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11253584 No.11253584 [Reply] [Original]

Sorry if I justed you when I jumped the gun two days ago (I got justed too but w/e).. basically a full retracement of the pump from 375-550 earlier this week..

if you want to be sure it’s not going to shit the bed I’d wait until it’s starts eating into the wall at 430 to enter..anyway sit call on my part two days ago but hopefully this makes up for it...

Chat (pump, full retrace, and pump 15% higher than previous top) is a pretty decent analogue in general for what to expect from trig...would,it trig at low to mid 600’s (currently 400)

Anyway do what this what you will..this Thread will,probably close before I’m back in front of a computer again

>> No.11253595

Should say *would put trig at low to mid 600’s as a rough target* at the end there.. anyway good luck anons

>> No.11253623

When do you think it’ll pump?

>> No.11253625


>> No.11253656

There are some 250k-300k trig asks stacked between 430-450...people will probably start to pile in whenever it starts eating into those....I think it happpens within a day...it’s about 2.5% away from getting into the top part of the page on Binance right now (when sorting by % gain)..as soon as it’s visible at the top I’d expect it to start moving faster..

However those are some fairly big walls in the mid 4’s..it could fail in the first attempt, backtest to 400 and then get it on a second try..which is how I came up with the within a day estimation

>> No.11253676

Possible for 800-900?

>> No.11253681

seriously stop fucking bumping this thread, I have ETH on the way to buy some but I forgot i had my fees set to 4 gwei.

>> No.11253693

Should we look at vibes pattern as well as an indication for what trig will pull? Seems they are all making the same pattern

>> No.11253736
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Yes although I think it might have Multiple runs sort of like what vibe has been doing, so I’m not getting my hopes up that it does it on this upcoming pump..

This rise isn’t actually a total scam, it timed to coincide with some fairly positive news for trig (site is coinmarketcal if anyone’s interested- shitcoin pumps are slightly less random than most people think)..

Anyway this is probably my last response, but if it dosent happen right away I’d expect at least an attempt at breaking through the mid 4s within 6 hours or so

>> No.11253751
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Thanks fren

>> No.11253754

Unironically mentioned that before I saw what you asked..srs tho last response so other anon dosent freak out

>> No.11253898

that is today, the news is going to be sold.

>> No.11253941

Rip OP

>> No.11254051

>tfw my ETH arrived just in time to buy at 0.0000390
im finally fucking making money again kek

>> No.11254087

Unironically just in time I think


Sell the news is not a universal constant- trig already pumped to 550 and dumped to 370 this week off the news I posted, this is just a bullish continuation like vibe and chat have been doing

>> No.11254552

Vibe first it looks like

>> No.11254869

Hope this one moves

>> No.11254881


>> No.11254887

We aren’t gonna make it are we fren

>> No.11254918
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>volume dying
>buy walls leaving
>asshole bleeding

>> No.11254941

Just..it gets cucked by some better pump every time..I’m sold half at cost holding the rest out of spite.

I’ll replace my original position when it busts through mid 400s..

Logically I know it will still pump (it’s literally -95% of ath) but It’s sort of a mental war of attrition..think about it from the mms perspective.. mm is sitting on millions..in total control and can move the price whenever he wants..he has no incentive to do it right now if something else is pumping harder..mainly becuase he has to work harder to get the price to move..if nothing else is moving all he has to do is give it a nudge and let others do the work for him

Trig pulled this same bullshit in April when it 3xd..I quit on it about 4 separate times and wish I had just held (would have been better off)..so this time I’m at least holding some for the inevitable pump

>> No.11254960

I knew it want pumping but it actually doesn’t look terrible aside from some support getting pulled..was expecting worse from the comments...Just not fucking moving..the ones moving now are the pumped coins from earlier this week (vibe,ost,dlt)....maybe wishful thinking but that would make trig next since it was the first one to pump right after those

>> No.11254994

If you have liquidity suggest buying pundi now it just jumped 2 sats in a market buy after being gridlocked for weeks

>> No.11255008

So if it keeps going trig is cucked again..not really sure what to say at this point next time trig looks good, hot will probably do what pundi did..just

>> No.11255034

>tfw been watching NPXS for weeks
>moment I buy TRIG it moons
I have been JUSTed on a spiritual level tonight..

>> No.11255047

Also vibe fresh bull break off that flag it planted..when it rains..

>> No.11255066

I’m not pissed about buying trig..it was perfectly logical looking at the board 6 hours ago..but yeah honestly pundi does nothing for fucking weeks and it decides to pump now? I’m keeping the trig I have left regardless becuase the fucking minute I sell it it will get bullish again

>> No.11255073

In that same vein though hot is basically a pundi contemporary..so not out of the question it starts pumping too..in which case I’ll probably have to send my trig off Binance to keep from selling it

>> No.11255121

Could always change but right now hot is getting dumped, so at least there’s that

>> No.11255162

>OP is actually the whale baiting newfags into losing their money

>> No.11255184
File: 179 KB, 606x406, 58E293C8-AF76-4D44-8263-7F56DEAC8F3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pundi might stall at 25 sat..175 Btc ask there ...will take a ton of juice to move this thing..just waiting for people to realize this and bail..my entry was 24 and starting to feel like that’s my exit too..vibe got bearish..nothing else really moving..

