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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11265785 No.11265785 [Reply] [Original]

Still the best cryptocurrency.

>> No.11265806
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Even after all these years, not one single cryptocurrency even comes close to beating ETH.

>made bitcoin obsolete
>created the crypto boom
>killed all the Chinese Ethereums and “ETH killers” Kek
>still number 1 most devs and most used blockchain by a factor of 100


>> No.11265849

Dubs prove it

>> No.11265871

Don’t need dubs to prove the already proven.

Ethereum is the best cryptocurrency by a country mile STILL!

Nothing even comes close! The whole of crypto is basically built on it. The economies of places like Malta and Taiwan DEPEND on it! It’s partnered with Austria and the United fucking Nations! XRP pays bill Clinton to talk but Ethereum gets invited by PUTIN to talk.

It’s on a whole other level from all that trash! Eos is a piece of utter shit compared to Ethereum

>> No.11265885

>Ethereum is the best cryptocurrency by a country mile STILL!

Name me one good dapp I can use that isn't gambling.

>> No.11265907

Maker DAO

>> No.11265911


>> No.11265915

EOS has that too. In fact this is basically EOS isn't it?


EOS does this far better and faster.

>> No.11265916

only dapps that that flout regulations are in real demand.
DEX (ethfinex trustless, etherdelta, idex) - no kyc
gambling - no kyc, anonymity
maker dao - dollar stablecoin with no risk of getting locked

A dapp that allows people to evade laws is likely to be in demand.
A dapp that has a fully legal and working centralized equivalent is likely to find no use except, at best, temporary hype

>> No.11265922

The ability to create ERC20s such as BNB and TRX

>> No.11265925

>this is basically eos

No. No it really can’t be compared to eos

>> No.11265930

>only dapps that that flout regulations are in real demand.
>DEX (ethfinex trustless, etherdelta, idex) - no kyc
>gambling - no kyc, anonymity
>maker dao - dollar stablecoin with no risk of getting locked
> The ability to create ERC20s such as BNB and TRX

All of these things are on EOS though. And all of those things are arguably faster and better. No transaction fees. Governance is part of the package deal. Already functional.


>> No.11265932

Golem, digixdao, loom

>> No.11265933


>> No.11265937

“Governance” ie. being governed by a bunch of weird nerds making up the law as they go along is basically all eos is.

I’ve tried EOS it’s broken and shit.

>> No.11265939

>dollar stablecoin with no risk of getting locked
that's impossible on eos and you know it
>Governance is part of the package deal
governance and 21 nodes by definition preclude any illegal use

>> No.11265941

Maybe we should start a tiananmen incident dapp on eos and see if the 47% of brock producers that are chinese do anything about it

>> No.11265950

Show me one token based on eos that’s in the top 100 on coinmarketcap

>> No.11265954

>No. No it really can’t be compared to eos

Most of the same stuff is already part of the EOS ecosystem in some way. I mean maybe not specific features but EOS.

> Golem, digixdao, loom

EOS does all of that in one coin. No need for a second layer.

> currency

You got me there. Immutable layer 1 is the only thing I can actually think of. But Monero is still probably better.

> “Governance” ie. being governed by a bunch of weird nerds making up the law as they go along is basically all eos is.

Oh please its the same shit on any coin with governance.

> that's impossible on eos and you know it

I wont say its 100% possible on ETH either but its probably more reliable. However it also ends up being super slow and has massive transaction fees making it unusable for small purchases ect.

> governance and 21 nodes by definition preclude any illegal use

So we immutable but slow currency. Dapps that sell illegal stuff. I can buy those arguments.

> Maybe we should start a tiananmen incident dapp on eos and see if the 47% of brock producers that are chinese do anything about it

Yes please. Actually there is a dapp on EOS called Novusphere with anon posting functionality. Go full fucking /poll/ please.

>> No.11265958

I was thinking about posting falun gong propaganda in Chinese actually

>> No.11265961

Go and write all about the tian An men incident on it then. Let’s see what happens

>> No.11265962

>Terms related to Falun Gong are among the most heavily censored topics on the Chinese Internet,[89] and individuals found downloading or circulating information online about Falun Gong risk imprisonment.
wonder what would Chinese BP do...

>> No.11265966

>Show me one token based on eos that’s in the top 100 on coinmarketcap

Tokens on EOS suck ass. ERC20 is arguably better. However its hard to say that because the free and fast transactions are really good.

>> No.11265967

>Dapps that sell illegal stuff. I can buy those arguments.
Dapps that are fully legal don't have to be dapps and work much better centralized.

>> No.11265968

Write about taiwanese independence, Tibet separation Uighur suppression tiananmen incident and Falun Gong. Also write Xi Jinping is Winnie the Pooh and communism sucks

>> No.11265972

It all would have to be in Chinese though, we would need a Chinese anon to find good materials.
I don't think they are going to care about english stuff

>> No.11265973

It’s not free you moron it’s paid for with inflation

>> No.11265974

>Dapps that are fully legal don't have to be dapps and work much better centralized.

Not true because the method of making money is different in the cryptosphere. You have new ways to do microtransactions.

