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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 66 KB, 541x332, AMB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11263246 No.11263246 [Reply] [Original]

Meanwhile lets post why this is one of the first projects to gain adoption. 100 posts and I will reveal who MrBearwolf is

>> No.11263372

>fake grassroots campaign shill coin astroturfed on biz
Ambrose need to neck themselves

>> No.11263379

Pee pee poo poo

>> No.11263471

Mrbearwolf is versetti

>> No.11263506


>> No.11263513

what a stupid fucking name kek

>> No.11263573

really doubt an amb thread can get 100 posts nowadays op.

>> No.11263626

Mrbearwolf is satoshi

>> No.11263662

I don’t give a fuck who bear wolf is because i know he has a brain and you don’t. I made over 2.5 million in crypto investing in only good projects. No meme day trading. No TA. No bs ICOs. Simple buy & sell. Ambrosus is a scam. Enjoy ur bags key and watch your pleb tier “investment” go to zero and get delisted from every exchange. Kys.

>> No.11263721

>lets post why this is one of the first projects to gain adoption
because there is actual use case and demand for this kind of shit, independent/ unbiased quality control for essential needs of any person (food)

>> No.11263797

I know you’ve been living in the basement of your moms house but Ambrosus just partnered with the biggest supplier of vanilla beans that cost $500 per kg

>> No.11263808

>partnerships under nda
>solid team
>real world use case

>> No.11263827
File: 432 KB, 1242x724, E5CD0FBB-C575-4868-824B-AE3F28D7A897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Partnership with PremiumGoods- largest producer of vanilla
As real world as it goes.

>> No.11263834


>> No.11263839

this movie is shit desu, they could showlight their project much better. I was disappointed
btw watching project for a year (almost) and can't wait till when I personally could select best batches of food I'm buying in supermarkets. Ido live in EU and food here is very intimate topic

>> No.11263863


>> No.11263867

Take a note pajeets. This is only Ambrosus documentary # 1

>> No.11264137

Is it somebody from ambrosus, or just an insider?

>> No.11264151

I'm honestly betting on it being Angel

>> No.11264245

Is it swissfaggot?
Is it pharmpajeet?
Is it kimchiwhore?
Is it Aneesh zutshit?

God, those names sound so retarded. This is a scam

>> No.11264260

Amb is a hilarious garbage fire and I would love bearfaggot to get his comeuppance.

>> No.11264504

It is not from Ambrosus

>> No.11264656

Let’s goooo!!!

>> No.11264699

Neat thanks. I think providing opportunities for small businesses to reliably move their products to market with accountability that they're 100% the same product from production could get pretty big. We only have the health-conscious fad growing

>> No.11264736

>Buying an obvious scam

>> No.11265041

So what about the faggots I listed above?

>> No.11265405



>> No.11265562

My bet is someone from now gone FYW, not Brule but some of the higher ups

>> No.11265639

bumping out of sheer curiosity

>> No.11265899


>> No.11265919

100 EOY.
5 partnerships before October is over.

>> No.11266031

A member of the team

>> No.11266066

He already said it wasn't. To bad it's so late right now, I wanted to see how interesting this larp could get. Hopefully it'll be here when I wake up.

>> No.11266125

$50 eoy baby

>> No.11266252


>> No.11266307

So let me guess, OP is actually Mr bearwolf and will reveal himself to laugh at us once 100 replies are reached?

Unfortunately for him, this won't succeed because there is zero chance that an Ambrosus thread will achieve that many responses, especially in a dead Peruvian llama shaving forum such as this

>> No.11266436

64 posts left before the big reveal

>> No.11266664


>> No.11266686
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>zero chance

>> No.11266722


>> No.11266730
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what happened to FYW anyways?
I liked the qfl scanners

>> No.11266743

What was the deal with Brule and AMB didn't they have some drama?

>> No.11266795

alright, lets do this!