Leaving trig again? At this point I’m not getting my hopes up though

>> No.11255235

Nah that guy has a massive bankroll whoever he is..he controls at least 5-10% of the entire supply..He has at least 90% more liquidity than it do..

can think of a few trades I could have made over the years, but fucked up, that would have me near that level..this summer I pulled a sell order on syscoin that was worth 200 Btc to put it in the Bnb book instead about 2 minutes before it would have filled)..that shit will fuck with your head if it ever happens to you..

>> No.11255246

Just kidding my man. I made nice money thanks to your GAS and NEO calls this week

>> No.11255255

Of course something like syscoin is impossible now anyway since Binance literally won’t let you place an order +/- 1000% (except for new coin listings and only within the first few hours of the listing )

>> No.11255269

Check out ost- sloppy looking cup and handle on upbit Krw pair (they drive the Binance price which I’m not sure people realize for the most part)...handle looks mostly formed..was also a 100% pumper this week that hasn’t seen much a bounce off its retracement yet..not expecting it to moon but debating leaving pundi for it..might be good for around 10%

>> No.11255288


Ost 800 level walled up pretty good tho..upbit would have to be the catalyst for any move up and they aren’t doing anything yet

>> No.11255297

Xrp starting to move here too..that could potentially be a big move...will suck the life out of everything pretty much like it always does when it pumps..trig eternally cucked I guess

>> No.11255307
File: 410 KB, 1465x1081, 40DB4891-9669-42DE-BAF9-C2F48D881FD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xrp 4hr-Pretty much a bull break at this point..sustained move over 9k would confirm..don’t like xrp on principle but will probably pile in anyway becuase of the way it drains everything else

>> No.11255363

Pundi just dumped..not very hard to guess where that money is mostly going to wind up

>> No.11255405

Should buy eosdac. It’s ready to pump

>> No.11255417

And xrp breakout basically a forgone conclusion ..measured top is +2000 sat from here but maybe more when fomo buys start

Trig holding really well at just under 4K, but fair warning when xrp really starts to rip literally everything that isn’t xrp could dump at any time...I’m holding becuase I still believe trig 2x’s from here eventually. but know that it you plan to hold there is the potential (though not 100% certain by any means) that you will be underwater for a day or so

>> No.11255507

Xrp 1 hr is a very clean inverse head and shoulders (picture a bat signal)..paints a little different picture than the 4 hr dies (both bullish though)..1 hour would suggest a shallow dip and provide an opportunity to enter between 85-87.5 general rule thumb for ih&s with altcoins is +50%... so top of around 13.5k sat..relative to the 11k sat top the 4 hour suggests..

Too early to know which wins out..likely converge somewhere in the middle..so +30-50% is my early guess... inverse head and shoulders takes up to 3-4 hours to play out ... so decent chance it does not go up right away...perfectly normal for that pattern and would still be bullish..only a sustained drop below 85 would be a bearish development

>> No.11255592
File: 41 KB, 398x431, 1517845357117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi again OP. Me again, still waiting for this trig to get to 550 so I can get out without a loss. Regretting buying in for that measly pump on Thursday.

>> No.11255625

Last update ; having a hard time seeing xrp dip below 8800 for any extended period of time with how it’s tracking.. more likely than not the low is already in..

Trig just drifting sideways so nothing new there

>> No.11255626


>> No.11255640

Why don't you trip? You made good calls this week

>> No.11255658


Sorry about that man. I first shilled it in the low 4’s but still if I hadn’t said anything maybe you wouldn’t have bought so I do feel a little bad.

Xrp will suppress basically every other alt when it starts to go...I’d say we’re looking at another 2 days before trig gets there.if xrp shits itself possible trig pumps tomorrow instead though..when trig pumps it will get get over 550 without issue

>> No.11255659

Been telling him too all week.
If you tripped you wouldn't have to fight the nonbelivers in every new thread.

>> No.11255672

Alright I’ll think about it..surprisingly no one gave me shit in this one though.. btw this xrp one is a layup... would suggest waiting for a clean and sustained break over 9100 to enter but honestly don’t see a scenario that dosent end with it pumping here (short of sub 6k Btc)

>> No.11255686

I don’t like xrp but I do like money so I took a position already..I mentioned the targets further up the thread..there is a third scenario that gets it near 20k sat (measured top of bull pennant break on the daily) but I don’t think market sentiment is bullish enough for that yet..technically possible though

>> No.11255849

Holo is going to run again soon too.. the eth book will always tip you off though before holo starts to pump...basically every single holo pump has been started by the Eth book. The eth price in $ rises over the Btc ask price in $ which triggers the bots to market buy in the Btc orderbook...

