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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1126844 No.1126844 [Reply] [Original]

How do YOU make money?

>> No.1126859

work 9-5

>> No.1126863

Wagecuck at a web design firm.

>> No.1126864

suck dick

>> No.1126868

work 7-3

>> No.1126871

why don't you freelance on the side or something?

>> No.1126880

I do from time to time. But usually I'm so fucking tired most of the time that all I want to is sleep on the weekends (i.e. the only time I'm able to do freelance work).

>> No.1126887

BI Analyst.

Just started, but so far it's mostly creating reports and ad hoc analyses and then just spit-balling ideas on how to drive growth with the leadership team.

Kinda hoping there's more challenging work around the corner.

>> No.1126891

Also, I'm in the process of negotiating a 4 day work week with my boss so I can slowly transition into doing more freelance work so I can eventually gtfo once the freelance jobs roll in much more regularly.

>> No.1126896

Alittle under $100k

>> No.1126904

I sell illegal "frogs".

>> No.1126914

Hi friend.

Sr Business Intelligence Engineer here

Stick with it this career path is gold

>> No.1126923

Ask my dad to pay off my Visa every month

>> No.1126927

Owner of manufacturing business. Made 7.5m revenue last year.

>> No.1126931

Full time year round farmer. 275K a year off cannabis, 150k off grapes, and almost 50 grand off tomatoes. Shooting for twice these numbers next year.

>> No.1126963

Pleb numbers.

I'm currently a wagecuck.

>> No.1126987

Work 4 days a week as a contractor for a e-commerce/local bussiness mostly update products and do SEO shit + whatever else they want me to do at the time.

I'm considering starting my own web/mobile app business and focusing on sales, Programming and SEO while out sourcing the design and social media shit.

My first major goal is have enough income to rent an office and then I will live there instead of renting a room.

>> No.1126989

normally i just buy ethereum

>> No.1127001

Donate blood and cum.

>> No.1127002

Two profitable websites and trading currency pairs, stocks and futures. Also I translate articles for retards.

>> No.1127003

Etherkek. Its the newest cryptocuck.

>> No.1127006
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Ask my parents for money.

>tfw they gimme $1200 a month

>> No.1127010

I get paid to go on dates with ugly girls in Korea. $100 per session which lasts between 1 and 3 hours.

>> No.1127014

this can't be real

>> No.1127036

i used to sell used tires to a small tire shop i took from my old job. the guy would give me 15-20USD depending on the thread life. it added it

>> No.1127039

I'm a server at low end resturant and make ~$200 a day then I use that money to short stocks. I mainly know oil and right now it's heading to the marina trench. I'm in college to so I can only do so much

>> No.1127058

>I make 70k per year working at a low end restaurant.

>> No.1127062

servers make a lot more than you think. Low end restaurant servers make more since there are less people on the floor and tables turn about 20 times a day. In a higher end restaurant a table will probably flip five times when you have about 5 tables to yourself but where I work you have 10 tables to yourself that turn 6-7 times in your shift. Quantity>quality

>> No.1127065

Lmao did you cover on Friday?

>> No.1127067

I'm a door to door salesman

>> No.1127073

>Average tip is about ~$4
>8 tables to yourself is normal
>tables turn at about 45 minutes average
>$24 every flip/$32 an hour
>9 hour shift=$288 untaxed mainly

>> No.1127771


econ MBA here wanna be BIA. How to get into ? Any pointers ?

>> No.1127822

I wake up at 6AM and do business for my Father's company until 11:30-12:00 and go back to sleep for a hour or two. I get up to go to my real job working 3PM-11PM. I come home and sleep. Weekends are the same (I work 7 days a week) except I go out or play video games in the morning.

>> No.1127839

Student, I work as a freelance media research assistant and also write articles for an economic magazine each month. With state benefits I usually make 1200$/month and living in a rent free apartment, that's good enough

>> No.1127865

i buy at the dip

>> No.1127876

Assistant manager at a Sherwin Williams.

Good career path but I have my eyes on more

>> No.1127896
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Primarily Day Trading.

I have a few long-time clients that pay me a monthly retainer for IT support and consulting.

I also built and run a few autonomous web services that I rent out for side-cash.

>> No.1127922
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wake up whenever.
check if bots haven't crashed.
Usual just eat,shit,play games,watch tv shows, movies, videos,anime while high.
Sometimes try to go out atleast once a month even if its just going to cinema to watch a movie, just to feel more human/social .
Usually order food/clothes/other to doorstep.
Smoke weed, repeat.

>> No.1127924

and how do you make money?

>> No.1127930

Have a small business.
Either wake up at 4am and work or Wake up at 7 and call/visit prospecyive clients.

>> No.1127936

I can't tell you what a typical path is. I used to work as an analytics analyst for a consulting firm and I got that job out of STEM gradschool. Switched after a couple years because I was getting underpaid.

>> No.1127941


That's pretty good. Do you have any helpers or is it just a one man operation?

>> No.1127955

Assistant to the regional manager

>> No.1127984

I murder the market makers on forex. #steve

>> No.1127991

for what company? :^)

>> No.1127995

obviously dunder mifflin

>> No.1128000

you're an idiot

>> No.1128246

I work for the government while trying to get side business profitable. I'd prefer to stay in my field but it's not one where quality matters (lots of poo in loos).

