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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1130083 No.1130083 [Reply] [Original]

Is Mathematical Finance even a useful subject to go into anymore, or is it becoming oversaturated like all the other job sectors on the planet?

>inb4 hurr banks only hire Harvard PhD graduates who did their thesis on the financial applications of String Theory in Banach Spaces

>> No.1130106

THe only thing matters in finance is how much charisma you have (good looks too) and who you know.

Dont fall for the "you need a PHd to be in finance" meme

Chad's have the best careers in finance and business, and its not because they're that fucking smart, its because finance and business is all bullshit.

>> No.1130155

I'm certainly not le beta cuck meme, however I'm not really sure whether I'm alpha. What kind of "alpha" characteristics do they look for?

Guys who are "social" and like to talk to people about "their day"?

>> No.1130157


don't confuse being a chad for being alpha anon

>> No.1130162
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What's the difference?

>> No.1130173


Im in sales so its a bit different, but "alpha" means good firm handshake, eye contact, strong confident voice. The ability to control and direct a conversation. The ability to start a conversation with anyone, at any time, without skipping a beat.

>> No.1130186


Forgot to add, a perfect way to think about this is a industry convention. You know no one, but there are 400 people in the same room as you. You have 30 minutes to make 10 friends.

If that scenario sounds easy, you are business alpha. If it horrifies you, look up Yahoo "best careers for introverts"

>> No.1131416

10 friends is a bit too unrealistic for me, I could make maybe 1 or 2 friends.

Now back on-topic, is the financial sector growing or shrinking?

>> No.1132455


>> No.1132489

have you actually worked a single day in finance? yeah, the "need to be a phd" is a bullshit meme, but so are 'looks/connections are the only thing that matters'. finance isnt some magic special industry, most people in it are average. but i guess its nice to make up excuses for why you cant get a job.

>> No.1132563

Enlighten us. How to get into this sector and is it being oversaturated?

>> No.1132568

Financial industry is on the bring of collapse. A decade ago investment banking and shit was champaigne and cocaine, now its orange juice and sandwiches. I think tech is the next big thing, where you can catch a slice of wealth.

>> No.1132573

My major is applied mathematics (basically math with a focus on numerical mathematics and programming) and I'm trying to decide on a minor. CS or EE is a good pick for a minor then?

>> No.1132588

you get decent grades at school, then you get relevant internships, then you apply to a bunch of places and cross your fingers that one of them takes you. this sums up how me and pretty much everyone i know in finance got their jobs.

>> No.1132594

The degrees you mentioned are all academically rigirous, and very respectful, however I think they all lack practicality. I have been considering going to a top 10 world university for a information management/systems based degree, which is created by employees, then doing a masters in finance. Gives me great flexibility between the finance industry and the tech industry. That is my view and it is completely subjective.

>> No.1132595

^ employers*

>> No.1133440


So would it be useful to do a minor in Mathematical Finance?

>> No.1133457

Honestly it doesn't matter what you major in, as long as you're able to socialize and network in business fraternities. If you know accounting, or finance, that's a helpful boost. But working with people is most important for landing the better job.

>> No.1133459

>Mathematical finance

Yep cryptography is paying well currently :^)

>> No.1133843
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>> No.1133890

Thats finance, but unless you want to work for mom and pop's little company you need a bit more than that. Wall Street is full of vain empty headed sociopathic people, and not because of their grades, anon.

>> No.1133944

>not because of their grades
Because of what then?

>> No.1134013

>which school you went to (name dropping)
>what school clubs/frats were you member of
>what kind of economic background you have (being upper class is a HUGE plus)
>how you present yourself, how you dress and how you look like ("culture fit")
>can you charm your interviewer enough so he/she actually starts caring about you
>can you fill a niche (diversity quota for example)

Many HR fags at big firm openly says that previous finance experience is not what they care about, in fact many don't WANT young people with any previous finance experience, since you'll be molded to the company anyway.

Of course this shit can be pretty different for senior positions (where besides having experience and connections other things can matter too)

In short, you can get a job easier by dressing up in a suit and looking good than being the finance "nerd" who looks like the last vagina he saw was his mothers, even if the latter is 300% smarter he wont get hired at a big finance firm.

The average HR person is extremely dumb and shallow anon, thats something everyone learns sooner or later.

>> No.1134078

That's interesting, how do I make sure HR looks at my resume for more than half a second and invites me for an interview?

>> No.1134084


By having a Harvard PhD and a thesis on the financial applications of String Theory in Banach Spaces.

>> No.1134090
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>> No.1134111

All those fucking 14 year old faggots are seriously pissing me off.

I'm so fucking butthurt right now.

>hurr you only need to be a chad/alpha

Yeah SURELY they will hire a fucking dumbnut "chad" with a degree in "business management" over a physics guy/math guy in their fucking risk management.

Yes you have to be a chad if you want to get into sales but finance isnt only sales you fucktards.

Do any off you guys even know what "Investment Banking" is?

Google it you lazy niggers.

>inb4 everyone here works in a IBD
Prove it faggots