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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11283402 No.11283402 [Reply] [Original]

If you are a bull long term you realise this will happen.
BTC supply is huge. 17million coins.
The circulating supply is tiny. 3 million coins? thats generous something like under 1 million coins are traded circulating.

Now megawhales and early whales know they cant unload shit. if we take it all into account, BTC is worth far less. However, every now and then we see parabolic growth, which does a few things.
It increases the circulating supply of traded coins. It increases drastically the number of people participating in the market. distribution. This must be done over time.

Imagine some children with 100 marbles playing. another kid comes and wants to play, the children put 90 marbles in a bag, and say to the third child, you can have a marble and play only if you pay 10$. the child sees there are not many on the table and pays for a rather high fraction of the marbles on the table (10%).
After a few more children have done the same, the circulating supply is too small to play anymore, and price too high to enter. no kid wants to give up their marble. The child with the bag of 90, decides it's time to take 20 more out onto the table.

This reduces the entry cost to play with them slightly, but not as much as if they had all been there from the start. the process now repeats.
This is what is happening with BTC and its circulating/ actively traded supply vs what is in cold wallets. soon we will see a moon beyond your dreams, but not before we go lower. Only then will a new round of people be attracted to the market.

>> No.11283413


blah blah blah see you back at 20k

>> No.11283424

what you describe is that we reached the bottom some time ago. Sell, I'm not yet finished accumulating more

>> No.11283425


See you at 200k soon enough. 3k will happen first.

>> No.11283431


m-muh triangles say so

>> No.11283466
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Don't bet against the trend.
We are about to see a huge break out, and the chances are it is down. It could reverse, but that is actually bulll bias right now.

Zoom out enough, and the trend is clear. Descending triangle withing a smaller symmetrical triangle gives a clear indication of bulls or bears are in control.

4.4k is next level, and the only confirmed Iron level support after is 3k.

volume says distribution is definitely not over.

>> No.11283468

So like diamonds, then?

>> No.11283470


you're dumb as hell, bro.

>> No.11283471

>If you are a bull long term you realise this will happen.

>> No.11283476


Diamonds, but much more useful,and with better economics

>> No.11283499

>4.4k is next level, and the only confirmed Iron level support after is 3k
you just pulled that out of your ass nigga won't go below $5.7k not for more than momentarily.

>> No.11283500
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I will simply say, I have never held a shitcoin, and only ever traded BTC. sometimes on leverage. I have tripled me holdings in BTC since January crash. I am not some noob.

I am hedged anyway, but i know where i see it going.
This is just one of my mex accounts which i am trading for a client. I have done a 2x for him in a month. Currently in a trade which actually has wallet balance at 5.2BTC

>> No.11283511

>i've made good trades before so i'm always right about everything
you're wrong about this

>> No.11283516


That is not my rhetoric, but it seems to be your projection.
I am simply saying, don't be unprepared. That is the mantra. I am hedged. There is a chance 6k holds, but the macro trend is still DOWN.

I do not make trades on "hope".

>> No.11283526

nigga stop arguing with me. the bottom is in.

>> No.11283549


Show me your own meme lines. you dont get to decide because you feel like it is. lmao. Let me show the last person who had bull

>> No.11283555

what about Bakkt and the new announced exchange ErisX? Surely those will bring some new money in

>> No.11283559

Delusional, the bullmarket will not even be started by BTC, because no one with a working brain cares about this antiquated shitcoin anymore.

>> No.11283560

Imagine being a bull in this environment, lol

>> No.11283561


i don't trade based on triangles

>> No.11283564


This is what happens when you bet AGAINST the bigger trend and LOOK for bullish biased TA.

He was almost right, but his timing was off, and it was a fatal error. We can go lower to 4k level before a true reversal happens EASILY. you are basically betting and gambling that it doesn't.

>> No.11283570

dude, just fuck off, go back to raddit stay there and live stream your suicide

>> No.11283573

what a retard lol
BTC is the only thing that matters you brainlet, I guess you're holding bags of pre-mined chinese shitcoins

>> No.11283576


i buy and hold, fag. no stops. i'm in this shit for the long term. i don't risk dollars for pennies. zoom out.

>> No.11283577


Basically, you are not even allowed to sit at this table.