If that dosent make sense all you really need to know if that if the hot/eth ratio starts going up really fast it will pump imminently in the Btc orderbook..

Playing hot like this makes it one of the easier/less risky things to trade

>> No.11255861


>> No.11255883

The target number shifts constantly but if hot breaks 455 vits in the eth book, the pump gets triggered in the Btc book.. currently 435 and pushing a bit.. literally no need to ever fomo into hot as long as you know the target price to trigger the bots

>> No.11256303

Xrp here it comes..some resistance to chew through at 9100 after which there'll Be an oh shit moment where people start scrambling to get in..

Interestingly enough it did take around 3-4 hours - which aligns with the 1 hr projection and corresponding 13500 ish top..timeline on that top would be sometime today..probably a few sideways dips and sideways periods In between moves up...13500 is just an estimate based on general rules of thumb for inverse head and shoulders pumps... I don’t do fib sequences usually..just sell when the price goes parabolic on extreme volume- if the price starts going up so fast you can hardly keep track of how much it’s rising sell into it..don’t chase it if it keeps running either just buy the retracement if you want back I.

>> No.11256310

Nvm about that resistance fomo buys just started rolling in

>> No.11256331

what youmean??

>> No.11256382

I thought it might have to work a little to punch through 9100 (there was around a hundred Btc there, which was around the same amount as at 9000) since it was a struggle to break 9000 thought it could play out the same at 9100

but it was already through 91 in the amount of time it took for me to type that up..basically there was a collective oh shit moment where traders dropped whatever they were in and bought ripple. Which is what usually happens when it becomes clear ripple is breaking out

>> No.11256400

Not sure how much this is in sats but considering the previous top of 80 cents $1 seems like a fitting top on this pump..no ta behind that just sort of seems logical

>> No.11256447

Looking at the timeline of last weeks pump the total amount of time from the bull break to the 11750 top was roughly 3.5 hours..so in theory the top could be in for this pump in roughly the next 3-4 hrs

>> No.11256458

for xrp i assume. think it will go higher

>> No.11256511

Yeah I do this think where I make trig threads and then talk about whatever happens to be pumping instead..this is the third one I think so at this,point it’s almost a running joke...

$1 for xrp for this pump is s number that honestly I would be thrilled with..I think I get what you’re saying though and I would say that $1 is unlikely to be the long term top on xrp..

It’s pretty clearly in a macro level uptrend..but bullruns aren’t a straight line to the top...there are retracement sand thoughts in between pumps..so in theory let’s say this pump does actually stop at $1 ...then it cools off and retraces to $0.75 cents ..then pumps to $1.50 a week or two later, dumps back to $1 then pumps to two..baiscallt gradually rising in a way that turns old resistance levels into new support levels...

It pumped pretty fast last year but that was a totally different market..I do believe it keeps pumping for quite awhile, but I don’t believe it’s a straight shot to $3-5 or anything (it can get to maybe $3 but it would be in stages imo..market cap on this coin just makes that kind of move impractical to do in the course of a few days

>> No.11256517

*retracements and troughs

>> No.11256553

One caveat: $3/xrp gives xrp a larger market cap than Btc as of today ... not going to happen...realistically Btc needs to be at least 10-15k to support a $3 xrp valuation

>> No.11256588

Trig being forced down-if youre holding,capitulate early or not at all

>> No.11256611

Not at all meaning wait for the pump, right?

>> No.11256621

Gochain finally making a move here after a month of nonstop dumping post Binance listing..I haven’t looked at the chart enough to have an informed opinion about this current setup but in general sub 600 sat is relatively cheap long term

Current thought is that could be a pretty big pump start to finish

>> No.11256634

Yeah if you capitulate early then you can theoretically get back in cheaper with more trig..so if you’re going to sell than you want to be among the first...if you capitulate late you’re just selling the bottom and will get stuck buying back higher..

Not selling works as a sort of middle ground..honestly no real reason to sell something for 25 cents today if you reasonably expect it to be worth 50 cents in the next week or two

>> No.11256641

Early thoughts on gochain..this is an actual pump not another accumulation spike..if you’re going to buy do it soon before it gets away from you..

I would rather be in this than xrp given a choice for the next hour or so

>> No.11256645

@OP what is your thoughts about QuarkChain it has had insane steady gains since the reversal of the downtrend. but gain has been soo small no one has talked about it

>> No.11256656
File: 620 KB, 1457x1192, 17C1DB4D-3C9D-4770-A11C-A442CEB90CCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1d macd cross, absolutely justed for weeks, good volume starting to come in..I probably overpaid a little but this was a 1000 sat coin before it was listed on Binance and is 560 now..

