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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11261329 No.11261329 [Reply] [Original]

why do you care so much?
what's the point?
why don't you spend time doing stuff you enjoy rather than waste it trying to become a rich guy?

>> No.11261341

Because trying to become a rich guy is what I enjoy doing

>> No.11261360

what will you do after you got rich? life will have no sense after than or ?

>> No.11261375

Maybe because I need some money to do this retard

>> No.11261381 [DELETED] 

Try to get even richer.

>> No.11261418

the reason why you want to get rich is to spend it on things right? what happens if you got so much money that you dont even know where to spend it

>> No.11261440

invest it. Besides that won't happen. There always retarded shit people spend money on like Bugattis and yachts

>> No.11261460

Or because 90% of this board don’t wanna wagecuck?

>> No.11261654


>> No.11261667

>why don't you spend time doing stuff you enjoy rather than waste it trying to become a rich guy?
because I do spend my time doing things that I enjoy

>> No.11261671

Because I enjoy not being enslaved by the system. Once I have enough money to not ever have to work a day in my life, then I'll relax.

>> No.11261789 [DELETED] 

>the reason why you want to get rich is to spend it on things right?
No. I want to save and increase wealth until I die. Spending is for normies.

>> No.11261963

It's easy to think like that when your already rich like Jim Carey. One of the hallmarks of being rich is losing your grasp on reality. your essentially living in a bubble where security is a given and you being to become out of touch with the world around you. your no longer in the survival game. your just living life on easy mode like it's a video game or something.

>> No.11261980

Because the vast majority of my time is spent either sleeping, or working. I only have two days each week to truly enjoy my life

>> No.11262094
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What do I enjoy?

>> No.11262142

making money is a genuinely fun game. it's difficult but we are given the resources to do it through forums, books, youtube videos etc. so it's a hard game but not impossibly hard

>> No.11262168

making monies fren :^)

>> No.11262194
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>why don't you spend time doing stuff you enjoy rather than waste it trying to become a rich guy?

I enjoy winning

>> No.11262195

Nigga I'm playing for tendie money

>> No.11262227

Cope, you if you had money would spend. You dont know what spending without stress is because you are a coping poorcel stuck in the bottom of the ponzi pyramid.

OP is a faggot tho.

>> No.11262475

>doing stuff you enjoy

That's why I need the money you retard

>> No.11262573
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>daily reminder that Jim Carrey has had two girlfriends sudoku themselves

>> No.11263029

Because, like most people, I don't "enjoy" starving or dying on the street. What kind of question even is that?