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11244116 No.11244116 [Reply] [Original]

>In Amaterdam they said their lawyer is doing 2-3 ndas per day

the tech is dogshit. basic eth fork with changed consensus. 100% private nodes. a less shitty hyperledger

the thing is the connections, somehow they are able to pull these partnerships and they have +50k reddit tards behind them. they will shill this everywhere

should i buy worth a couple nodes or will btc outperform it anyways

>> No.11244340

damn. biz is dead.

>> No.11244558

It's not a race to the best tech, it's a race to enterprise adoption. Vechain doesn't have shit tech but it caters to enterprises in a way that is useful to them (multi party payments etc). My theory is they're giving authority nodes to big partners to entice them to use the system, which is fucking genius really because its free initial usage for the enterprises and validity for the ecosystem as a whole. Once they have a bunch of major users then a shit load of thor will be burned and the price will appreciate due to the token economics. Short term you wont make anything off the passive from the nodes but its an easy flip and should explode once there is evidence of actual usage and their icos start locking up VET for 2 years.

>> No.11244574

Extremely oversold, arguably the safest bet in crypto other than Bitcoin and Monero

>> No.11244578


>> No.11244589

The fact that you are calling the tech dogshit and saying the nodes are all private makes me believe you haven't done much of your own research but are just believe the FUD that's been spammed. Most of the authority nodes identities will be released in due time and the tech is literally the first of it's kind.

VET is as close to a sure thing as you can get in crypto.

>> No.11244600


>> No.11244601

Who is the girl on the picture.
She is a serious stunner

>> No.11244959

damn wish I knew

>> No.11245425
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> Has a chimps ass
> Stunner.


>> No.11245610

veronica bielik

>> No.11245671

6milion coins here
Bought in October last year
Not once thought about selling
It’s a marathon not a sprint, hell even og bitcoiners were there 8 years before it popped
Safest bet in Crypto, if VEN fails, this whole space is doomed

>> No.11245701

It's a Chink scam intended to hustle naïve western retail investors.
>everything you hear about this company comes from their blog
>no third party verification of their chips even existing
>ponzi-tier masternode architecture
>lottery giveaways
>anonymous block producers
>partners with Western companies to shill their shitcoin (China Hustle 101)
>trusting chinks with any supply chain, ever
Has anyone here actually worked in supply chain? I have. China is a joke and many companies refuse to even source anything from there. Inferior everything, counterfeit electronic components, no traceability on anything ever.

>> No.11245702

>if VEN fails, this whole space is doomed

>> No.11246064
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>Imagine being this retarded
If you ever grow enough brain cells to use the internet properly you'll find plenty of evidence posted by their partners.

>> No.11246084

Oh you have 6 million now? Can you make up your mind? Do you have 6 million or 10 million chief

>> No.11246099

brah u fuarking uninformed, vechain been chosen to survive the 2018 bear market, now in the top 20. Its going to be the next "new" coin to break into top 10 soon

>> No.11246104
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>Being so fucking stupid that you cannot see through an obvious chink scam, then calling others retarded.

>> No.11246224
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>he thinks partnerships = sales/usage

Anyone can partner with vechain and get free shit and publicity. Doesn't mean they'll use it.

I suggest buying CREAMcoin anon. An ICO from a shitty telegram scammer who works with sunny like daily to spam advertise.

>> No.11246285

bigger scam than bit connect.

>> No.11246479
File: 1.05 MB, 4032x2268, IMG-20180920-WA0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy whatever you want. XLM and VET are my picks.

>> No.11247226

anything based in china is a meme

>> No.11247501

You do realise there are multiple holders right? 3 mill and comfy af.

>> No.11247505

you're hoping a chink scam will save you. its a scam, so somebody will surely make money of it, but its still a scam.

>> No.11247508

I'm assuming you're a white beta male with a networth of $350 all in Chainlink, aged 16-24 who still lives with his parents.