Nothing changed with xrp either it will still pump they’re just kind of pumping concurrently now

>> No.11256718

I don’t know a ton about the project but I know it got shilled a ton when it first came out, then the way that p and d played out made it seem like a huge scam, also some weird things going on with how to tokens are unlocked (the circulating supply on this is technically massive it’s just mostmtokens are locked)..I might be thinking abut it incorrectly, but to me it seems like it should almost be deflationary based on that

It’s a really good coin for 5% scalps but honestly dosent everr seem to run much more than that st any time which is kind of odd . There’s alotmof tokens on Binance and some big walls so it’s not very easily pumped I guess

>> No.11256726

Don't feel bad OP. You're only trying to help.
Got in on this XRP pump so it's all good.

>> No.11256758

Glad to hear- I expect that on a percentage basis this xrp pump should at a minimum cancel out the 30ish percent you’re out of,pocket on with trig..

>> No.11256778

what is minimum target for xrp???

70cent 75cent

>> No.11256810

I've set a stop at 10000 sats, 66cent, but i'm a faggot so don't listen to me.
Trig should still pump at some point though right? Might as well hold it until it does.

>> No.11256817

lun and ost are two worth keeping an eye on for a post xrp swing trade ot if you have liquidity now..but xrp still the obvious place to be and i see go as an interesting speculative play- Still sort of in price discovery and down over 100% in three weeks even with this jump- basically a lottery ticket

>> No.11256829

Previous top was 80 so at minimum 75 cents feels right..I think it touches a dollar (but doesn’t pass it) and dumps from there though

>> No.11256837

Sub 15 min charts for xrp show an ascending triangle, basically a slow build up in price that leads to an explosion in most cases like this

>> No.11256847

trig barely hitting 100btc vol.

>> No.11256850

damn how DO i learn all this. and how did you learn all this

>> No.11256854

Someone who doesn’t know how to read charts just got scared and tried to dump it..looks like the bots are pushing it back into the pattern though.. a prolonged move under 9150 here would be a slightly bearish development..still on trend and bulllish above that level

>> No.11256861

Do anything full time for long enough and you'll get this good unless you're a downy retard.

>> No.11256871

I mostly taught myself..most of the info is out there for free to be honest..I’ve trading crypto off and on for over 5 years now.. so a lot of experiental learning too I guess...there’s really nothing that can happen on a shitcoin chart that I haven’t seen before at least a few times so that helps a lot too (not saying ripple is a shitcoin but just in general)

>> No.11256875

Bots saved the day here..locked back into the bullish trend

>> No.11256953

No need to panic here.. little overbought across most time frames and probably just a small move or sideways to cool down the indicators a bit

>> No.11256967

I put a stop just under 9000 though...this selling has been pretty weak but persistent..it would have to get a lot stronger to sell down below 9000 so that’s the general reasoning..the stop isn’t so much to exit as selll reasonably high and rebuy lower

>> No.11256991
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Also while the short range charts are a little choppy, the daily is a work of art..leaves me no doubt that this moons.. technically the daily suggests a top of 18-20k sat (not sure that happens but that’s roughly the measured top off that bullpennant)

>> No.11257024

Not exactly falling apart here..but consider this a bit of a detour I guess...giving off some weak hand shakeout vibes imo

>> No.11257073

Chat very beginning of a possible new run..previous runs were roughly 100%..you’ll see what I’m saying if you pull up the daily

>> No.11257084

chat dumping first no? before run

>> No.11257089
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I quit on go to play this instead- expecting 500-600 sat in 2-3 days

>> No.11257116
File: 846 KB, 2093x1119, 4A611F53-0EAF-44FB-B052-0EA07123A3FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone market bought a decent amount of the. And then it sort of devolved into a falling wedge (counterintuitive but falling wedge is considered a bullish pattern)..I bought nest the bottom of the wedge ...chat is sort of off most everyone’s radar right now so most people probanly missed that spike...it might drift sideways for a bit from here and then start moving up- generally seems to be a fast riser..this one is the type of trade where it’s basically impossible to not make money as long as you’re willing to wait anywhere from a few hours to a few days

>> No.11257129

With xrp sideways other alts may start to pop like this

>> No.11257137

Xrp new leg up will start in next few mins tho..

>> No.11257140

am in nas atm

>> No.11257160

can you give me minnimumz sell for NAS. I am balls deep in it 6 days ago and its pumping hard

>> No.11257173

Nebulas no clue what’s behind it but that’s a pretty sizable move it’s making- not a run of the mill p and d group becuase those always start exactly on the hour

>> No.11257202

That moonshot order is a small bag I picked up at 2500..pumps like this my mind always wanders in the direction of a potential hack..where did you enter..this coin is still really really undervalued..but if you want out 30 is a probable spot to dump from...set it under 30 though like 2989 or something

>> No.11257210

There will be a bounce of this dip and you’d fill in the high 29s...maximally it could maybe get in the high 30s but idk for sure I’ve never paid nas much attention desu

>> No.11257217

op, which do you recommend for the next few days, chat or trig?

