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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11298857 No.11298857 [Reply] [Original]

To the anons who live with their parents after they've finished school:

Do you pay bills?

How much a month do those bills add up to?

>> No.11298870

Just student loans ~$150/month

>> No.11298873

i dont know anyone this pathetic

>> No.11298903

how is paying bills pathetic?

>> No.11298937

£400 per month to my neet parents on autism bux plus £75/month on my own bills. Plus 50 a week repaying student overdraft before it stops being interest free for next 9 months

>> No.11298938


I make way more than my parents so yeah, but it's still way under market rate. I'm saving 1500 a month compared to renting a 1br

>> No.11298964

pay my parents rent of $650 a month
cell phone is $30 a month
already finished paying off my student loans

>> No.11298968

living with your parents is pathetic faggot

>> No.11298982


i feel sorry for young people who don't have this option

the world literally scams you the fuck out, and really your only defense is a strong familial system. i mean this completely unironically.

>> No.11298990

living with my mom for free while i complete my masters degree. i do all the yard work and handy work and keep her company since she doesnt really have anyone else. it's a comfy set up.

>> No.11298993


yes pay the landlord 50% of your paycheck like a good little cuck instead of invest for your future

>> No.11298997

you must live in fantasy land. my parents kicked me out and i lived on my own since 16. have 0 problems supporting myself. I am now 28 and have 50k in the bank.

>> No.11299006

I own a house, but keep ocping.

>> No.11299008
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>gets kicked out of his house because his family is fucked and/or you're a fucking faggot
>"l-lol living with family? t-that is fucking PATHETIC...*sob*"

>> No.11299026
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>paying rent to your parents
fucking white people lmao

>> No.11299032


I invest over 50k a year living with my parents and I just started my career. Someone doing this from age 22 could easily have a few hundred k by your age. Not saying your choice is wrong but there are obviously huge advantages to living at home especially if you don't want to wagecuck until age 65

>> No.11299033

so what? best thing that ever happened I became financial independent at a young age. you are living with mommy.

girls must love that when you take them home but you probably fuck your fleshlight and cry to mommy youll be forever alone.

>> No.11299040

I literally own a 450k house and no mortgage.

>> No.11299041


I'm paying 500 a month to my blood relative which is a pretty good deal compared to paying 2k a month to a total stranger

>> No.11299043

it sounds like you're a bitter cunt who's mad at his family, and thus projecting his insecurities on other anons. i suggest you fucking kill yourself.

>> No.11299044

$200 a week and I pay the cable/internet bill too.

>> No.11299047

Not bitter in the least bit, its just hilarious to me adults wanting to live in their parents basement because "its ok".

its a sign you are unable to support yourself and are not able to function as a true adult.

>> No.11299046

You shouldn't be paying anything you silly billy, trying to extract profit from one's child is sickening.

>> No.11299049
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what difference does it make which boomer you give money to for housing?

>> No.11299053


Good for you. There's no way I could do something like that starting from 0 in 6 years unless I lived at home though.

>> No.11299058

you are bitter 100%, which is evident by you calling anyone who lives with family pathetic and losers. how about you say sorry to mommy and lashing out on /biz/ because of your parental issues

>> No.11299059

one you are supporting yourself
the other mommy is supporting you.

>> No.11299072

just because your parents treat you like a baby doesn't mean that's how it is for everyone

>> No.11299074

the "women" novelty wore out for me pretty damn quick. after 2-3 years it quickly became clear id rather just live with parents as a faggot rather than a slayer having zero savings.

but maybe im just a faggot i dont know.

>> No.11299082


500 a month is fucking nothing brah. I actually offered to pay it and could probably get away with paying nothing if I wanted to

>> No.11299085

You're pathetic.

>> No.11299086

it is pathetic living at home, its a sign you are a betacuck and ok with it like its some trophy. "LOL I SAVE ON RENT" must suck to not be so pathetic you cant do anything for yourself.

And FWIW my parents and I are fine now. I'm glad they made me find my way because posts like yours makes me realize how bad it gets when you rely on them.

>> No.11299090


this. At first I wanted to live on my own so I could slay but then I realized having thousands of dollars more per month is more attractive to me than having sex

>> No.11299093
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I wish $500 was nothing to me

>> No.11299113

idk man a big red flag that you're a betacuck is bragging about your independence from your parents on a paper weaving forum on the internet

>> No.11299117


t. some butt blasted landlord unhappy that he can't extract rent from poor millenials like a fucking parasite

if the entire 20-30 something generation just said fuck it and moved back in with their parents, landlords would get absolutely REKT

>> No.11299130

i own my house. i have 0 interest in renting to anyone. i want my own and thats it.

>> No.11299154


I'm waiting for your 450k house to crash to 300k then I'll buy something. I'm not gonna rent because renting is way more cucked than living with mommy, and I'm not buying a house in today's overpriced RE market because we're on the verge of a major correction.

>> No.11299167

why does your post rhyme you faggot

>> No.11299185

I pay the water bill and electric bill voluntarily.

>> No.11299222

>thinks he made it

>> No.11299339
File: 62 KB, 1248x741, itsnotabubble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worrying about 150k
never gunna make it. hopefully you realize its not a bubble before its too late. by 2100 there are going to be 2x the amount of people in teh world. you think everyone gets to own land?

i only keep 50k in bank. I own a house, keep the rest in stocks, cds, and bitcoin.

