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1128386 No.1128386 [Reply] [Original]

At what age did /biz/ move out? And at which does /biz/ think people SHOULD move out?

Is moving out away from your parents one of the biggest predecessors to success?

>> No.1128395

A lot of people find it motivating to be on their own. If you're living off your parents it's a lot easier to do nothing all day, but you'll value your time more if you're on your own. If you don't have motivation issues while living with your parents it's probably a good idea to stay home as long as you feel comfortable doing so, just to save $1500/month.

>> No.1128402

That's kind of what I feel.

Like it's a lot cheaper obviously but you kind of miss out on your youth and it makes it hard to find motivation with so much free time and no responsibility.

Like if you don't hard when living with parents... Who cares? Still got food, still got a place to live. Living alone? Not so much.

Eventually gets kinda hard with friends/gf too.

I don't know, I'm just. Considering moving out since I'm pretty unmotivated right now and I'm kind of being held back although it is mostly my fault.

>> No.1128409

At no age... Stay with your parents until your kids are old enough so you can move in with them. Save your cash, fool. This is /biz/

>> No.1128413

Adversity breeds success, you will never perform to your full capability knowing that mommy and daddy have a safety net under you. Why would you? Is a monkey going to innovate and learn to use rocks to crack open coconuts if there's a zookeeper who just gives it coconut juice in a bottle every day? No it won't.

>> No.1128424

True shit man.

But everytime I talk to most people about this they respond with "Muh US economy is bad" or "When I get a good enough job I will". Seems like a really harmful mentality desu

>> No.1128427


21 and yes. I lived in an area that the only jobs I could do were at a theme park, a local ISP or Symantec boxes CDs for retail sales. I had to get out and away from that area. That being said, I did work at the theme park and ISP to save money for my move.

>> No.1128428

The later the better. Most people move out into house shares. Living with your parents is like a house share except you pay more and the people you live with are more likely to be assholes.

You may as well skip that bullshit, save the money and put it into investments. You'll be retired twenty years earlier than everybody else.

Then once you've got your investments sorted, get a gf and rent with her.

>> No.1128435

But that's assuming a very big thing... -- that you'll work as hard as you can while living with them.

I know a lot of people in their 20's who just play videogames and do drugs while working a part time job just to get their parents off their back and some pocketchange.

>> No.1128453

As soon as possible. 18-20 ideally.

One cannot call himself a man while living under the charity of another adult.

>> No.1128456

There are so many factors to consider, you can't just put a blanket age on it, it varies for everybody.

You should live at home for as long as it makes sense to do so, but really 25 should be the limit.

I moved out at 21 because I moved across the country for a job, but my little brother, who is also successful, still lives at home at 23, and isn't planning to move out for another year.

>> No.1128459

Just moved out this week. I'm 20, living with my gf. Moving out is cool, and I already feel more responsible/adult lately. but my gf has been insufferable lately.

I'm mad

>> No.1128470

I think I was about 19 or something,, and after that my dad paid my rent for about year (he wanted to) so I can actually save some money, enjoy the school and get use to living by myself.

>> No.1128478

college fag here

I plan to move out within 3 months of graduation

I have 12k saved up

If I run out of cash I lose and gotta live with the parents

If I get a job we win

It's either make it or break it niggers

>> No.1128477

short answer is whatever works for you. Everyone is different.

>I know a lot of people in their 20's who just play videogames and do drugs while working a part time job just to get their parents off their back and some pocketchange.
/biz/ is not for those people

>> No.1128480

I moved out at 19 when I went to school.

I think a person should move out when they've got their shit together and they're ready to act like an adult. I've met a 30 y.o. who still lives at home, is coddled and hasn't done shit with his life, and also an 18-19 y.o. who doesn't know what the fuck they are doing and are wrecking their futures when a little bit of guidance or maturity would help so much.

I think that successful people have their own place, but it's not necessarily a requirement to become successful. When I was working on my first startup, it was a great feeling knowing that if things didn't work out, I could still regroup at my parent's house. It allowed me to take those extra risks and jump on opportunities that I might not have if I knew that if I missed a rent payment I would be on the streets. Its the mentality of playing to win versus playing to avoid losing.

>> No.1128493

23, graduated University a year and a half ago. I'm living with my parents and saving for a two or three bedroom apartment to live in and rent to some friends. Felt it was the best course of action since I have nothing to write off for taxes, and I'm going to get destroyed after this year. Might take another year or two but will hopefully be worth the wait.

>> No.1128500

I'm 23 and live with mommy and daddy. I make 60k a year and have zero expenses. I've offered to put some money towards the mortgage each month but they said it's going to be paid off in a year regardless.