>> No.1128325

I don't.
I take $50,000 of my parent's money to spend on college every year. In any case, at least I'll graduate from USC with a Finance and Business Economics degree (Investment Backing specialty)

>> No.1129092

I pretend to be a waiter at several restaurants and steal the cheques. Management just assumes that the people did a runner.

>> No.1129101

Go on...

>> No.1129140

Sacrifice some babies for the Jews and Profit.

>> No.1129155

Does nobody here have a day job as a sheetrocker and a night job as a drug dealer?
>cut & install sheet rock all day
>break up scrap sheet rock into what looks like crack cocaine
>bag it up and sell it

>> No.1129160

he said bots, so its probably for fake views on youtube or dailymotion

>> No.1129422

Student, 18, studying Computer Science at University. Work casually stacking shelves at a supermarket and in the next two weeks should be claiming $230 a fortnight of government benefits for studying.

At least something good comes out of a fucked family, single mother with low paying job.

>> No.1129446

I order cases of action figures and sit on them for 2-3 years. Then when prices triple and everybody is screaming rape, I only charge double and look like a hero. I'd feel bad about it if stuff moved at regular retail but it doesn't.

>> No.1129488

I work a shitty IT job

>Flip either ebay or charity shop stuff on the side

>used to do redbubble but got closed due to copyright as i don't make my own stuff i just steal it off of other people and repost it, i have a back up account but i make little to know sales as no one knows me and i have to steal shitty designs from elsewhere now. My caring for it has gone down so my quality of stolen goods has too

>> No.1129513
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I can't say much more, anon.

>> No.1130789

21k annually, working at a plasma center

>> No.1130849
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How long did it take you to get to that point? What is the compensation like? I start a BI position at a large company in June and I have no idea what to expect.

>> No.1130886

and what is your salary / advantages ?

>> No.1130904

>Side business
>12-8 night job that allows me to catch up on sleep

>> No.1132215

Sell my game on steam

>> No.1132230


>I work for the government while trying to get side business profitable.

You just summed up the Souther European dream equivalent of the American dream.

It's a pretty good plan. Lots of people pulled it off successful. It's nice to have the job security and pension of a public service job and then you always have your little business to run when you want to retire so you have something to do.

>> No.1132244

I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.1132248

I sham as a soldier. I do about 5 minutes of actual work to collect a paycheck. The rest of the day is spent improving myself. I workout 3 times a day, constantly improving my social/political game, and use the college programs to work towards a social science degree while working full-time time. I'm the only one in my private HS who joined the military and I am by far the most successful and indepdent than any other of my peers. All of them are burnt out from their difficult degrees (already lowering their aspirations) or running into the wrong crowd with their useless degrees (already set lower standards).

>> No.1132259

>Student grants

Everything but work senpai

>> No.1132263


How did you get into this? Are you US based?

>> No.1132264

So do you have lots of different places?

>> No.1132266

Nah im only 24 years old. I only have 1 apartment that i rent out and then a room in my current apartment that i rent out via Airbnb. I'll get more in a couple of years when im done with grad school and earn some real money

>> No.1132281

>awful at applying for jobs (procrastinate and dislike having to try and 'sell' myself).
>after applying to a job through an agency, 30 mins later another agency rings me up offering part-time work
>$14/hr data processing
>Do it for a few months
>Stay on for a few more than planned
>Markedly more capable with Excel/VBA etc. than other staff
>Make it known that I'm applying to jobs in my area of interest as my time there is coming to an end
>Director offers me $43k/yr to stay on long-term

What do? The work is pretty mind-numbing, and the location isn't great, but they do offer quite a bit of training and i've a feeling that my applications elsewhere won't go very far.

It's a very small, privately owned firm, and it's doing very well. On the other hand, it's not interesting to me and I'd planned to move to a city within the next few months.

>> No.1132288

work 9-11

>> No.1132313

what's the time like?

>> No.1132459

standard; 9-5.

Bit of over-time maybe once every few months.

>> No.1132483


They don't consider airbnb illegal in your corner of scandis?

>> No.1132490

That sounds incredible. How do I find this magical job?

>> No.1132499

Buying altcoins and dumping them on noobs for more Bitcoin.

>> No.1132510
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What ethereum Dapp/smart contract are you missing?

>> No.1132519

Wow maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

>> No.1132591

Buying a gaming pc and am thinking of ways to monetize the hobby. Was thinking maybe a gaming blog or review site. Some fun / funny youtube videos and perhaps even streaming on Twitch. I like the blog and review site most of all so I can practice my writing skills.

>> No.1132617

buy multifamily duplex and live
in one of the units and rent out
the rest (easier to get mortage
loan on these than regular house)
once enough equity is gained, take
a home equity loan for a down payment
for another multifamily duplex. What is wrong with this idea?

>> No.1132642

Work 8.30 - 6 as a manager. Own 2 properties that I rent out, soon to be a 3rd. Started a side gig selling online, made £200 profit last month, not bad for a few hours work.

