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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11284359 No.11284359 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, 24 years old, study computer science
>80% loss in crypto
>never had a gf, just sex once
>don´t do really well in uni
>all friends are good in uni and have sex

>Even cried yesterday, about what a failure I am

I honestly don´t know what to do /biz/bros. This drives me crazy, seeing how good everybody around me does and I just don´t.
I don´t see a fucking sense in life at all anymore.
For what should I do all this? Getting a degree, a good job and then in the best case ending up and getting a used up roastie.
I don´t want that neither. I am just so unhappy. I want something I can live for.

I considered trying to gain a lot of wealth. But I am not sure if that would help me.

Convince me that it´s still woth to keep on pushing or tell me a way to make a lot of money. Every serious advice appreciated.

>> No.11284410

keep pursueing your degree and buy more Link.

Thank me EOY.

>> No.11284411

>just sex once

Hey at least you're not a virgin.

>> No.11284422

In hindsight it would have been better to not know how it feels when someone loves me...
Sadly the girl was from another country
The only time when I had motivation to do shit...

>> No.11284424

Emotions, even negative emotions like jealousy is your minds way of telling you that something is not going right. Finish your degree, but change the places you're looking for girls and your approach. As for crypto - when the first crash of 2011 happened ($50 to $2), do you think smart people shat their pants or held?

>> No.11284439

>I want something I can live for
join the military if you are in muttland

>> No.11284442

>28yo kissless touchless virgin
>lost 90%
>never even seen a boob in real life sex might be a hoax/urban legend from my point of view
>never been to uni
>barely finished highschool and NEET since
>no tears to cry are left
>live in parents basement
>porn addicted but penis doesnt work no more
>scammed my grandma to buy 43000 chainlink tokens

>> No.11284455

Start lifting anon. It will improve your mood as well as your looks and from there the road to pussy is short if you know to not put on a pedestal

>> No.11284469

do you have a single redeeming trait? tall? facial aesthetics?

>> No.11284474

Meant to say don't put the pussy on a pedestal. I'm tripping on acid...

>> No.11284490
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>be me, 29yo, recently took my masters in cs, jobless
>no loss in crypto since ive into antshares
>never had a gf or sex or kissed or even held hands romantically, last hug with a girl was years ago and the last girl to sit in my car was the previous owner, 8 years ago
>did not too bad in uni
>no friends
>cried while marathoning clannad yesterday

>> No.11284517

Op here. I switched the Wifi.

Holy shit anon.

I am tall yeah and everybody says I am funny. But that's it.

>> No.11284519
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>the last girl to sit in my car was the previous owner, 8 years ago

>> No.11284527
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>25 years old
>only had sex once, with a hooker
>high level of social anxiety
>have health issues that include daily chronic pain
>living in moms basement
>no friends

I never thought I would kill myself, but it's looking more and more like a possibility. I haven't been happy in like 5-6 years. I know my mom would probably kill herself if I killed myself, and thats the only thing preventing me from doing it. But that might not even be enough to stop me forever

>> No.11284557

Oh man, I feel you. I never was a person which cried easily or a lot. But the last months and the knowing "what could be" just fuck me over.

That's what everybody says. Thanks for the advice, but I just can't imagine that's it. I am not fat, neither am I a Skeleton like Vitalik.

>> No.11284589

with that much link you are going to make it though, bro

>> No.11284592

I think I wouldn't even need a girl or so for now. Just a real purpose.
But the only purpose I honestly see right now in my life is reproduction.
But doing that alone just doesn't work.
So far I tried to get girls in nightclubs and on tinder. Both didn't work out for me really.

>> No.11284593
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>penis doesnt work
>scammed my grandma to buy 43000 chainlink tokens

explain this please

>> No.11284597

yeah, i havent cried to physical pain, my own situation, or tv/movies in general since i was an adolescent child but boy does anime get to me sometimes
especially stuff like steins;gate (mayushii stuff), clannad (fuuko in season 1 and the final few episodes of season 2), toradora (final few episodes), even the fucking gabriel dropout ova got to me

>> No.11284644

women hate desperation. focus on improving yourself in all aspects: mental/physical health, clothing, money and the rest will follow. are you working right now?

