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File: 764 KB, 993x562, vegasposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11277922 No.11277922 [Reply] [Original]

Not only Vegas but America as a whole. The food you eat is fake. The sex you have is fake. Watching porn is not sex. Only a few make off with the money while the rest of people are just chumps. Crypto was all shit too just a high tech scam like everything else.


>> No.11277930

Yeah it's a shit hole.

>> No.11277932

thanks i will

>> No.11277953

Vegas is kind of like a personification of America. You have people spending their hard earn money for nothing in return.

>> No.11277976

Heh this country here kid isn't for the faint hearted

>> No.11277994

Somebody's too broke to have fun

>> No.11278003

The shows are fun and they have a pokerito place across from the cupcake atm learn 2 fun faggot

>> No.11278766

There is no city I hated more than Vegas. There is no shortage of Blacked shitholes across the nation, but I don't actually HATE them

Vegas takes the greatest extremes of the country and puts them right next to each other in one place and makes them look exaggerated as a result

people in debt up to their eyeballs drive around in lamborghinis to gamble with money they don't have while one block down a dindu crackhead is rummaging inside of a dumpster, obese tourists with fanny packs in the day and sleazy uggos groping streetwalking prostitutes at night, buildings made to look bigger than they are with fabric wrapped around scaffolding, etc.

its enough to make me convert to christianity

>> No.11278994
File: 198 KB, 839x559, murica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is shit

>> No.11280016

Lived in Vegas my entire life. I want nothing more then to finish my degree and move out of this fucking shit hole

>> No.11280040

Las Vegas is Heaven on Earth

>> No.11280056

It's advertised very well

The place is an absolute disappointment

>> No.11280071

it should be converting you to socialism

>> No.11280079
File: 3.16 MB, 1048x1481, 1week.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

south america

>> No.11281154
File: 312 KB, 498x588, A19547A1-3508-4EEB-97AC-502474A8BBE6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you fags, Vegas is awesome. Big city entertainment with Midwest cost of living. Bought a house before I even graduated from college. Stay poor, LA/NY cucks.

>> No.11281206
File: 112 KB, 500x267, 1277056427159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I judge (negatively) anyone who mentions they actually liked Vegas. I'm pretty degenerate but Vegas is a special kind of purified shit I cant even find a word to describe it.

>> No.11281212

Lived in vegas for six years. I want to move back, it's better than the midwest. Now Indiana... THAT'S a shithole.

>> No.11281222
File: 62 KB, 785x713, 1262645926109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Note to self: Never visit flyover country; its worse than Vegas.

>> No.11281326

You seem like fun! Wanna go on a helicopter ride?

>> No.11281365


miami is all that plus no whites