>> No.11257224


>> No.11257230

I'm at about 2/3 trig 1/3 chat at the moment...but you wouldn’t go wrong with either in any sort of allocation...I just think trig has a chance to pump harder than chat does

>> No.11257246

Nice one..thinking it bounces up,off the support here

>> No.11257252

which do you think will pump first?

>> No.11257264
File: 731 KB, 2069x1171, 6DEE70E4-FE71-4EBB-ACFB-9CB4342E276D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chart patterns like this either pump huge off the dip or pump spectacular on the second wave/.no middle ground..trailing stop loss at or just underneath support not the worst of ideas..the latest green candle is a good sign tho

>> No.11257271

It should be trig...there’s is a shitload of resistance stacked in the mid 300s on chat (generic price suppression tactic)...my answer might be different if/when those sells in chat are canceled

>> No.11257276

thanks anon, i'll hang around your threads, you seem to be good at this

>> No.11257288

Alright boss I trust you, been holding since last night. Don’t sweat it, the retards on this board shit post too often, giving people PTSD for just trying to help. Your doing a good service

>> No.11257303

Update there is literally no resistance on nas - I’m not saying this will happen but there is the potential for a continuation to 40-50 here..my sells are higher than that but I obviously don’t expect to get a fill...literally a 10 Btc market buy doubles the price here so unlikely though it may be I’m going to hold on and see what it does here

>> No.11257315

Lun fresh bull break that one pumps several hundred percent once every few months..been teasing it the big pump for days now..might be the actual pump might not be..but you’d want to be in it if it is the one

>> No.11257325

Today seems like the day where a lot of shit will be green..take advantage of it..not sure what this means for xrp but it’s pump might get tabled until later today or tomorrow at the rate other alts are mooning..

I’ll be back in a bit or if I see something really good but for now I need to figure out what the hell im doing..there’s probably a few hundred percent in profit on the table today as it stands now

>> No.11257347

pundi retesting 25 resistance - chance for a run to the 30s if it’s gets past it..wouldn’t buy until it gets through 25 though or you might wind up stuck in it

>> No.11257361

one more thing i found out Bitcoin dont effect NAS

>> No.11257362

Nas bullish continuation looking somewhat more likely..technically measured top of second wave is 3400 if it manages to get past 2800..there is the potential for a bigger move though as there aren’t really many sellers up in the 30s r/n

>> No.11257368

Needs a little more volume than it’s getting tho..consider bailing at first sign of trouble..too many other good,ones r/n to sit in something that dipping

>> No.11257391

This is taking shape really nicely..nas has been on Binance 4 months and never pumped (excluding a bounce off its bottom)..it’s due for one

>> No.11257406

General narrative right now seems to be to pump,coins that have never pumped,on Binance before nas,go Cloak fits but I’d wait for it to move before I touched it- there’s probably others but I’m coming up blank right now

>> No.11257421

Poly potentially is one - fits the narrative anyway..ins sort of fits, rlc could fit..all low volume coins there though so best to wait for them to do something before you enter

>> No.11257430

Cloak,unironically started to move in past few mins

>> No.11257434

als loopring i think has is prepairing


>> No.11257436

I’m still waiting for another pump like what grs did in April, cloak is the type of coin that someone could pump that way (low supply, a lot of the supply is on bittrex not Binance, etc)

>> No.11257450

Dgd trying to pump here..it’s as wrecked as anything out there so it might do something here

>> No.11257458

Go starting a new leg- nothing huge from any coin yet though..not sure when, but I suspect there’ll be a much bigger pump on one of these sometime today

>> No.11257479
File: 882 KB, 2140x1171, E59871D1-A98F-498B-BF08-63CD4EF04831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mana- not an exact science but this is often what 1mmin charts will look like right before a pump starts I think this one will but on average I’m only right on these maybe 2/3 of the time

>> No.11257489

Xrp going for it again here

>> No.11257511

Holo still absolutely justed.. I know it shows up near the top but it’s still totally gridlocked for now

>> No.11257531

People will prob start paying attention to xrp again soon

>> No.11257549
File: 909 KB, 2163x1103, 27CAF9B5-7407-474B-A3CB-198CAFAC033A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Qlc good buy here for a scalp of like 5% or so

>> No.11257566

Nas fresh bull break- this is probably going to be the biggest at least in terms of ones that have already started -potential 2x give or take

>> No.11257572

i put trailing sell orders from 28 to 45

>> No.11257644

Got dumped a bit there but is bounced back nicely so far when that happens. I got in late so I only took a small position and haven’t been watching it other than quick glances but 45 is absolutely realistic..this was a $5-6 coin in the bear market this summer before it got listed on Binance

Sort of makes me wonder..like was the whole point of reverse 10x ong this thing to accumulate for this pump now? If so they 45 could even be on the low side..

