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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1129290 No.1129290 [Reply] [Original]

who else fell for the "get a college degree" meme?

>> No.1129292

It's not a meme though

>> No.1129297

college is for dummies

smart people buy ethereum with their 4chan buddies

>> No.1129315


only thing i got out of my higher education is how to think. literally didn't learn anything else.

was it worth it? not sure yet. i might be able to answer that when i'm 70. atm i would probably not encourage my son to go to uni unless he wants to be a lawyer or doctor (if i had a son that is)

>> No.1129316


>> No.1129323

>he didn't know how to think before going to college
Nigger, no wonder you didn't learn anything.

>> No.1129325

Would you encourage your wife's children?

>> No.1129342


if they show a certain aptitude for self teaching, enthusiasm for things they discover on their own, and you genuinely believe they are smart and self-confident, no.

if they perform well when given structure and pressure from above, lack a certain curiousnes to discover things on their own but dive in enthusiastically when somebody presents them with a problem to solve, yes.

very hard question to answer. bottom line imo is: uni mainly rewards the hard workers who blossom within a structured environment. for the lone-wolf, maybe even slightly gifted, type of person it's a very low cost/reward endeavour.

>> No.1129348

I did

I hope it works out because their tuition is costing me a pretty penny

>> No.1129375

One should actually get a degree. After that apply the knowledge or you are just another basement dweller.

>> No.1129662

Uni isn't only about getting the paper. Its about expanding your knowledge and practising applying it.
From my personal experience, every individual whom i met who got a degree, any degree, was in general a much smarter person than someone who didnt. Not necessarily a wealthier person, but had a higher level of sophistication

>> No.1129715


Basically it's busting your ass for a pice of paper.

Since that's what you have to do for almost any aspect of life, yes it's wortyh.
Philosphy degree here.
Credit manager now.

No more laughing around for my degree now, gess what? nobody quotes plato...but learning how to think and talk? pretty handy in everyday life...

>> No.1129754

>mfw I'm a successful software developer with a degree from a no-name school and I tell people college is a scam and programming is for Indian monkeys to prevent potential competitors from going into the field

>> No.1130124

Glorious feel,
I was doing that last semester, then I decided to pursue my passion, so I switched out of CS.

Enjoy your trade jobs, losers.

>> No.1130231

ahahahaha wtf did you expect? Did you expect missions to be like go to guy a and get x = LE BIZNIZ

>> No.1130253

I would like to double major in finance and computer science. How fucked am I?

>> No.1130296

finance and IT go together like BBC and your mother, however computer science is a bit much, minor in programming or something

>> No.1130302

Yep... smart people buy Ehtereum at it's all time high.. certainly smart.

>> No.1130309

If you are not smart enough or too lazy to get a full scholarship then you shouldn't go to college.

If you cannot figure our a way to get college tuition free or are to lazy to do so then stop.. because college is not for you.

>> No.1130312

Here is the problem. College students thinking college is busting their ass.

>> No.1130316

Finance is a worthless degree equal to economics and business admin... Just go for CS.. then while in school get REAL WORLD experience with companies that utilize CS in a finance capacity. Finance is completely worthless for the most part.

>> No.1130317

You don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.1130323

I would say there are always exceptions but I agree. I know somebody who was a shit highschool student and couldn't get scholarships but still did well enough to get grad school paid for. Rare as shit I'll admit.

>> No.1130326


College taught me how not to buy things for the rest of my life. I fell hard for the meme50 because no one in my family ever made it through college. I thought getting a biz degree would help open doors.

I'm really lucky I worked the entire time I was in college. I wouldn't have my current job without connections.

>> No.1130328

I study International Business and Information Systems, and got a minor in a foreign language at a pretty good uni. No job lined up after graduation in May. Just fuck my shit up.

>> No.1130336

Finance graduates are some of the quickest employed graduates in my city. CS is good but finance isn't worthless. Most the internships I took required you to be enrolled in finance or business.

Finance is easy as shit too to do well in, probably easier than CS.

>> No.1130357

Its a piece of paper that gives you the permit to work in specific field.
If you had a gram of brain you would have known that the more specific your knowledge is in a topic the better chances are for you to earn money.

