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11263787 No.11263787[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I feel so fucking far behind literally everyone and even people like a decade younger than me. I'm 23, still a virgin, have no friends, basically no experiences. At least I'll finish with a decent degree this year (assuming I don't fail out) but that's all I'll have.

Kids at like 15 have more sexual experience than me, more social experiences, more memories, probably more wisdom than me. I worked this summer with people older than me, and yes, while they were stuck in a factory, I envied them so much. When they were my age they had a kid or two, had friends, had spent their teens partying and making memories. They were ready to move on by the time they hit my age, meanwhile I haven't even started anything. I know they probably wish the roles were reversed and they were the college student with a higher earning capacity, but they don't realize how disgusting my life is and how much I envied them. I literally envied hispanic immigrant and second generation factory workers, that's how far I've sunken in life.

I feel like the lowest scum on earth and would trade lives with almost anyone. Everyone my age is more successful than me, everyone younger than me has way more life experience, everyone older than me is more mature and has meaningful lives. I fucked up big time.

>> No.11263807

Don't worry anon, I'm 24 and a kissless virgin, literally never even touched a girl before.

>> No.11263813
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Áre you me? Except I don't work. Gonna turn 24 in two weeks....

>> No.11263814

Yeah desu that sounds fucking terrible. The only thing you can do is turn it around by being a more social person, but they say your life is defined by how you live it in your 20s, so start now, or prepare for misery.

Btw I lost my virginity at 15 and continued having consistent sex until 27, it slows down if you dont continue seeking out relationships and being social.

>> No.11263818

Yep, never been touched either and likely never will. I bet you at least have some friends.

>> No.11263824

You could try this lad https://www.selfauthoring.com/
There's good evidence for its efficacy

>> No.11263832
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23 is still young, but you'll want to get on track over the next couple years. Set goals now, and work towards them everyday. That way you won't regret wasting your twenties when you're 30. Don't delay, start today.

t. 30 year old boomer.

>> No.11263870


>I feel so fucking far behind literally everyone and even people like a decade younger than me. I'm 23

This is where I stopped reading. Stop with the FOMO shit you're still young. Your real problem is you care too much about what other people think of your virginity etc. I don't exactly know how to fix it but you need to get into a mindset where even the stigma of being a 40 year old virgin wouldn't bother you (notice that there's a difference in what bothers YOU personally and what bothers you because of peer pressure, there's your problem). You need to figure out what YOU want out of life not what you think other people think you SHOULD want out of life.

t. 30 year old boomer

>> No.11263919

I don't have any friends actually. I just go to work and go home.

>> No.11264104

You are completely deluded

>> No.11264134

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.11264168


>> No.11264223

Well he seems to think literally everyone is living some beautiful perfect life and he's the only snowflake who fell off the rails. But look, things go wrong all the time in life. You could be having sex, and the bitch regrets it a week later and accuses you of rape and your life is ruined. You could be partying, having fun and "making memories" and you drink too much and black out and get raped, or die of alcohol poisoning. Or in an intoxicated state you could decide to fight and accidentally kill someone, or drive drunk and kill yourself or others. It goes on and on and on. You could be healthy as a horse and wake up tomorrow and have cancer. You could have a kid at any age and it could come out autistic, retarded, sick or whatever.

OP is just looking at a few examples and generalizing it to everybody. Life is too complex. Someone could be the guy who is a virgin and never made any memories as a teen and live an awesome exciting life later.

>> No.11264361

wrong place to post this OP.

nothing wrong with being a hispanic immigrant or second generation, so don't view them as subhuman you degen filfth.

but now that I have your attention, get off social media if you haven't and stop looking at porn. You're 23 and in a factory so I'm going to assume you have no profitable skills. Assuming your degree is not STEM or finance and you are failing, start building up your charisma and get a makeover. Make it a mission to talk to 5 people a day. Move that number up by 1 everyday. Apply for sales job and gtfo of the factory. Make sure its a good company with upwards movement. Within 3 years, especially if it's tech sales, you'll be making 6 figures. Reinvest what you save into assets that can grow (real estate, stocks, art, etc.) In that time, look for meaningful experiences, pick up reading and/or meditation and go travel once every 6 months, 3 if you can afford it. In this plan, you should improve significantly in your confidence and outlook

>> No.11264372

life is funny. id trade all the sex i ever had, muh "social circle" aka fake faggot friends and muh memories which i dont even have cause of alcohol for a solid degree

i dont even have a high school diploma. i dont even know how to hold a pen anymore, i get headaches after reading a page or 2.

