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File: 38 KB, 350x307, bodeplot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11245923 No.11245923 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone ever notice that the payoff functions for options look like a bode plot for circuits? Now I'm pretty fucking autistic but I wanted to ask and see if anyone's traded options or put together a risk management strategy based on the laws of electricity and magnetism before.

Bonus points for sparkies; Edison eternally btfo'd this thread taken over by Tesla time travel conspiracies (((mods))) will slide this and MKUltra sleeper agents will appear in your closet at 3 a.m. unless you reply, "Based Americhads will save crypto."

>> No.11245928

Holy shit you are boring as fuck.
How does it feel to be this virgin OP?

>> No.11245935

Haven't killed myself yet and the wagelife isn't too painful so I'd say a perfect 5 outta 7.

>> No.11245942

Yes the EM wave risk return strategy is used by MMs to pin prices to ensure large returns with minimal risk. If delta hedged properly, they can see high end returns that are usually only seen in arbitrage opportunities. This is also known as statistical arbitrage as it is not a true arbitrage, but one from a phenomenon model. Retail can try to emulate it, but a properly model of the volatility curve is needed for the equity.

>> No.11245955
File: 126 KB, 402x398, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a risk management strategy based on the laws of electricity and magnetism
you can't be fucking serious

>> No.11245960

Nice. Thanks for filling my google tabs with autistic joy for the next week. Godbless.

Never going to /make it/

>> No.11245971

Well at least it's better than a risk management strategy based on astrology and tarot, though not by much. Good luck anon

>> No.11245975

Best of luck. Stocks is pretty crowded though, but if you can make a working model, it is one of the closest things to free money out there.

>> No.11246000

Also I should say the first sentence of >>11245942 is all nonsense. After that I'm actually talking about a real technique though. I'm not joking about the model.

>> No.11246012

check'd i'll build the model and be the first person to land on mars.

>> No.11246039

Best of luck. If you can honestly make one, you're on your way to milking the stock market. Millions a year.

>> No.11246492

Payoff does seem to be a TI system, the problem is that trading is inherently unpredictable because traders are emotional
Good luck though

>> No.11246507

Fuck you, OP is cool as fuck for asking this question.

I’m actually going to look into this OP, ty

>> No.11246524

Baby's first control theory class

>> No.11246540

based ameriheads will save crypto

eli5 I'm a chemE

>> No.11246545

Was Claude Shannon boring for linking boolean algebra with electric circuits?

>> No.11246563

anon can you put me on your email subscriber list? keep me updated

>> No.11246576

I can stay irrational longer than the market can stay solvent.
I actually did apply laplace transforms to bitmex before. Works until it doesn't.
Options have fixed risk with unlimited profit (or other way around if you're cool like that). Filter circuits are fixed gain but then drop off after a certain frequency. Basically the two graphs are invariants of each other, which maybe means we can do the same maths on them. Maybe.
To be fair, I wouldn't party with shannon. Dude would probably spill everyone's drink but then say, "It's ok entropy was gonna do it anyways lel."
I'll post an update if I'm not rekt.

>> No.11246591

no anon don't post on 4chan! I want to be among the first to know so I can make the money before it gets patched

>> No.11246605
File: 23 KB, 365x351, fuiwdwytm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11246800

I'll pay you a percentage of my gains

>> No.11246888

based and redpilled

>> No.11247691

>Options have fixed risk with unlimited profit (or other way around if you're cool like that). Filter circuits are fixed gain but then drop off after a certain frequency. Basically the two graphs are invariants of each other, which maybe means we can do the same maths on them. Maybe.

you should read about black-scholes are how they got blown the fuck out at their little hedge fund