>> No.1132644

>be me
>go on websites like libgen and download pdfs of out of copyright books
>check that kindle versions aren't on Amazon already
>upload them to amazon and sell them for kindle
>nice regular monthly income

>> No.1132713

I teach stupid kids math and get ~20€ an hour (about 5 to 15 hours a week). Besides that, I write lections and program for a startup (7.5 hours a week).

>> No.1132719

sell dicks on amazon

>> No.1132744

I work part time in the morning stocking shelves. School at night. I want to start making custom longboards and sell them on ebay. But I'm nervous. Any suggestions is appreciated.

>> No.1132747

Sell them cheap. *

>> No.1132819

>Contracted for big private bank 1 week after graduation
>Shitty mortgage job.
>Make 27k a year while the guy who contracted me makes 6 figures
> work hard and get recognized in 4 months
> shift over to helping out an analyst
> stay there and get hired in 3 months.
>get real wages now and 8%ira contribution
> have the ability to shift over to dream of fraud examination and aml
>proud that I will have retirement unlike my parents
>one step closer to secure future.

Living the wagecuck life never felt so good.

>> No.1133827

Make one, ride it. If you have friends, tell your friends all about it, even if they don't ride. They will tell their friends about it. If it's a cool piece, somebody is bound to say, "I want one, how much".

Just my two cents from having experienced the phenomenon first-hand. I printed a few t-shirts of my own, just for personal use. I have a shirt with some renaissance art on it and people always ask if I'll make them one for cash.

I figure that if I wanted to make a little venture out of it, I would spread word around town that I'm printing t-shirts with art on them. I would probably make an etsy or giantcartel (I think it's called). I would probably post pictures of my shirt on various forums, like /fa/ and tumblr and stuff.

All of this is because people think that the shirt is cool. A longboard is a lot more complex than a t-shirt, I figure, but maybe a lot of people would think that your longboard is cool, anon.

Try it out!

>> No.1133840

Need a developer whos going to create a Dapp wiith me. Contact me hassengood@Hotmail.nl if youre interested.

>> No.1133885

Work 9 to 6

>> No.1133901

Glad to hear I'm not the only one. By the time I get up, fight rush hour, fight clients, fight coworkers, and fight rush hour again, all while sitting on my ass, I'm so mentally drained I have nothing else to do but sit on my ass and drink my sorrows away.

>> No.1133939

nothing, landlording is a goldmine senpai, just make sure you have a fat stack in the maintenance fund at all times

>> No.1133941

what do you sell

>> No.1133946

what did u study

>> No.1134035

what kind of properties?

>> No.1134037
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$2k/yr per unit a good maintenance fund?

>> No.1134059

Commercial real estate analyst

>> No.1134065

i think VICE covered it for japan. didn't know korea had this going too

>> No.1134506

>also write articles for an economic magazine


>> No.1134533

I studied Journalism and currently studying economics

But mostly just because my mom knew one of the editors lol

>> No.1134539
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I'm an ILWU longshoreman. I get paid to move cargo.

>> No.1134544

any tips on how i can become a freelance article writer or editor for online websites?

>> No.1134698

Mortgage approvals are generally based on capacity, not net worth, so it just depends how much you're bringing in in rent. I can't speak for all the banks, but at mine you need to be below 44% TDSR (so basically all your overall expenses including any existing credit and the theoretical mortgage payment and property tax for the new property has to be less than 44% of your income), and below 34% GDSR (which is just mortgage/housing related costs, unsecured credit lines and shit don't factor in).

So as long as your renters are covering a sufficient amount of the mortgage obligation you should be fine.

>> No.1134719

Primary income
>40 hour a week employment

Secondary income
>Online bank CDs
>Stock dividends

>> No.1134732

gambling income? lmao, you count cards or play poker?

>> No.1134747

How you get in on this shit? Please respond!

>> No.1134749

Sports gambling.

>> No.1134759

Cds, really? Hows that 0.07% interest make it profitable

>> No.1134761
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You either:
A. be lucky and be related to a longshoreman and get an interest card when they come out once a decade


B. be really lucky and win a public lottery that happens once a decade.

I got in via method A.

There's going to be a lottery for LA/Long Beach sometime this year.

>> No.1134768
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>> No.1134780

I make 2.3% interest on my CD.

Search online banks. They offer much higher rates than your brick-and-mortar Bank of America types.

2.3% isn't bad for something with literally no risk.

>> No.1134832

damn, bankrate is working for the results

>> No.1134835


>> No.1134999

BI developer here

this career path is amazing, and my value goes up every year without any sign of stopping

>> No.1135012
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I don't.

I have to wagecuck for bout 3-4 years first to pay off my loans, and THEN I can start investing, which will take more years.

Eventually though I'll make it

>> No.1135048
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>> No.1135051
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oh lookie I'm a programmer now

**beep bop boop***

>> No.1135183

Thank you sir. Update. A friend asked me how much for one. I have made countless boards already. Either on cardboard or regular wood. I said it's on me, but that's promising.

>> No.1135232

i am only interested in the income of the renters, not to increase the value of the multifamily complex. With this in mind should i try for a shared appreciation mortgage for a lower interest rate? If the property goes up in value, thats great. But that is not what i'm really investing in. I'm banking that there will be a steady stream of renters in the area, not banking on the property value increasing over time. How difficult is it to get a shared appreciation mortgage?

