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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 34 KB, 696x449, Vechain-VET-1-Year-Anniversairy-696x449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11295545 No.11295545 [Reply] [Original]

whats wrong with this piece of shit? never pumps even after bullish af shit. sunny cashing out?

>> No.11295638

I gave up all hope when they made their data migration seem like real transactions, still I want to believe anybody shill me

>> No.11295657

getting ready for the show it starts soon

>> No.11295746

It's always soon. Soon. Soon. When the fuck is soon? I'm ready to market sell 2mm of this piece of shit.

>> No.11295791

kys deluded newfag.

>> No.11295802
File: 348 KB, 961x821, OH NO NONOONON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we got chinked...there are people still out there in denial

>> No.11295826

btw vechain has no qualms associating with this fat pig scammer, they must think pretty lowly of their bagholders.

>> No.11295904

kek all that fat grease ball does is fud better projects like neo and wtc so he can feel better about his garbage investment in a centralized blockchain lmao

>> No.11295984

reminder that "soon" was in january, then 28/02, then at the conference in june, then mainnet launch, then 01/09 because xnode lockup and now its an undetermined date but it will be soon.
Just hodl, its soon trust us! Our ICO's are great because we say so! You really don't want to miss out on the opportunity to give us your money just trust us!
Every single thing going on with vechain right now is fucked.

The way they are handling the OCE ico even moreso. Ridiculous system created to lure you in with fomo feelings with their retarded packages and treating it as if you're lucky if you get to "invest" in it. Instead of trying to create a good project and getting people invested by having good fundamentals they come with these fucking retarded things that no one other than fucking faggot cream could have come up with.

This faggots idea of marketing is tiptoeing on the line of twisted truth and straight up fucking lying. The reason the project got so action pricewise at the start was because of the bullrun, everything went crazy pricewise and this fucking faggot cream managed to somehow twist it so it was because of his influence.

>> No.11296037

funny thing is nobody gives a shit about oce outside of vetards community.

have fun dumping on eachother brainlets.

>> No.11296108

Que vechain Thor video.
>welcome to the exciting world of vechain Thor
Honestly anybody still in this is 100% a fucking idiot. Realize you got scammed and move on. Don’t trust chinks.

>> No.11296402

Should provide good entertainment though. Hopefully we'll see the revival of the sea of pink wojaks.

>> No.11296471

I got a buddy I work with who is probably eighteen years old, and dumps every check into this fucking thing and talks to me about how rich he is going to be. I don't have the heart to tell him I sold the top and all in'd holochain at 80 gwei lmaooooo

>> No.11297141

>next BTC halving will initiate another bull
>projects like this will skyrocket
>until then everything will bounce around where it is
why are people still not aware of this?

>> No.11297295

When the next halving happens most shitcoins in the top 25 will be on page 2 of CMC. This includes scams like VeChain

>> No.11298522
File: 686 KB, 1080x2280, VeChainCream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. The crypto landscape could look very different almost 2 years from now when the 2nd halvening hits and starts to take affect.

The problem with all these supposed enterprise cryptos that market themselves as being adopted by big companies, etc is that in a year or two it'll be very obvious that it was just scam marketing. You can't string people along forever.

But maybe you can. I mean Ripple has been doing that since 2013 and has sold everyone on being the "bank crypto" despite banks having zero interest and usage in XRP.

It's all speculation and hoping for a pump.

>> No.11298690

>banks having zero interest and usage in XRP

>> No.11298706

I honestly forgot all about you foxy how have you been

>> No.11298726
File: 270 KB, 900x566, cuallixHQ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Some Bankers from big name banks in 2017 Swell Conference themselves say they won't use XRP:

Bankers on the panel: Info about the panel @ 4:57

> Paula Da Silva - Head of Transaction SEB (2nd largest bank in Sweden)
> Hirofumi Aihara - The Bank of Tokyo (Japan)
> Darmesh Desai - Yes Bank (India)
> Richard Dell- Banco Santander (Largest Spanish Bank, operations all over the world)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9acCnUSLW7Q#t=31m28s [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

> There is no demand for XRP

> We cannot use XRP (because of regulations, cross border regulations, lack of demand (liquidity))

Or Western Union (non-bank) this year:

> We are always criticized that Western Union is not cost-efficient, blah blah blah, but we did not see that part of the efficiency yet during our tests


> The practical matter is it’s still too expensive

Only one using xRapid thus XRP is unknown dogshit companies like Cuallix (HQ pictured here) and two other dogshit unknown companies with likely insignificant volume if they are actually making use of xRapid at all.

>> No.11298778

VeChain is gonna be yuge. Believe me.

>> No.11298882

>video from 1 year ago

>Western Union has sent just 10 payments using xRapid to date—far too few to reap significant results

>“If they were to move volume at scale, then maybe you would see something, but with 10, it’s not surprising that they’re not seeing cost savings,”

I don't see a problem with starting commercial use with smaller banks with lower volume. Roll everything out slowly to make sure there are no bugs/issues.

“The traditional international wire experience fails to meet today’s expectations from a price, speed and ease-of-use perspective. Blockchain technology, and specifically Ripple’s xRapid product, resolves all three of these challenges simultaneously. Catalyst Corporate, through our subsidiary companies’ technology platforms, will leverage the XRP digital asset to transfer money across borders instantly on behalf of our 1400+ member credit unions. We have signed a production contract and are currently building out our plan.” – Brad Ganey, senior vice president and COO, Catalyst Corporate Federal Credit Union.