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11261423 No.11261423 [Reply] [Original]


>tax SAT scores
>tax using standard white English

>> No.11261489
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>> No.11261532


>> No.11262322

dat shiss ez 2 game doe
mufucka shood try

>> No.11262629

Should I buy ETH since SJW's are going to FOMO in hard?

>> No.11262656

Who was Hitler's drug dealer? Brazil?

>> No.11262660
File: 90 KB, 1388x764, DmzBSHdU0AE36X6.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It would be efficiency enhancing and redistribute what many people call “privilege” (as in “white privilege”) in just the way that the somewhat incoherent leftist and rightist critics of various cultural paradigms seem to be asking for. In sociology they call the ability to navigate systems of meaning making to your strategic advantage “cultural capital”.

>> No.11262801

He can't help it, his Asperger's is getting worse now that he has some authority and money. He needs to stick to what he's good at: math. Leave social issues to people who understand social interaction.

>> No.11262858
File: 223 KB, 404x507, 1523448813078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may be taking his words out of context, but everything he is saying is just liberalism sliding to its inevitable, insane conclusion: a globohomo world governed by a clockwork deist AI god (rule of law -> rule by protocol) that squeezes de-spiritualized hominids of every last bit of cognitive capital they have left before unleashing skittering hordes of robotic exterminators and clouds of neurotoxins.

The result of refusing to trust god, kings, and fathers. The result of building AI satan to rule over you instead and collapse the Earth back into Darwinistic goo (now in chrome!).

>> No.11262862

what a faggot

>> No.11262871


Vitalik is a stupid faggot and SKY will flip that old relic ETH.

>> No.11262887

I like how you think

>> No.11262895

Sounds good, can't fucking wait for that future.

>> No.11262909


>> No.11262910

This is everything which is wrong in the world with and it's not wrong because he's talking about white privilege, it's far worse because he acknowledges it's nonsense an even though it's nonsense he says you can still make money out of it, that's the mind of the international jew or better called mason.
Milking each and every thought of everyone into money, destroying what little is left of the spiritual part of our humankind, destroying the very soul of civilization infavour of money.
It's fucking evil incarnate, no infact it's worse is wanting to become the devil being a victim of the devil trickery himself an useful fool acknowledging his role to his master. And no his master is not somekind of evil group, it's the inner shadow that dweels inside every individual, he's fucking surrendering to it godmanit I want to have power to make the world a better place fuck this gay earth, fuck everything. AAAAAAAAAAA REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.11262919

I'm not redistributing my SAT scores to 90 IQ niggers

>> No.11263175

im in favor of eugenics. i'd have people executed with under 130 iq, overweight, ugly, sick

>> No.11263235

that's 3 std devs from the mean, meaning 99.7% of humanity would die