>> No.11257655

If anyone took that qlc trade I’d try to get 2% from it instead of 5 % ..seems more realistic as it stands now

>> No.11257702
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Nas- this is extremely bullish now- I wouldn’t normally advice entering a pumped coin but if you have a little risk tolerance there’s alot of upside here..it’s obvious when you zoom in on the 1-5 min charts..less obvious what’s its doing if viewing longer timescale charts

>> No.11257781

OP, I have a question. How can you be so sure TRIG is going to pump when the supply is controlled by a whale? How do you know he's not just gonna say fuck it and keep it stashed for a few months? Is your predication solely based on this one guy or on TA?

>> No.11257846

No it’s ta based too - I’ll explain the ta in a bit when the market settles down- it’s bullish across basically every timeframe on the charts

If he sits on them that’s fine lower supply is easier to pump...I don’t think trig needs him in order to run again, but it would expedite the process

>> No.11257871

Xvg will make a you a few percent if you can get in around 230..would go higher than like 232 on it,personally thou

>> No.11257901

I didn’t play this one but my sell would be placed at 244 if I had..it could go higher but I don’t think xvg moves very predictably in general

>> No.11257946

Vibe bottomed out really good buy under 1220 for quick bounce play

>> No.11258002

Seems like all eyes on Btc here- looks like it might break out again - I don’t really get why people care so much about Btc +/- 200 changes but the market as a whole does for whatever reason..

But that’s why most alts seemed to quiet down a bit the past half hour or so

>> No.11258023

If BTc dumps, what will trig do

>> No.11258048

Data would have been good here except the dev team is dumping millions of them right now so I’d stay away- I could prob dig up the tx ids to prove that but those coins were moved to Binance on the lasting date and only partially sold them..not sure why they didn’t sell yesterday...guess they just missed it...

>> No.11258082

Btc started to bart $40 and most alts instantly shot up...I don’t really see trig sub 370 even if Btc dumps- might test that level but it held last time and in theory would hold again..pretty much everyone who was going to sell has done so by now..looking st the order book now it’s pretty obvious there is an ongoing deliberate attempt to lower the price ...the guy with the sell orders is the same guy with the bids at 350-370..I can’t prove that but 90% of the time it’s how it works..if/when his bids fill the sell order go away and he pushes the price up...

A few hrs ago I made a comment about it but basically in this situation you almost have to be the first to capitulate so you can rebuy lower) or not capitulate at all..people capitulating now aren’t do themselves any favors and it will be one of them who sells the bottom eventually

>> No.11258117
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>finally a quality thread on /biz/
Thanks OP

>> No.11258126

This is all circumstantial of course but no one ever bother to manipulate something down without the intention of pumping it after they fill their bags

I guess there’s a slight possibility that the trig mms are just clueless retards but that’s a pretty hard sell..look st the hyper cash chart if you want to see a coin that’s totslly down and out..almost no asks just s few bids (basically no bids near spot)..that’s a coin that’s basically dead..

The fact that someone is bothering to manipulate trig in order to accumulate cheap is bullish even if it sucks for those of us holding in the short term

>> No.11258160

Totally missed that Iotx move there- I’d stay away if you also missed - literal gsm long as tomup or down from there and there will be other opportunities later on elsewhere

>> No.11258164

Not sure what autocorrect did there but I meant to call it literal gambling

>> No.11258183

Vibe update maybe stay away for now if not already in..looks pretty dumpy and bounce was weak at best ...it will probably pump again in a couple days though so worth keeping an eye on

No need to panic if you’re in it but I’d try to get out around cost or maybe a small markup

>> No.11258195

Xvg may excced expectations here- still only 238 which is higher than you’d want, but it has 20% upside - if interested watch the upbit price it will tip the direction Binance will go with it

>> No.11258210

Xrp probably done until Asia wakes up in 5-7 hrs would be my best guess- it won’t dump, but I don’t It pumps much either..it’s still set up for the big move I was talking about earlier but I think the market got a little distracted with shitcoins

>> No.11258224

Bread breaking out- I really prefer to never trade break but this has 10-15% potential today if you get in around 5500

>> No.11258236

Buy 5400 sell 5950 would be my advice - about 90% sure that hits within a few hrs but I’m passing on it

>> No.11258259

Depending on your entry might be time to cut the cord on nas- I’m not sold in it being done for good but there’s nothing happening there right niw

>> No.11258295

A caveat; this is the first time it’s ever pumped in 4 months on Binance (anything that could have passed for a pump prior was really just a recovery off a dump)..

If I had to guess this was a test pump of sorts ..google Wolong game of deception and read it if you want to learn how and why whales do that..but don’t be surprised if it pumps even harder in a day or three.

