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File: 172 KB, 1024x683, 1538603420478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11286641 No.11286641 [Reply] [Original]

>you Will never be Erik Finman
>you will never be a rich 18 yo with a harem

>> No.11286656

Most people here are older than 18 and want a clear state of mind, free of the infinite cycle of wagecucking.

>> No.11286691

Lol if I would have to look like him then that's fine.

>> No.11286729

I would rather be a poor white man than a rich kike

>> No.11286738

if my harem looks worse than what i already get for free then no thanks

he's just not very smart. he will never be a billionaire, or even a hundred-millionaire

>> No.11286753

>a harem of 6's and 7's

>> No.11286755

I guess jewish dudes are fucking yellow now

>> No.11286821

>is almost 20
>wears hurley t-shirts
>has ear gauge earrings
>probably still a virgin.
never gonna make it.

>> No.11287108

why is he covering his boner?

>> No.11287133

imagine being this doughy.

>> No.11287160

>Jack Osbourne

>> No.11287170

imagine coping this much

>literally hit the jackpot buying alot of early bitcoins
>still desire more attention

>> No.11287183


Yea, how are jews "not white" again? I always thought jew is a religion thing not a race.

>> No.11287186

You can tell by his beta body language he is uncomfortable around those girls and probably had to pay them to take that pic KEK.

>> No.11287206
File: 14 KB, 316x421, 01df0fe42b89447426f529f86d87b7fa[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finman is actually more disgusting looking than this. It's just a matter of time before he's mugged and murdered.

>> No.11287306

how much money is this faggot supposed to have?

>> No.11287356

Not that much. He's just faking it on instagram for ad revenue.

>> No.11287552

haha nigga looks like a guy from 2000-2004 wtf

>> No.11287593

pretty sure that's ozzie ozborns kid

>> No.11287614
File: 211 KB, 604x719, 1537796551239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the jews bred themselves into euro lines, abusing the eternal white man problem of believing everyone has good intentions.

>> No.11287847
File: 416 KB, 750x926, A1D1F79E-DD38-4B35-9D09-B0C572950FEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11287879


Isn't this the faggot who said was in the news and said it's a good time to buy bitcoin.....in december 2017? I'd definitely ask him for "investment advice" lol.

>> No.11287883


>> No.11287927

he comes off as fucking deluded, i guess 12yo boomers buy into it though

>> No.11287951

I just want to smell a woman's ass. I'm so horny and lonely. The Miss Alice hardcore vid made me feel sad for some reason. I've though about getting an escort but I'd probably feel lonely after. It would just be a perversion of what real sex is like.

>> No.11287974

its weird how once you have a jewdar that it never lets you down. Its like some guy at the range that looks 'schlumpy' talks in a slightly higher nasal voice, has really bad casual fashion, and looks out of shape. Your jewdar is just itching saying to your brain 'thats a jew' then low and behold he says his name and the jewdar was right again. They are different. usually chubbier shorter and less sun exposure, besides the obvious markers of huge nose. curly hair shunted shoulders

>> No.11287994
File: 83 KB, 612x587, 1531836217477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are sandniggers you fucking clown.
Kill yourself.

>> No.11288851

>imagine wanting to be ugly

>> No.11289503