>> No.1130443

OP probably went into Arts or some other worthless shit and is now butthurt.
I seriously do not understand how idiots like OP can even defend their position when I am in Medicine which absolutely disproves him.

>> No.1130456

I think most people who repeat these memes have either never been to college, or they dropped out and they're interested in justifying to themselves why they never finished college.

Or they actually did get a worthless degree.

>> No.1130460

Every time I see someone spout this shit, I remember my older brother who said the same thing so he never went to college. For years, he went from job to job (no career) an has been unemployed now for over a year and he's forty.
Meanwhile, I'm just about to finish my Masters' (or however it is in English) in Medicine.

>> No.1130466

>Get scholarships
>Do (paid) internships/co-ops any chance you can
>Literally being paid to get experience, professional contacts, and a degree

Seemed legit to me. People make it out to be much harder than it is.

>> No.1130665

>not going to community.

>> No.1130678

idk man. i flunked out, but both of my siblings have degrees and both work part-time jobs same as me.

>> No.1130871

You know that saying about the shoe-shiner giving stock tips?
Same thing really. It's oversaturated as fuck and the only reason people with degrees earn more is because the employer basically legally has to pay them more (because they can legally get away with paying someone without a degree less even in the same role).

>> No.1130897

This is literally fucking second grader Bernie sanders level understanding. Believe it or not most employers don't actively try to jew their skilled workers

>> No.1130915

Could getting a degree convince someone they're worth investing in themselves this knowledge instead of acquiring this level of "sophistication" strictly through their degree?

>> No.1130918

>employers pay their employees more than they can get away with because......?
It's not malicious of course, just business. Surely on a business board we would understand this, no?

>> No.1130952

Is accounting/getting a CPA still a good idea?

>> No.1130958


same story for me except i really believe programming is for indian monkeys and will leave at the first good exit opportunity

>> No.1130970

>struggling with those baby-tier integrals and summations
Fucking business majors.

>> No.1130974

Triple major in capital markets, public finance and economics, how fucked am I?

>> No.1130987

>philosophy major
Props for making it, but how the FUCK did you convince yourself that wasn't a risky ass choice?

Does your degree really mean that little so long as it's a piece if paper that puts you ahead of high school grads?

>> No.1130988

Honestly, that's why if you took math or Engineering, you should go back and get your MBA, or MAcc you'll be smarter than everyone you work with.

>> No.1130993

I find many of the arguments in favour of college disingenuous tbqh, like comparing average income of degree holders and non-degree holders.
If you're directing your message at people who could attain a degree (who else would you tell to go to college?) would it not make sense to compare only the high IQ non-degree holders' income to that of their degree bearing counterparts? Given the extremely high correlation between IQ and income, the omission of this control alone would massively skew the figures, and anyone with half a brain would realise that leaving it out is essentially an act of wilful propaganda.

>> No.1131071

Philosophy degrees apparently pay the best of any non-STEM degree, in the USA at least.

>> No.1131093

Shit highschool student. I had a 2.4 GPA graduating high school, went to a shitty CC for a year before transferring to a state school, and graduated with a 4.0 in Chemical Engineering. Sometimes it is just the environment that prevents a student from excelling like they should.

>> No.1131113

>Who else fell for the high-school degree meme?

This is literally how you sound to adults, OP.

>> No.1131117

That's because most go on to study law and lawyers make good money.

>> No.1131209


Tu vas à quelle école mon gars?

>> No.1131220

friendly reminder that college debt in the USA never goes away and unless you're in a STEM program and/or have your tuition mostly paid for, you are certainly fucking yourself. This is because college is ridiculously expensive. It wasn't always like this.

>> No.1131343

>who else fell for the "get a college degree" meme?

I spent four years learning how to program. If I wanted to be as good as I was coming out of that without school, I would have had to spend four years studying the same shit any how, except with no degree in hand to show employers.

It was a good use of my time. The people I know who didn't go to school are fucked.

(and yes, some people goof off and major in basket weaving and their degree doesn't mean much, I majored in something that makes money and which interests me)

>> No.1131383

OP you didn't fall for the get a college degree meme you fell for the finance meme

should have some engineering or comp sci, at least accounting or econ if you have to do an econ degree, get cucked friend

>> No.1131432


No, the stats still apply for those who only have undergraduate degrees.