>> No.11284649

your first lay was some overseas chick. at 29, i married a QT 19 year old mutt (no not asian) overseas years ago and had a baby. now i'm a 35 yo boomer.

play to your strengths, you got a few years to fix your shit. tall and funny sounds like leadership material.. but you got to start small at places where you can take the lead on things.
there's a lot of brain dead jobs in IT for flunkies/ non-nerds like technical sales or IT administration but you got to hustle and improve yourself.

>> No.11284664

Are you mister supreme gentleman OP?

>> No.11284869

No I don't work right now. I think that would help me maybe as well. Having something else than uni.

Thanks man. Really appreciate that. Kinda gives me hope. I will take that advice.

I don't even know who or what that is, anon. So I think I am not

>> No.11284870

Anon please try and give lifting a chance. I promise you the mental gains alone will keep you coming back for more

>> No.11284891
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>college degree
>working minimum wage
>$1700 in the bank
>$10k in crypto, down 50%
>have gf, but shes a fat hoe
>with her because I need to get married to get citizenship in this country
>not sure whats worse, getting deported to the 3rd world or marrying a fat chick

Im justed

>> No.11284897


Find inner peace in free diving


learn to spear fish, become self reliant off of the ocean

embrace the blue void

>free diving is the ultimate red pill

>> No.11284913

how he is not drowning?

>> No.11284915

The thing that turned me around was finding a passion and channeling my hatred of the world at it. Lets be real, this place is Hell on earth now...you'll be surprised at yourself if you ever find a goal to work towards that will better the world in the only way you know how. You are God's gift to the world. Finding this passion and throwing everything at it will show you the way.

t. Already have my next 50 years planned out taking the fight to the ZOG

>> No.11284934

>there's a lot of brain dead jobs in IT for flunkies/ non-nerds like technical sales or IT administration

where to cop?

how are you ganna fight the ZOG? with guns?

>> No.11284953

Wagecucking in uni isn't bad, just a simple retail or restaurant job. Extra responsibility with flexible hours, side income, and social interaction would be beneficial.

>> No.11284972
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No (((FBI))). I found a way 4 years ago to take the fight to the (((future))). If this market would come back I could get started sooner than later. Just a waiting game at this point.

>> No.11284983

you learn how to breath properly and hold youre breath static for 6+ minutes
>Fii level 1- 20 meters
>Fii level 2- 40 meters
>Fii level 3- 60 + meters
it takes 1 second to descend 1 meter
so do do a 20 meter dive, you need a 40 second dynamic breath hold
so on and so forth
>the less you move, the longer you can hold your breath

>the urge to breath is from CO2 build up in your blood stream, not a lack of O2

You train your body to be used to high levels of CO2, reducing that urge to breath and allowing you to hold your breath longer. I have yet to start spear fishing, but I just did a level 1 course and I am in a similar state as OP is. I feel a lot happier, get exercise when really its just fun swimming in the ocean, and when I get my spear gun, I will be able to subsidize my grocery cost with free fish meat and lobsters. The ocean will soon be my refrigerator.

Take the free diving red pill and stop being depressed.

>> No.11285093

that sounds fuckin insane. what if you cant get back up in time?

>> No.11285096
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>live in countryside
>20 km away from city
>finished hs like few months ago
>already feeling pressure from parents to go to work
>went to like 5 jobs , 3 of them required experience, other 2 , i thought that i did fine at interview , ended with "we'll call you"
>they didn't called
>i'm tall , big , like 100kg , but not fat , just bulk,
>not very handsome but not the ugliest mofo
>have some friends , know some girls
>had sex once , i picked up a chick at a club
>the only thing missing is money.
>can't go to dates with girls , because no money for bus and movie
>can't go to beer or clubs with buddies , because no cash
>i go only when they pay for me
>poor parents

Like , fuck this.I might start doing illegal shit.I'm tired of seeing the sadness on my parents face when they can't pay the bills , i'm tired of being rejected from min. wage jobs, tired of my friends payng for me.Money would solve all of my problems
What should i do /biz? risk it and go for the big cash?

