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11243045 No.11243045 [Reply] [Original]

I turn 30 in 1 week
How do I cope biz

>> No.11243066
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youll find a way

>> No.11243082
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I turn 51 in a week so suck it up buttercup

>> No.11243094

sooo. does age really matter today?

>> No.11243115

Just turned 32

Start figuring out what you don't like in your life and what you really want and focus on the steps to continue that path and keep your life in order.

it's another level of maturity

>> No.11243124

gulp... truth

>> No.11243143
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you don't cope
just sip

>> No.11243186

Unless you're a neet on the verge of suicide over wasting his life, being 30 is cool.

>> No.11243272

I'm independent and haven't lived with my parents since I was 18
Its just mental ya know
I'm not going to be in my 20s anymore
I can't talk to 18yo on tinder anymore because it feels creepy to me

>> No.11243314
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>Unless you're a neet on the verge of suicide over wasting his life, being 30 is cool
Spot on, the reason is such a bitter age for the neet is because it becomes a point of no return where they finally have to face the fact they're complete failures instead of dwelling in some imaginary potential they will come to realize in the future

>> No.11243384
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turning 31. life is a rollar coaster *sips*. just try and hold on

>> No.11243392

I don't even remember how old I am

>> No.11243416

>life is a rollar coaster
once you're at the top, the fun is only starting

>> No.11243430

I turned 30 last month. It's not so bad.

>> No.11243633
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Turned 30 this year and instantly my mindset shifted to the meme. I care more about washing my car and mowing the lawn. Things aren't so bad, especially if you can get your own lawn.

>> No.11243643

im only 24 but i have the body of a 60 year old ive only eaten fast food for the last 4 years

>> No.11243677

same anon except doctors fucked me up when i was young
gas em all

>> No.11244161

>tfw 26
>seems like just yesterday that I was 22
>it feels like 30 is just around the corner

Feels sad man. Life just seems to get worse with every year.

>> No.11244206

i feel the opposite.. each year keeps streching out more and more . every day is an eternity.
trump's election? feels like a lifetime ago.
maybe you have too much of a routine anon

>> No.11244229


Fuck I’m 24 and feel like I aged 20 years in the last 2.


>> No.11244375


I feel all these things.

>> No.11244394

where the fuck is my new episode this week

>> No.11244397

crack open a monster and play some world of tanks

>> No.11244451

Fuuug 28 here

If I finish my PhD in 2~3 years I can finally start my life.

Will I make it? Hold me bros

>> No.11244463

it took me 2 years to cope. Now I don't give af and loving life