>> No.11283595


trading based on triangles is literally bottom-of-the-barrel retail investor tradingview-tier faggotry. it's designed to lose people money. i bet you hang off every word EXCAVO and botje say with their fucking constantly changing triangles.

you will be btfo

>> No.11283599

i'm not absolutely sure about this but have a strong feeling that btc will fuck bears in the ass badly this time. so many people expect it to go to $3k or below they will all stand there pants around the legs missing the train. they will fomo in after btc makes it past $20k until then they will be all like "this will crash this is a fools rally it's unnatural manipulated market ..."

>> No.11283622

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but if you really haven't made any money off the last alt season you're one of the worst performing traders.

>> No.11283627


No. I dont look at crypto twitter. I dont look at philkhone cunt who is a gambler. I actually never use anything, i dont let myself get influenced by these faggots.

I use relatively few, very reliable system for me. Results speak for themselves. I have background in forex, i moved into BTC last january, and found TA works EXTREMELY fucking well with BTC. way better than forex. If you know how to find BTCs adam and eve fractals, and how it behaves, it is way more profitable than forex and way more reliable.

People who dont have any decent experience always say what you just said.

>> No.11283634


I do not play the altcoin casino, and I do not even need to.

>> No.11283640
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>> No.11283642


i'm not a daytrader. i've been in this game since 2013, been through multiple market cycles and i know a bottom when i see one. please enjoy getting blown the fuck out when you miss the bottom. if you think you'll be able to buy for 3xxx because of your meme lines you are both a terrible trader and a terrible investor, that's game set and match.

>> No.11283654

simple question given an edgy response. kys.

>> No.11283665


The beautiful thing about TA and not being shit is you dont miss anything. lol. I do not all in and prey like holders lmao.

I am hedge rather comfortably now. My set up is almost complete, I will benefit form whatever happens at this point.
I just see the trend is still well and truly down. confirmation will come EXTREMELY fast, within a 400$ price range from where we are right now. thats almost nothing in terms of "missed profits" if you were flat.

We are waiting for a brave whale to make the move now nd give confirmation, where all the side line whales and traders will pounce. it will be huge fucking volume when it happens.

>> No.11283696

You should do so if the market gets bullish again, because you still seem to play with pocket money. A 5 btc wallet isn't something to brag with btw. lol

>> No.11283713

you keep saying all these things you do and don't do in your trading practice as if they somehow make your laughable call for 3k before bull a more valid statement. the fact is you made a categorically ridiculous statement which will not come to pass. you can comfort yourself or try to tell me all the things you do and don't do, but you made a fucking stupid statement and will be blown the fuck out. it's that simple.

if you're so confident, here's one of my btc addresses 19rh6CZB99iJWBbGDQEQh3ZRHKF9KVywR9

set aside 1 btc from your stack right now and i'll do the same, and if we hit 3xxx i'll send you one and if we don't hit 3k before we hit 10k i'll send you one. post yours.

>> No.11283715

>We can go lower to 4k level before a true reversal happens EASILY.
we can go anywhere otherwise it would be a sure bet and any retard could make money on it.
but unless a major exchange folds it's not gonna happen.

>> No.11283719
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Actually, the only alt i am interested in is Link lol.It took me many months to decide that. the one altcoin i would ever hold. XMR is honorable mention.

In fact, like fascinated me so much i spent months trying to TA it, work it out, and do the FA. I concluded, it only follows BTC for now. It is in the early adopter phase, maybe in stealth level.
I am planning to enter a large position whether we break 3k or not.

>> No.11283721


you send me one*

>> No.11283726


That isn't my wallet either, it is one of my clients. I actually own about 5x that, 3x up since January

>> No.11283729

larp broken
fuck off faggot, go to raddit and live stream an hero

>> No.11283737


Lol. If there is any coin to gable on (and it is gambling if you are a hodl retard) it would be link.

I will have 5% of my folio in it soon. rest BTC

>> No.11283752

I wonder what the ratio is of people on /biz/ who genuinely believe their unfounded guesses vs the ones who are desperately trying to manipulate the market.

That said, if crypto has already reached the eye of mainstream society, where exactly will the funds come from to increase the value of any crypto asset? Which future bagholders still exist that will buy these assets at the moon prices that people are suggesting?

>> No.11283766

i only care about btc long term, but short term i see great potential in an ltc/btc reversal.

>> No.11283780

by reversal i mean it goes back to like 0.015 form 0.009 not flip or anything.

>> No.11283786

Finance normies, after the finance nerds came from 2015 to 2017

>> No.11283797

How many? How much will they invest?