Plenty of yuppie Steve Jobs wannabes are hiring philosophy majors because they can think critically.

>> No.1131433


Every college grad I've ever met has been a total retard. I'd rather just buy my degree and credentials while laughing how retarded they were for wasting all of their time in school.

>> No.1131468

>Every college grad I've ever met has been a total retard

anyone who says something like that needs to urgently reevaluate his world views.

>> No.1131473

i declined an offer for an apprenticeship with deutsche bank to get a degree in business administration and i regret it every second i live. college has driven me into depression, i might even drop out and im going to be unemployable, so yeah..

>> No.1131499 [DELETED] 

i didn't even get this, because i studied CS

really wish i would have done a second major in a humanities/social science because i am seriously under educated for my age and it's pretty embarrassing. yeah i can program, but i can't have a serious conversation about basically anything without feeling utterly stupid.

i've honestly thought about going back to school now that i have money, just to get a real education.

>> No.1131501

>Every college grad I've ever met has been a total retard
>birds of a feather, flock together

Maybe you just have a tendency to associate with retards?

>> No.1131516
File: 66 KB, 296x285, whoa this is great.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been working post-uni corporate 9-5 four months and I see every day of my life hereon being worse than the last

>> No.1131534

Bist du deutsch?

>> No.1131541


>> No.1131545



>> No.1131564

ok I'll bite what can you actually do without a degree to build a real money making career?

>> No.1131566

>hat depressionen
>wäre lieber ein wage slave für max. 2.5k brutto

>> No.1131571

>Tfw exactly this but I can no longer derive pleasure from things that used to bring me pleasure either

>> No.1131645


wagecucks in the us work 9-7

>> No.1131708

Nope. Already being automated.

>> No.1131724

My story
>Join the army for the GI Bill
>Get out, working as a fireman at an auto plant while going to college
>Plant advertises for 1 position in management track, *must* have a 4 year degree, *must* drop off the resume IN PERSON between 10 am and 2 pm on a Thursday, starting pay $20k/year
>Get to work Thursday morning, line around the corner - 3,000 people drop off resumes. Some have MBA's!
>Month later, advertise for 3 tool & die men, no experience needed, just the certification, starting pay $60k/yr. Accepting resumes any way, any time for a week. One guy applies, gets a job, 20 years old, got his certification 3 weeks prior
>I go to the community college the tool and die guy went to, ask the counselor "What is the cheapest, fastest cert that will make me a living wage?"
>4 weeks and $500 later I have an A+ cert, get a job in IT where it only pays $30k, but they pay for all certs.
>18 months later I am warranty certified on all major computer/networking brands and making $60k/yr
>Go to work for a Fortune 100 company, having a great time
>They tell me 'you can't get a promotion without a 4 year degree'
>Go to HR, fill out the forms, they will pay for the rest of my degree - since it is reimbursement my GI Bill also kicks in
>Spend 2 more years in online/night classes, get a degree in Theology, actually make about $500/month in GI bill payments for living expenses
>Get promoted to Security, Standards, and Ethics team because of degree, spend my time looking for embezzlers, fraud, cybercrime, etc. and making $120k/year
more later

>> No.1131738
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>He thought college degrees were magical scrolls with which you could cast on yourself the secret spell of employment

top kek

>> No.1131742

>My kids grow up hearing this story
>At 16 my oldest signs up for the dual program at the local technical college
>Graduates HS with 3 semesters of college credits and a certificate as a diesel mechanic
>The day he turns 18 he gets a job as a diesel mechanic at $15/hour and a full 40 hour schedule, averages 10 hours of OT a week
>Taking online college courses (paid for by his employers) plus the additional training in diesel
>He just turned 19, - half done with college at zero cost to him, making $18.50 an hour, $10k in the bank
>He talks to other kids his age, they are just in their freshman year at uni, most have never worked a single day

>> No.1131796
File: 261 KB, 517x768, 1417330942335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahahaha first time someone uses my oc ! Feels good man .

>tfw I was supposed to fail but my professor improved my grade and I got my master's

>> No.1131805

>Fall for the college meme
>Study finance for 4 years
>Learn literally nothing i didn't know before
>Quit my job, follow my passions and start a classic car dealership

Feels good man