>> No.11299377

>tfw parents pay me money to NEET forever

>> No.11299398

and this is why "people of colour" won't make it

>> No.11299568


In the coming decades boomers are gonna be dumping their houses on the market as they die off, and you really think a 10% year over year increase in RE over the past 6 years aided by rock bottom interest rates isn't a bubble? kek. People making 100k can barely afford entry level cuckbox apartments. the bursting has already started in Australia and parts of the US

>> No.11299577

Why do you have such an unhealthy view of family? They aren't economic units, they are people that care for you. Being made to separate from them past a certain age and live isolated is a strange American thing, probably socially engineered to inflate housing prices.

>> No.11299618

I contribute to the groceries and do chores around the house

I live off about $300/month making $86000 a year

>> No.11299721
File: 49 KB, 523x400, rates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houses earlier than 1970 use lead pipes. Earlier than 1977 use asbestos. In 20-40 years time these houses will be worthless.

Even if boomers dump their houses, more and more people are being born. There is going to be a land rush as usable land gets smaller and smaller. We were at the bottom. Mortgage rates are going to keep going up. You can live in the projects stacked ontop of 100 niggers, its not a right to own land.

>> No.11299811
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enjoy being a minority

>> No.11299817

I've been on my own since 23 and now that I've been on my own like 3 years I look at all of the other people my age that still live with their parents and work and I'm amazed at how much I've passed them in terms of maturity and knowledge about the real world. They're so afraid of taking risks and still get babied by their parents. It's fucking embarrassing.

>> No.11299847
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>Land rush
>He's never heard of ((eminent domain)).
We will be seizing your property goy to build subsidized housing for the 6 gorgillion third worlders that need a place to live off of free gibs.

>> No.11299871
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good land is running out, friend. might as well try to secure your own.

>> No.11299879

can you actually list those things or is this one of those vague ~muh independent growth~ things people use to justify to themselves paying as much rent as they do?

>> No.11299937
File: 141 KB, 1200x1603, Most-and-least-expensive-states-for-rent@2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this really that much money? ~15k is a median price a year it looks like. if you dont live away from home by 30 how do you ever expect to be respected by a decent girl or start a family? By 21, most of the good girls have already been taken. By 25 you are left with crazies. By 30 you are left with desperates.

You determine your own life by the path you choose early on.

>> No.11300030
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>> No.11300137
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if your only reason is
>hurr durr muh women
then yeah it's expensive

>> No.11300148

not the only reason. and what type of savings account can you get 8% a year on? fuck most 401ks cant do this over 15 years.

>> No.11300151

t. Beat with a whip by his drunken father

>> No.11300184

Yeah rent is fucking bullshit what the FUCK is this? Utah is in the top ten.most expensive and yet we're the site for lower paying jobs for company's es getting away from more expensive labor costs on the coasts. I don't know why rent is so expensive here I'm literally at ny dad's house right now and looking to get a place but it can be hard to find places under 1k per month for a STUDIO aprtment in semi rural suburban Utah. This is trash and yes I fucking mad.
I'm just complaining.

>> No.11300190

My rent is dirt cheap so idk. I don't feel the need to spend every dime I make on some bullshit lifestyle I can't afford.

>> No.11300192

utah is mostly mormans who rape kids

>> No.11300196

And mexicans.

>> No.11300221

most 401k's don't have a low cost S&P500 index fund?

>> No.11300327

>not masturbating with a Fleshlight via 2D VR waifus

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11300380

My parents don't hate me

>> No.11300385

Not going to make it

>> No.11300390

It's ultimately selfish to leech off your parents. If they're rich who cares. But if they are working hard, then you are a pathetic subhuman and you should feel ashamed for making them more miserable.

You could've become a man, but you chose not to. And your family is secretly ashamed of you.

>> No.11300419

> have 0 problems supporting myself.
> I am now 28 and have 50k in the bank.
You don’t realize the irony here? My cousin has $50k saved up already and she’s 17. I paid for my first car cash when I was 16 and had >$40k leftover. You’re over a decade behind in life. Kys and start over because you’ll never make it at this pace. Ever.

>> No.11300428

please continue reading. i own a house too, with no mortgage, faggot. you cannot keep more than 250k in a bank and have it insured so you have to do something with it. I paid off a house, put the rest in CDs and stocks.

bitcoin is the only store of value if time ins't an issue.

i use a fleshlight launch its a bluetooth robot that jacks me off.

>> No.11300508

>an empty,empty house

>i use a fleshlight launch its a bluetooth robot that jacks me off.
man ive seen some pathetic things online but this...was just gonna leave it at the implication that you're an asocial sperg but this is a lock now

>> No.11300546

I do repairs and maintenance on the house so parents don't have to. Rake, garden, clean, chop wood, paint etc.

>> No.11300579

>sex toys for women are ok
>for men they are not
yep. i got my girl pregnant, how the fuck else am i gunna live for the next year+ while her pussy heals? call it pathetic, but I have needs too.

>> No.11300599

>bitcoin is the only store of value if time ins't an issue.
It's a terrible store of value. It's 100% speculation.

>> No.11300617

sure thing. i put bitcoin on paper since $260. it still has bcash/gold/whatever else. I have not lost money, and wont lose money, unless bitcoin totally fucking dies. I have no need for it now as I have emergency funds.

Its a store of value because more than 250k in the bank isn't insured. if shit happens, oh well. bitcoin could have a protocol flaw than im fucked, but thats a risk im willing to take. otherwise I trust it a hell of a lot more than a bank.