>> No.1135234


>> No.1135237

i've heard that you only take out a loan in order to invest it. What happened to your investment already?

>> No.1135239

student loans. my "education" was my investment. Despite the fact I've used nothing I learned.

>> No.1135241

no ROI = very bad investment

>> No.1135244

Should've told me that 4 years ago m8. I would've picked up a trade and probably would have a sizable portfolio right now.

>> No.1135443

>altcoins trading
>stock photos/videos websites

>> No.1135454

sell airsoft guns on ebay

>> No.1135497

prostitution/escort services can't be real?

>> No.1135541

teach me sempai. i've lost a lot in the last months and i kinda want to just win the money back

>> No.1135602

I risk my life transporting all the money you wagecucks deposit, withdraw and spend at banks and retail establishments.

I'm the ultimate wagecuck. Please help me.

>> No.1135646

Planned Parenthood huh?

>> No.1135651

Tournaments if you're good enough, otherwise make some guide videos and use bots to pad your viewcount on youtube.

>> No.1135655

> GI Bill pays me $1600 a month and free MBA
> work part time at a hedge fund
> Uber
> airbnb my spare room ~$1200 a month (own condo in ATX)
> restore mid century credenza record players and sell them on craigslist

>> No.1135674

I could have a similar set up.

I already have a savings account with Ally, might as well start a CD.

I just need to get into stock dividends, far as gambling goes I take my chances every now in then with the pool at my job.

>> No.1135679
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part-time esl in a private school, €12/hr. freelance lessons for exam prep, €20/hr. take home around 800€ a month. full-time student living in shared apartment. 300€ goes into bills, the rest I save.

>> No.1135702

at least you can daydream about Heat and stuff

>> No.1135752
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Besides my normal job, I'm also on patreon walfare.

I do normal commissions for reasonable prices but I charge a ridiculous amount for fetisch drawings. Degenerate horsefuckers are thirsty man.

Thanks /ic/

>> No.1135836

Sounds like a teacher or school official IMO

>> No.1135840

Right now I'm focused on leaving. And when to grip the metal bars when my driver is acting like a moron. Which this week is every 30 seconds.

>> No.1135847

I was a paramedic.

>No seat belt, lights and sirens dodging retarded drivers, and the only on in the back with a dying human. Bouncing around trying to start an IV or intubate ...

I feel for you, mang. I probably made the same as you - $16/hr.

>> No.1135854

You make more than I do. I'm at 14.75/HR which is standard for the region.

It's hard to make more than that. They try to shitcan people who make above 15$/HR.

>> No.1135864

Damn i thought you guys would earn more than that

>> No.1135868

Nah, it's one of the lowest paying community service jobs. It's really sad, they deal with so much shit and work ungodly hours.

>> No.1135918

Because they know the job is in demand because so many people want to become firefighters.

>> No.1135936

Voice Acting at $100/hr

>> No.1135947

I play piano at old folks homes for $50/hr. Work is getting hard to find though.

>> No.1135948

us enlisted marine
1400 a month
1200 after bills
200 after adiction
>tfw i'm addicted to alcohol so I'm not saving money
should I drop a paycheck on a mutual fund?

>> No.1135957


you should get off white person welfare and get a job in the private sector where you are contributing to the economy/society. you would be less prone to drinking with this newfound purpose in life.

>> No.1135964

Per hour of recording or hours recorded?

>> No.1135966

I went UA, got out, and became a car salesman, I make around 120k a year.

>> No.1135968

I was private service in a top 20 city in the US.

>mfw nurses made twice as much

Equal length of education
Safe environment
Supervised by doctors and had peers to work with.

>> No.1135977

I work in a NOC, work 4 days and rest 3. It's okay since I get to spend the rest of the week learning Redhat. I hope I can move on from this eventually

>> No.1135992

Does the corps offer Thrift Savings Plan? I know the Air Force did when I was in. That's an awesome way to save money for retirement.

>> No.1136033


s m h

>> No.1136038


>> No.1136067

Sub chinese cartoons into Spanish for around 1k a month in the third world.

>> No.1136109

Sophmore Management of Information Systems major here, I've been considering switching to Data Analytics since it literally just began being offered at my Uni, does that transfer well in Business Analytics?? What's the career path like?

>> No.1136185


Go to your local AA.

I did and now I have hella cash and feel better

>> No.1137229

how much you make?

>> No.1137273

Wage cuck at Mcdonalds

>> No.1137293

yes. I forgot I did 10% away every paycheck.

>> No.1137295


>> No.1137322

Physics student here, I make study-help apps specifically designed for my university's courses. I have apps for 11 subjects. Offer them at $1 per subject. It's a big uni and everyone knows my shit is good so I earn $5-10k a semester. It's not much but it's something, and requires very little work beyond just studying the material and then building the app.

>> No.1137332
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I may steal your idea

>> No.1137343
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Go right ahead bro. I mean yeah you've got international resources like Khan Academy and PatrickJMT, and they're really good, but it's something else to have study tips specifically designed for the exams *you're* having, made by someone who's already done them, knows the faculty who makes the tests etc; basically I know exactly what you need to know to ace any given test within my subjects of expertise, and I will teach you that, and only that.

