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11256003 No.11256003 [Reply] [Original]

Why is ASTRAEA good for ChainLink?

There are three reasons.

>First of all, they acknowledge the problem ChainLink aims to solve. Academic attention to the oracle problem can snowball into a wider attention to the conundrum of integrating off-chain data, which is good for any and all projects aiming to solve it.

>Second, they do a good job explaining why the competition of ChainLink isn't offering an adequate solution, while not offering a better solution than ChainLink themselves.

>Third, the fact that these academics have a hard time - they are even failing - to grasp the implications of what ChainLink is and can do, helps cement the idea that the reason ChainLink hasn't taken off on hype as much as we would like is simply because both problem and solution aren't as obvious for outsiders and semi-insiders as we think it. We were and still are bombarded with threads and posts, spoonfeeding all the noobs, fudding eachother and the team until every little point of doubt and uncertainty is perused and laid aside. We truely are the early adopters of what will most likely be the third big wave in cryptocurrencies.

>> No.11256064
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>> No.11256066

>oragle broblam

if it is a big problem, why it doesnt have a wikipedia article


>> No.11256068

I need to get a job so I can buy more LINK!

>> No.11256081


1. Absolutely.

2. I believe they are offering a deterministic solution that is better than CLs until this FUD is debunked. Which I personally hope it is.

3. John Adler is an employee of Consensys and he does have a lot to gain professionally for creating a superior solution to CL as well as ample compensation from Consensys.

>> No.11256096


It was published in academic circles in early August and was presented at the Field's Institute for Mathematics in March. It is not currently well known outside academic circles.


>> No.11256103

First meme to make me audibly laugh in a while. Thank you.