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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11294399 No.11294399 [Reply] [Original]

Who wants to help me win this hackathon, I'll name the smart contract biz protocol.

>> No.11294425

I applied, no response :(
You lucky fucker. DO IT

>> No.11294439


>> No.11294441

keep us updated

>> No.11294452

>effect real world events


>> No.11294510

some random thoughts
the usgs earthquake data
the flighttracker data

>> No.11294569


SO are they done with mainnet??? How could people use the product this week if it's not finished?

>> No.11294586

>what is testnet

>> No.11294616

throw cheeseburgers at this faggot

>> No.11294649

It’s a hackathon

>> No.11294654

various sports apis:
football (soccer), football (nfl/college), ufc/boxing, car racing, and golf.

if you want really unique api data then you can use space telescope measurements. don't really see the application of that being on the blockchain or in smart contracts but it's interesting. check out irsa star catalogue, gator, simbad.

im jealous of you faggot. you better win this shit

>> No.11294678

Use time data from a punch in clock to automatically calculate blue collar wages. You could use SAP data for this IRL.

>> No.11294688

Obituaries, morgue, and tax info for Hitman contracts. Law api for crowdfunded legal cases that pay out to the investors awarded amounts.

>> No.11294706

something with star data might win with most creative use case of chainlink.

also think tesla (any launch apis?). and environmental telescopes that monitor climate change. you could create a smart contract that anyone can donate to, the funds of which are awarded to companies which verifiably reduce their carbon footprint. a kind of crowdfunding for climate change

>> No.11294737
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$1000 eoy

>> No.11294743

expanding on this, paying employees their hourly wages at the end of every shift. write a smart contract that uses chainlink to query a database with hours worked in it that will pay out the wages in ethereum once a day at a specified time.

>> No.11294786

also add functionality that sends the eth to a fiat gateway and market sells it

>> No.11294794

she likes you senpai

>> No.11294816

>biz protocol
it should use a chainlink to some kind of array of all the available liquidity in the market in order to buy high sell low

>> No.11294843

Flight insurance payouts are a much vaunted use case for smart contracts and a nice comfy middle ground between obvious/doable and ambitious imo. They are also great because you can actually aggregate the flight time data from multiple different tracker websites to make full use of aggregation function (vs some other use cases where multiple oracles just check the same API because it's the only source for the data).

Or go full meme and make an IOT oracle for smart toilets.

>> No.11294959

>make everyone use git at the hackaton
>use oracles to check everyone's commits on their own projects
>pay out premade token to their eth address in 10 minute intervals depending on amount of work done
optionally, check commit code for validity

>> No.11295067
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>effect real world events
>not affect
God damn it someone teach her proper ingrish already!!
She can't keep getting away with this!!!

>> No.11295138

You could also set up a contract to award someone 1 link anytime they got dubs or some sort of get in a chainlink titled thread.

>> No.11295159

Lots of good ideas everyone! Now I need to learn how to code in solidity

>> No.11295201

>i'll just learn solidity well enough to go to a hackaton on friday
You cum slurping faggot

>> No.11295237

It's not like he needs flawless code to win. It just has to be novel and work.

>> No.11295262

This would be great, if it wasn't so cringe-worthy to hack at in public.

>> No.11295285

Create a smart contract that burns 1LINK for every typo on their twitter

>> No.11295296

Exactly what I was thinking. On a side note, if anyone has something they wanted to put out I can submit it into the hackathon and give you any rewards won.

>> No.11295312

Do something with an IoT ODB sensor in a car that pays out an insurance reward for never going above the speed limit.

>> No.11295332

smart contracts for sex bot brothel owners. Pay to pay.
>Launch payment when cum detected

>> No.11295382

Literal brainlets. This is a proper use of the verb form of effect. You guys are thinking of it in different terms, affect would be to influence real world events, while effect would be to CAUSE real world events. Based tiger mommy shitting on you pajeets

>> No.11295396

I want to see someone figure out how to use Steam game data to let me bet on matches.

>> No.11295464

Or xbox/ps5 game data? I'd like to bet on COD matches using my game ID. How difficult is this to create?

>> No.11295625

>win 7000
>use it all to buy link
> just made 20 mil

>> No.11295648

Nigga thst's not how it works. You'll be learning how to access offchain data with chainlink on eth *there*. None of us can help, also you're expected to code there and you likely won't be solo. You'll most likely get into a group (remember, you don't know what a function is) and then the group usually decides what to work on together.
So not only do you need working knowledge of solidity, and how eth works, you also need some precursory chainlink knowledge and the charisma to sell our idea to your group (and a fuckton of it, since you haven't ever coded shit and no one will take you srs). You're like a mouse going to a cat convention on meowing

>cum detected
They could swindle you with applying someone elses cum to the sensor. One step further - dna detectors in the cum receptors, if its your cum the dna matches with the one you uploaded to the smart contract and she gets paid

>> No.11295769

Why not invite /g/ to help us

>> No.11295777

>it says here that your sperm has been detected at a whorehouse on the other side of the town. Because misplacement of sperm was a clause for annulment in our marriage smart contract, our marriage has been automatically terminated. Goodbye anon

>> No.11295829

For anyone participating, here's an idea:
>tape mobilephone to your head
>get gyroscope data off said phone every half second
>write a smart contract that pulls the data and send the equivalent of 1 cent as Eth to your address for every time you moved your head back and forth one foot
>congratulations, you can now suck dick and charge your customers per foot of dicksucking you have done.