> Go and write all about the tian An men incident on it then. Let’s see what happens

I dont personally know enough about the topic. But something like this is the strength of 4chan I imagine.

>> No.11265975

习近平是Winnie the pooh

>> No.11265976

will forever be in the shadow of bitcoin as a currency though. crypto"currency" doesn't need tech, it needs social scalability, which only bitcoin has.

ethereum will be the only smart contract platform to matter long term though.

>> No.11265979

>It’s not free you moron it’s paid for with inflation

Doesnt matter. End user can enjoy posting on social media and be paid for their efforts. Likewise they can play games that pay them to play the game.

>> No.11265984

Lol wat. You have to hold a shitload of ever inflating eos to be allowed to participate.

>> No.11265989

That's how the coin goes up in value. Nothing is free man. A business is a business.

>> No.11265991

>the coin goes up in value
>due to inflation

The logic of a eos fanboy

>> No.11266003

>The logic of a eos fanboy

If more people are holding and staking the coin then the fewer coins are out there. End user UX experience is superior and money is still paid per transaction in a roundabout way. The ecosystem becomes more popular due to better user experience. More people buy and stake the coin.

Its a different method of running a company. Your other option is Etheremon where you charge 3 dollars to begin a fight. Ill take the inflation solution personally.

>> No.11266011
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>he’s never looked at the price chart of 99% of proof of stake coins

>> No.11266018

>running a company

Bitch get out of crypto

>> No.11266030
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>he still doesn't know

>> No.11266042

Another coin built on the Ethereum blockchain. You’re welcome.

>> No.11266049

>Bitch get out of crypto

Got it, nobody should be running a company with Ethereum. Strong argument anon.

>>he’s never looked at the price chart of 99% of proof of stake coins

If your coin is not at the cap then its effectively inflationary as well. Mining ETH still introduces new coins. Until its not doing this I don't understand how this makes any sense at all.

>> No.11266060

I know, I wasn't trying to bash Ethereum, it's an absolutely great platform. I just don't think that ETH itself will excel as a currency once it's a PoS coin that will be endlessly distributed to holders for no effort. If you believe in Ethereum, then it would be wise to hold at least a few hundred just in case, they're like half a dollar or something at the moment.

>> No.11266100

I know. I know. Keep shilling

>> No.11266112

It's not like I'm trying to sell you some Chinese ICO, man. I honestly don't understand how Ethereum maximalists aren't all over this thing yet - it ties in very well with the view of Ethereum as a whole ecosystem of its own.

>> No.11266164
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>> No.11266301

I know faggot there’s no need to tell me. I already own some

>> No.11266310

sorry retard, misread the sentiment of your post

>> No.11266327

You know how Trump occasionally tweets "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" randomly?

I'm pretty sure he uses the change in likes and retweets over time to measure his approval rating and supporter enthusiasm. A free poll.

I bet shitposting "Name me one good dapp I can use that isn't gambling." in random /biz/ ETH threads and tracking the (You)s over time can serve the same kind of purpose.

>> No.11266333

double digit shitcoin
is the tallest midget

xrp still scores

>> No.11266355
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Vitalik fucked up by questioning the power of the Rothschilds, Baron Jacob will not take this one lightly.

>> No.11266359

still the best bullshit incredibly overpriced bubble tulip level platform only used for scammy ICO, kitties and Ponzi games with no real usecase

>> No.11266367

based and blackpilled, kek

>> No.11266370
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Vitalik also outed himself as primitive baboon by endorsing ass over tits.

>> No.11266375

he called eliezer yudkowsky 'jewish cuck' recently.

>> No.11266377

shut it down

>> No.11266386

The best thing I found out of all of this was an immutable stable coin with shitty transaction fees and slow transaction times. So you have that going for ya.

>> No.11266419

First half of the growth pattern. You need the function decentralized (money, private money, stabilized money, gambling, ad revenue), then the current centralized solutions to break in some way.

Just need ETH scaling and a baseline ecosystem of developers and documentation to take advantage of those 1/1000 success stories.

>> No.11266516

> then the current centralized solutions to break in some way.

What if they dont break. What if we realize that if a shitcoin like XRP gets the job done just fine and we never ever actually see a need for more decentralization? I mean everyone is so convinced that its an all or nothing game of cat and mouse. I'm not seeing it though. The only thing I am seeing is some desperate bag holders trying to sell me a second layer solution which is arguably worse than just using XRP in the first place.

I mean this shit applies to both BTC and ETH equally. I smell copious amounts of bullshit surrounding all of this. A major red flag with this is that I am being sold some mental gymnastics to solve a problem that doesn't exist and in practice probably never will. This fucking pursuit of perfection is one of the worst traits a human being can ever have. Its an autism circle jerk at best.

>> No.11266711

XRP is useless

>> No.11266763

>What if they dont break
I see you don't understand what's happening. The us government was in habit of destroying all unregulated payment solutions, like liberty dollar
At some point - too late - they looked at bitcoin and realized it's very hard to take down.
So they did the only smart thing: they stopped destroying centralized solutions.
The idea is that if decentralized networks become small enough they can then be destroyed. As long as they aren't, centralized solutions are left as bait.