So as long as you're not at my uni, you're not hurting me in any way, and you're making life easier for other students, so I encourage you to take my idea and use it at your uni.

By the way it benefits you beyond just the money too; you learn a bit of programming if you didn't already and you'll get seriously good at whatever subject you're teaching.

But what country are you in? I just wanna know if I'm gonna have to destroy you.

>> No.1137355

how old are you and what's your financial situation? any degree?

>> No.1137368
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Thanks bruh. I live in Germoney

>> No.1137420

no problem then, good luck!

>> No.1137529

Any advice you might have? Like, do I just let people download my own notes and old exams?

>> No.1137553

Nah dude that's not even trying, you're gonna have to analyse every exam in a given subject that you can get your hands on and you need to look for patterns in them. When you can see the broad lines of how an exam in that subject is conducted, create custom problem sets that employ a variety of different methods of learning; technical explanation questions, valuable example problems (ideally create your own custom problems by combining and/or modifying already existing ones to make it better problems), flash cards, explanations through analogies etc. etc.

You want returning customers. You want older students recommending your shit to freshmen. You want people to feel like they're cheating the system by using your shit. Simply putting in some old notes and exams won't cut it.

>> No.1137560
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Thought so, thanks for the advice

>> No.1137572

no problem booboo

>> No.1137574

Work 7-3

>> No.1137628

you're a qt 3.14, that's what you are, anon. :)

>> No.1137633

One ethercuck a pop

>> No.1137655

I convince people to put their money in my firms investment fund by going to lunches and making cold calls. Get a nice commission depending on how much they put in plus good pay on top of that. I wanted to be a trader but I'm fucking bad at math so I went for sales instead.

I actually like it, incentives are amazing. We get watches, electronics, vacations and other shit for big sales. I got an ipad last week for big client.

>> No.1137787

Action figures :)

>> No.1137789

HMO and a single let flat :)

>> No.1137793

disgusting degenerate scum

>> No.1137794

Cryptocurrency investing, I shit you not

Waaaay up this year thanks to ETH

>> No.1137926

how old are you and how have you dealt with the new stamp duty tax

>> No.1137929

This. Eth is the absolute easiest way to make money of our generation. Put money in get more money back with no work at all. If you aren't doing this you are a stupid pleb.

>> No.1137955
File: 65 KB, 441x601, 1457223490112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you do this with most cryptos?

Right now I only invest in ETH/BTC but there's a myriad of other options on poloniex.
Thinking of trying my luck on those super volatile lesser known crpytos.

>> No.1137961

are you yourself Korean? how popular is this custom in Korea?

>> No.1137980

SYS has single handedly made me all the money back that I lost on sticks so far this year.

>> No.1138303
File: 1.38 MB, 1536x2048, 1453630217979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What made you buy it?

Having trouble determining which coins are worthwhile.

>> No.1138322

So what is this Eth and how do I get involved? You know, for us plebs out there.

>> No.1138334

Located where? You guys have 5-axis CNC machines?

>> No.1138346

A coin shilled by desperate "buy now" advertising - surely will do great.

At least bitcoin had pages of argumentation or why it is a cool ideea, and why it had good management behind and such - people could've speculated out of that that it's gonna be fun.

But most alt-coins which history proves to fail - have just this " BUY NOW, GET RICH, PLZ PLZ PLZ BUY B UY BUY !!! GAYS"

>> No.1138420
File: 155 KB, 830x476, 1452808290289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunping. My busniess idea is to start small in my county and grow. Sell online and just grow slowly

>> No.1139195

kek how would you keep your clients?

>> No.1139221

Used to write software.

Now I just wait for my rent checks

>> No.1139229


That's my dream desu. Right now I'm working with the family business, trying to size up the business. Once I have 0.5million$ -> 1million$ or so saved up, I want to get into property management.

I come from a finance background and don't want to be stuck in manufacturing forever.

>> No.1139231

Good luck. Get started now! Better sooner than later...

>> No.1139311

I vote for going elsewhere. Once you tell people you're looking for another job, even of you stay your days are numbered. I also think you're probably being underpaid even at 43k, but it depends on the local economy of course.

>> No.1139407
File: 118 KB, 960x720, 1421888338057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about doing a apprenticeship to become an Event Manager one day.

Anyone have experiences with that sort of work? How stressful is it?

>> No.1139412

work at mcd's for 9/hr. it's fine for now. i'm only 31 and still have plenty of time to get money

>> No.1139420

This is just awful.

>> No.1139423


Where do I sign up to get paid to fuck Korean pussy?

>> No.1139427

you do not make 120k a year as a car salesman. lol.

>> No.1139845

i'm sure that dude doesn't, but i have a client that sells porsches who does over $100k most years

>> No.1140091

Where do they announce the lottery?

>> No.1140255

i set up phony hitman services on the dark web and charge hundreds of bitcoins. you would be surprised how many people buy these things thinking they are legit because they are on tor. have already cleared $500k this year. tax free

>> No.1140265

I steal
Don't ask how.I once made 3K in a day.

>> No.1140271

Have thought about setting something up on tor and was wondering how you advertise it?