>> No.11295979


>> No.11296465

pls someone make a belt that can't come off unless you sign a smart contract to engage in sex.

>> No.11296677

Try something that will left job less all the human resources stacies ever.

Why don't you use a smart job contract so if someone meets the requirements gets the job? No humans involved. If not just use a payroll and ask if swift is partner

>> No.11296750

Im down to work on it Ive worked with solidity before at another hackathon

>> No.11296824

How much exp do you have with making smart contracts?

>> No.11296860

BTFO by >>11295382
Sucks when you use a weak fud like grammar then you're the brainlet who can't even understand

>> No.11297376

Ive written a few ERC20 and 721 as well as a voting contract.

>> No.11298286


do an API call to request Bigmac prices.

>> No.11298306

>has to pay kids at a hackathon to complete their project
wew, I guess $30 million isnt enough to complete a project

>> No.11298347

It’s really happening at 11:40pm? And I assume this is pacific time too. This is worse than the toilet room!

>> No.11298449

Do one where everyone who responds in a biz thread posts their wallet. If the contract is triggered by an email from Sergey@smartcontract.com sayin “you are the official winner of the hackathon” then the prize fund gets evenly distributed to all the wallets of the bizraelies who replied to the thread.

>> No.11298714

It's not like linkfags are likely to have anything better to do at 11:40 on a friday night

>> No.11298728

Do an api call for the price of plush Sergey dolls

>> No.11298749
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> chainlink is allegedly secure
> they run literal hackathons on their project
Lol no business is going to actually use this piece of garbage product. Link is shit - 1000 suicides EOY.

>> No.11298874

That's cool, how should I contact you?

>> No.11298902


>> No.11298913

Cringing very hard at you deluded loinkys

>> No.11298952

kys a hack is something put together fast in this instance you fucking retard

>> No.11298959

You don't know what a hackathon is do you.

You think it's some sort of security hack event...oh anon...i...

>> No.11298983

A betting contractor on the price of a coin at a certain point of time. It would make those fudders and shills put their money where their mouths are. You can call out people's bullshit so fast.

>> No.11298988

The level of cope from linkers is just insane. I will enjoy watching it go to 0.

>> No.11298998

at first I thought we had some hope of directly affecting chain link's success, but OP is worthless

>> No.11299009

Hahahahahahahahaha too retarded to know what a hackathon is. Back to primary school brainlet

>> No.11299070

Imagine getting baited this hard

>> No.11299089

> calls me a retard
> advocates for hacking on the platform of his own investment
Wow, it's almost like the average linker is a low-IQ pleb chasing breadcrumbs because breadcrumbs are literally all he can afford. Sad.

>> No.11299092

Imagine changing network/Id to back yourself up because you literally don't know basics of dev terminology

>> No.11299096

Quiet, you.

>> No.11299100
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>> No.11299139

> literally called a hackathon
> not hacking
Great logic there. I can tell you totally aren't invested in this on a purely emotional basis.

>> No.11299196

I'll piggyback this. Use multiple NFL stats APIs to write a smart contract for a player's sports contract. It will eliminate sports agents. A running back could get paid per yard he ran and get x amount for every TD he got. Chainlink would pull this data from the APIs into the smart sports contract. The player would be paid into his bank account on the plane ride home based on his stats. If I wasn't such a brainlet and could code, I'd have already started this business.

>> No.11299224


>> No.11299237

Someone get RAPEUSIGN on the line!

>> No.11299256

>He doesn't know what a hackathon is

>> No.11299270


Reading comprehension. Two prizes totalling $7K.

Probably $5K and $2K, or another combo.

>> No.11299273


>> No.11299290

Income tax filing or something that is useful to normies

>> No.11299300

I can't believe I already sold all my LINK :((((

>> No.11299317


>> No.11299372

> he unironically thinks that this is a good thing and not a desperate attempt to crowdsource a security vulnerability investigation before SWIFT finds out what is going on

>> No.11299386

You are either the stupidest person I've seen on /biz/ in days or an absolute master baiter. How can I learn your ways senpai?

>> No.11299397

I'm just bored waiting for the announcements while being 100 percent all in link. Just think of the dumbest things you could possibly say and post them, sad thing is they're more likely to get responses than well thought-out discussions but at least they make me laff.

>> No.11299406

100% Rebecca.

>> No.11299639

What a great life you have anon. Hahahaha.