>> No.11266837

>XRP is useless

So is 15 transactions per second in the dapp space.

> Your Honda Civic should have bullet proof glass just in case otherwise the car is useless. Buy my bullet proof Honda Civic windows anon.


Look I get it, big scary government. But this isn't about pragmatic solutions for trust less technology. Its a buy my useless bags because I am an ideologue with a tinfoil hat who thinks the government is going to somehow swoop in and freeze peoples EOS. That will never happen.

If we ever do see this kind of shit start going down then maybe. But I don't think the government can handle any of this shit let alone Monero. Your definition of centrality is something you made up in your head. Your lack of sanity isn't going to make your bags any less heavy anons. Nobody is buying your bullshit. All of this is bullshit. If you think XRP is useless than low and behold LOOM is too by that logic. Nobody should use any coins for anything ultimately!

>> No.11266970

No it's not you idiot, EOS can't have what Maker provides, by design. EOS can't have real DAOs and everyone who can read knows that.

>> No.11266984

Just copy-paste the wikipedia article

>> No.11267004
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You seem clued up about ETh what is the scaling issue everybody keeps talking about?

>> No.11267022

> Its not real because I said so.

>Just copy-paste the wikipedia article

> A well-known example, intended for venture capital funding, was The DAO, which launched with $150 million in crowdfunding in June 2016, and was immediately hacked and drained of US$50 million in cryptocurrency.[7] This hack was reversed in the following weeks, and the money restored, via a hard fork of the Ethereum blockchain. This decentralized bailout was made possible by a majority vote of the Ethereum community.[8]

Cant have a DAO if the shit falls apart because of one bug. EOS is a better example of a coin that can have a functional DAO. Provided we can suddenly live in a world without bugs or mistakes.

>> No.11267083

The only thing that makes a DOA revolutionary is the decentralized governance. If it can't have that it's worthless, and it can't if it's on EOS.

>> No.11267108

>The only thing that makes a DOA revolutionary is the decentralized governance. If it can't have that it's worthless, and it can't if it's on EOS.

First of all EOS is decentralized and its the only way you are ever getting a DAO that isn't going to completely crash after one hack. You are trapped believing the impossible is possible. Its extremely risky to run super complex dapps without any way to deal with bugs.

>> No.11267121

EOS isn't decentralized, exchanges are selling votes to whoever wants to be a BP and also vote for eachother. It's been exposed a basically Huobi, Bitfinex (which is block.one) and block.one chose who gets to be a BP or not and have full control over the network, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.
EOS is doomed to fail because dPOS is shit.

>> No.11267137

> EOS is doomed to fail because dPOS is shit.
Welcome to the technology. You either do this way or you don't do anything at all. You will never get complex dapps to work without governance. The best governance is open governance.

> This decentralized bailout was made possible by a majority vote of the Ethereum community.[8]

Much better than this secret shadow governance shit ETH has.

Its either this way or the highway either way.

>> No.11267171

The world doesn't work like Manichaean tales. Are you american? You should know that there are more than two ways of doing things.
You'll see, these type of """decentralized networks""" with centralized governance has been tried many times and always failed.

>> No.11267177

And EOS governance isn't open AT ALL, it's the absolute opposite. Exchanges and block.one can do whatever they want and no one gets to have any say in it.

>> No.11267202

>The world doesn't work like Manichaean tales. Are you american? You should know that there are more than two ways of doing things.
>You'll see, these type of """decentralized networks""" with centralized governance has been tried many times and always failed.

Then we are fucked. Because you will never get anything of reasonable complexity to be 100% bug free. Its flat out never going to happen. You need ways to fix problems as they come up. That is a harsh brutal unignorable reality.

And anyone who has the power to fix those bugs is essentially governing the DAO. And thus by your logic, its not a real DAO anymore.

>> No.11267223


>> No.11267245


>> No.11267250

True DAOs right now are a wet dream. Maybe it'll happen in the future, and K believe it will once Ethereum is mature, but right now it's not doable.
Institutions re going to use distributed private ledgers (with decentralized oracles) that they agree upon using between themselves, probably as members of some kind of consortium.

>> No.11267254

Maybe we need AI or some shit to make this work... For now though governance is needed. And governance is always a shit show. EOS is just showing us how annoying this shit is always going to be.

>> No.11267265

hmm yeah, I would love to see something like that play out for sure.

>> No.11267300

/biz/ thinking ETH is dead is how I know this place is filled with retarded Decemberfags.

>> No.11267453

It's not dead, it just never really became alive yet.

>> No.11267477

I first bought eth at $6

I've bought / sold a lot since then, unfortunately had also bought around $600-800

Currently have 80 Eth

>> No.11267488

The only money left to be made in eth is to trade the dead cat bounce from $50 to $100 for an easy 2x.
After that its 0.

>> No.11267601


eth back to 0.1 btc in no time

>> No.11267732

Still number one crypto.

>> No.11268138


>> No.11268247

ethereum will implode

>> No.11268290


>> No.11268340

No it wont