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File: 40 KB, 820x538, ripple-xrp-to-moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11291359 No.11291359 [Reply] [Original]

589 dollars

>> No.11291374

I'm going to go fucking insane if if it goes to that price. Absolutely nuts, just apeshit.

>> No.11291405
File: 16 KB, 424x243, xrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make it at that price.

>> No.11291409

you make it at 100

>> No.11291423

I make it at $233,- but I'd be happy with even 25% of that (or less)
If 589 really does come true, how long do you suppose it would take?

>> No.11291434
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>> No.11291467

in real terms, thats like saying BTC to 3 million dollars a coin.

>> No.11291475

You dare question the almighty wisdom of Bearablefag?

>> No.11291476

which, btw, isnt going to happen. so you can forget about it late adopters.

>> No.11291489


What do you define as "making it"?

>> No.11291494

Im not going to dobe the math but there'd have to be trillions in xrp for that to happen, which is not going to happen, cant believe someone is taking this seriously

>> No.11291505

just more late adopter cringe from people that haven't realized how many people already became millionaires from xrp before them.

>> No.11291507

could justify $50 eoy. $589 would need the fed to announce usd to run on ripple

>> No.11291508

Well for me it would be 100k+ really as I can use my intelligence to reinvest that and turn it into a beautifull flower. But financial freedom happens at 1-1.5M

>> No.11291563

Yeah, you think that, I don't think it's that easy buddy
More like retarded, it isn't even anything viable, it's a shitpost and I wouldn't mind it but people were taking it seriously

>> No.11291583

5M pre tax, 3M post

>> No.11291591

>589 dollars


>> No.11291602

what the fuck

>> No.11291609

Ofcourse it isn't easy, but I can do it.

>> No.11291648

I dont think you could in a reasonable period of time, what do you actually know, what degrees dp you bave? Why arentylu rich right now ifyou could do that?

>> No.11291671

Well i'm doing it, takes time you know? I ain't got anyting to proof to you anyway fella.

>> No.11291704

>ITT Delusions

These threads show that Cirpple and its fanboys know nothing about crypto or the markets in general.

>> No.11291708

I know I'm up 80%

>> No.11291745

why not 835,3 dollars?

>> No.11291750

xrp is the standarding, sir

>> No.11291823
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>> No.11291962

If you're already doing it why did you say "if I had 100k I could make it"
You've got nothing to prove

>> No.11292438

>Satoshi Nakamoto never said what btc would be worth.
>Money skele doesn't say what eth could be worth.
Hey, we need more ppl buying this. Goes on TV, it will be worth ____!!

>> No.11292461
File: 54 KB, 960x614, zs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that zoomer who trade XRP for looking like a fidget spinner

>> No.11292473

Bearable is just a speculator, he isn't affiliated with the team to my knowledge.

>> No.11292535

1994 is not a zoomer. is the best of the best.

>> No.11293266

Isn't it funny that the redditcoin is the best performing crypto for the second year in a row? Always do the opposite of what /biz/ says

>> No.11293381
File: 9 KB, 292x173, rippledump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Nano along with a ton of shitcoins performed a lot better than Ripple in 2017.

> In the beginning of 2018, XRP was $3.20 and BTC was $17K. BTC is now a 1/3 of its value and XRP is worth 1/6 of its value.

Ripple moonboys are literally retarded.

>> No.11293411
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five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes.

>> No.11293451

>use my intelligence
>invested in XRP
>already a top coin
>already mooned
>only people buying XRP are boomers
>banks can use this regardless of price. >even if this gets adopted, and that's a big if, price will not matter because of high token velocity
>this will result in huge pressure on both sides of the order book
>price will never move
>no reason to hold this coin ever
>more likely scenario is that this is a Jew scam to hustle retail goyem out of their hard earn sheckels

>> No.11293462

Are Cripples the most pathetic creatures in crypto?

>> No.11293473

>589 dollars


>> No.11293476

ok i wil go all in chainlink because

>> No.11293601
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>> No.11293633

and lets not forget ripple itself owns like 60% of all XRP.
even if we assumed they didnt premine to pump&dump scam everyone (why would we):
if the price went to 589$, the company would be worth roughly 40 times as much as apple is right now.

in fact for that net worth, you could buy the top 100 companies in the world several times over.
im holding some XRP myself, but simply because i expect others to FOMO when good news come out. a token with 60% premined by its company just reeks of scam, and even if it wasn't i am sure financial institutions, near-trillion-dollar tech-companies etc. can cook up their own solutions instead of paying ridiculous money.
if you honestly believe this token will 10.000x its worth you are fucking delusional.

note that i'm not saying it's not going to pump once or twice (again) - it's just not anything substantial, necessary or legit.

>> No.11293666

absolute state of this retard fucking board making a thread on holding a top 10 coin kek

>> No.11293704

keep holding them lowcap shitcoins with $200k in daily trade volume.

>> No.11293754

>source is a literal who

>> No.11293766


>> No.11293785
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>> No.11293869

I actually know the innovative and unironically new pardigm coins and expect you to be buying my bags at 100x. Keep wasting time holding that plebcoin you normie lol

>> No.11293908

Tell me your lowcap shitcoin picks, i need a good laugh today.
ill take a guess

>> No.11294043

Fuck Tomo and Chainlink, Holo is a good pick. Zilliqa and Rchain are very good midcaps. I was going to share some coins that aren't out yet but you're being a dick so nevermind. I'll make a post here after I get my stack lol