tldr grass is always greener anon. friends and females are a fucking meme, only family and biz counts. good luck

>> No.11264418
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Shut the fuck up you lovable piece of shit

You are gonna fucking make it, there are no regrets because memories are a fabrication of your mind which are positive or negative depending on your perception of them which you can fucking change, fucking go to Mexico or volunteer at a homeless shelter or hug a random passerby on the street. Life is too short for your foolishness. Your life is your life so take ownership and drop some shrooms. Like a lot of shrooms

>> No.11264955
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If it make you feel any better, Anon. I'm 25, still in school, and still lost in life. I've been working at the same fast food place for 8 years and I've never been promoted to manager. I've never had a kiss or has sex with a girl. Its been almost 4 years since I've even had a hug from a women that isn't family.

I'm trying to get ahead in life, but damn its fucking brutal.

>> No.11265008
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Lol can't relate loser
>tfw lost my virginity at 12 years old to a 200 lb black homeless woman who called me her "little massa"

>> No.11265031
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That is such a weird concept to me. People having sex. Like, I can’t imagine myself having sex with a woman. How far gone am I boys? I’m 24.

>> No.11265049

U don’t want friends

>> No.11265060

>she was the only person who truly understood who i was

>> No.11265080
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Just do what I did and stop caring bro.
I've been working out, getting fit, and making money. Women give me attention now and then but I mostly just brush it off until I've finished getting fit as fuck.
t. self-made sociopath

>> No.11265114
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>be me 28
>see old friends from elementary and highschool
>theyre all married or have kids
>have nice cars, houses, jobs, go on trips, always out doing things
>be me
>always fail whenever i move out
>living at home again
>shitty job
>no place of my own
>car with 100k miles on it
>barely any furniture to my name
>no savings

fucking kill me

>> No.11265187

Like anything else in life that's truly worth pursuing, it takes work.
Theres no cheap way out. Learn persuasion, biology between male and female and always be failing.

Find a way to gradually improve yourself in socializing and it's weird because you won't make any progress for a long time but then you just kind of look back and you're somewhat excited about how much you've improved, and you can get really pumped at how far you can go in the future.

>> No.11265220

Everyone moves at their own speed. Don't worry about what everyone else is doing. They unironically don't matter

>> No.11265439

gay boomer advice

>> No.11265476

gay boomer advice

>> No.11265537

I had 5-6 different girls since i lost my virginity at 15 all long term but i still feel a bit like you like im behind on a lot of stuff.
It never ends maybe its the social media conditioning paired with the fact that social interaction gets more rare in general.

>> No.11265540

Maybe you're just ugly OP.

>> No.11265546

gay boomer advice

>> No.11265549

I'm introverted af and hate people but I'm good looking so I actually somehow randomly acquired thousands of followers and people chase after me while I stay in my room playing videogames and hating them all.
My dogs are my best friends.

Have thousands of bitches chasing me and I'd rather be single and go to sleep alone in my comfy bed.

Feels good though.

>> No.11265561

Tbh i cant name 1 good looking streamer or youtube eycept pewdiepie. Your perception might be skewed

>> No.11265565

don't worry about it faggot

>> No.11265566

OP just stop caring so much, its really not that difficult

just pick a thing you want to do and do it and stop caring

its all there is to it

its all in your head

Ive been in a similar position as you and even worse, my family kicked me out and I've been homeless, literally sleeping in the park. I've been ill and alone, people have tough shit every day

dont be a faggot

also adult men dont have friends

get a dog

>> No.11265573


not a streamer or youtuber. Stopped social media between age 16-24 due to serious relationship. Not even FB. >>>> break up >>> Make FB >>>>> get 5,000 friend requests in a week (no joke) >>> become super popular because of my looks.

I haven't taken a photo or uploaded one in around half a year or keep it up because I'd rather play dead by daylight.

>>>> rank 1 killer.


>> No.11265576

>I fucked up big time.
what did you do?

>> No.11265605

28 years old boomer here. I unironically lost my virginity at the age of 28 exactly one year ago to a Tinder match.
Since then I've slept with 3 more different women and now I have a girlfriend.
Living on rent for 10th consecutive year, working as an IT support, 7k EUR into savings, 3k EUR into crypto and unironically i am doing better than 80% of the population.

if I was 23 I would worry about a thing tbf

>> No.11265612


>> No.11265624

I never lived

>> No.11265668

Why do you care if you've "lived"?
Your life is not important.
When you die it will be like this world never existed.
Everything you know happened inside your head.
When you head dies. Those synapses disappear. The world is contained within those synapses. The world will disappear when you die.
You will be forgotten. So will everyone else.
Now stop moping about it.
Do something radical, let someone urinate in your mouth or something, maybe that will wake you up from your sorry ass attitude.