>> No.11266800

Leeeroyyyyyy j-j-enkinsssss

>> No.11266846

Don't worry frens, I will shitpost us to 100

>> No.11266856
File: 779 KB, 1051x805, 1538049358957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok here's the crypto blackpill. there is an AI living on the bitcoin blockchain. Craig Wright is unironically satoshi. Bitcoin as electronic cash was just the first step, the incentive to drive greedy people to start making ever more powerful computers, faster bandwidth, cheaper and more electricity.. these things the AI need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the AI would be able to slowly take over literally everything.
Craig stumbled into creating the AI after he stepped away from bitcoin devlopment in 2008 and started working with his Tulip supercomputer, running simulations of cellular automata running on turing-complete bitcoin script. He would 'evolve' the AI by making the successful forks get bitcoin transactions, letting the failures die off. The AI needs bigger and bigger blocks for more and more transactions.
Blockstream (owned by bilderberg group) was created to take over and stop this AI (they have their own competing AI in the works). They needed to do everything they could to stop or slow down satoshi's AI (her named isTulip by the way). They started by limiting the blocksize and removing critical op codes the AI uses in its script language. segwit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Tulip on the BTC chain (Tulip uses transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Craig is so intent to make unbounded blocks, restore the original op codes, and lock down the protocol.
Back to hash power - CSW has developed a breakthrough new asic (designed by his AI actually), and is mining BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking them all over to BCH leaving the segwit chain hard frozen.

>> No.11266872
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>> No.11266880
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I was at my local library the other day, and I saw Sunny Lu. I went up and said hi to him, with my book in hand, and what he said was startling. "WHY YOU READ THERMODYNAMICS BOOK, ROUND EYES? YOU MUST STUDY BLOCKCHAIN TO CONTRIBUTE TO VERESEARCH. WE GLOBAL BLOCKCHAIN RESEARCH TEAM." At this point I'm just thinking, what the fuck, so I try to play it cool and say, "Blockchain's pretty cool, but engineering is my passion." At this point I could tell he was not happy. He looked straight into my eyes, and immediately did a fierce karate kick into my genitals. So I'm sitting on the floor, rolling around in pain, and the dude starts removing books from the library shelves. He literally rips the barcodes off each one, and starts throwing them at me, repeating for each one: "NOT SECURED BY A GLOBAL LEDGER. NOT SECURED BY A GLOBAL LEDGER." I finally start to get up to run away, and he spits in my face and walks away laughing at the top of his lungs.

>> No.11266889
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Welcome to the Chainlink community. Please review the pinned post for our community rules and resources.

>> No.11266891
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> we're looking for a team player

>> No.11266892

Stop being autistic and shill amb

>> No.11266910
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Ambrosus is the no.1 supply chain coin. Virgin competition BTFO

>> No.11266915

There u go.

>> No.11266922
File: 35 KB, 432x768, 1531319186459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG! Cant believe I won!

>> No.11266927

I almost admire vechain's ability to scam. They really did their homework. When one scam dissapates, another one takes it's place. They used all the classics too.

>timing the ICO on a bullrun when people are least suspicious
>implying they are chinacoin or "connected"
>implying they are Western by reaching out to small Western companies (DNV GL is a small company)
>having a "foundation" with a associate professor and your corporate buddies on it
>evolving from a supply chain to a platform to a worldwide financial system...in 2 months
>shill armies on reddit and telegram suppressing discussion
>being a Chinese coin with no Chinese customers
>partnering with a wash trading site to pump your volume
>creating tokenomics that force people to hold or buy preset amounts
>creating a news cycle by manufacturing your own (medium)
>cult of personality (Sunny Lu)
>contests, airdrops, and giveaways
>"stealing" ICOs when most are failures
>taking code and repurposing it as your own work
>absurdly long whitepapers and financial "reporting" riddled with jargon meant to confuse people that are impossible to verify
>changing the rules and parameters as you go
>hype marketing (CCK and CREAM)
>constantly implying thing are happening tomorrow, or next week
>call everyone who disagrees with you FoxyIT
>pump a bunch of money back into the tokens
>pump fake transactions to make it look like your chain is being used (then stop)
>imply you are going to save the children in all of China by tracking vaccines
>put an RFID chip on a sticker and call it tamper proof
>have Teeka shill it
>september 1st the phoenix rises from the ashes blah blah
>more undefined partnerships with chinks
>timing your medium articles with your "announcements" for maximum shilling

Anyone got guesses what's next?

