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11249121 No.11249121 [Reply] [Original]

What are you gonna do to everyone who belittled you after you make it™?

>> No.11249128

Sorry i can't spare a satoshi.

>> No.11249322

Forgive them.

>> No.11249355


Nothing, because success is already the best revenge.

>> No.11249372
File: 156 KB, 409x409, smug blanket frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Find out where they live and send them envelopes in the mail that look important, trying to time it so they are delivered on Monday. When they open the envelope, it has a wagie meme inside.

>> No.11249381

Family members that laughed at me:

Show them my trezor balance when i make it and then travel the world for 3 years.

>> No.11249391
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>> No.11249400

No one belittled me because I don't tell people about my crypto investments except my dad, and he bought Nano so he can't talk lmao

>> No.11249402

rub it in their fucking faces

>> No.11249408
File: 419 KB, 800x790, 8FE4E08B-418B-4CF3-B64F-10DB0F400D95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m never gonna make it
None of us are

>> No.11249409


The look on my boomer father's face when he saw my home and car after refusing to give me a small loan and then purposely trying to hold me back so I'd be his underpaid wagecuck was priceless

>> No.11249433

This, My dad is a fucking degenerate gambler when it comes to stocks (always buying put options and getting fuckeing JUST'd), but wouldn't even bother helping me to evaluate the CL wihitepaper on a techincal level despite his having a master's in compsci.

>> No.11249447
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I will just poke fun at their wagecuck jobs and remind them all the time that I don‘t have to wagecuck and they will have to do it forever.
will also remind them that I offered them to explain to them how to get into crypto, they refused back then.

>> No.11249506

I'm convinced there's no grey about this. A father will genuinely want their child to have more than they had or hold him down out of jealousy

>> No.11249508

I'm going to be a total dick


>> No.11249510

Buy them a nice article of clothing and mail it to them with a note that says "Einstein didn't speak until he was seven"

>> No.11249517

And it's usually the "could've been a millionaire" fathers that hold down their children even if they see potential. These boomer fucks genuinely believe they're the last generation

>> No.11249530

This anon will make it.

>> No.11249531

>telling anyone about crypto

If you got belittled, you deserved it.

>> No.11249533

The dilemma is I want my family to know I made it but firstly I dont want them to know I made it from crypto cause they can can be all yeah well u just got lucky. And also im wary to show them I got millions for various obvious reasons.

Any ideas frens?

>> No.11249556

>because he was autistic

>> No.11249562

Fuck their wives

>> No.11249563

>well u just got lucky
This is honestly retarded and anyone who says this is most likely jelous

>> No.11249582

You'll end broken, poor and at much worse jobs than the wagecucks.

>> No.11249593

It's true though

>> No.11249613

so you are scared to hear that you really made it because of luck? haha.
you have achieved exactly nothing, but got lucky.

>> No.11249622
File: 9 KB, 208x250, paki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these delusional threads are so fucking hilarious.

> one day, they'll see! I'll show them!
> nobody understands my brilliance!
> they'll regret the day they underestimated Mr. J. Q. Anon!


>> No.11249643

>he doesn't dream
Enjoy your miserable life of wage slavery and guaranteed mediocrity

>> No.11249676

Nothing. I'll focus on myself and improving/enjoying my life in whatever way I can.

>> No.11249677

Ignore them

>> No.11249695

Be generous and kind to the ones that respected me when i'm poor. Be the biggest faggot ever to the ones that didnt't

>> No.11249698


>> No.11249701

Nothing really. I dont give a shit about them. I'll definitely take care of the ones I love (if i make it)

>> No.11249706

it makes me sad when wojak has old pics of him and pepe being bros but pepe is too good for him in current year :(

>> No.11249716

Underrated post

>> No.11249722

based; redpilled

>> No.11249755

Well you did just get lucky anon. But anyone who said 'you just got lucky' instead of 'Congradulations' when they hear you made it is a jealous leach.

>Hey Mom I'm rich now I won the lottery
>Yeah, you just got lucky
no shit

>> No.11250480
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The shock in their face when I tell them I am retiring early and traveling the world. Bros listen to me, hold as much Bit Coin as possible until 2020 ad up. You have time to accumulate, it will be life changing for most of us.