>> No.1140277

If you don't want people asking, why the fuck would you bother posting you retarded fucking mongrel?

>Don't ask how
How do you do it you fuck
If you can't answer this question you are of value to no one here and you can kindly delete your post and fuck off

>> No.1140292

Its being answered
I was saying I wont elaborate on how I do it.
Fucking mongo

>> No.1140311

I refuse to believe that people are this stupid

>> No.1140370

How does one get into BI?

>> No.1140395

Right because you're full of shit

>> No.1140400

Work long hours.

Last paycheck stub showed 112 hours.

get at me

>> No.1140403

So basically this entire thread is a validation of the fact that most /biz users are plebs who have little to no money, no market experience and no business experience? Why does anyone listen to any of the advice on this board?

Oh wait they do by buying meme stocks and shitty cryptocurrenices hahahaha

>> No.1140426

How does one prevent others from making money?

>> No.1140430
File: 292 KB, 1604x985, btc2lambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it sucks being a Bitcoin millionaire :(

>> No.1140466


>> No.1140468

You work, faggot

>> No.1140493

I work as a server in a high end restaurant in Chicago. When the check average is around 300-400 you're going home with about 500 easy on a Saturday. And it's piss easy.

>> No.1140668

It says in the document I posted.

>> No.1140672

I bet youre one of those faggots that whines about tips on facebook

>if you can't afford to tip 30%, you shouldnt be eating out!!!!1!1!

>> No.1140678


Not the first time that somebody was super lucky with some stock.

But trying to repeat that success is folly. It's about as likely as winning the lottery.

>> No.1140683

IT specialist 0730-1630. Having a normal job kinda sucks but I get compensated very well.

Pretty funny to see that the new meme field on 4chan is business analyst. It'll be interesting to see what you guys change to once kids start graduating and coming back here to complain.

>> No.1140692

Project management at major bank. I help corporations with their technical setup for their accounts

>> No.1140700

tell them to listen to /biz/

>> No.1141710

entry level data analyst at a university, 21/hour, funneled most (15000) savings into ETH back when the hype started (2.50), and sold today at 14.60.

Anyways, needless to say, I'm very happy lol

>> No.1141740

>a job in the private sector
>contributing to society
>purpose in life
good one senpai

>> No.1141746

except it's not an altcoin ya dumb faggot, if you're so hesitant do the research yourself

>> No.1141824

make £400 a day tech consultant for an investment bank in London. essentially tell them how to update their shit so thin Linux based zero clients can be used. always an easy sell as they are low power citrix certified and more secure than a PC of course. no local data saved etc. fed up with getting out of bed each day need a business. made 2000 on ETH so far but that won't cover a months expenses. need to start mining that shit

>> No.1141829


>> No.1141919

believe or not i dont care, money is rolling in while you sit there being a fatass autistic neet virgin. im not even worried about any of you dipshits trying to compete since this board is full of idiots.

>> No.1141935

How to not get caught?

>> No.1141977 [DELETED] 

Wew lad

>> No.1142170

Go to bars, pick up guys and have them pay me to have sex.

Starts on 50 euros and goes up to over 100 depending on what they want to do. Only "work" twice a week. Usually make around 600 euros a month. It's not much but considering it's stress free and I only do it twice a week it's great. At time when I want more money I just go out some extra days.

I'm a tranny

>> No.1142175

Selling my voluptuous dad body

>> No.1142187

Started out about 10 years ago working as a normal dockworker. I was getting paid really well, though - I started at $16 an hour (with 401k available too).
A friend of mine and his fiance bought a duplex together and started renting out one side of it. I figured it was the time for me to go ahead and buy instead of rent. So I did the same thing, but with a two story house. I refurbed the basement and lived in it and rented out the two apartments on the first floor.

Long story short - I'm still working my 2nd shift, $19.50 paying dock job. But I own four properties around the city being rented out for $7-1000 a month. I've got about $50,000 in my 401k at work. I've got about $45,000 in my IRA. And I budget money to give to Vanguard for them to hustle my money for me. The broker-bro there has been my friend for about 5 years continuously now, and he does what I ask, no questions. Sometimes I tell him to do something I know is a bad idea, and he always respectfully "talks" me out of it. But, I'm diversified - mostly in technology and medicine, but also some other industries. Anyway, I trust him, he helps me avoid taxes, extra commissions, etc.

To answer your question I guess I don't make money like a wizard or by some genius. Anyone can be a millionaire if they aren't retarded. Just keep working, read a little bit, and diversify.

TFW no wife to share my well-furnished, secure lifestyle with and no happy, rambunctious children running around. T.T

>> No.1142223

>TFW no wife
most women devolve to entitled harpies after marriage
>no happy, rambunctious children running around
the tantrums outweigh the happy times by a long shot
remember that the kids will only pay attention to you when something is wrong, the rest of the time they just want to play videogames with their friends

>> No.1142271

These are normal kids, sure.
I was a counselor at a Christian camp for 3 summers and those kids, while not all perfect by a long shot, were well behaved and respectful.
The church I go to also has a ton of kids. I work with the youth group as a volunteer and other than occasional lip, the kids are all pretty good.
And, I grew up with 7 siblings. We were disciplined and actually taught moral absolutes - not the you're-perfect-as-you-are and truth-is-truth-to-you crap most kids have today.