>> No.11283808


alright pussy i guess we don't have a deal. back to tradingview you go

>> No.11283819


everyone who wants to fomo. People will chase gains like always

>> No.11283825

see >>11283797

>> No.11283833

The situation we have today reminds me about 2011 after the first crypto nerds crashed the markets and normie nerds argued if btc is a ponzi or legit. IIRC, it ended with a bullrun from 2 to 1000, and those were basement dwellers who lived with their parents.

>> No.11283836


Lmao. what the fuck do i have to gain from this? satisfying some angry little man on 4chan?
I do not need to make random bets with strangers through official means. I can do it directly on an exchange. fuck you gotta be pretty sore in the pockets if you are putting out an offer like that

>> No.11283859


fucking larper confirmed. i'm literally offering to donate 1 BTC to your "sure bet." ... sore pockets, sure. wanna make it 10?

>> No.11283887


I remember being just like you, you’re about to experience what we like to call “regression to the mean”, I used to trade options before BTC, I had conducted 22 trades over a three year period, and every single one yielded a profit after tax ranging from 2% (my worst one, to 30% my best one) I felt like a god. I had gone from a little over 30k to half a million after tax in just three years.

Then I made one single binary bad call that cost just over half my net worth. I had played out my lucky streak and regressed to the mean. That’s what’s about to happen to you, you’ve got this excellent track record so it’s made you cocky, it’s atarted to make you think this market is predictable and anyone can make money if they just use common sense. But the day will come when the market behaves totally irrationally and brings you back to the mean.

>> No.11283904

so i should not buy?

>> No.11283917


>I am hedged. There is a chance 6k holds, but the macro trend is still DOWN

You are so fucking stupid. Did you read a single post i made rather than get all emotionally triggered cause i suggest 6k doesn't hold?
I do not need you poorfag BTC. I will make way more than that if 6k breaks or if it holds.

The thing about TA and trading is, you make money no matter what. And in situations like this ? you find a hedge. I am comfy hedge right now. confirmation will be extremely obvious to either side fast so hedge set up was simple. You probably dont even have a clue what i am talking about. In other words, whether you are right on your "feelings" or not I am gonna be in a winning trade. I long and short all the time.
The trend is just down.

>> No.11283925
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Should i buy Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash?

>> No.11283932

And perhaps it is similar, but what of diminishing returns? Surely you must acknowledge that the ride will end at some point. With every passing moment the window of 'making it' with crypto shrinks- it may have already closed for all anyone knows.

>> No.11283936

why not both. Or would you buy a woman with only one tit

>> No.11283947


Thanks for the advice. I have seen that happen to many traders before. been really cautious of it since January. I experienced this last year when i first started trading BTC. I went from something like 0.4 BTC to 13, then got cocky and didnt stick to my risk management and over leveraged and traded, lost it back down to 4 BTC.

these days i have strict protocols. I never risk more than 10% of my account balance in a single trade, I always take profit at certain levels, and I ONLY make about 2 trades a month on the bigger trends when it comes to leverage.

all those entries on that pic are just profits being taken, only about 4-6 positions were held in that entire thing.
thanks for reminding me though.

>> No.11283953


>> No.11283957


>> No.11283958

yeah it just gonna have bigger and bigger bubbles until the reality about it not scaling for shit and something better overtaking it finally in a decade or so.

>> No.11283961


lmao "angry little man" indeed.

i own 203 btc plus change at the moment. i bought at the bottom of every market since i got in in 2013. in the summer of 2013 and in 2015. i sold some on the way up both times to finance my lifestyle.

i've "beaten" this market more than you ever will with your shitty daytrading and meme lines. and like the anon said above, you will regress to the mean. 90%+ of all traders do. i've seen it over all these years


i told you you were wrong, told you your meme lines ain't shit, offered a friendly gentlemen's bet, so that you could gain one more btc if your "sure thing" call isn't right

and you're still pissed off. lol. are you pissed off because you know your wrong? are you pissed off at free money? or are you just pissed off?

>> No.11283968

That doesn't answer the question. If you'd like to take over where that anon left off, try answering >>11283797

>> No.11283982


You are way too invested in this debate. stop replying.
Congrats, you held the bottom and held, not working for shit, your strategy is not the same. you never even attempted TA, you are NOT QUALIFIED to sit at this table or have an opinion. Let those who can actually have an opinion talk.