>> No.11258331

i have read it. am selling and tring to find lower entry this is going higher

>> No.11258332

Also technically there’s support at 25 but it doesn’t seem like there is the intent to push it again at this point there are better opportunities out there now so that’s the reasoning- if market was dead holding with a stop loss at or just under support line would be a better idea..obviously it could bounce but if it was going to pump again it would have done it by now 9 times out of 10

>> No.11258352

Sell xrp buy back lower..short term it’s break down now..long term probably nothing changes

>> No.11258374

Don’t worry if it bounces higher than your sell price or something here it’s not going to pump off this

>> No.11258385

Iotx has graduated to a tepid buy here instead of a pass now..

>> No.11258410

212 would be ideal for entry wouldn’t want it higher than that pill try to figure out a logical place to sell in a minute

>> No.11258458

Iotx 229,244,269 depeding on your degree of optimism

There is the possibility of a run beyond these, but Iotx is the type of shitcoin that will burn you when you don’t take profit ..honestly I’ll probably just wait until it looks like it will dump and sell into the orderbook but the targets are more or less realistic here..

>> No.11258516

If you bought bread You’re still fine- it’s in an ascending triangle with a probable break out soon.. the reason i was confident about is the shit coin has more or less range traded like this for a few months- you might be able fill in the low to mid 60s if you wanted to be slightly more aggressive..don’t get caught in it after it tops though or youll be riding it down into the 40s

>> No.11258524

Woke up whats going on?
>check trig
J U S T thanks OP

>> No.11258539

Buy Lun 5300 sell 5500 for an easy boring two percent trade that’s played it 4 times today

>> No.11258564

just woke up, you good OP? I see youve been daytrading all night and im worried about your mental health

>> No.11258569

I do feel bad so every time I spot some obvious trade to exploit on Binance I’ve been posting it here...Iotx is probably the only 1 out of the last 10 I’ve posted that I actually played

>> No.11258574

You can’t daytrade in the nighttime.

>> No.11258584

kek i knew someone would say this

>> No.11258592

Just noticed there’s an hft bot pushing that one down..55’s still going to fill but I though maybe 10 mins originally might take more like 30-60 now

>> No.11258594

Feel like trig will rebound fast and start pumping so I’ll hold.

>> No.11258611

Volume is going up little by little

>> No.11258614

OP made good calls all week, so stop blaming him for your lack of patience bro

>> No.11258617

I probably don’t sleep enough in general but when markets semi active like today I try to squeeze whatever I can out of it..there are some days when the best approach is not to trade anything and that’s usually when I try to catch up on sleep

>> No.11258618

>bag holder bingo
Joking, I agree though

>> No.11258628

This whole thread is bagholder bingo general

>> No.11258632

thats smart, I ducked outta TRIG last night before i slept, caught about 5% on CHAT which felt nice. Thinking about hopping in TRIG on this dip though.

>> No.11258635
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>> No.11258642

Trig will for sure pump I can’t force the market maker to do it right away but it’s really obvious when you look at the chart and see the manipulation in the order book..within 5 days would be my guess..mms are patient but they’re not that patient..especially since trig seems like it’s taking a page from vibe/chat and pumping in waves

>> No.11258655

Look at Monetha (MTH) too on binance, looks prime on the 4hr

>> No.11258657

Mft just popped no idea if you should buy yet tho..probably yes I’d guess is what I come back with

>> No.11258680

Don’t fomo but yeah try to get in close to 115..pretty healthy volume behind that spike

>> No.11258691

Just a thought, but starting a /General thread or have a discord to discuss coin breakouts ect wouldnt be such a bad idea

>> No.11258704

Also no neeed to chase mft decent sized walls on every sat and generally will find its way back to you if you have a bid near spot..haven’t checked upbit yet but that’s like the skelteton key for what Binance is going to do with it (gives you roughly a 5 second head start)..

>> No.11258731

Mft is a slow mover I’ll personally take profit if I get bored with it and/or find something I like better...could maybe get near 130 potentially

>> No.11258734

this, coin breakout general could actually clean up a bunch of the shitcoin posts we see nowadays

>> No.11258761

Wouldn’t mind this either

>> No.11258779
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I'm only in the public group not the private one but the pic is a rundown on monetha

>> No.11258862

To answer your question though yeah yesterday’s (or maybe it was 2 days ago) pump was really just a speed accumulation and it will pump again..pretty much 1/2 of the good pumps in the last few week are from that group. They don’t announce shit in the channel ahead of time so could be larp for all,I know, seems legit though

>> No.11258872

Nas worth keeping in eye on here - not expecting a move but this would be where it would move if it did

>> No.11258895

Data dev team still literally cucking their own pump ..if/when they pull that Order at 800 data would rip

>> No.11258912

>devs ruining pumps because they're so eager to dump
top kek

>> No.11258925

Starting to push regardless I’m not buying yet but I will if it looks like the wall is getting bought up

>> No.11258955

Yeah it’s funny but also sad if they weren’t retarded data is no question 200 sats or miremhigher right now. Also why the fuck didn’t they sell 1300 yesterday but anyway...probably could get the coins over fast enough.. which explains the weak/nonexistent bounce on that pump and I’m now 100% sure is exactly what happened..