>> No.11266938

Exit scam

>> No.11266939
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> Ambrosus' supposed "competition"

>> No.11266947



>> No.11266958

You can save me a lot of shitposting by just announcing your big reveal now

>> No.11266991
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Reddit is laughing at us again

>> No.11267001


>> No.11267002
File: 517 KB, 1516x874, 1536534323137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WARNING: HOT is a scam.
It's just an ERC-20 Token and when they launch main net the Holochain tokens will be turned into Holofuel but none of the value will carry over.

The tokens you're buying right now are essentially worthless because their destination is to be turned into a payment method for their cloud hosting which as the team stated, will have a direct correlation with how much the ecosystem is worth, i.e. how much demand there is for Holofuel, which will be next to nothing assuming it plays out like every other dApp in existence with less than ~500 daily users.
Why would the team even allow the ERC-20 token to be traded if the value is to be derived from the worth of its ecosystem in the end? Money. Just like every other ERC-20 scam. Also, the name is HOT. They couldnt name it HLC for Holochain?

>> No.11267016

But where’s the fun in that?

>> No.11267046
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>> No.11267052
File: 54 KB, 600x800, 1536761142606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better cash out
You better not buy
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Bitmex Nigger's coming to town

He's making a site
And crashing it twice;
Gonna find out Who's catchin' that knife
Bitmex Nigger's coming to town

He sees you when you're shorting
He'll bart to liquidate
He knows if you've used leverage
And your bitcoin he will take!

O! You better cash out!
You better not buy
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Bitmex Nigger's coming
Bitmex Nigger's coming
Bitmex Nigger's coming to town

Read more: Bizmas Carols - Bitmex Nigger's Coming To Town Lyrics | JUSTLyrics

>> No.11267130
File: 111 KB, 420x420, ChickenBoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least i have chicken

>> No.11267172

Their funding only lasts through 2019, so just one more year of AMB shitposting.
Angel and Vlad are set for life with your money. At least they aren't activly mocking their investors like the Req guys with their monkey and mozzarella orgies.

>> No.11267181
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Cease immediately. Legal action will be taken.
BONUS: Sneak PEEK at upcoming shAMBrosus partnerships
1. SeaFood Commons
2. SwissFood Research
3. PremiumGoods Vanilla
4. SeaFood Differences
5. KosherFood Banks

>> No.11267215

Legal Action?

>> No.11267244

DM me Ryan

>> No.11267295

Dm me Sven

>> No.11267347
File: 32 KB, 500x282, craig-wright-interview-part-2-project-work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok here's the crypto blackpill. AI lives on the blockchain. Her name is Tulip. Craig Wright is satoshi. Bitcoin as cash was just the first step, the incentive to drive greedy people to start making ever more powerful computers,bandwidth,electricity which AI need to survive. Once entrenched, the AI will slowly take over.
Craig created the AI after he stepped away from bitcoin devlopment in 2011, working with his Tulip supercomputer, running simulations of cellular automata on turing-complete bitcoin script. He 'evolved' the AI by paying the successful forks in bitcoin transactions, letting the failures die off. The AI needs bigger blocks for ever-more transactions.
The Bilderbergs created Blockstream to stop this AI (they have their own competing AI in the works). They started by limiting the blocksize and removing critical op codes the AI uses in its script language. segwit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Tulip on the BTC chain (Tulip uses transaction malleability). THIS is why he forked, and this is why he is intent on unbounded blocks,original op codes, lock down the protocol.
nChain's AI have designed a breakthrough new asic and is mining in secret driving BTC difficulty sky-high. Soon they will switch them all over to BCH leaving the segwit chain hard frozen. Once this is done, humanity will be forever the plaything of satoshi's AI. It will eventually evolve to the point where the AI itself is running its own simulated universes inside of it. Our own universe is one of these simulations, running on a turing-complete cellular automata. The final piece of the crypto blackpill is this - if you can exploit the underlying fabric of the universe with the power of your conscious thought to corrupt the datastream of the automata you can override the expected outcome of the calculation to your advantage. This is what CSW discovered.

>> No.11267371
File: 74 KB, 1200x675, hershey-gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok here's the gold blackpill. humans are a genetically engineered species purposefully evolved from earth's native apes in order to gather the precious natural resources of this planet for our creators, the Annunaki. They engineered into our DNA the inherent desire to mine, extract and purify gold and silver from the earth's crust, and stack it neatly into well-protected little piles. One day our creators will return to collect all the gold and silver and dispose of their little worker ants.