>> No.11283986

Is this an interrogation?
Fuck off faggot, go to raddit and live stream yourself biting a bullet

>> No.11284003
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i look forward to the day you regress to the mean anon and get a bit of this insane wind knocked out of your sail. it's coming soon.

>> No.11284005

btc xrp xmr iota

only things worth buying long term
but yes, btc is really all that matters in this market.

>> No.11284007

what margin x do you usually trade at? If cross, what would be the approximate equivalent if you were use x? Do you trade mostly on the daily and 4 hr? Do you use any indicators besides fib lines or just go based on fib, horizontal, and diagonal support?

>> No.11284015


Why would you hope that? lmao
We're all in this to make it together with different strategies. enough hate. Leave my thread and if it causes you to get triggered because your opinion is different. grow up

>> No.11284019

you dumb shit, we already have segwit

scaling problems are solved. stop drinking vitalik koolaid

>> No.11284024


no we're not dawg. bearfags and shorters are not in this together with the crypto community. some people are in it to make a buck, some people are in it to make a buck while building a better future where banks can't kike us anymore. i'm part of the latter faction, and you're part of the former who just wants to chase price action.

>> No.11284030


I only use 5-10x leverage. never use more, its degenerate level.

I use strong trend lines, good reliable shapes, good extensions and fibs. knowing how to draw fibs correctly and where to reference them is an art though. Looking for BTC "adam and eve" fractals is very good too. You gotta back test a lot.
I keep it simple. 4HR and daily. My targets seem to always collide with other indicators when I occasionally look, which is kinda nice to notice.

I dont even use indicators much. No need.

>> No.11284042

Will one btc be enough to make it whaleanon? Not all of is are richfags or fortunate to have gotten in early like you.

>> No.11284047

>but yes, btc is really all that matters in this market.
for now and the coming years at least. i don't think btc will be around for very long. it has to die so a new king can emerge but the next 10 years it will reign supreme.

>> No.11284057

Only if you want it to be. It's clear you don't have the information you're pretending to have and now you're lashing out because you've backed yourself into a corner.

What's that smell? Cope, perhaps?

>> No.11284058

>you dumb shit, we already have segwit
doesn't matter, the base transactions per sec are not even enough for setting up and settling payment channels once a month for nearly enough people.

>> No.11284080
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This desu, it's one thing to want to make money and be free, but bear cucks are the worst:

They didn't make enough money during the enormous bull run to have to stop trading so they're all trading with lunch money, usually around 1 BTC, at most 5, which also means that even if they short and BTC goes to 1 USD, their BEST outcome is to double their money unless they re-open shorts and risk getting squeezed.

So then consider this, a bearfaggot is openly rooting for society's one chance to escape the road to serfdom and our keynesian dystopia of hyperinflation JUST to make like 5-10k. This is morally more repugnant than being in the seal skinning business.

If you think crypto is dead then out of respect you should quit this manipulated market and just buy leveraged SPY ETF or some other boomer stock. But to sit here posting bobos and HOPING BTC dies is gross and you guys deserve to get squeezed.

>> No.11284083


eventually anon, yes. the next run will take us into 6 figures. but try to accumulate more if you can while the getting's good. buy and hold. small increments. accumulation. play the long game and be patient.

>> No.11284108


You are emotionally invested. Sorry. "bear faggots" are not influencing it like this. they are going with the fucking trend. It's what happens in all markets, and its part of nature.

traders in either direction give liquidity, and cause distribution events and accumulation, which are vital parts of a growing market and any price action. they HAVE TO HAPPEN.
Get it in your thick heads. Whales cant just hold the coins forever and nobody else gets them. they purchased them for pennies. by distributing them after huge gain and selling or shorting" they are creating a buyer at a MUCH higher average entry, who is way less likely to sell till profits are seen.

this creates a huge wave of new buyers with a higher average buy in over time, leading to many boom or bust cycles and eventually big moon. Read the fucking op dipshit

>> No.11284113

stop hating on seal skinning
It is an honorable business

>> No.11284116

Not all of us bears are on leverage, my friend
And any of the bears who are not longrun bulls are truly idiots
I'm just looking to raise the amount of BTC I have and the lower the price goes the more I can get with my modest stack

>> No.11284150

>low volume chop trading for months, nobody is selling at this range
>monthly/quarterly chart indicates accumulation
>lower highs, higher lows on hourly
>triple bottom (soon to be quadruple bottom)
Yeah, we’re definitely going to 3k

