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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 47 KB, 992x558, elon-musk-gty-mt-180906_hpMain_3_16x9_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11247932 No.11247932 [Reply] [Original]

Give me ONE reason why you are not investing in this man.

>> No.11247940

I'll give u 420 reasons im not investing in this man

>> No.11247945
File: 368 KB, 1200x1542, ula roadmap to the stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you a dozen expendable reasons.

>> No.11247949

I don't like him

>> No.11247950

I've heard he went to Thailand with a child-sized dildo in his bags. He's probably a pedo.

>> No.11247958

he's a white male

>> No.11247965

What's up with SpaceX shills ignoring that Falcon 9s are also expendable? The landing bit is a pure marketing gag, the rockets are being thrown away afterwards.

>> No.11247966

I don't know how to invest in Musk

>> No.11247972

He smokes pot a big no for me, mister

>> No.11248713


>> No.11248722

The guy is a hypocrite
and very annoying

>> No.11248727

Actually this though. I hate the racism on this subforum. Even the joking kind just makes me sick.

>> No.11248757

why are you black or just a faggot

>> No.11248893

You really are filth. Enjoy your ban.

>> No.11248901
File: 15 KB, 248x250, COCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11248980


>> No.11249012
File: 28 KB, 396x382, 1535730958450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>billionaire dating a retarded goblin
>/r/futurology-tier hairbrained ideas
>calls hero diver a pedo
>commits securities fraud for the sake of a 420 joke
>allegedly on acid while tweeting said joke
>smokes weed publically while being investigated by the SEC and scrutinized for questionable behavior
Seems like this Afrikaaner fuck has gone off the deep end, m8.
See pic related.

>> No.11249036

>Enjoy your ban.

>> No.11249048
File: 92 KB, 530x298, 1537539167584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>investing in Felon Musk
I'd rather invest in Fat Bigmac

>> No.11249057
File: 524 KB, 519x562, 1526346971857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> investing
> in a man
> in 2018

>> No.11249071


Such a pretty face. Would be a shame if it was BLACKED.

>> No.11249089

>Ugh I hate racism
>so I won’t support this man because he has white skin
Nice hypocrisy you faggot cuckold

>> No.11249161

literally go back to inbreddit, they ban people for saying nigger and faggot there. i dont even use those words IRL but i can tell that you dont belong here. just your word of "subforum" makes you glow in the dark

>> No.11249187
File: 1015 KB, 1868x2607, laruenabortion1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally go back to inbreddit, they ban people for saying nigger and faggot there. i dont even use those words IRL but i can tell that you dont belong here. just your word of "subforum" makes you glow in the dark

>> No.11249202

Is this bait?
> hates racism
> is literally being racist in the same thread

>> No.11249224
File: 111 KB, 781x767, tay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's tay tay, she would never get blacked.

>> No.11249239

Kek. This image gets me every time.

>> No.11249258


What marketing benefit does SpaceX get from landing their rockets? If I am launching my satellite into space, why would I give a shit what happens to the rocket afterward?

>> No.11249283

Do you want an honest answer?

He's a rich kid who inherited his daddy's emerald mines in South Africa. He's only an "entrepreneur" inasmuch as someone born wealthy ever strikes it rich. The only exceptional thing about him is that he has the mathematical and technical knowledge necessary to understand what the people in his company are actually working on.

I'd say that he's a cut above the average rich kid who's now a rich adult, but he's not what he desperately portrays himself to be. That coupled with his ego makes me think he'll implode or explode at some point.

>> No.11249321


Is the self-made billionaire even a thing? Seems like all of these "self-made" billionaires are just slightly richer than their already-elite parents.

>> No.11249331

Can confirm this.

>> No.11249489

All self-made richfags didn't become millionaires by wagecucking either

>> No.11249524

>a rich kid who inherited his daddy's emerald mines in South Africa

>Musk was born on June 28, 1971, in Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa,[23] the son of Maye Musk (née Haldeman), a model and dietitian from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada,[24] and Errol Musk, a South African electromechanical engineer, pilot, and sailor.

you're full of shit

>> No.11249548

1. Hes lost money every year with tesla.

I win

>> No.11249550


>quoting the heavily doctored wikipedia bio on Musk

>> No.11249568


>> No.11249647


>> No.11249652

Look into his dad Errol musk.
Elon musk used to play with emeralds dude...
Here is a quote from his dad
“We had so much money we couldn’t even close the safe”

A real self made billionaire is Richard Branson.
Elon musk is reddit trump, turn a small 1million dollar loan into 10million while also constantly “investing” alongside ur dad lmao.

>> No.11249665

El negro ?

>> No.11249990

>wut da benefit of reusing shit dat cost millions dolla yo?

Are you really that fucking retarded
or just a big oil shill? Holy fuck you poor bastard,

I hope brain transplants become a thing in the future, even if you're a fat pimply incel there's people out there locked inside completely useless bodies that wouldn't mind wearing even your fat ass

>> No.11250994

but at least musk went into a business and made it relatively successful. 1 million sales orders.
and they own a shit ton of patents related to bateries, key tech that he allowed other companies to use to propel the sector forward.
the company's in trouble, but this is what bothers me about lefties. 90% of businesses fail in 5 years, so if you have one that lasts that long you're better than 90% of businessmen right? even lots of casinos and hotels (which should be an easy business to run, right?) were failing left and right around Trump while his succeeded.
it's an irrational hate of wealth. I guess the idea is that all wealth should be handed down from government instead of through business, because lefties know they'll never work hard enough to succeed in business.

>> No.11251186

He relies on government subsidies that are about to disappear given the recent media attention. He could have gotten away with this by making friends Trump when he was made a tech adviser, but he resigned from that when Trump dropped from the Paris Accord.

>> No.11251191

he is the paris hilton of this gen

>> No.11251258

wait hold up, the only reason tesla still exists is from gibs. follow the money trail

>> No.11251444

Nobody would give a fuck about SpaceX without landing gimmick. Now he can use SpaceX-hype to transfer hype to Tesla (as he did by launching a Tesla to space).