They've already bought their retirement house, so I'm just waiting for them to retire and "sell" me the house

>> No.1128507

Gtfo with that "if" shit niggafaggot you are going to do what you say unless you're a dumb bitch who should kill yourself

>> No.1128511

I haven't graduated yet nigger

>> No.1128514

I refuse to be cucked for life by a mortgage

would rather spend extra years at home than sell myself into debt

>> No.1128518

Renting is a superior option in almost every case.

>> No.1128553
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>TFW no gf to move in with

>> No.1128561

Every single self-respecting man should kick himself out at 18 years old.

Don't be a socialist parasite scum.

>> No.1128566


>t. landlord and mortgage lender

>> No.1128573

More like t. Non-neet

Do you seriously value <$1000 rent over your youth and freedom?

To be honest if you haven't gotten into so much fights with your parents by 21 years old that you get kicked out... You have a testosterone deficiency.

Not saying you should hate each other but adults of different generations, especially parent-child don't see eye-to-eye on nearly everything.

>> No.1128575
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>family dysfunction is high test

>> No.1128581

>Missing the point even after I clarified it

I didn't say you should hate each other, but conflicts can easily occur when on the one hand, the "child" is a grown man who has the right to his own opinions and choices, but on the other he's a dependant and your parents always see you as their child.

It just doesn't work too well desu.

Unless you're literally a low test beta who just plays WoW in his room all day and isn't confrontational at all because he does nothing.

>> No.1128587

You're creating this false dichotomy based on bullshit. Plenty people have moved out and became adults without all the fireworks.

>> No.1128590

It is generally the case for almost any normal young man though.

I'm sure you understand what I'm talking about but you're just being purposely argumentive.

>> No.1128595


I agree living with parents is hard but I would rather put $1000 a month into investing and creating gains on that than be paying into rent of having huge mortgage debt

in the end it comes down to being cucked by parents vs cucked by banks, landlords, and governments

>> No.1128598

As late as you can.

The savings of not paying for the cumulative costs of living including rent, food, utilities, laundry, hygiene items is gigantic and can make the different between scraping by and wealth accumulation.

Ideally, between 30-35 when you're reaching financial independence (enough investments to not need your job if you quit) and you're moving in with a spouse and starting a family.

>> No.1128606

that image is pure autism

>> No.1128612

Other than this romanticized notion of "being a man" is there any actual reason for this age?

>> No.1128618

>One cannot call himself a man while living under the charity of another adult.
Up until very recently it was the norm for multiple generations of a family to live together. "Moving out at 18" is a very modern idea that has nothing to do with masculinity.

>> No.1128627

So what benefit does moving out give me?

>> No.1128629

>To be honest if you haven't gotten into so much fights with your parents by 21 years old that you get kicked out... You have a testosterone deficiency.

You can be an adult and live on your own without chimping out like a nigger.

>> No.1128634

I personally didn't into fights per se but my parents are pretty controlling. So I got out at 22-23.

>> No.1128673

Moved out at 18 to go to university.
Moved back in when I graduated and got a job back in my parents' city.

Now I'm a high-paid professional living at home and pouring thousands into savings.

>> No.1128679

Why? Those are good books.

>> No.1128683

That was more to do with it not brting economically feasible.

Times have changed a long time ago. Everyone moves out except NEETs and people living in poor countries

>> No.1128686

lulwut, here on /biz we're all about making money, not giving away money to boomer scum on rent.

>> No.1128694

We're about overall self-improvement.

And as others have said in the thread(before the ethNEETs came) it is generally very detrimental to motivation and working hard.

>> No.1128696

When you get engaged, move out. Otherwise keep filling Goldberg's pockets.

Live in 2400sqft house w/ parents. Get to save 90% of my income after taxes. Much better than living in the city and paying Jews half my income or getting evicted.

>> No.1128700

I would say 24. It gives you time to graduate University or a trade school and have a year or two of work experience and savings. I moved out at 19 and it wasn't hard for me, but I'm not a normie and actually know how to manage money.

>> No.1128703

>Live with parents, have money to spare for luxury sports car.
>Live by self, live in small apartment and drive a Honda.
Tell me goys, which is more masculine?

>> No.1128708

probably the latter, splurging on cars is fucking stupid

>> No.1128717

Still can save 50%+ of your income. I'm not sure many people are doing better. But go ahead, work away your 20s so you can be "self-sufficient".

Living on your own is a meme and is the reason most people are trapped in the middle class.