>> No.11285114

I hope I can survive that long
it is literally my last chance to turn things around but I‘m soo tired already

Porn become boring to me its all the same thing just coming out in slightly better quality over the years
my penis doesnt get as hard as it used to and orgasms are no longer satisfying (yet I still cant get myself into deleting it all)

I told my grandma that I need the money because I have debt and need to pay it back but I was buying chainlink because anons told me its the next big chance in crypto
that was a year ago
maybe scammed was the wrong word I was just lying to get the money and its all she got and I actually never had any debt

>> No.11285179

Good luck anon, you're gonna need it with that shitty attitude. It's just a mental slump, you'll get out of it

>> No.11285260

Oracle inside sales was hiring a couple years ago; i'm pretty sure they hire year round cause it has a reputation of being a shitty place to work for.
if a dinosaur (albeit big player) in tech is still hiring you can bet it's the same everywhere. i see a lot of IT sales jobs on indeed.

>> No.11285382

>What should i do /biz? risk it and go for the big cash?
Read "Thinking Fast and Slow" before you become another nigger statistic

>> No.11285505

That's what I still try to figure out. I could imagine that this would change a lot. Thanks for your advice bro!

Will get one. Thanks anon.

Thanks for the input.

>> No.11285519
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Why are Zoomers so pathetic? Your life has barely started at 24

>> No.11285537

Stop crying bitch. You chose this

>> No.11285556

I need to leave this website. The amount of incel and general loserness is starting to rub off into my own life.

>> No.11285583

set some goals.

6 months goals works the best for me to feel motivated to achieve them and not being burried by their size

>> No.11285628

Then you better have a buddy to rescue you.
The danger zone is 10m-surface to blackout
No one is going to blackout at the bottom of your dive unless you hit your head or something bad happens. Your body has safety mechanisms to shut your throat to stop water from entering your lungs. Free diving is a safe sport with a properly trained buddy

>> No.11285652

As a matter of fact I’ve seen the non nerds make way more money in the IT fields, by taking on leadership roles, they are never smarter than the people they supervise.

>> No.11285694

I've frequented various boards over the years, but only really started spending time on /biz/ in the last couple months. I've never witnessed such a profound state of sadness and depression among users as on this board. I hope y'all find some peace.

>> No.11285798

Life is weird. I was similar to other anons but after getting a decent job after finally graduatin life got easy and kinda boring. Life is hard and how you feel is natural till you get over the bump. Work on improving yourself and what you have then add others and work on that. I’m 38 now, don’t compare yourself to others it honestly doesn’t matter what life gave you it’s what you do with it.

>> No.11285829


>> No.11285836


This. Try lifting. I'm basically like you OP but I'm already a 30 year old boomer. Dragged myself through my bachelor's always putting in the minimum amount of work and kinda dropped out of master's cos what's the point really? Also had some shitty health issues all my 20s basically. I notice when I take a break from lifting I feel like shit and just want to lay in bed all day. You probably won't believe us though no one ever does but hey at least I tried. You probably have some stereotypes in your head that lifting is only for stupid meatheads or some shit and you won't do it when actually it's literally the opposite.

>> No.11285838
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>he thinks having sex will solve his problems

OP I've fucked over 80 girls and I'm more depressed than when I was a virgin.

Making it with crypto won't fix it either. sorry I can't give you any useful advice. If I knew I'd be doing it myself.

>> No.11285909

Just wait til your wizard powers kick in when you're 30. You will literally be beating off women with a stick.

>but I thought only virgins get those

Those are dark wizards. You don't want to be a darkie.

>> No.11285947

>thinks someone loved him because he or she had sex with him
welp, guess today is the day you find out you're also retarded

>> No.11285963

bro im in the same boat.. just keep stacking that LINK.