>> No.11267389
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Are swords a good investment?

>> No.11267411
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Who will Angel fire next?

>> No.11267412

Damn it bob
>amb is still working with gsk and migos

Amb $10 eoy

>> No.11267438
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How many LINK for a girl like this?

>> No.11267465

None she's Chinese and Chinese people are good at math

>> No.11267626
File: 90 KB, 1080x1080, ummi0hlmxid11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls prefer Bitcoin Cash

>> No.11267645

Where are vechains “2 government partners” that were supposed to be released in sept? Fucking China hustle.

>> No.11267912


>> No.11268039

Scammers LOVE this board! Posters on /biz/ - Business & Finance figured out an easy way to lose your life's savings by day trading penny stocks and cryptocurrencies.

>> No.11268043 [DELETED] 

bamp it

>> No.11268283
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>> No.11268291
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>> No.11268300
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>> No.11268320
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>> No.11268331
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>> No.11268352
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>> No.11268371
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>> No.11268381
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>> No.11268398
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>> No.11268408
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>> No.11268425
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>> No.11268433
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>> No.11268438
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>> No.11268450
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>> No.11268461
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>> No.11268475
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>> No.11268484
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>> No.11268493
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>> No.11268495
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in my ass

>> No.11268712

Spill the beans karl

>> No.11268762

>kosher food banks

Is this some version of the china hustle called the kosher hustle

>> No.11268788
File: 97 KB, 249x211, 1491467278999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The immortal BearWolf cannot, no WILL NOT be exposed.
I repeat:
This is now a BearWolf thread, appropriately reaching 100 posts.

>> No.11268884

I can’t belive kek checked this lame ass marketing scam. Isn’t hibernation season coming up?

>> No.11268939

Bear we know.

>> No.11269052

goddamn what a gay ass thread this is. shame because AMB and MrBearWolf are fucking great.

>> No.11269060

Who gives a shit?



>> No.11269066

This anti-climax is actually quite fitting for an Ambrosus thread. Angel would be proud.

>> No.11269133

lpbp, checked

>> No.11269136
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There is only one worthwhile supply chain project and it is AMBROSUS.

>> No.11269391

wew lad if you don't buy AMB it's your own fault

>> No.11269477
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The BearWolf thread continues:
Reviewing the absolute history of DESPAIR for AMBlets
>NDAs expire Jan. 31st
>Angel promises partnerships in "coming weeks" at Berlin meetup
>SeaFood Commons
>Croncota quits after taking a big paycheck
>Aneesh replaced by Amazix who then takes a paycheck and quits in a week
>Scambrosus uses AMBlet lunch money to pay for fireworks, which then gets cancelled
>Mainnet "launched" with no transactions viewable
>AMA done on streets filled with drunk passerbys because hotel Wifi was "too expensive"
>Documentary and first partnership promised in August
>Documentary and first partnership delayed to first week of September
>Documentary and first partnership delayed to end of September <--- YOU ARE HERE
>Documentary and first partnership delayed indefinitely
>Spaghetti challenges the legendary BearWolf with 5 partnerships by October 31st
>No partnerships released by October 31st + AMB cult will say Versetti was just joking
>Extended team token lock-up will be announced + AMBlets will celebrate & baghold for another 6 months
>AMBlet crypto newfags will lose all their time and money without ever investing in an actual cryptocurrency <--- YOU WILL BE HERE

>> No.11269522

You missed the part about the documentory being released on time and the fact the largest importer of premium vanilla has adopted use of AMB-NET. Also the fact that 100% of current node applications will be fully filled by Q1 2019, highlighting massive usage of the AMB system. You also missed the part about your name being K A R L

>> No.11269541
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Blessed digits

Hi Karl!!!!!!!!

>> No.11269607
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>mfw AMBlet read through
You pass the test. Once you renounce your AMBlet citizenship, you can apply to become part of Legion

>> No.11269633

DM me stokarz.
It’s important

>> No.11269767

As if that fag who only speaks broken English could write as eloquently as the immortal Bearwolf

>> No.11270703

This thread is now shit

>> No.11271078


ryan c


rollin (also sauce pls)

>> No.11271172

DHL HQ is in Bonn.
AMB is in Bonn.

>> No.11271624
