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11266298 No.11266298 [Reply] [Original]

>monday morning

>> No.11266411

Truly the most comfy time to be a NEET

>wake up at 6am with the sunrise
>don't need an alarm clock because fully rested by that time
>eat breakfast while listening to the birds and enjoy the fresh morning air
>take my time because I don't have to go to work
>all is done by 8am
>at this time the wagecuck is getting ready to leave to work
>I'm ready to start my fully productive day
>let my mind wonder for a bit and contemplate between reading the classics or work on something to improve my NEET lifestyle, improving the lives of others as a consequence
>would you look at that, it's lunch time
>have all the time in the world so prepare a delicious meal
>the wagecuck will eat yesterday's leftovers at the restaurant or cafeteria food
>take a small walk in the park while I absorb my nutritious meal
>see some college girls, they immediately feel attracted because of my childlike wonder with the world and interior peace
>invite one of them to come to dinner, NEETdom allows me to be at the top of my cooking skills
>check on my investments for 1-2 hours
>go buy a new suit
>start getting dinner ready
>she comes to dinner, I'm present in the moment because of my amazing day
>she is immediatly attracted and we end up fucking for about 1-2 hours
>tell her I need to be well rested for tomorrow and so she has to leave. Since every day is bliss I need to enjoy every hour of the sun
>do it all again tomorrow

It feels good being a NEET

>> No.11266469

Jokes on you. Still in bed. Hit snooze for the 5th time.

>> No.11266479
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>> No.11266484

Morning boss how was your weekend!

>> No.11266523

24 yo here and unironcially find a sense of meaning working hard

>> No.11266688


larping pseudo-neets are shitposting from work

meanwhile real neets

are too depressed to wake up

>> No.11266720
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How does someone actually become a NEET? I’ve been considering using the FHA loan - improve -refininance - buy more properties Jew spell. I could, in theory do this quite a few times. I live in a small town that’s growing fairly rapidly. Will this be my ticket to NEETdom, lads?

>> No.11266727

i dont wanna work this week

>> No.11266728

This is so far removed from the reality of being a NEET it's not even funny.

>> No.11266738

Actually yes. If you live in a rapidly developing area you might either be able to flip land for quite a bit of profit or invest more, build housing and cash in on rent.
Use 30% of what the rent would net you as reserve tho, because repairs and maintenance needs to be done.

>> No.11266759
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>tfw no jew family to inherit money from
>tfw have to leave for work soon
>tfw I hate pretty much everyone at work and live a lie all week
>tfw after work and gym/chores there's only about 2 hours left to enjoy the day
>tfw spending the best decade of my life as a wagie

>> No.11266790

This is why poor people shouldn't reproduce. You're condemning your offspring to a lifetime of servitude via wagecucking

>> No.11266813


That was funny except on cooking and checking on investments and the walk in the park other ways

What bothers me is the comparison with other people because that's so high school mentality some people never get past that

Speaking of other people, misanthropy is another topic

>> No.11266829

>be NEET
>wake up at 3PM
>drag tired ass to kitchen and eat toast
>sit 16 hours in front of computer shitposting and trading crypto
>no friends, no gf
>still virgin
>know that wagecucking is worse than this neet thing
>only way out is suicide or make it so I can prolong neet life to old age

>> No.11266853

gotta love 4chan, been on this website since the beginning, 2003

makes me wonder how many people really took their own lives

disclaimer if you need help ask for help because it takes greater strength to know when you need help than not talking about it