>> No.11285994

>had sex once

Look at this fucking Chad over here. Fuck off normie.

>> No.11286011

how did you fug 80 girls?

>> No.11286282

Tinder. Would be around 5 if I actually had to approach women the old fashioned way

>> No.11286309


>> No.11286664

Thanks anons for all your input so far! I really will take it serious. I just can't fucking continue like this. Once I finished my shit degree, I'll leve my fucking shitty western country.

>> No.11286744

From the looks of it at your current state, I would say yes you are a failure. You are at the bottom of the rung. And it is painful because you want to be at the top. When there is dissonance between the reality of who we are and want we want, we feel unhappy. When our reality is matched up perfectly with what we expect in our minds, we are happy. The problem is, we always feel unhappy because it's never good enough. Especially when we can compare ourselves to our peers and see how bad we are.

You have two options:

Accept that you are less than. Think of it like you are an alt and your alt finally hits bottom. Only then can you slowly pump back up. But it sounds like you are hopeful your alt will come back and haven't capitulated yet, aka accepting you are bottom of the barrel.

From there, you can increase buy support by working out, keeping up your grades, trying to find a good job after uni. This "increases your demand".

Or, you can continue being a sorry sad sack of shit. Your alt coin value will keep plummeting, and you will have less demand.

Oddly enough, your demand seems to be low while your friends demand are high. They are ETH, you are ICX. How do you get your demand to theirs? Do you want to? Or is your brain just hardwired for failure and you will always be mediocire, but you're aware enough of your failure just to keep you in this level of torture where you want to be better, but you are aware that you suck.

I don't know what the answer is anon. We all struggle with this. Only you can ask yourselves these questions, and dive deep and figure it out.

>> No.11286771


There's nothing wrong with your surroundings, or your uni, and if you have enough money to live, consider your attitude might be the problem.

Given that this is biz it's easy to get distracted thinking riches brings happiness, it doesn't, money will amplify your outlook on life, if you have a poor outlook on life you'd probably kys if you came into money.

Work on improving your outlook first, take care of your mental health, do some form of exercise, set a tiny exercise goal and start fucking hitting them and winning in life, slowly you'll gain more confidence, happiness and money will come your way because you've built a habit of setting goals and working towards them in small steps.

The positivity and money will compound.

Don't forget to buy LINK, no fucking larp.

>> No.11286880

Thanks for the top notch explanation anon. Kek.

Good points, thanks! Even though I can't afford any crypto right now anymore.

>> No.11286907

And yeah, I am at the bottom of the barrel. My father also pulls me always down and tells me how bad I am that I have no gf and shit like that and makes me like I don't deserve shit.

>sometimes help him out on the weekends for some money

>> No.11286911

>be me, 24 years old, study computer science
ok the rest isn't great, but you're young and you're in a good field

>> No.11286919

no fucking way. do you have the most chad pictures ever?

>> No.11286985


>> No.11287063

Repent and embrace the holy trinity
fit biz pol
It may not be comfortable at first but if you adhere to it, results will come

>> No.11287188

Same situation but never had sex lmao.
I have no regrets. I live to enjoy life.
Currently doing a Masters.

>> No.11287209


Negative people project their problems, whether it's directly about the topic itself or the fact they're avoiding a problem in their own lives.

Feel sorry for them and maybe even try to understand why they feel the way they do, some people just need a little help.

It's hard to remain positive being surrounded with negativity, you can either endure the negativity and spin attitudes to positive emotions or surround yourself with other positive people/things (pets, hobbies, exercise etc.)

You'll be blown away about how happy you are and you'll wonder why you were ever so down.

>> No.11287232


Also fucking forget bottom of the barrel talk, for every 9 girls out of 10 I know, most would rather be with someone that makes them laugh than looks like a chad, people seriously under estimate the power of a sense of humor.

>> No.11287255

Same boat as OP, but am I still a virgin if I didnt cum? Pls someone

>> No.11287265


If you're constantly worried about a label, you'll forever be a virgin.