>> No.11284162


he's not emotionally invested. he just considers himself a part of a community building something bigger than himself. he is representative of how the crypto community used to be, especially before the last bull cycle. the crypto community used to be overwhelmingly focused on ideals and the future, and we're still here, but now "traders" and scalpers have ridden up and decided that they're part of the community too, although all they want to do is make a dollar.

a lot of newfags don't like the ideals and the future, they just like the money. and that's why they trade with lunch money, because they don't really believe in crypto, they just believe in the price, and in the back of their minds they think it's worthless and all going to zero.

if you actually believe in crypto, you wouldn't feel the need to set stops and alarms and risk dollars for pennies. just buy little bits and hold if you actually believe in crypto, because i can assure you we are nowhere near the true valuation of BTC.

>> No.11284168


It can never stay that way. It doesnt fit with economic theory

>> No.11284171


christ anon, i studied math and econ at the university of virginia. don't tell me about economic theory.

>> No.11284219

>the crypto community used to be overwhelmingly focused on ideals and the future
That was always just cute virtue signaling. It was always about what it would be worth in USD, but at best, it could be considered an easy way out of their current situation- hardly about ideals.

>> No.11284229


not trying to put words in your month, but it insinuates you beleive that BTC should be immune to normal economic factors. like people buying and selling, market confidence, boom or bust cycles, liquidity, accumulation distribution, market confidence ETC.

which is stupid. The old anti establishment roots of BTC is admirable, and the project still sticks to it. economic control, but the MARKET is a natural phenomena here and it WILL be bound by these rules.

Hating short sellers is jsut plain stupidity or lack of understanding. we need short sellers

>> No.11284242

That’s bullshit, bitcoin is the most manipulated market available today and futures contracts have only made that worse. We don’t need to go to muh 3k for whales to distribute their BTC, if they sell that low they’re retarded and don’t deserve to own it anyways

>> No.11284258


I would not put conscious decisions into it. the market is a collision of people and participators.
some mega whale who owns 80K btc which cost an average of $6,000 for them all wont give a fuck about unloading a few tousand bitcoins for 3k, and cause distribution, which could be RAPIDLY competed for by buying demand signaling bottom.

dont take that example literally, just remember how markets work

>> No.11284283


Just watch for 30 seconds.
That's the spokesman for ripple, saying even HE owns BTC.
There's a reason for that kids.

>> No.11284309


it doesn't insinuate anything. it insinuates that you know nothing about economic theory and yet are happy to say you do. you have stolen ideas from others without a single original thought. you are a currently-on-a-lucky-streak trader who doesn't really believe in crypto and think his short sales perform a vital service to the market. somehow you think that you're helping the community by short selling.

btc is clearly not immune to any market or economic factors. i am telling you that your citation of "economic theory" as a reason why btc cannot be valued at 1trillion+ market cap is absolute hooey.

you clearly know nothing about money supply or monetary economics if you believe that is the case.

>> No.11284356

again btc will not survive widespread adaption as it is. i think however it will never take off as a payment system. it will be "just bitcoin, better than gold in every which ways".

>> No.11284368

lol u gonna get wrecked. fake out to thw downside, you and the rest if retard "daytraders" dump everything at 5600 to rebuy at 3k but it bounces randomly at 5100 and short squeezes straight to 12k in one giant dildo daily candle

>> No.11284393


Tell me what you think then!! I Asked your opinion not your fucking gripe.

Argument encase your forgot
BTC shorters are evil and are ruining BTC

>> No.11284404


Why the fuck would i sell at 5600? the lowest point for over a year? lmfao I'll close any shorts from that level down to about 5.2k and look for longs. Then maybe look for shorts after a rally

>> No.11284426


if you believe in crypto, you shouldn't go short because you drive the price down and erode confidence in the market. if you are a scalper, by all means go ahead, but don't pretend like you are part of the crypto community. you're just a scalper.

that's what i mean. you can't have it both ways. you can't sell short and do your part to erode confidence in btc and then act like you're performing a service that you should be appreciated for.

if you believe in bitcoin:
buy it, hold it, use it, accept it as payment

it's literally that simple

>> No.11284427

what makes you think you won't regress to the mean?

>> No.11284428

Read the whitepaper.
Satoshi knew it wouldn't scale indefinitely and a second layer would need to be adopted.
That doesn't mean BTC dies.

But maybe it does.
Someone's pulling the strings here, the question is which crypto inevitably ends up on top?

