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11275150 No.11275150 [Reply] [Original]

There will never be a big recession again
not until at least 2030 or something

The world is just to connected for a recession, one countries markets stabilize another

>but we in longest bullrun since 19xx
Yea australia didn't had a recession in 29 years so why should someone care about the time, this makes no logical sense

>but muh economic professors
Yea anti trumpist that can't accept, that economy is booming under trump like never before
4.1% gdp growth MAGA baby

>> No.11275170
File: 17 KB, 360x360, 1HY86EN_741_lt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11275177

Global economy too big to fail amirite?

>> No.11275205
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those who cant afford a mortgage are going to spend massive $ renting. get fukd poorfags.

>> No.11275212


>new paradigm

yep, it's time to sell everything.

>> No.11275217


>> No.11275222

New paradigm

>> No.11275232

little do you know the trade war with china's gonna cause the next global recession, all the chinks are gonna pull their money out of the american house/stocks and then we're all fucked gl anons

>> No.11275233
File: 52 KB, 624x351, trump2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11275278

china have way to high debt they will lose trade war and after that us economy will be 2x so strong because no competition from china

>> No.11275298


nigger trump can only do so much about the economy. it has very little to do with trump, desu. it's a credit cycle and the fed is raising rates. i like trump except when he goes full shabbos goy mode, which he increasingly has done more and more often beginning with allowing jared cryptokike kushner free rein.

but you're just fucking retarded about markets. the yield curve is flattening, unemployment is too low, oil is rising. it's all indicators of an overheated market which will come crashing down in the next 2 years.

but please, feel free to long the vanguard spx right now and see how that goes for you.

>> No.11275311

Yeah people don't get that the Great Recession was once in a generation. No one knows what the future will be of course but I wouldn't put my money on something like that again for the rest of our lifetimes. Of course there are a lot of hopeless, depressive people betting on something even worse though, like a total collapse

>> No.11275320

Lol using Australia as an example. We are currently undergoing the start of a depression event here due to an artificially extended bubble made by pointing all fiscal policy to prop up housing ponzi.

>> No.11275323

I'm glad you believe this. Idiots like you are what keep the earth spinning.

>> No.11275359

yeah and guess what the last great recession 1930's we're going to have a great recession within the next 5 years guaranteed where everything will collapse

>> No.11275370


>t. top buying millennial

>> No.11275381

>we will never have a recession again
You're completely right OP, it will be a depression. No one alive has witnessed a worse one
>the world is just too connected
That's exactly why. Dominoes topple when they're stacked together and just one falls

>> No.11275405

u idiots just want me to buy gold but i am not retareded spending money on yellow metal
instead buy companies like real BO$$

>> No.11275426

Agreed we're on the midst of a bull run and I don't see it slowing down for at least 3 years

>> No.11275447

no ones telling you to have all your money in gold but there's a reason the elite are putting a shit ton of money into gold/silver and 1% of their networth into crypto it's so even if there is a depression they aren't completely fucked

>> No.11275453


>> No.11275494

JP Morgan has been stacking silver and China Russia and India have been buying gold heavily for a decade

Do with that information what you will.
BTW, I never mentioned gold. Just saying a depression is coming. I'm long first aid kits, cans of tuna, toilet paper, and OTC medicine

>> No.11275616


russia has been buying their entire domestic production for years now