>> No.11247600

You cant all actually be this retarded. Their mainnet has been up for almost 2 months and there are still barely any fucking transactions. They claim to have "partnered" with so many companies its starting to get ridiculous, I'll let you in on a hint: pets.com was partnered with half the fucking globe. Partnered doesnt mean "guarantees to become a client even though other more promising projects might pop up overtime". Partnered means "we know this exists" at the very best.

Unlike half of the other alts vens graph is bearish af, just look at it. Screenshot it, flip it vertically and tell me you wouldnt be bullish if that was the graph. Then how come you arent bearish now? it is going back down to 120-150 range. You can sell now and increase your stack by 30% or you can HODLGANG like you did from 80K sats to now.
Same shit with this OCE ico. Its a piece of shit ico overshilled by monkeys that dont understand the buzzwords coming out of their mouths. Muh AI, Muh bots. Why the fuck would anyone rent his bot out if it was remotely profitable? would be much better to just use it yourself if its good. The only thing you'll find are shitty washed up shit bots recycled by pajeets and retards. Furthermore; no reason whatsoever to buy their shit exchange token, ven barely has a 18mil volume as a top over the last week(if I remember correctly: 3000 btc, is at 360 btc right now) and you think the retarded icos launched on it are going to have a 200 mil evaluation at MINIMUM so your exchange shittoken can do a x5?Even if they had a 200 mil evalution 100 mil for that exchange would be beyond overvalued. You S 0YB0YS are delusional

>> No.11247647

BYD is sketchy af you stupid nigger. You really trust chink partnerships? They're cronies.

>> No.11247772

>actually thinking enterprises would migrate over within 2 months of mainnet launching
>not realizing 99% of crypto graghs look bullish when flipped upside down
>talking about low volume when nodes and icos are locking up supply
How dumb are you? Top 5 next bullrun guaranteed.

>> No.11247775

0.01 vet has been deposited into your VeChain Thor Avengers Spiderman(tm) account for correcting the record!

>> No.11248543

Fuck off anon. I personally asked sunny 1000x times with about 100 other vetards if the nodes will be made public. this was the most asked question by far and he ignored it and went on to hype bullshit up again.

the tech is in fact dogshit. muh 2 token system ala neo tier. simple eth fork with changed consensus. this shit wont be able to scale aswell btw.

and sunny could be in jail for cck if this was a regulated market.

>> No.11248551

>if VEN fails, this whole space is doomed
fucking retard. surely offshore millions wont flow into btc and monero anymore because ven failed. kys you brainlet

>> No.11248618

Vechain is great. Only holding about 1.4MM but should be worth quite a bit in a few years.

>> No.11249146

>launching mainnet and having no fucking activity whatsoever
How the fuck do you explain this? No goddamn activity? How the fuck do you have so many "partnerships" and no fucking body is using your piece of shit centralized chain?
Why the fuck even have a blockchain if you make all the "Odin masternodes" centralized? Why the fuck go through all the effort and not just use a centralized ledger then except to rake in mad cash from retards like you who buy into the buzzwords?

What icos launching? OCE is by far the biggest and guess what? its a piece of shit for all the reasons I lined out above.

Node lockup was before 1-09 and guess what faggot? didnt do jack shit with the price.
Anyone buying this piece of shit for any reason other than trying quick flips is beyond goddamn retarded. Everything vechain does could be done better with a ledger. No reason to use blockchain if its centralized like this is. Its less efficient than a ledger and it accomplishes the same fucking shit if its centralized just like a goddamn ledger. Only thing it has going for it is this army of bagholders and bagholding shills. it wont go any further than "partnerships" from these companies, it wont see use. These companies arent goddamn retarded. They just use this to be able to market that they're progressive and going along with the times when in reality they will never use this shit when a ledger is 1000x as efficient and accomplishes the same.
And guess what happens to your precious Thor tokens when nobody uses it when its supposed to derive its value from I quote "millions of transactions". Eylfuckingmao

In b4 muh community
>muh community
Remember bitcoin private faggots?
listen to this man>>11248543 >>11248551
nothing nonsensical is being said here but you are too far gone to use logic and question your "investment".
Fucking high on hopium the lot of you.

