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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11250662 No.11250662 [Reply] [Original]

All thanks to my Master who predicted it 37min before it happened

>> No.11250722

elaborate. I have no idea what the fuck you on but curious

>> No.11250765

Look at this, then look at the times stated. My local time is 1+ GMT so 2+ UTC
My master is literally a cryptogod

>> No.11250781
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 5726.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright my man, hook your /biz/ brothers up for the next pump

>> No.11250822

I can tell that there's no such pumps in the horizon for now. These won't happen daily. There are some signals that can yield in a 2x over the span of 1-4 weeks and those are found on his Telegram

His expertise is mostly TA. The coins can be shit but if they have some whales that wants to pump the price, they can always be a good investment

>> No.11250889

What about Holo?

>> No.11250914

40-50 sats in the short term(1-2 months). Those sell walls are preventing it from doing a TRX for now. Still worthy to hold. I sold my HOT when he said it's likely to go from 18 to 14 sats, which it absolutely did

>> No.11250935

chainlink is shit

>> No.11250951

teach me senpai

>> No.11250974
File: 960 KB, 631x637, zcrypto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t me/zcrypto
This path will lead you to the light. If you are not poor you can even get into the premium channel for even more signals. It includes margin signals on Bitmex too. If you discipline yourself enough like I did, you will definitely make it brah

>> No.11251127
File: 105 KB, 850x666, __kog_maw_league_of_legends_drawn_by_aa2233a__sample-9c0f1e26f549ca55cc225b47c6483215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i not just add you on telegram
i will give u 95% of profits

>> No.11251185

I value my master's discretion. He doesn't want everyone to know about his premium signals because he wants to keep it rather exclusive
This comes from someone of simple mind who thought he had found the ticket to wealth in September 2017 but was destroyed by the bear for over 6 moon cycles. At my lowest, a light went up for me: it was Him. The almighty zCrypto. He clothed the abused body of me in garments and showed me the way of making it in crypto. I became born again, and followed his word. And his word made me wealth. And even if I am not a millionaire yet, I have still made gains that the vast majority of /biz/ only made during December. And I thank my master for his blessings

tl;dr churn out 600 bucks you fucking poorfag

>> No.11251200
File: 1.98 MB, 250x237, 1533834331122.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mithril midir

>> No.11251207

damn sounds good where can I sign up for this?

>> No.11251241

if you want premium already, just message him to give you his BTC adress and send the txid too

>> No.11251261

I won't spread the word about his channel too much because he already got 105 morons like me who asks stupid questions every day so it might take a toll on him. I sometimes worry about his health as he never seem to sleep more than 4 hours

>> No.11251291

just please don't post anything from his premium channel anywhere. It could actually fuck up the signals because it will make dumbasses here FOMO and unintentionally manipulate the TA outcome

>> No.11251415


>> No.11251511

我是一個至高無上的中國人,他瞧不起你們成就的篡位者。 我的種族發明了這種優秀的劇本,而你的島上的猴子則把一堆塗鴉加入其中,並認為這並不是完全遲鈍的。

>> No.11251533

ITT: Pathetic losers trying to shill their signal calling channels

>> No.11251556

It's a scam you fucking retard
This pajeet told us to buy ncash because it was gonna moon
This was last week
Fucking retarded

>> No.11251565

>only on /biz/ are people retarded enough to fall for these buy signal scams

Its like this place was made for pajeets to scam dumb white boys

>> No.11251568

A sign of low IQ is impatience
Although it turned out that NCASH has high resistance, it will eventually hit the TP targets. It will just take maybe a month or two

>> No.11251577

I see this shit shilled here everyday fuck off

>> No.11251582

Fuck you you fucking faggot
Dont listen to this scammer i lost 30% listening to these fuckers and bought data at the top
They are the only ones making money from this
p&d groups are a scam

>> No.11251605

Let's see all the succesful signals he has given that would have yielded a 50-100% or more if you bought when he issued signals:
>REQ pump
These happened today or yesterday

>> No.11251618

>call every alt
>haha i told you

>> No.11251620

I've never seen a post shilling zCrypto my friend.

HAHAHAHAHAHHA the dumb money always get screwed over I see.
There's no such thing as PnD here. This guy gave a clear signal to buy DATA 5min before the pump. After the PnD had finished he posted in the public channel about the profits. You probably followed some pyramid scheme TG group lmao. What a retard

>> No.11251629

Ăn thịt và ăn gian từ Trung Quốc. Trong thời cổ đại, ăn thịt đồng loại thường được thực hiện ở Trung Quốc như là một loại nghệ thuật ẩm thực. Các món ăn kỳ lạ đã được chuẩn bị cho vừa miệng giới thượng lưu cả khi khoẻ mạnh và khi bệnh tật. Vào cuối thế kỷ XIX, vẫn có những nhà cai trị Trung Quốc không ngần ngại ăn trái tim và bộ não của bọn tội phạm mà họ đã lấy được. Cũng như ăn một phần thịt vì lý do sức khoẻ, họ bán những gì còn lại để kiếm được lợi nhuận. Vào thời nhà Minh, Lý Thời Trân (Li Shizhen) thường nói chi tiết việc sử dụng con người cho mục đích y tế. Theo ông thịt người là một phương thuốc tốt cho chữa bệnh lao. Ông cũng đã viết bài chi tiết về cách sử dụng mồ hôi, nước tiểu, tinh trùng, sữa mẹ, nước mắt, móng và răng để điều trị bệnh.

>> No.11251635

Doesn't work like that. These were the alts that mooned TODAY and YESTERDAY. Almost all his alts signals are succesful sooner or later because trends rarely lie. The thing is that it can take all from a few days to over a month before those alts hit the take profit levels.

Like NCASH, I guarantee that if you sell now at a loss, you're going to buy a gun and shoot yourself in a month or 2.

>> No.11251662

他媽的越南狗。 你是亞洲的敗類。 你只是想成為歷史的一部分的中國人,但實際上你只不過是一群半高級的部落,我們不得不將他們的文明化為5次。 你是我們的副本,除了80智商,世界上最醜陋的語言,營養不良和橙色代理遺傳學。
你沒有發明什麼,你所有的科學家實際上都是基因漢族人。 你的大腦和文化是如此糟糕,你只不過是我們的“中國製造”副本。

>> No.11252462

Is REQ gonna do anything worthwhile soon?

>> No.11252475

ITT: pajeet talking to himself