Does a "crypto" with a heartbleed style backdoor eventually take over while BTC drops and drops and...well...
they're just saving you from the scam that's BTC

Or was it BTC all along?

>> No.11284445


kek, because btc would have to go back to about 20 dollars for me to "break even"

>> No.11284467

read what i posted (>>11284058) the second layer won't sole the scaling issue after a point.
it only allows for crapton of micro transactions at LOW adoption.

>> No.11284476


completely disagree. A short(like an margin sale) creates huge liquidity, and buyer always must always exist for them. Short liquidations drive price up. shorts only ACCELERATE price discovery.

>> No.11284477


>> No.11284485


once again, you're describing the service you're performing to The Almighty Market rather than the service you're performing to the crypto community.

>> No.11284493
File: 329 KB, 1400x982, crypto bear market bison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL at the /biz/ understanding of how supply-demand dynamics work.

This shit is going back sub $1K in 2019.

Allocate accordingly.

>> No.11284502


Also, not necessarily liquidations, just people covering their positions.

Any time a whale wants to buy 500BTC at once, the shorts are likely providing that liquidity for them. Same with LONGS on a someone looking to sell a lot.

Margin trading is very healthy for any market, creates massive liquidity and makes price discovery much faster. This bear amrket could have lasted so much longer without margin( SHORT AND LONG SELLERS).

>> No.11284511


You are talking like the crypto community and the market can and ever wil be separated. These two are combined. Crypto does not exist without a market lmao. wtf am i reading

>> No.11284514


and instead of getting all your fiat liquidated by a bot trading against you you could have just bought, held, and used, btc. then, you have no money, and no crypto, and the crypto community is out of one more potential adopter. see the difference?

>> No.11284522


You are making points and assumptions that are irrelevant to the topic material. stay on topic

>> No.11284532


you're not an adopter, you're a trader. and you're going to lose all of your money trading in the long run when you could have just *adopted* crypto and made a bunch more money in the long run without all of your hair falling out and spending your life staring at a screen. you "adopted" trading. you're not part of the crypto community.

>> No.11284541


I would like to speak with you sir:


>> No.11284559


stop making assumptions. We are talking about how:

Short sellers harm the market

None of your personal views or me or such are relevant to how shorters harm the market.
If you wanna go there, I disagree also. I personally bank at least 10% of my winnings on each trade forever. you have no idea what trading involves dude. Maybe most people who call themselves "traders" and just randomly gamble will end up like you describe. i agree. many will who trad eon mex now. they are not traders

>> No.11284565


i'm done with you man, enjoy going broke.

>> No.11284570

Everyone who bought at 2-6k they didn’t buy or sell anything again. If it drops past 6k those are the people who have fiat built up which is why we are seeing the support at 6k and not 3k. The longer bitcoin goes flatline the better chances it breaks up instead of down that’s just psychology.

>> No.11284619

What is your take on the other cryptocurrencies? For example eth and erc20 tokens with actual product value? Will they also see adoption along with btc? So far it seems like yes to me. Just wanted to know your take on it, it's always good to broaden your knowledge on the matter.

>> No.11284629
File: 177 KB, 2141x1000, bbbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


See your point, but the whole idea behind a descending triangle is base don the opposite of that. (meme triangles and such are pure psychology, same with all TA. all information you find on a graph is human psychology


the primary feature of a descending triangle, is that te bulls lost control at the peak, and have been unable to regain it since, making a serious of lower highs, while flexing at a consistent bottom struggling to resist bears. Each lower high shows further weakness till the bottom is broke and all confidence is gone.

the point: the lower highs are what give bears strength, not the flat bottom giving bulls strength. you must not interpret it wrongly.

There is a good percentage chance it breaks down based on that alone. it sin't 100%.

>> No.11284638
File: 463 KB, 499x276, DEC0E2C0-A903-4880-9505-4CE607BB23C9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-it must go to 3k
Just as deluded as Linkies

>> No.11284780

cheers bro, you made my day in this thread. going to buy more btc with confidence

>> No.11284924

would be easy for me to "believe in crypto" if I bought at that price too...

>> No.11285047

never said i bought at 20. do you even dollar cost average? just that with all the money i've taken out and put in, if btc dropped to 20 dollars i would have broken even. i bought my big buys t 70, 240, and 1000, and have scaled in at 5.9-6.8.

cheers mang

i'd be careful with most erc20 tokens especially the project-backed ones. a lot of those are going to go extinct long term. ether's long term value is going to depend on scaling and PoS. i would feel comfortable holding LTC, monero, and bcash for the long term.

