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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11278518 No.11278518 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>go from 3k to 300k in 2017
>buy expensive car and watch, get first girlfriend
>promise during our dating that we would travel cause of how much money ive made
>fortune went from 200k to 4k since
>she still doesnt know

what should i do bros, shes starting to wonder. She kind of looks like pic related

>> No.11278526

Imagine if you be went to the beach with her she just swallowed some seawater and it acted as a laxative and she had anal leakage. Haha. And she asked you to put sunscreen on her. And you put it on her butt and it mixed with the leakage. Haha. Imagine the smell. That would be crazy dude haha. So weird sorry I'm just really random sometimes.

>> No.11278530

>can't provide a pic of gf.

The hell she doesn't know already.

>> No.11278536

i fucked a girls ass once i got money and then found out it was just my brother

>> No.11278544


Lol, tell her the truth and watch her leave.

Pro-tip: she probably won't leave right when you tell her, to make herself not feel like Hitler, she will just become a total bitch until you can no longer take it (and probably start talking to other men as well).

Good luck. It's VERY RARE that a woman meets a guy with money, and he loses it, and she stays. Like maybe 5%

>> No.11278561

ive been paying for her rent and student loans for 6 months

>> No.11278566

who cares about some airbrushed jew

>> No.11278591

please be larp. just come clean, she's gonna leave you either way

>> No.11278612


Wait until you're lewding it up and she's about to cum, then drop the news on her.

>> No.11278616

Just disappear for a few months, make 300k again from now till February. Then reappear and travel.

>> No.11278626

Similar thing happened to me. Just say you can't travel anymore. She'll cry and say you deceived her but then she'll get over it once you buy her some chocolates or some shit. Women are fickle.

>> No.11278628

literal KEK

Dont complain why women are shit cunts if you are this much of a faggot

>> No.11278652

That would be rape. No woman wants homeless cum in them

>> No.11278654

if this isnt a larp. its simple, tell her. if she stays shes a keeper if she leaves oh well hope you fucked her plenty and have nude pics

>> No.11278662

I hope you slip on ice you fucking piece of shit

>> No.11278677
File: 56 KB, 461x352, tupactrump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep the lie going as long as possible and keep dumping into the vaggy hard and long

fuck the moralfags on here

>> No.11278678

why even tell anyone about your gains if you havent even realized them yet you dum faggot?

>> No.11278702


however,hes a neet loser so its probably best he can do

>> No.11278703

we havent had sex in 3 weeks, i think she knows

>> No.11278723

Dude you're a fucking pussy who feeds into women's IG princess syndrome so thanks for making the state of the world worse.

>> No.11278725

it's over. was it worth it?

>> No.11278776

you didn't take profit. you never had 300k

>> No.11278783

i took out 100k worth for a car (85k) and a watch (15k), so yes i did chump

>> No.11278786


>> No.11278798
File: 46 KB, 461x352, 2j8qjy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh that means she probably already fucking someone else. sorry bro. these thots like to get fucked at least every few days especially if they are under 30. The ones post menopause have fucked up hormones and dont need to dicked as much. Recap: she getting dicked by someone else.

>> No.11278817

live your life, anon. break up with her before she finds out. sell the watch and car and throw it back into the ponzi

>> No.11278822

sense she is obviously fucking someone else. show us her body so we can all fap to her in remembrance of the 300k pussy and imagine the pleasure throbbing on our cocks

>> No.11278828

What’s the source on this op?

>> No.11278838

what watch did you get?

>> No.11278857
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>> No.11278865

>fossil from target bought with ripple gainz

>> No.11278875

I've been looking at a red gold omega but can't justify buying one in a bear market

>> No.11278878

rolex ofc

>> No.11278879

>being a cuck in 2018
hope you die and lose even more cyrpto gainz. you are lil bitch and deserve to choked and suck her new bfs dick and throat fucked then eat his cum out of your EX gf pussy. pay my student loans and I let you lick my ass after I take a shit next time, anon

>> No.11278889

omega is shit and cheap. save up for the rollex, ap, or patek

>> No.11278891
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>This is what your average /biz/ poster does after "making it"

>> No.11278895

what was your end game? you only had 300k

>> No.11278896

Rolex Air King Blue to be exact

>> No.11278904

he deserves to have his whole cucky family get cancer and die, then dug up and raped by a pack of refugees

>> No.11278906

Anyone who lives extravagantly after a slight taste of wealth will never be wealthy. I could win $250,000,000 on the Mega Bucks, and I wouldn't spend lavishly. I'd just quit my job.

>> No.11278910


You are literally responsible for the fall of western society.

Good luck absorbing that.

>> No.11278921

i was sure my 200k left would go to a few million

>> No.11278922

shut up about your watch. you are an embarassment to men everywhere. you deserve to brutally raped by her new boyfriend. either post some pics of her to show the world you aint her bitch no more, or shut the fuck up, bitch. you are not welcomed here

>> No.11278927
File: 200 KB, 800x1100, th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rolex is cheesy
my 2nd pick would be a breitling

>> No.11278928

stfu i love her too much to show her to random incels

>> No.11278937

post or you being a hard cock in that anus

>> No.11278942

I wish I could gouge your eyes out

>> No.11278951

i want to rape him in front of his "girlfriend" and make him my faggot slave boy

>> No.11278973

id like to see you try little child

>> No.11278979

I was looking at a new porsche last december
what I did was fly down to atlanta porsche center and track the 2018 GT3 for 90 minutes for $900

I wouldn't spend more than 1% of my net worth on a watch or 2-3% on a car

>> No.11278986

just drop her with the excuse for not having sex, then find another gf if you're not a total cuck.

>> No.11279005

thanks guys,

im going to sell my car and watch then. Should buy me some more time.

>> No.11279045

> larp, gotta be. NO ONE CAN be these much of bitch

>> No.11279068

says the perma virgin

>> No.11279076

Ahahaha. And you expect her to feel grateful? Good luck bro. Best of luck with the next one.

>> No.11279887

I will be using this intermittent haha meme..