Meanwhile, 48K went into my brokerage account last year. I'm 25 and have 133K saved. I doubt people who moved out could say the same.

>> No.1128726


Enjoy your 90% of $1300/month from McDonald's, stormcuck.

>> No.1128764
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>"Muh US economy is bad" or "When I get a good enough job I will". Seems like a really harmful mentality desu

What alternate reality are you people living in. The economy is complete shit, pay sucks and jobs are so hard to come by you can't complain.
And I understand that adversity breeds success, but not when you can't afford to pay rent or food without some sort of public assistance.
I am 20 and working at a food processing factory for 9$/hr, and taking off a semester because I need to pay a 2000$ school fee. At first I had to bust my ass to find a job (That didn't want 5+ years experience to do data entry or something else that could be trained)
I got this school bill 8 months ago. EIGHT MONTHS AGO. And my only expenses are bus fare and a 35$ phone bill

Average cheap rent in my area is at least 850$/mo. Even with several roomates I'd still be screwed. And we aren't even talking about food or other enmities yet.

>The economy is fucked for young people
>We all got royally screwed and can't make a living wage

>> No.1128768
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25-30. earlier than that is considered as white trash

>> No.1128816

>the economy sucks
>citation needed

Unemployment is at 5%, literally highest salaries in the world.

No, I think the issue is YOU suck.

>> No.1128830

>Unemployment is at 5%
>Believing this fiction pushed by Obama
Its more in the low 30's.
Plus 93 million people in the US are on food assistance, that is 1/3rd of the country.

You really are on another planet if you think the economy is even slightly better since 08'

>> No.1128843

>This is what losers actually think

Why the fuck are you even on this board?

You belong on /r9k/ or Bernie discussion forums.

>> No.1128844


simon cowell lived with his parents until he was like 35 years old

>> No.1128847

>He actually thinks unemployment is fucking 30%

Holy shit you are a genuine retard.

>THESE are the people I'm arguing about economics with on this board

>> No.1128865

Moved out at 24. Hated paying off my landlord's car, so moved back in at 25.

I'm an only child with no significant other and no kids. Why should I move out? This is the house I'll acquire once my parents pass away.

>> No.1129311

Bump desu

>> No.1129417

I moved out at 21. Currently 25 and living in a great apartment. I live in sweden though and getting an apartment is very difficult.

>> No.1129427
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moved out at 18
moved in after college at 22
24 this year, 0 desire to move out
income $70k

>> No.1129537


>> No.1129568
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The U2 unemployment rate is measured by people who used to have a job and are currently claiming unemployment benefits and actively seeking new jobs in accordance with employment laws.

That U2 figure is at 5%

The U6 rate which cheap pseudo economists like to refer to as the "real" unemployment rate is actually currently at 10%. Not 30%. 10%

U6 is comprised of everyone in U2, plus every other able bodied American between the ages of 16 and 67.

It includes:
> 16 and 17 year old kids
> stay at home mothers
> early retirees
> plus U2
> anyone else not collecting disability, not in school and not working

So we subtract 5% (U2) from 10% (U6) and we're left with 5%. This leaves us with:
> 16-18 year old kids living with parents in a nice suburb: approx 1/2 of 1%
> stay at home moms: 1%
> early retirees: 2.5%
> people between the ages of 19-65 who aren't working and have never held a job or haven't held a job in so long they can't collect unemployment: approx 1%

.5 +1 + 2.5 = 4
So we subtract that 4% from the remaining 5% in U6 not collecting unemployment ....

And it leaves us with 1%

You know what? #occupy wall street was right. America *does* have a problem with an elitist entitled lazy 1% of Americans ruining our great country.

But they sure as fuck aren't rich, now are they?

pic fucking related. GTFO my /biz/, this board is for "normals"

>> No.1129719

>Implying I didn't save this post to use it against NEETs that complain about "muh economy"

>> No.1129744

19 at the moment, still live with parents. Don't plan on moving out until I graduate in a couple years. For now I'm just using my remaining years taking advantage and saving up whatever I can so that when I move out id have some sort of safety net when I'm finally on my own. You'd be surprised how many people my age still live with their parents and blow their entire paycheck week after week because "muh youth".

Don't get the whole motivation tidbit either. The fact that I'll be on my own after college is more than enough motivation to push myself into adulthood.

>> No.1129841

>mfw NEETs use the "muh economy" shit even when the economy is literally in the best shape in many years

>> No.1130111

I'm moving out 20 desu

>> No.1130521

top kek

>> No.1130530

>He has no arguments

>> No.1130568

Moved out 6 months ago, turning 21 in another 6 months.