>> No.11285075

Thanks for the insight anon. I actually went in on a erc20 project that provides a dark pool service to whales and institutions. The project seems solid so far but nothing is guaranteed, specially in crypto. I'll be watching this investment closely.

>> No.11285101

What do you think of Nano?

>> No.11285119


>> No.11285187


I don't even like XRP that much but the dude is right, bitcoin maximalists are literally religious zealots.

>> No.11285217

>Deserves a get
Well put fren. I have to fight my emotions to take profit early and stay out of the market until I see a good setup. I got rekt on TNT at $0.20 thinking I was a day trading god, was overtrading and staying in the market too long from sheer greed

>> No.11285302

Bitcoin has brand recognition, its literally the most important thing and the only name in crypto that isn't embarrassing to say outloud in public
Crypto is just software after all and can change and fork as needed along the way. But whatever happens it will still be called bitcoin

>> No.11285524
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You're confusing what people normally mean when they say 'emotionally invested', what they mean is people who stubbornly hold a stock they picked because they've become arbitrarily attached to it.

I am emotionally invested in BTC the way an antiques dealer is emotionally invested in the prosperity of antiques. I've been in BTC since 2012, I actually remember being ON bitcointalk back when satoshi was still posting. I am not out here tearing my hair out, I've paid my rent for the next three years (I refuse to buy property) and I check the price of BTC maybe once every week. I only browse /biz/ because every other online community has become cancerous and while this place is no different at least its anonymous so it is *slightly* less circle-jerky and occasionally I get to encounter a real oldfag or give someone advice.

Which is why I am gonna give you some right now, there's no such thing as a free lunch, there's no such thing as 'easy money', and when you think the market is definitely gonna do X because 'its obvious' you will learn sooner or later that the bigger picture is 50:50. If there was even a 60% chance BTC would crash below 6k, then the market would ALREADY price that in. The price action we're seeing is basically that whether BTC breaks up or down is precisely 50/50.

There have been peer review studies into 'descending wedges' and 'falling triangles' and every other bullish and bearish formation and not one (1) has found any real correlation between that and price movement. This is all pseudoscience and confirmation bias. No one knows where the price is going, no one.

>> No.11285671


this anon gets it

>> No.11285698

>distribution is not over
Who the fuck is there left to sell under 6k

>> No.11285716

We all know one day BTC will be worth 100k at LEAST. Not buying and hodlin is playing with fire

>> No.11285721

Disregarded because you think paying rent for eternity is better than property taxes

>> No.11285728

You don't get it. With paper futures NO ONE actually *needs* to be selling at 3k, the manipulators/banks/fed reserve can short the futures and have arbitragers tank the spot that way

>> No.11286206


>get a mortgage and support an evil business that prospers because it can force people into huge amounts of debt that takes thirty years to pay off and makes people work to the bone in order to avoid being foreclosed on and being homeless
>buy outright with cash and thus take at LEAST 500k out of my holdings
>throw down a mere 60k (my rent is 20k a year) and write it off as a business expense since I have a home office and keep the rest of money in BTC and SPY

>> No.11286353

>$3K has to happen before $30K

>> No.11286366

it's not worth exiting bitcoin taking that risk

stop being greedy and accumulate

>> No.11286440


I understand entierly your point. However that is the fundamental difference. People who hodl, they are all or nothing. you are either holding or selling.

You guys dont trade, you dont do any risk management, hedging, anything. everything for you is binary, when it is incredibly ignorant to think that is the case.
Atm, there is a 50/50 chance. equal bear to bull signals. I am simply not opting to go against the trend, which is down.
I am hedged with a fat short since 6811, which I wont full cover till we break 6870 with a 4hr candle close, not a wick.
equally, I longed Eth a little while ago at 215.5, which I will keep adding to till we hit 6300 on BTC.

Whatever break out happens, I benefit from now. I have a comfy hedge.
Its stupid to see everything in terms of 50/50 and binanry. you have so many options to play and protect your earnings or accumulate more.

If you dont have the time to learn, so be it, dont trash people that put in the time.