Wife/ Children are just another high risk investment, man. If you're looking for chicks are trashy college parties, bars, clubs, or... I don't know, then yeah, you'll end up having a selfish, feminist, "entitled harpy" after marriage.

I didn't mean to get all preachy on you bro. But don't be so cynical. I've dated good girls, and I was the bad one in the relationship. So I know they are out there.

>> No.1142308

What do you do?

>> No.1142438

do you go to gay bars?

>> No.1142444

No. Regular bars

>> No.1142516

why would a straight dude pay to fuck a tranny?

>> No.1142537

Gay men aren't attracted to us. Most men who like us often identify as straight even if they aren't. From personal experience I would say they are bisexual to some degree, even if they don't acknowledge it.

>> No.1142557

That's my dream job, how did you start?

>> No.1142587

Full time internship, job (4 hours a week), some freelance work, selling HTML themes online and some investing on the side.

>> No.1142589

Is it possible to become a net admin or sys admin by just getting as many certs as possible and not spending thousands on a degree? I don't do well in a classroom setting and I don't want to be stuck in blue collar hell forever.

>> No.1142661


Thinking of opening a business within the next 1-2 years, cause I'm tired of working under people who don't know jack shit about long term investments and goals.

>> No.1142923

Aircraft mechanic.

I'm 25 and entry-level so I only make $23/hr, but I work a lot of overtime. Worked 90.5 hours last week but that was a special circumstance, and it felt like most of that OT/DT money went to the federal government anyway.

>> No.1142963

Are you licensed or an apprentice? I used to be an AME and when I started as an apprentice it was like $17.50/hr, so $23 is pretty good if you are.

>> No.1143260

Thank you

>> No.1143338

>private sector
>less prone to drinking

>> No.1143357

you are a fucking retard. one person can't pull in that revenue farming. he is obviously taking advantage of some wetbacks

>> No.1143613

I have an A&P license (US).

>> No.1143617

I dropped a grand on ethereum a few months ago.

The last few weeks I've made more money overnight off ETH than what I make in one day of work.

>> No.1143737

$9/hr severing ppl/dish washer/cleaner
no tips

>> No.1143959

1% of property value per year.
-MBA CPA guy

>> No.1143969

I flip cars. Actually pretty easy money if you take the time to learn red flags. Bought a Ford 2010 f150 for 6k and sold it for 17k. That's my work for the month.

>> No.1144051


>> No.1144071


except sheet rock looks absolutely nothing like crack cocaine.

next time, use macadamia nuts like a pro.

>> No.1144136

Are you currently in California, 18 but I have related experience

>> No.1144222

I look at Craigslist, find undervalued car, check it out and see if it's not just another pos. Haggle owner for lower price (people have a hard time resisting cash in hand on the spot) usually can get them down 500 to a grand. Then I take vehicle to garage, smoke weed and clean it up, fix interior and replace bad parts. Put it back on Craigslist and usually have it sold in a week. Make sure all paper work on vehicle is clean though, bought a stolen car once and lost 4 grand when I first started so be careful.

I go for trucks because really easy to flip. People really like trucks in my state. I'll even drive to other cities if I find good enough deals.

>> No.1144367

Dont u need dealer liscense after 5 cars. What do you tell people when they notice you only have car for a month

>> No.1144389

Anon, anyone making money as an entrepreneur without private funding is doing something illegal. Accept this and make some money.

>> No.1144433

>so many questions
Where do you fix them? Just in your garage? How much do you own in tools? How good of a mechanic are you?

I've been looking into something like this for a little while, I've some experience in repair, but I'm rusty. I've been in automotive finance for a few years now.

>> No.1144443


Beat source for determining value? Just blue book?

>> No.1144445

I'm an inversionist

>> No.1144488

It's craigslist, people pay in cash. No paperwork no money trail so never had a problem. I give cash to my old man and he transfer money to me so most of my earning just look like my parents spoil me on my bank statement. I live in the country so nobody asks any questions about the cars I have.

I can do 75% of work with just basic tools most people have laying around. Interior work is a bit more complicated but not too bad. Honestly anyone can make money this way. I've been working on cars since I was in middle school so I'm pretty good but I rarely work on the engines of these cars. Learn what to look for before you buy and you won't have to touch the engine. I might write up a guide for this later if I have the time.

Kellys blue book is good but I also visit used dealerships to see what they are asking and I look at other ads. Most places put big ass markups on used cars so they have haggling room so undercutting them is easy.

>> No.1144494

Good for you man, and beat of luck!

>> No.1144539

>Learn what to look for before you buy and you won't have to touch the engine. I might write up a guide for this later if I have the time.
I would love to know what you look for, please do

>> No.1144588

You're a busy motherfucker

>> No.1144639


>> No.1144647

Lol probably forgot he already replied with a made up story

>> No.1144756

>what are public PCs

>> No.1144772

how do you enjoy Finance? i want to do finance and maybe minor/major in International business since i already know french and spanish natively ... problem is, what the fuck can a inter. b. major even do? im starting to feel like Inter.B is a meme. also doesnt help that im going to U of Cincinnati and not a top tier school

>> No.1144776

do you say "inter bee" out loud like that?

