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File: 119 KB, 1200x454, labor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11289201 No.11289201 [Reply] [Original]

The low unemployment rate that the republicans shill is a myth, the labor participation rate drop has coincided with it.

Drumpftards BTFO

>> No.11289219

But the drop on the left graph clearly starts in 2008 while the right graph starts in 2010.

>> No.11289222


>less people than ever are wagecucking
>this is a bad thing

If it was up to you democrats we’d have some perverse hybrid of corporate socialism where we all make 15 usd an hour and have free housing and food provided by amazon/facebook/McDonald’s.

>> No.11289229

I could think about having an intelligent discussion about how figures like this along with inflation etc have been manipulated for decades but you had to make this about Muh Republicans which shows you are neither red pilled or smart enough to accept that kind of fact based discussion yet.

>> No.11289232

this is irrelevant anon.

>> No.11289247

It just means people aren't looking for work, so are no longer counted towards unemployment nor the labor participation rate.

>> No.11289256

All trump supporters have pea sized brains. They only chose to believe in alternative "facts" that support their agenda. It's their coping mechanism for the hatred they have of themselves

>> No.11289261
File: 206 KB, 1600x1126, 1538269502597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.11289276

Sack'o'manure fir brains.

>> No.11289290

How is it irrelevant, the rate movements are not coincided. Labor force participation drops from 08-15 while unemployment drops from 10-18. How would labor force participation drop while unemployment rises for 2 years if there's some sort of relation? How would unemployment drop while labor force participation remains constant for 3 years if there's some sort of relation? Half of the graph is under Obama anyway lmao.

>> No.11289291

Dems did the exact same thing under BHO.

Out of the workforce 6 months? You must not be job seeking. Take them out of the unemployment numbers.

Most prosperous economy evar!!!

>> No.11289310


the movements dont coincide because the economy was imploding during those 2 years

>> No.11289339

No shit, both trends start under Obama in the aftermath of 08

>> No.11289344

08-10 is the recovery from the housing crisis the recovery was too fast for the participation drop to have an effect. the participation rate effects the unemployment rate without a doubt. 3% of the USA is 10 million people

>> No.11289355

this exactly thank you

>> No.11289396

What is the labor participation graph for 16 to 65?

>> No.11289412

>the recovery was too fast
lmao what, the economy as a whole took like a decade to fully recover. There's no reason to think that a drop in labor force participation means all of those people are becoming unemployed, especially when the unemployment rate is decreasing. The evidence you've presented directly contradicts your claim. The obvious explanation that your graphs support is that several million people ended up leaving the labor force. They were more than likely boomers, who as an age group reaching retirement make up a disproportionate fraction of the population.

>> No.11289980

increase of employment was started by obama. trump just likes to claim he did it like when america was built up by slaves, white people take credit.

>> No.11289996
File: 252 KB, 1949x1352, STD race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, because those blacks would have built america all by themselves, like they did in africa

oh wait no they wouldn't have
because niggers are retarded and lazy- a terrible combination

>> No.11290020
File: 72 KB, 500x600, pepen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy vey everbody is working goy
>wages are at all time high
>you get 15 jew papers per hour

yeah not falling for it wagie
keep paying for my neetbux I have to make it through winter

>> No.11290027

>not knowing egypt and libya is in africa.

>> No.11290049

> ARAB'd

>> No.11290056

>arabs arent black

>> No.11290159
File: 413 KB, 918x543, discoveries europe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>w-we aren't worthless, look at these egyptians! WE WUZ EGYPTIANS !!! and look, they made these big triangles one time, proof that niggers are just as good as white people

>> No.11290482
File: 381 KB, 592x680, yes.....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blacks conquered egypt just as they will now conquer europe.

>> No.11290625

disease ridden shitskins are all equally worthless.