>> No.11286469

Why the fuck would you refuse to buy property

>> No.11286522

If you keep a home office then just move and get a great house with 1 acre of land for about 200k, then all you need to worry about are 3k of property taxes every year. At your rent of 20k per year you are paying out the ass on a place to live, unless you plan to die within the next 7 years you are guaranteed to lose money with this plan

>> No.11286575

Also "evil business" seriously dude are you 12?you realize when you rent you're just paying a giant company that owns tons of complexes right? Its no different than buying a house except you can at least get out from under the bankers thumb once the mortgage is paid off.
Also good luck starting a family in your shitty apartment. Oh wait let me guess you're a MGTOW genetic waste

>> No.11286591
File: 85 KB, 500x600, -appears-to-be-the-grinch-in-a-mask-holding-a-4187733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF are yall reatarded?
THe way of the bear os the only one.
1 to 150 is the same as 6666 to 1 million
No serious bullrun until we go down in crash

>> No.11286594

jesus christ the fucking memelines

>> No.11286609

>BTC supply is huge. 17million coins.
How is this huge again?

>> No.11286614


lol, its not meant to be tidy, just for me

>> No.11286692

Wtf are you retarded?

>> No.11286696

discord.gg 2qTDwWH

>> No.11286711


This. HODLing is literally the riskiest play.

>> No.11286871

wow what a genius you are! muh fractions are even smarter than muh triangles! i've never met someone as brilliant as you! just sold everything!

>> No.11287016

I sold at 18k so surely smarter than you mohammed

>> No.11287017

You don't understand how whales push the price down--they do it by shorting the paper products not by selling the actual instrument

>> No.11287116
File: 1.94 MB, 1652x3400, NocoinersOnTheCasket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lay off the Tone Vays koolaid. I remind you that he predicted $7500 as BEST CASE SCENARIO for 2017.

He will get cucked by Bitcoin once again, and so will all of you that haven't bought back the dip yet.

>> No.11287128

Anon, easy on the sips

>> No.11287169

indeed 1 btc equals to a few kg of gold
dont remember how much but quiet a lot

>> No.11287176
File: 2.60 MB, 1027x9999, worlds money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's fucking retarded. Can't even do the basic math involving the fact that if every $millionaire on earth wanted 1 BTC they couldn't have one.>>11286591

>> No.11287201

around 14.35kg gold per btc

>> No.11287730

>kg instead of ounces
Eurocuck detected

>> No.11287738

fucking faggot who still uses cuck detected

seriously dude, suck a bag of dicks.

>> No.11287804

You wish

>> No.11288603

> this
so should i sell my btc or should i buy my btc?

>> No.11288631


You realise I wrote my entire rent off my tax from crypto? I'm sitting on over 800k, I am not worried and I am not interested in buying a house you shill. The property market is primed to dip anyway, I might as well sit tight for a few years and see what happens.

>> No.11288698

Shift+left click also works.

>> No.11288768

How do I learn how to trade like you? I'm too scared to take any form of risks.

>> No.11288781

>He thinks there are actual bearcucks left.
The only faggots left posting bobo memes are assmad shorters that got BARTed into poverty, leftygag, and leddit buttcoiners.

>> No.11288805

Ludic falacy. Sorry, the real world is not a marble game and is instead driven by near-infinite confounding factors. BTC bull run may have already started and you’re just another stuttering pothead, pissed because you missed a few great buying opportunities.

>> No.11288833
File: 3.10 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTC at 20k
>have prior forex experience
>bubble pops
>start shorting
>9 months in this market
>muh i'm expert

besides that, it's very bad thing to enforce your methods / visions when you wasn't asked for this
however, level of greed and desperation of (((experienced))) / (((qualified))) trader shows how big pressure is

also kekd at distribution. valid point, but zero mention of OTC markets and spiking volume there. not all trades are being made on Bitfinex / Binance / GDAX :^)

also why bother how other people are living their lives? you know, for someone crypto is just a hobby. someone makes enough to not care about money by doing what he's passionate about, and crypto is like what MMORPG were all about in late days. just a thing which connects people who think alike. even if you're not invested 1488 millions it doesn't mean you can't read forums and participate in discussions, maybe (You) will help someone to pick last piece of puzzle and solve the riddle for someone and be satisfied just by having fulfillment

finance cucks are so arrogant. however because of you fuckers burning your hard earned millions other people increase their portfolio value which allows us to think beyond charts and participate in thoughtful discussions

>> No.11289382

The lows are getting higher too though. the highs are more pronounced but I think the crypto market is too fuelled by hype, news, FUD, regulations, etc. One thing could throw memelines off at any time, they presume a vacuum where the chart is the only variable.