Respect yourself a bit more

>> No.11287269

you are not a virgin so long as penis went inside vagina. even if it was horribly awkward and you only penetrated for 2 seconds, still counts. Congrats.

>> No.11287281

This. If you're incapable of making them laugh then most likely you have the personality of a wet plank.

>> No.11287312 [DELETED] 
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At least your not 25 year old kissless virgin with a near minimum wage manufacturing job. I did at least manage to turn 500 bucks into two years salary in last years verge bullrun, and got out before the crash too. That's the only good thing that's happened to me since I graduated high school and honestly I'd give all the money I made in crypto for a loving gf as pathetic as that is. At least I have my own place now. Doesn't make it any easier for a guy like me...

>> No.11287328
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>>11284359 (OP)

At least you're not 25 year old kissless virgin with a near minimum wage manufacturing job. I did at least manage to turn 500 bucks into two years salary in last years verge bullrun, and got out before the crash too. That's the only good thing that's happened to me since I graduated high school and honestly I'd give all the money I made in crypto for a loving gf as pathetic as that is. At least I have my own place now. Doesn't make it any easier for a guy like me...

>> No.11287404

>caring about women
>caring about friends
>caring about money
never gonna make it.

>> No.11287408


I can't tell if people are larping or not. But I won't take any chances.

You're stuck in a rut, and NO ONE is going to pull you out but YOU.

Seriously, to all anons that feel this way, limit the amount of time you spend on websites and social media, add a workout to your daily habit, I don't give a shit if it's star jumps, I drop and pump out press ups to failure every time I boil a kettle, or use a microwave (I've just realised this is probably me trying to beat the time), I also do them before jumping in the shower.

I started at 5, now I'm at 40 a go, I feel great after them, it's a tiny habit that goes a long way. If you can't motivate yourself to go to a gym, literally drop to the ground and do as many pressups as you can, I don't give a shit if you can't do a single one because that's not the point, you disciplining yourself into doing something uncomfortable is what's important.

You WILL surprise yourself anon

>> No.11287493

I don't actually care, it's just a funny question. I get that you're trying to help someone out though so thanks.

>> No.11287505

Eh, not if he was wearing a condom. Then he's technically never had sex. This goes for all of you.

>> No.11287517

>Be me, 23 years old, software developer upon graduating with comp sci degree
>In the positive ~$10k before leaving crypto, not a ton but not bad
>have a gf, and had 2 gf's before her
>did poorly in uni

you'll be ok anon. Are you still in school? a BS in comp sci? Have you had an internship, or did you bank it all on crypto?

>> No.11287931

I wouldn't say so, no. I just used the app a lot

>> No.11288611

That's eerily close to my situation, except for the sex with a hooker part. My friendless situation got so bad that I ended up going on a dating site and befriending a gay guy just so I could get some kind of social interaction. He's interesting and nice, though can be a bit of a talker, though that's probably a good thing since I can't really hold a conversation. He knows I'm not gay and that I just enjoy his company, he's also somewhat of a loner. Already met him in person and we really hit it off. I hope I can develop a good friendship with him just so I can have one good friend.

>> No.11288862
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>> No.11288986

No college
IT career - Op manager at small local MSP
Two sex partners - Previous Ex fiance some years back and now wife
2 Kids

I kept trying til I got some bullshit entry level tech support job and worked there for a while. Studied a few basic certs and got a good paying job during the 2008 fucking recession when I'm 25.

Do you even lift, bro? Do it. Master your body.
Do you even read, bro? Pick up some self help books and apply principles.
Do you even try, bro? Go to bed, get up with the goal to make the change TODAY and start your new life.

Little by little, things will be better as you build yourself.

FUCK EVERYONE ELSE. Do not compare yourself to others. Don't look down on others, do not look up to others. Just work on self mastery and your chances will increase a lot.

Boo hoo sad fucking tears mean nothing. Take action when you feel sad. You'll feel better for getting something, anything done.