Got my place piss cheap and took the opportunity. Since then i matured alot and everything is going well.

>Social status:
Fulltime stable job
Loanfree so far

>> No.1130572

Damn I want the same desu.

20 years old, no gf, no friends.

Should I move out bro? Will it help me become a socially adjusted person?

>> No.1130596


I recommend it. Do you have a work? Before i moved out i atleast had a part-time one. Everything started going much easier since i moved out.

>be the one throwing the best parties
>met current GF on one of those parties
>2 months later we are a couple
>same month boss calls me up and tells me how good i'm doing and that she wants me fullemployed

So yes, if you are man enough and can take care of yourself, just do it bru.

>> No.1130611

Do or do not

>> No.1130614

Hella expensive tho. Like $500-800/rent for a room in Toronto desu.

I might go for it tho, I just wish I knew how to make friends or at least had some/gf to move in with

>> No.1130627

Does living at college and rarely returning home count as moving out?

>> No.1130662

Well bro?

I really want to move out and cut off my poorfag family but I'm worried about how expensive that shit is compared to living with them.

>> No.1130697


>> No.1130773

Well? Please reply.

>> No.1130807

What if I'm a literal autist who holds part time jobs, in addition to getting spergbux and uses their free time to develop specialised skills and knowledge in preparation for entrepreneurship, jacking off and watching animu in the remainder?

>> No.1130811

He's a literal jew who wants your rent money and interest payments.

>> No.1130920

if you can somehow manage to spend 12k and not get a job i dont know what could possibly be wrong with you. i moved out with $1400 dollars and was fine.

>> No.1130927

>TFW over 10x as much as you and still scared to move out

Pls help me. Learn me to move out bro

>> No.1130942

If I had kids as long as they were doing something productive with their time I would be fine with them staying, but if they were lazy I would kick them out.

>> No.1130962

i mean fuck man, how much are you planning on spending on rent lol

>> No.1130963

You just gotta do it dude.

>> No.1130965

Seems like $500-1k/month is the lowest for a room or with a roommate or something desu. Seems kind of pricy along with other expenses. I'd much rather save it...

>> No.1130979

well i mean, you have 14k, so you'll be a lot easier off than like 75 percent of people who move. if you're spending that much on rent, your food budget should be easy to make, and you can easily figure out your total living cost. if it takes you that long to find a job, which it shouldn't, you'll still probably be okay with money. especially with good budgeting. i literally moved with $1400 and no more. i blew through it super quick and did actually have to resort to getting help for only 1 month of rent, but after that i was fine. if you're not an idiot and have the smallest bit of adult responsibility, living on your own is a fucking breeze. i currently am living at home, but in a few months im goin out with probably around 3-5k. a lot more than my last try, and now i have a lot more experience. the only reason i had to come back was was roommate altercations, but im about to go out soon.

>> No.1130992

I moved out at 27 with 150k saved. Since I moved out I barely save anything because I have no room mates.

Definitely takes some stress off to have the security of that cash.

>> No.1130994

Damn dude you got way less than me but are more responsible desu.

I'm literally a manchild who has no idea how to do anything and doesn't know the first thing about grocery shopping, finding an apartment to rent or actually doing shit

Pls run it down step by step

I'm tired of living with my parents, kind of difficult to become successful living with them desu.

>> No.1131007

hm, I sorta had the easy way. My friends were already in the state I was moving to so that made it a lot easier. This being the case this next coming time, except just another state. So, if you have friends who wanna live with you in other places, contact them. If you just wanna get your own place where you currently live, just look on places like trulia or other real estate/renting sites. Set up appointments, go view apartments, etc. I myself haven't physically gone apartment searching, so I am kind of unsure of that process. It doesn't seem too hard though, especially if your credit is in check. Plus, if you have all that money providing all the payments you need for a place shouldn't be a task either. Once you sign a lease, you're honestly kinda set in. Just gotta start looking for a job. I don't know if you're in college or out of it or what, but it shouldn't take longer than a month to find a job. that's how its been for me in my past experience. It's really just about doing it man. Once you get in the groove it becomes very easy to maintain.

>> No.1131021

Thanks bro.

No I haven't been to college. I regret it desu and I want to go. But the thing is if I move out now I'll probably be financially screwed and unable to afford it with my shit(future) job versus just staying with parents.

Makes me kind of re think it...

>> No.1131034


No problem man. But I didn't go to college either and I honestly don't see that as an option for me.. Do you have any skills at all whatsoever?

>> No.1131039

You should learn a bit about cooking before you move out. Your parents can teach you, why not tell them your plan, get that support network going.

