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File: 101 KB, 800x600, house-for-sale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11245127 No.11245127 [Reply] [Original]

Will the bubble burst again? Will the millennials have a chance to buy an undervalued home? or is there still more room for investments in income producing houses?

>> No.11245139
File: 44 KB, 543x382, US-mortgage-rates-MBA-2000_2018-09-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe home values go down, but mortgage rates are going up. you will be stuck renting forever from those who were smart and locked in rates.

>> No.11245157

would much rather buy a house at 40 percent mark down for 6 percent interest. im hoping its soon

>> No.11245161

$171k 4% locked in also storing hundreds of ounces of silver for if the economy collapses I'll be able to buy more property

>> No.11245175

>40% markdown
oh, so you are playing pretend.

>> No.11245195
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>> No.11245318

And what is this supposed to be?

>> No.11245352
File: 48 KB, 640x422, 130830-fiona-apple-640x422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being familiar with the case-shiller index

not gonna make it

>> No.11245370

I kind of hope it drops so that I can buy in low, but that's just what I hope.

>> No.11245392
File: 321 KB, 1012x615, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not a bubble this time. There is only so much land, we all don't get to own some. Its happening everywhere.

>> No.11245431

Interesting. I only read about what it is. I'll have to find charts for it and look more into it in the morning.

>> No.11245519

Imagine if LINK hits $2500 and then the housing market collapses shortly after /the new elite/

>> No.11245522


>posts Fiona Apple
>not a screenshot from criminal

>> No.11245607


ok but if I just save up for the next few years until I can buy a home in cash the price will be less and I won't have to pay the higher interest either


>its not a bubble this time

>> No.11245663

look at every other country, we are way behind them. know why? they arent making more land. blacks and their 100 babbydadides are popping out more and more kids younger and younger who have 100 babydadies. shits gunna get cramped very soon and those without will be paying insanely high rent from mr goldenstein who was smart. .

>> No.11246087
File: 203 KB, 514x528, 1509618762328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will the bubble burst again?
yes, disease x will wipe out 50 to 90% of the population

>> No.11246120

Au is a bubble too. Its already started to pop. UK bubble is popping. China has one reaching its top.

>> No.11246128

this bubble pops in full by the end of next summer, move quickly to prepare

>> No.11246140

>AU is a bubble

>NSW’s population grew by 123,105 in the past year, driven by the arrival of 98,782 migrants, but the state is running out of properties to accommodate the record levels of overseas migration, sending land costs spiralling.

>china reaching top
ha https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2017-feeding-china/
>China’s property bubble has a new casualty: the corpses of Shanghai. In spite of stacking bodies seven or eight deep in graves, the squeeze on space in the city of 20m people has prompted the government to support burials at sea, part of a “green funeral” movement that is challenging deep traditions of filial piety.

>> No.11246148

fuck I hope so
a new renaissance once this happens

>> No.11246166

Except the generation after boomers aren't having kids

>> No.11246176


Explain why Japan and Germany have reasonable real estate prices while ultra low density countries like Canada and Australia are fucked>>11245392

Supply and demand is a meme, it is about access to credit

>> No.11246187

>Projections of population growth established in 2017 predict that the human population is likely to keep growing until 2100,[1] reaching an estimated 8.6 billion in 2030, 9.8 billion in 2050 and 11.2 billion by 2100, while the 7 billion milestone was reached in 2011

japan is going to fucking fall into the water. germany has mostly septic and wells everywhere. united states we have things like utilities.

not like you faggots could buy a house if you wanted to this is all just cope for being poor

>> No.11246203

It won't pop, but will deflate back down to normal levels.
It's already happening in my area.
Houses were selling for 500k in 1-3 days with offers above asking.
Now homes in the same area are selling for 350K.
I got mine for 305k down from the 460k asking.

>> No.11246246
File: 67 KB, 441x411, 1395317340955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its in my JUST folder

>before ASIC and every other regulator hit the banks, stopping interest only loans, predatory lending, ect

we are about to get JUSTed. i can only assume that you arent australian

>> No.11246264

The world population is going to double what it is now by 2100. I dont know about you, but most streets I drive on are packed. Its pretty stupid to think everyone is going to get land.

The rich are buying it up and renting it to the poor and you faggots are too dumb to realize.

>> No.11246439

oh so you dont live here? wew lad. stay in your lane burgertard, your lack of fundamentals is irritating

>> No.11246460
File: 31 KB, 680x309, fukd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your currency is just being devalued and your screaming itsabubble while accusing me of having lack of fundamentals? enjoy getting ass fucked by a kangaroo

>> No.11246468

What state is this? In California, the kind of the small house I want is anywhere between 600k and 800k. Sucks because I could have bought one outright if I sold everything in January.

>> No.11246517

you realise most of our lending (by the big 4) comes from overseas, being traded in USD? fucking hell burger, as i said, stay in your fuckin lane

>> No.11246526

How much should a home cost?

>> No.11246559

All bubbles pop. While I understand people saying that land is a limited commodity, it doesn’t mean people can always afford increasing rent. It won’t pop on its own, but it will be a big domino to come down after we get a major market correction. The US economy is doing great today, but that won’t last. We have $21 trillion in debt, and within just a few years the interest payments on that alone are going to become unmanageable. And pensions, social security, more and more socialist welfare programs being given out etc. Not even getting into automation, but that’s coming quick. The bill will come due. Millions will lose jobs. House Prices will come plummeting down. Either from people getting foreclosed on, or being forced to sell because property taxes will spike nationwide. All those people thinking they’re so smart today because they got in under 5% interest rate will be looking around for someone to blame. That’s when it’s time to buy. I think we have 3-6 years til this all starts happening and we can get cheap houses.

>> No.11246585
File: 282 KB, 750x604, rent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people will just start living with more people under one roof. 2 people can easily afford to rent a 2 bedroom home. Hope you like getting cozy with others.

>> No.11246589

is montana comfy?

>> No.11246740

Americans - buy NOW. It will only get worse.

t. Europe

>> No.11246847
File: 182 KB, 640x1136, 4A4C969B-B502-4B9A-947B-A7945BF8E130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It doesn’t mean people can always afford increasing rent
The doomer side of me agrees with the explanation that the rich are buying up houses to rent to the poor with the end result being a few land owners and an entire class of serfs

But the more moderate side of me sees this ^ and thinks it must be a bubble. In London, rental yields on properties are less than 2%. And there’s no realistic way these yields can be increased with stagnant wages and rent accounting for 50% of the average tenant’s GROSS salary (we have high taxes here too so in reality it’s even worse). Why, then, would you buy property in London when you could get a better return from the bank? The only reason would be if you think the asset price itself will rise but that is textbook greater fool/bubble mentality