>> No.11266914


now an actual depiction

>sleeping cycle is all fucked up because waking up/going to sleep whenever
>wake up at 1am
>it's dark outside, house dark also, all quiet
>brain doesnt know what the fuck
>get up all groggy
>have to make breakfast in complete silence or else parents will wake up
>do it as quiet as possible
>mommy wakes up anyway
>starts yelling at me for being a useless neet
>eat breakfast in my room
>no one to play vidya with, everyone is asleep
>oh well, guess i'll fap
>have rash on penis from fapping too much, have to take some time off to let it heal
>pain fap anyone, as nothing else to do
>have shitty old monitor that doesnt show red color for some reason
>no money to buy a new one
>it's ok, already got used to fapping to blue roasties
>do this around three times all through the night
>morning finally, people waking up
>friends have to go to work so cant play with me still
>go to sleep around 5pm just as friends start coming back from work
>wake up at around 1:30am
>start over again

>> No.11267227
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This, one of my old friends I no longer talk to is a useless neet for almost 5 years, massive HELP debt of about 100k, hasnt had job for 5 years and literally lives his life like this. No money, lives in a crowded share house as big as my apartment with about 5 other people.

I would much prefer wage-cucking it than being on literally 12K a year AUD as opposed to 36K After tax

>> No.11267234


>> No.11267304
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>Monday morning

>> No.11267321
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>> No.11267349

my workweek starts on saturday so today is wednesday for me. i don't want to go back.

>> No.11267557

as a neet i can confirm this to be 100% true

>> No.11267569


damn. there really is nothing more dignified than being a neet, is there? they are kings among us

>> No.11267648
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Ragie, wagie go to sleep
Your job you better keep
Earn Mr. Noseberg's praise
Someday you might get a raise
So quit this pointless cope
In the end you'll tie a rope

>> No.11267665
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How did we get here? How did I end up a slave? It can't end like this

>> No.11267925

Sounds comfy. Sitting here sipping some green tea, while reading the free PDF version of Ray Dalio's new book: A Template for Understanding Big Debt Crises.

Will probably work out in my homegym after I finish reading part 1, and then go visit my grandma. She makes the best cookies. After that, who knows I got the whole day ahead of me, after reading/lifting.

>> No.11267929

Wagecucks kek

>> No.11268160

Reality of being a crypto NEET that made is big:
>Wake up at noon hungover, but only slightly hungover because i dont drink liquor that costs less than $40 a bottle.
>Get up, shower, etc. Decide whether or not to workout a little at home today or do my full workout at the gym with my hot personal trainer.
>Decide to go to the gym. Go outside and get into the Nissan GT-R that i bought with my gains.
>The car is manual transmission, but i bought it even though I've never driven stick shift.
>Consider selling GT-R because im too bitch to learn stick.
>after workout, come home and run a nice hot bath complete with aroma therapy candles.
>Crack open a bottle of champagne to enjoy during the bath.
>After the bath, basically lay around planning trips to Europe.
>Consider taking up a new hobby or learning a new skill but too lazy. I keep telling myself "tomorrow I'll do that".
> It's only 6pm. We pick a new 4-star restaurant we haven't eaten at yet and decide to order a delicious meal.
>Afterward, go out all night to nice bars with NEET friend to find roasties to fuck.
>Have tried several times to find love but always end up in 3 month relationships with gold digging whores.
>next day: basically do the same thing all over again and wait for the weekend when i can hang with the few wagecuck friends i still have that aren't salty about me making it.

Its not all it's cracked up to be, but i definitely take it over wagekeking any day.

>> No.11268326
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>Nissan GTR
>manual transmission

If this is going to be such a prominent detail in your LARP, you could have at least done a little research. 30 seconds of googling would have revealed to you they do not come with stick shift.

>> No.11268345

Candles are for fags

>> No.11268349
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There is a way out.

>> No.11268380
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Whats so hard about putting a stick in your car?

>> No.11268392
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50k enough?

>> No.11268403

>1 post by this ID
Literally everytime this type of thread is made.

>> No.11268409
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>tell her I need to be well rested for tomorrow and so she has to leave. Since every day is bliss I need to enjoy every hour of the sun


>> No.11268424
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>> No.11268551
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>spends 50k on car
>spend further 80k on replacing gearbox, drivetrain, interior and electronics

Yeah probably not going to happen.