>> No.11249255

lmao mad. I bet you're a dev from a useless project mad that some chink coin is getting all the glory

>> No.11249260


>> No.11249300

Again nothing to refute my arguments. You are functioning on the same level as the verge bagholding community
>muh dogecoindark
>t-t-this time justin will deliver! not like the last 3 times im sure!
>Justin said we will be top 3 surely! moonlambo gois!!
>verge got hacked? NO ITS FUD ITS ALL FUD
Blockexplorer proof
Proof is send that all the donated verge was send to an exchange

Come on man what the actual fuck

>> No.11249341

you're arguing in bad faith nigger. i can't prove that anyone will use vechain until it happens. you're betting it won't, i have some money betting that it will. that simple

>> No.11249348

And this is why waltonchain will always be superior as its not a centralized scam like vechain.

>> No.11249446

You mean the company that puts out fake tweets is the one to go with?

>> No.11249465

What fake tweets lol? You mean vechains fake announcments about partnerships with oxford uni and bmw? lmao. Meanwhile waltonchain has legit partnerships like china mobile and alibaba.

>> No.11249511

1 to 100 stock splits only happen to scam penny stocks. I can't understand people investing in VeChain, really.

>> No.11249528

they lied about vitalik supporting them. They lied about BMW. they lied about their vaccaine solution and Gvt ties. They diluted thier token supply by 100x. They paid all their youtube influencers VEN tokens and they diluted everyones token share 100x to do it again. Cmon.

>> No.11249594

XLM is great project but the moon potential from here is next to zero because of the supply. You and the other other stellar shills are fighting for like 2% scraps while the rest is all kept for the team and/or given away.

>> No.11249616

I mainly hold VET because it makes me smile picturing faggots like this absolutely seething in their moms basement

>> No.11249636
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Oh yeahhhhhh

>> No.11249641

I love how the person swapping IPs to post about VEN is both stupid and angry.


Not at all suspicious that all these posters (and all the rage posters in every VEN thread) have trouble with punctuation and capitals. The only post they manage to get it right in sometimes is the one where half the sentences are cut and pasted. The rest of the sentences still fail to come up to basic primary school levels.

>> No.11249777

What the fuck are you on about? Does it look like I'm writing a contract for some firm here? I don't know where you believe to have found yourself this forum but it is quite frankly appalling that the best argument you can come up with is ripping on punctuation on a basket weaving forum.
Even Ranjeet working at Macca's does a better job arguing why he would deserve a raise after working there a whole week.

Back to plebbit with you bagholder. Not fooling anyone.
>everyone who uses logic to doubt my "investment" is a samefag
Like I said, dogecoindark level of fucking delusion.
You say the spaghetti monster doesn't exist and I do. I am telling you it exists just you wait! You'll be proven wrong! So wrong! You'll see!
Do you see how this is not a logical argument now? You are not basing your conclusions nor arguments on things happening in reality. You are basing things on "maybe", "surely" and "I believe".

>> No.11249854

imagine being balls deep in that ass god damnnn

>> No.11249925

Why do people bother arguing with FUDers?

>> No.11249948
File: 188 KB, 1100x480, Partnership-Between-VeChain-THOR-and-BMW-confirmed-During-Rebranding-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you did not sell here you will stay poor.

>> No.11250065

nice straw man.

i am basing my argument on the theory that most of what has been released in terms of future use and enterprise adoption has not been an outright lie and grand attempt to scam western $. you are basing your argument on eveything that comes out of the chinks mouth is a lie. i'll still put some money on the off-chance that this does turn out to be the real deal.

>> No.11251278