>> No.1144795

ETH and Ive got a shitton of RADS waiting to blow up

>> No.1144806

Wage: 100k/year for 45 hr workweeks.
Pension: 11k/year for military pension
Capital Gains/Dividends: Varies, but I have 110k under investment so far.

I'm also paid 2.3k/mo while in class because I'm on the GI bill, but that money is only for the next couple years.

>> No.1144807

fuck no, but IB could also be read as Investment banking

>> No.1144822

Armored robbery, don't have to believe me.

>> No.1144826

i'm the CEO of Deutsche Bank

>> No.1144834

Get a load of this lying faggot. In school full time and earning $100k a year? Sure thing bud.

Whats with all the military posers on this board? I caught some fag the other day saying he was in the army and knew a guy who got a dishonorable for failing a piss test.

>> No.1144836

people paying for sex can't be real?

>> No.1144874

Believe what you want man. IT with a clearance translates pretty well in the job field.

>> No.1144887

Uh huh. And your $11k "pension"? Are we to believe you retired as an E-2 or something?

Nice try, kid, but anyone that actually served can spot these holes easily.

>> No.1144896

At least he changed his IP this time

>> No.1144900

What area.

I do armored security. I don't want to get shot by you.

>> No.1144906

Whats a dapp?

>> No.1144921

Right now most of my income comes from freelance web development services for a few big clients in the financial news niche. Currently charging $120/hour but planning to raise the retainer pricing very soon.

I wanna move away from trading my hours for dollars, so I'm working on a productized service targeting online course creators (particularly disgruntled Udemy instructors).

Oh, and I also sublet out a few rooms in a house that I rent.

>> No.1144946

Fucking wish someone would hire me after interviews.

Being a NEET sucks.

>> No.1145024

i got a International Econ degree w/ Spanish. ...then i went to engineering school cuz no jobs actually exist for this shit degree. ...i'm currently a control engineer co-op. i'll probably get hired @ &70,000

>> No.1145028

Oh, and that International Econ degree was from UK ....1 and 1/2 hours south of you. Run away from this shit future. go to tech/engineering school. the trade as a quant with your programming skillz. ..anyone do anaconda/quantopian/zipline here? i'm trying to learn.

>> No.1145030

UK = University of Kentucky ..in the Commonweatlh of Kentucky. (you other 46 'states' can fuck off)

>> No.1145035

nigger rich

>> No.1145040

A bad excuse

>> No.1145120

All these jealous fuckers are the embodiment of the fox & the grapes.

Congrats bro, glad the risk paid off.

>> No.1145759

>this horrible 'fox and grapes' meme going around recently

get your own fucking analogy, you bore

>> No.1146009

Sucking Sseths dick on the Internet

>> No.1146029

how much money is in sonic oc characters?

it's a growing industry imo

>> No.1146106

Dockworker sounds pretty good.
Too bad I live in a big college town. Not too many jobs outside of bartending and serving.

>> No.1146121

stay and still look for other jobs, this is a no-brainer.

>> No.1146289

sseth if you're there
fuck you
i love you
love: sky tyrone abrahm

>> No.1146571

welcome to the internet

>> No.1146702

no way bro, im in Lexington too

>> No.1146718

Sseth I know youre in here

>> No.1146733

I'm not sure about the whole engineer thing simply because i wanted to do computer hardware engineering but the issue with that is that frankly, the only reason i picked it is because im able to build a computer... im good at other troubleshooting but if i had to rate myself, i'd say im a tad bit more skilled than the retards they hire as IT repair guys. I've been looking at quant finance since im able to do some light programming (i hate any type of complex coding so anything software would end up with me an hero) ive heard that quant is really the only sure way to make 300k+ within 10 years of employment. regardless im leaning towards doing a double major in finance and accounting, getting my MBA from a hopefully more prestigious school and trying to become a financial analyst or something related investments such as investment banking. does this all sound solid or just like a meme?

>> No.1146997


>sure way to make 300k+

Lol, nice double digits though.

>> No.1147282

I'd love to see a guide on this anon, been a wage cuck for some while now and having something like that with malleable hours to add to the roll would be nice.

>> No.1147320

40 hours p/week in IT (sysadmin)

flip servers and shoes in my spare time

>> No.1147790

If he is making as money as he claims to be, why the FUCK would he be using a public PC? The car flipping story sounds good, mostly because it is very possible and realistic. Many 2nd hand dealerships work this way anyway but the "invest in X firm", while a legitimate business model, is just telesales.

Telesales isn't glamourous and is hard work with a high burnout rate. You can make mad money but when you get lied too, hung up on or sworn at every working hour of every working day, something is going to give and all the gold in china won't make up for it.

>> No.1147805

Isn't it just great how almost everyone here is a complete loser either not working or doing a plebby job.

But if you look in other threads, everyone is such specialist and wow intelligent

>> No.1148992

50k per annum working for the world's largest company. No complaints here.

>> No.1149095


>> No.1149114

>that retarded you think he works all 365 days a year

That retarded that you think he makes 200 bucks on every work day.

>> No.1149131

I make more than you, cuck. 9.50/hr at 20.