>> No.11258971

*couldnt transfer fast enough*

p and d teams should seriously try to pick coins with dev teams that aren’t full of starving and desperate idiots

>> No.11258986

I think data actually might actually break out here- this will probably be the faster 20% youve made all month if it does

>> No.11259007

I picked up a bag here- if/when the 2.5m order at 756 fills the rest of it will disappear fast

>> No.11259041

Targets are a lost cause on this one becuase Binance wont let me see enough of the order book just under 1k sat maybe but just a guess..bit of a tonal shift in the order book actually feels a bit like it’s attacking for the first time today..

>> No.11259056

If it bought Lun at 53 it’s starting to look dumpy and also fell short of 55 by a bit...I’d prob try to get out sooner than later..

I mean it’s obv going to hit 55 eventually but I’m guessing it dips first

>> No.11259061

Xrp think about hopping back in here if you dumped during the selloff

>> No.11259094

Chat ..ton of resistance in that book so you have a little time- but hold a few days for 50%+ is the general idea there

>> No.11259108

It is,however,beginning to attack the sell walls a bit

>> No.11259116

Go good spot to buy here could be either speculative hold or a 2p3% bounce play at your discretion

>> No.11259122

Would have probably taken this one for myself if I had any liquidity

>> No.11259150

Chat becoming slightly more time sensitive

>> No.11259173

Fuck it just buy chat- will probably be the most lucrative call you get from me today

>> No.11259212

Trig should follow Chat at some point?

>> No.11259229

Yeah they’ve more or less moved in tandem consistently for at least like a month I’m going to sell chat somewhere mid 500s probably and roll it into trig

>> No.11259239

Is there a reason they follow each other, and also VIBE? What relates these 3 coins

>> No.11259241

At this rate chat could hit that today..it’s done a few 200-300 daily sat jumps recently so not really that crazy to think it could happen again

>> No.11259261

Honestly not sure but my opinion is that people tend to group coins together either on the basis of price, use case, relative performance etc.

So vibe chat and trig are all coins that used to be like 40-100x what they are now , fucked over all their holders, and were generally considered useless until they started pumping again.

I Do it a little too- nav and via are basically the same coin to me

>> No.11259293

This will probably be my last one for a while-I sort of think it does another 40 percent or more from here..if you fuck that one up there’s not much I can do to help you..700 isn’t out of the question but I’ll probaly sell in the high 500s...chat is a fast shitcoin meaning this could hit 500 within a couple hours..

I’m tentatively rolling chat profit into trig..but tbd based on the market really..ill make another thread about how great trig is later if this one closes

Good luck anons

>> No.11259308

Appreciate it bro

>> No.11259361

No problem man I cant make all the trades I see so at least someone gets some profit out of it (usually - I’m wrong about shit occasionally)

One thing about chat I forgot to mention is that it will probably try to shake you out once or twice between now and mid 500s (which is where I’d start taking a shakeout seriously)..if you want to sell just pull up the daily chart as a reminder that it’s already done this like three times this month..I’m not sure sure that the mm doing this dosent just plan to range trade this between 300 and 600 in perpetuity (that almost feels like what vibe has become) so just something to keep in mind I guess

>> No.11259368

Youre doing the gods work thank you

>> No.11259865

Go to sleep anon. Thanks for the quality thread but you're mostly talking to your self at this point. Looking forward to trig finally hitting 500+ again.

>> No.11259968

thank you for your service

>> No.11260090

lol I'm late with but something's fucky about this via pump..it's not behaving like a normal p and d..at this point it's basically buy high sell higher but I suspect a second leg obviously this trade is risky as fuck but I think it's a winner around 1300

>> No.11260184

it was a pump amd dump signal

>> No.11260194

Hmm that group is pretty good then..do you know the name

>> No.11260958
File: 427 KB, 1333x1093, B9AE2651-C3C0-452A-89AE-D11D49FD6189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check on chat..not mooning..got s little worried but compared to previous pumps..chat seems to do sort of sweeping exaggerated retraced before the big pumps,(pic related)..tldr may go as low as 340 then real pump starts

>> No.11261037

holding chat currently up 10%, let's see what else she brings! steel beam support in the 340-350 sat zone. imo its a buy up to 400.

>> No.11261114

It pretty consistently pumps around 200 sats in this set up nearly immediately post retrace..I only took 1 pic but there are at least 2 other examples of the off the top of my head..probably another hour left to go

>> No.11261189

Maybe shallower retrace this time I guess.. it’s about to start ripping again any minute