>> No.1131046

They hate it me. I don't want to tell them, I just want to pack my things and leave and never talk to them anymore.

I am a beginner at C++ and Python. Not really outside that that is a marketable skill tho

>> No.1131051

i moved out when i was able to buy a house and start my career. in my case i was 23

any earlier and it would have been a pointless struggle.

you move out when you're ready

>> No.1131059

hmmm.. i dunno man. unless you wanna work super shit wage cuck jobs, i'd probably touch up on your skills and keep saving before moving out. if you're really not confident in yourself i'd maybe postpone it a bit. unless you wouldn't mind doing all that while being on your own and working a shit job. also, remember if you got a job in like lets say a month youd only have spent maybe like 2 grand total for your rent and deposit+ food, so you'd have a nice chunk of change to throw into a high interest savings account. seeing your situation through, all i can really tell you at this point is that if you feel you absolutely need the change, just move out and figure it out, because its easy and manageable for anyone. i moved out the day after i turned 18 and i moved to colorado, so i can assure you lots of skateboarding and pot smoking went down, but also lots of great real life experience. definitely a good time, and well worth it.

>> No.1131063

True man.

I got $25k actually right now.

I think I really do need the change for motivation, I definitely see myself being able to figure shit out on my own. I've got a few ideas I've been using to make money. Could expand on them I guess.

Really tho I just want a gf and some friends...

>> No.1131073

21. As late as humanly possible.

Not particularly. I wanted to help my parents out while they were going through their divorce, but they were taking the divorce out on me when I was commuting 65 miles one way.

I paid more in rent because they took advantage of me trying to help them out than I pay now, living 5 miles away from work. There's no reason to move out if you're getting a free place to stay. Only reason I even stuck around through college was because they asked me to stay.

>> No.1131159


>> No.1131203

Moved out at 18 to go to college, moved back in at 20 when I realized I didn't know wtf I was doing with my life/school/career.

I'm 20 now, make 35k working 45 hours a week in IT. I can afford up to a 1000/month apartment. I'm ready to move out, but I won't until I find the right place. Ideally a nice place high up, with large windows and a balcony of some sort. I'm not desperate to move out.

Where you live can have a big effect on you. You shouldn't move until you find a place you actually like living in.

>> No.1131205

Whoops, meant I'm 25 now.

>> No.1131222

I guess it depends. I technically moved out at 19 to go off to college and I have never been at 'home' for longer than a month since then due to the fact that I always had internships each and every summer and once I graduated I went straight into my JD program. However I'm not really self sufficient yet as my parents still cover my rent and my trust fund covers other expenses while I go through law school, I don't think I could survive with the rent in Cambridge without their help.

However, I think 23 or 24 is a perfectly reasonable time to move away. Allowing yourself to save up a good amount of money to get off on the right foot when you live self sufficiently for the first time is probably the best course of action to ensure that you don't end up drowning in rent.

>> No.1131230

>TFW want to move out because being held back by loser family

Anyone here move out then cut off their parents? Feels like a real dick thing to do but they're suffocating me.

>> No.1131256

Just turned 27 and I'm still living with my parents.
My parents are immigrants, so we're an extremely frugal family. There's a lot of social pressure in America to move out, but neither I, nor my parents want me wasting money on rent.
If things go well, I'll soon be able to buy a multi family and rent half of it out to rich white kids that can't stand living at home a few more years. I feel like this is probably how jews got their start.

>> No.1131263

>four Chan


>> No.1131508


>> No.1132290
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>> No.1132760


>> No.1132801
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>> No.1132813

wait for the dip after the election

>> No.1132836

Doing the same thing but as a 22 year old, hoping the housing market in Canada crashes so I can buy something

>> No.1132848

Get an apt senpai

>> No.1132877
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25 and still live at home, my brother is 23 and lives here too but he goes to university

I have 35k saved and could move out, but I'm not in a rush, feels pretty embarrassing living at home at 25 though

>> No.1132921

Was looking through apartments near my workplace, but I'm going to uni and I plan on graduating without debt

No rush right now

I feel you, but the same people I see going to clubs and parties are the same ones that have a 3 digit bank account and piles of debt. A lot of my friends are like that

>> No.1133657 [DELETED] 

smarter monkey would already know how to break coconuts. he'd just let the zookeeper do it so he can have more time to fap.

>> No.1133660

There is no age anon.

Nobody should feel bad for living with their parents until they're on solid financial footing.

>> No.1133664


smarter chimp would already know how to open coconuts. he'd let the zookeeper do it so he'd have more time for monkey business.

>> No.1133943

I moved out when I made more than my parents.