>> No.11265714

underrated post, take this boomer's advice, OP.

>> No.11265724


>> No.11265734

This thread is so fucking sad. You should be having sexual experiences by 15 at the latest. And at least had 1 or 2 gfs by 18. If you havent then you need to get started buddy it will only get harder over time. Get out there and grab them by the pussy. Be an alpha male(even if u beta as fuck(alcohol helps)). Bitches will flock. Good luck anons.

>> No.11265757

why does it matter how many sexual experiences that you've had in the past? I don't understand why it matters. You tell him to not give a fuck, yet at the same time you tell him to give a fuck? That's a mixed message.

The truth is. Sexual experiences matter only when you have them and a few days afterwards maybe. Then you forget about it, so who cares?

A relationship only matters while it lasts and a few months afterwards. Then you forget about it, so who cares?

Nothing matters. Get this idea in your head and you will feel more free than any of the so called "alphas".

>> No.11265787

same here. my life experiences have been so emotionally damaging to my self-esteem that i swore myself off of any chance with females. And now after all these years I dont even want it anymore. In highschool I would have given anything for a pretty girl that loved me and now I dont even want it. I dont know if its a testosterone issue or if its in my head - i hope its in my head and something I can fix but either way my life is a disaster. I had all the tools to be an incredible person and I failed entirely, Always thought I would just an hero by the time I hit 18 but here I am

>> No.11265809

Have you looked into NoFap? I swear just give it a chance (what do you have to lose?)


This is not about morality or banning porn. It’s about how you carry yourself, how you perceive yourself compared to others. It’s about confidence. It’s about actually doing something with your life.

Give it a chance

>> No.11265817

>you need to have had this amount of partners by this age

t. npc who can’t think for himself

>> No.11265818

Thank fucking god I am not in your guys predicament.

>> No.11265835

dude you need to realize that there is nothing wrong with you...
stop putting yourself down
and stop putting yourself down for putting yourself down....
and stop putting yourself down for putting yourself down for putting yourself down....
and stop putting yourself down for putting yourself down for putting yourself down for putting yourself down....

>> No.11265839

lol im 28 bald no degree no job about 30k in depreciating posessions.

i got my fair share of pussy when i was younger but that means literally jack to me now. its all in the future dude,

>> No.11265855

theres a lot i need to do. thanks anyway bro

>> No.11266205

It doesn't matter if he manages to be a normal human being around other people. Fact is though that most awkward virgins who lack social experiences are a pain to deal with. Good luck with your degree OP, remember it's just a paper and people judge you for who you are, not for what grades you got in school.

>> No.11266232

>I'm 23
Stopped reading there. You're 23 kid, life has just begun.

>> No.11266265
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>28yo touchless kissless virgin
>never had any friends
>barely finished highschool
>NEET since 17
>live in parents basement
>never been to a party
>only remember playing videogames in my youth

only good I have going for me is that I have like 50k chainlinks tokens

>> No.11266415

take LSD, OP, believe me.

>> No.11266422
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believe the power of the psychedelics
believe in non violence
you will be in the 1%
lack of self esteem is a good trait
the fear of the lord is the beginning of all wisdom

>> No.11266424

Do not worry so much. I had fun during my teens and 20s, and focused in my ambitions. Best I can say is keep the debit low, stop admiring losers. Because when you hit 34 your gonna thank your kek god that you gave yourself and option. Best for you right now is cheap trips to Asia, stay at a hostle, fucking talk to people. Fuck being shy. You will find someone your age DTF...some romance and wild parties. I did this and always fell in love with some cool chick from another country. Or if you cannot get it going. Meet a girl in asia via tinder, or of thst fails buy some fun. You will be alright.

>> No.11266434

he must take LSD

>> No.11266461

So do something about it.

>> No.11266463

taking LSD

>> No.11266487

gay boomer advice

>> No.11266925

Reported and sage you little retard, go kill yourself for real

>> No.11266937

>had spent their teens partying
and that is good because...?

