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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11240862 No.11240862 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.11240865
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>> No.11240875
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SAN FRANCISCO — Facebook said on Friday that an attack on its computer network had exposed the personal information of nearly 50 million users.

The company said it discovered the breach this week, finding that attackers had exploited a feature in Facebook’s code that allowed them to take over user accounts. The company said it fixed the vulnerability and notified law enforcement officials.

>“We’re taking it really seriously,” Mark Zuckerberg, the company’s chief executive, said in a conference call with reporters. “We have a major security effort at the company that hardens all of our surfaces.” He added: “I’m glad we found this. But it definitely is an issue that this happened in the first place.”


>> No.11240892

wow. This is real.

>> No.11240902
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>> No.11240938

Short FB, no survivors

>> No.11240952

Decentralization and real security are coming soon.

>> No.11240954

lmao, first favelanon, now this

>> No.11240967


>> No.11240968

the fuck

my account got logged out

>> No.11240982
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50...million? :D holy fuck, largest personal info hack of all time?

>> No.11240991

not that i saw this coming and deleted account ages ago not giving any info really never to the site

>> No.11241238
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What a shame.

>> No.11241260

How does an American short Facebook? I trade on capital one unfortunately.

>> No.11241270
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Normies btfo

>> No.11241472

>inb4 4chan hacked
"Sir, except for tripfags, there's only one entity. It's called Anonymous and is the Legion, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent, we cannot contain it anymore, security breach code SCP0000000000000000

>> No.11242257
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>mfw don't have enough friends to justify having a Facebook so never even bothered


>> No.11242313

same here, did we get hacked? can i get money for it?

>> No.11242357

this idiot will be nobody in the next 10 years
memechain will fucking destroy web2.0

>> No.11242367
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>> No.11242412 [DELETED] 

Finally i will have an easy excuse to present to normies if they ever ask me why i don't have Faceberg account.

>> No.11242737

Adobe I think

>> No.11243228

WTF really happening. 50 million is really worse. How much can you sell these data?

>> No.11243255

They didnt make away with 50m user details, it was just possible to log in to that many accounts and steal info if they had the time

>> No.11243274

>Fed Hikes
>Crypto shitting the bed now

could this week get any worse

>> No.11243410


Pure (((COINCIDENCE))) that this happened after the EU forced Faceberg to protect users information via GDRP. Smells like an inside job because Faceberg isn't allowed to export user information illegally anymore.

GDRP for you noobs that don't know what it is:

The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("GDPR") is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). It also addresses the export of personal data outside the EU and EEA areas.

>> No.11243845
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>> No.11243997


Equifax had a bigger impact.

>> No.11244180

Kek the puts on fb where coming all the week, normies fuck off

>> No.11244199

No stupidfag, they logged off everybody to stop it

>> No.11244267
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>> No.11244304

I don't have a real-name profile on FB, AIDIR?

>> No.11244691
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>i cashed out the rest of my shitcoins yesterday to make a sizable investment into facebook

>> No.11245023
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