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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11274393 No.11274393 [Reply] [Original]

I bought this shit at $0.65 and you guys told me it’s going to $4 wtf is going wrong

>> No.11274415
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Holy cow, greater fool theory in practice.

Sorry, bro, you got scammed. This is why no one voted for hilldog.

>> No.11274478


What I do now

>> No.11274527

I bought this morning, guaranteed it would have mooned like fuck if I didnt

>> No.11274545

Have some goddamn patience. XRP will go down throughout the week to about $0.42, which will be the absolute bottom it can reach at this point. By EOY, it will be back to $1. By end of 2019, XRP will be at least $10.

>> No.11274550

get out now. dont wanna be a guy bagholding such a scam. everyones gonna dump on the news. you fucked up now that the L

>> No.11274551

get out now. dont wanna be a guy bagholding such a scam. everyones gonna dump on the news. you fucked up now hold that L

>> No.11274557

this board is serious fucking dead

>> No.11274559

>posting in high iq thread

>> No.11274589

It's to hodl you dense cunt. accumulate and shut the fuck up.

>> No.11274597

I was there today. This is the only real deal.
Potential to be the most valuable company of our generation.

>> No.11274616

The release of xRapid was obviously already priced in by the market, with the 80% increase over the last month. If we don't see any further announcements during Swell there is a high probability of some profit taking and price decrease short term.

Long term price is heavily reliant on xRapid adoption and xRapid adoption is heavily realiant on steady volume in relevant corridors. To build this volume we need to start small with more customers with frequent but small payments, and build from there. These coming few months will be paramount for the future of XRP.

>> No.11274623

link sucks

>> No.11274625

you bought ripple's funding token. they printed 100 billion, gave a few away, and are trying to sell the rest to fund their company. it's not going to become the new dollar or any other cringeworthy predictions people keep making. xrp is no different to e-gold or any of the other printed from thin air currencies tried in the past.

at least ripple has other offerings that might make them revenue, but banks aren't stupid enough to fall for xrp.

>> No.11274690

>they printed 100 billion
The US government printed how many trillions of dollars and that's worth something too

>> No.11274699

its also a currency everybody is forced to use here and not something created by a private company which can't offer any better products with their funding token than without it.

>> No.11274712


>> No.11275614

I willl buy it off you for 35 cents. you can hold or cut your losses but its barting down hard as we speak

>> No.11275627

this aint it chief

>> No.11275755

>t. absolute dumbass

>> No.11275800

I'm confused by the xRapid hype and how it'll be the muscle of them reaching a high price.

If the xrp used for the transfer is bought and sold back into the exchange all within a minute, how does the price change to a sustained high?

>> No.11276057
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haha so all the hype for XRP died the moment I bought it after I have ignored it this whole time

>> No.11276237

Cory Johnson literally said the feedback they've been getting is basically putting them on the edge of mass adoption

>> No.11276256

1000$ EOY (ha! fuck you linkies)

>> No.11276258

>He bought?

>> No.11276830

>If the xrp used for the transfer is bought and sold back into the exchange all within a minute, how does the price change to a sustained high?
That's the trick. It doesnt really. It's part of the double speak david Swartz does. They say the price will increase by demand but at same time say settlement is so fast that price changes wont affect it. Cant be both at same time. If it can drive price up then it can change price too.

The actual movement of xrp price will be idiots buying it up and selling it back into the pool to increase liquidity. But in reality banks dont need the coins being held by people as settlement is so fast you can have only a few million coins to settle all bank transactions.

>> No.11276843

A ripple salesman saying good things are happening with a company he works for? Better believe that huh

>> No.11276876
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>> No.11276922

It was based on market research Ripple have done when surveying the banks they work with...

Make of it what you want

I don't care if you buy or not

>> No.11276926
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what does it look like its about to happen?

>> No.11276937

You complete the bizcel cycle by selling low. The you buy at the top of the next pump and dump and repeat the cycle until you are broke. When you reach the last 10% of your net worth, open a bitmex account and short with x100 leverage with all your money. Once liquidated you just off yourself. Living the biz life

>> No.11276961

Can anyone imagine being this delusional?

>> No.11277059

God if it reaches that number
Im cashing out at 420 or 500 lul

>> No.11277347

It looks like it's about to dump back to that flatline and stay there for 8 years; it's been there most of that chart and crypto is over.

>> No.11278040

I was told what it would go to > $500

>> No.11278054
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>listening to /biz/

>> No.11278069

/biz/ fudded XRP so much there wasn't even XRP threads every week for months.

>> No.11278075
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>$20 trillion marketcap

>> No.11278337

>and crypto is over.
welcome to depression phase of the market

>> No.11278341

$27T in nostro accounts anon

>> No.11278359
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>> No.11278397

>he bought xrp


>> No.11278421

what does that mean?

>> No.11278829

>what does that mean?

The way banks move money currently is they have prefunded bank accounts with eachother. Those accounts collectively contain $27 trillion USD. That money is sitting there doing nothing.

With xRapid they don't need those accounts. They can get their money out.

>> No.11279027

I hope so, I need to unload these heavy bags

>> No.11279056

what you are failing to understand is that they arent going to hold 27 trillion USD worth of XRP. they are going to constantly be buying/selling the XRP

>> No.11279070

>what you are failing to understand is that they arent going to hold 27 trillion USD worth of XRP. they are going to constantly be buying/selling the XRP

obviously they won't hold $27T worth of XRP

but if they use it as a nostro replacement then XRP will gain a monetary premium

it will be cheaper to hold it in anticipation for spending it than to buy it every-time you need to send it somewhere. This will especially become the case once it goes into a steady price rise. So not only do they avoid doing a double exchange by holding it but they also get capital appreciation on their holdings.

>> No.11279083

so if theoretically all these banks actually shifted over to XRP what kind of prices are we looking at? double digits? triples?

>> No.11279139

>so if theoretically all these banks actually shifted over to XRP what kind of prices are we looking at? double digits? triples?

$1000 long term not impossible. $10 is very possible in the short term.

>> No.11279379

man wouldnt that be nice