>> No.11267726

me too anon

>> No.11267738

Had it all
Made me dead inside
Now I'm a part time criminal and crypto speculator
Never felt more alive. Fuck social live

>> No.11268197

yeah these guys dont understand how damaging masturbation and pornography really is, shame

>> No.11268271

You're not the lowest scum on earth anon, you're primed ready for any girl. You want any slut to suck that dick? No. Because you're worth more than the average whore. Now get out there and find a wife whos worthy of you.

>> No.11268607

Im a 25 y/o kissless virgin, 6/10 at best in looks, collegue dropout, third worlder trying to move out, whit only 35$ in thether to his name, i'll be in debt when i do get out and am also anchored to my mother because my dad is a hillbilly wearing a top-cunt cap

On the other hand i learned english by myself, can cook, have grown my own fruits, skinned a iguana i catch myself the other day, can do gardening, etc..

Just go for a walk you sad cunts, and visit /fit/ too, not to get swole, but to get emotionaly swole. It helps.

>> No.11269247

I'm 23 khhv too. I've had a few hugs and possible chances but I really don't know if they were just being nice or not. Also don't have friends, hobbies or a social life mostly because of a combination of schizoid and avoidant personality traits.

On the plus I have a reasonably respectable job that keeps me comfy. I don't really have an answer for you but my plan at the moment is to just maintain good habits, in terms of eating, working out, reading, making an effort to socialise etc and hopefully things will work out. That's all you can do.

>> No.11269326

It's ok anon, that's how our evil society wants people to feel: "not good enough."

Pro Tip: Don't compare yourself to others, because unless you are #1 IN THE WORLD WOOOOOO then there will always be people (((better))) than you.

Try to set your own values and your own course. It will feel much better.

t. 25 but feel 80

>> No.11269826

boomer gay advice

>> No.11270021

>desire to be a normie

I'm normie presenting but I know I am Superior to most other people in mindset and intelligence

>> No.11270088
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>wanting to have sex

Every time you want to have sex just jerk off and watch how quickly that desire goes away. Bachelor alpha life is best life. Don't define yourself on how many moist holes you stick your probe into.

Do things for yourself and be happy, don't give a shit what 99% of people think because they are below you.

Also falling for the pink jew meme is plebian tier, why would you want to risk being accused of sexual assualt, expose yourself to petty drama, and potentially lose half your income or more.

The only reason to fall for the sex meme is if you both contribute to each other's success. Unironically get a really close buddy or two as roommate and live your financial lives supporting each other until you find a female worthy of your seed to start a family with.

Seriously though, there is nothing desireable about being a normie, labourer, who has children and other plebian responsibilities. If your real endgame is finding a mate, improve yourself perpetually and eventually one will come that suits you. Improving yourself and your life is literally like a video game bro.

>> No.11270152

Can you give some more details about what you think is stopping you from doing the things you want to do?

>> No.11270196

Sex is awesome though. All the fags here saying "ur hand is better xD" have clearly never made a woman scream with your penis alone as you both expel fluids simultaneously. Theres nothing in the world quite like it, and yes it is a waste of time and yes it does lead to issues and wasting money etc but man am I hooked to it
-t only banged two girls but still a sex addict

>> No.11270425

Figure out how to make money. Drinking and partying is easy literally everyone can do it. Memories of doing stuff nobody else can or having memories of deciding to not follow the status quo and then it paying off bigly is what’s valuable.

t. 100k linker

>> No.11270472

gay boomer advice aside, that may be true but it's not gonna help OP get his shit together

>> No.11270789


I'm 27, I fucked 26 women.

Sex is overrated but intimacy is underrated.

Otherwise I'm an absolute pathetic waste of oxygen.

>> No.11271239
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>be me
>25k split between bank and invested in family business
>virgin and pretty much a loner, but I've had a party from 13-20, I just never liked any THOTS (regret not banging at least one of them though)
>CFO of a company that has a revenue of 2.8m/yr and is expanding fast (300k yr 1, 760k yr 2, 1.9m yr 3, 2.8m projected this year)
>fairly average guy 5/10 looks, but I always seem to be a magnet for girls and friends, so i seem to be pretty likeable/funny (I make good first impressions)
>Have several girls interested, but at the moment I'm focusing on the business and starting up the property arm of the business, which will help me own my first home at maybe 26/27
>while I don't earn a lot now, I make about 15k/yr completely tax free, rent free, bills free, and have an "ok" sized investment in the company worth approx 120k

I'm fairly happy with how life is going, except the virgin part. I just can't get over the hurdle of telling a girl I'm a virgin at 25. I could bang girls easily right now. Considering I was a complete NEET 2 years ago, I'm pretty happy