decent) content. I've got a least 3 other solid writers and a couple others to help with graphics, dev, marketing, etc, and literal shit tons of content ideas, but I run another business day to day, so I need like-minded folks on board.

Right now we're in grind mode, create content and scale, so traffic (organic and paid) is not what it will be in 3-6 months.

I frequent 4chan, so you can imagine the spin of the content. Edgy, raw, maybe a little dark. I'm open to adopting some crypto within the first year or asap (Proof-of-Content?) - and every article pays the writer a block reward, ad revenue, and per word based on staked tokens.

Leave a throwaway below, I will get in touch, and you can send over a couple items you've written. If you're not a writer, but still interested in getting involved, just add mention that with your email. I'd be open to showcasing people's work, like art, videos, businesses, etc.

>> No.11302091

thats a great thread, unfortunately i cant contribute anything of value.

>> No.11302108

thanks fren. Maybe you could. Imagination and dedication is key here. It's a side hustle. One of my content ideas is going door to door at local businesses offering to interview them. Small businesses love free content. But literally anyone could do that from anywhere ;)

>> No.11302112

Can you contact me on telegram, I'm a writer. @bizmana I don't have a throwaway account. I'll make a 24hr email if you want? I have written about crypto, block chain, love, dating, incel topics, edgy topics too. I will send you samples. What is your word count requirement? And how much do you pay?

>> No.11302116

Get in touch with me.
mkgeomech at gmail dot com

>> No.11302129
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Sure, Telegram is also fine. I will send you a message. Anyone else can also send their username.

I think a group channel would be a good thing to have in the future.

Got you.

>> No.11302329

Hit me up. I'm not too experienced but I'm not a pajeet. I've mostly written fiction and tech but I can write crypto babble too

>> No.11302417

do you want sports articles?

>> No.11302464

telegram @InstaVinn .Not really a writer but I'll see if I can make myself useful.

>> No.11302624

I may like this, english isn't my first language but i'm a decent writer, i will really appreciate you giving me a chance.

Owerbart at hot mail . C o m

>> No.11302629

Telegram @EVEiscerator

Let's talk

>> No.11302633

Also i'm studying communications in college and doing some courses on web marketing, i would really like this.

>> No.11302723

I made a telegram account,message me at @owerbart