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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 35 KB, 696x449, XRP-Price-Analysis-XRP-Jumps-20-Without-SEC-CoinBase-or-Ripple-News-696x449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11240439 No.11240439 [Reply] [Original]

What is the final verdict on XRP? I keep hearing that its a shitcoin, but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere and likely will overtake ETH.

>> No.11240451

if u dont have atleast 2k xrp u not gunna make it

>> No.11240457
File: 30 KB, 779x471, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes yes this is a strong buy signal

>> No.11240464

It's pointless and not actually being used. Sage.

>> No.11240651


$8 XRP? Fake news.

>> No.11240687


XRP is shit

XLM is better in every single way

>> No.11240747

XRP is the most shilled coin by mainstream to normies. While XLM is the silent sleeping giant that nobody knows of. XLM is better in literally everything. Just go to some forums and see the sentiment. XRP shills are retarded children with zero knowledge about blockchain. All they know is b-but muh banks using xrpee we gonna be rich. While XLM (reddit for example, sorry) is majority technical posts with intelligent discussions.

>> No.11240759

And no one cares about technical shit of no one uses it.

How many fags use Macs and windows and how many use Linux?

People will what the majority or widely accepted ones are.

>> No.11240842

This is true in widely accepted technology, not in the new era.
- See literally every emerging technology. Windows was not a giant monopol since the day 1 btw.

>> No.11240849

/biz/tards keep virtue-signalling about muh bankz, muh centrawleyesayyshun
Only like 2% of this board will actually make it, all memes aside

>> No.11240868

HOLOCHAIN is a much better hodl

>> No.11240889


both XRP and XLM is pump and dump shitcoins

>> No.11240908

MS DOS was a copy

>> No.11241129

Congrats everyone we have reached a final verdict!
Now can yall pajeets shut up now

>> No.11241163
File: 527 KB, 1713x818, comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u tell me

>> No.11241189
File: 677 KB, 500x647, rocketmfer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing to see here, just a bunch of moonmen leaving earth, oh I mean the solar system... oh shit they're on the way out of this galaxy

>> No.11241205

There is no point in trying to convince someone to buy XLM over XRP. Those with IQ above 120 already know, did the homework and bought XLM and LINK. You deserve to miss out, retards.

>> No.11241215
File: 21 KB, 900x206, stellar token distribution 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11241236
File: 42 KB, 620x465, 1513306675800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying xlm and link
>15 year olds

>> No.11241247

Yes, they did not sell their tokens to raise billions like Ripple only to buy commercials at fucking Oprah, lol. If you do your research you will know that Stellar is currently only being distributed to the platform developers as a reward.

>> No.11241293
File: 85 KB, 1222x623, stellar token distribution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11241304

My IQ is unironically 152 and I am not buying XLM ever.

>> No.11241314

Yes, Stellar Lumens are not yet distributed to the public. Why is it a bad thing?

>> No.11241352

That is a matter of choice. But if you are interrested in payment platform blockchain and you buy xrp over xlm you are just a larp. IQ 152 is a serious claim. Mine is 128 - 135 according to the official MENSA tests.

>> No.11241401

>Stellar Lumens are not yet distributed to the public. Why is it a bad thing?
keep coping
remember that the sdf founders get 10x more tokens than all the holders combined each time the inflation is distributed

>> No.11241426

I am actually very happy about the negative attitute towards XLM on this board. Do not buy.

>> No.11241481

xrp is objectively better than xlm
in every single aspect
>token distribution
>network decentralization
>network speed
and even fundamentals
>cross border payments(xrp) vs save africa(xlm)

>> No.11241543

yes sirs very good analisises sirs
Holo is the mooon lambo coin sirs

>> No.11241573

I have a very small stack of XLM because of risk management but I don't believe in it. Yes I was tested by a psychiatrist, then I was sent to another psychiatrist to validate it they wanted to put me on pills but I told them I am Scientologist and I don't believe in psychiatry. He didn't know about Scientology and their aversion towards the profession and I got mad because I had to explain the joke. He also told me I am very childish according to the personality tests and I must say I often participate in baby posting fren.

>> No.11241698

I'm just glad that XRP is going its own way and isn't pray to BTC gud traders anymore.

>> No.11241965
File: 157 KB, 1280x800, syreen_talana_by_dczanik-d5idusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the global financial system adopts it it will be big. The opinions of the masses don't matter because if they use it it will be underpinning their fiat transactions and they'll never actually see or think about it.

People angrily arguing that it's worthless and can be easily replicated are usually conflating messaging systems and settlement systems. XRP allows instant settlement. There's no ambiguity about whether the transaction happened or not. Everyone and their cousin can look at the public ledger plus the recieved XRP can immediately be sold on an exchange. So if, in ten seconds, you get the XRP and dump it for dollars or pesos or whatever... then you're not wondering if the transaction went through.

The public facing market is absolutely crucial and sets it apart from the SDR or whatever else is out there.

All the competition is basically just messaging. It's one party saying "hey I sent the money". But you don't REALLY know if they took it off their books or not. So it's not instant. There's a lag of hours or days. Time is money. Banks like money. Figure it out.

Now all money is backed by confidence. But the source of that confidence varies wildly from money to money. The USD is backed by the confidence that America will keep collecting taxes in USD and that their military might can stop anything that would decrease USD demand. Gold is backed by confidence that it's physically scarce and that physics requires new gold will always require a minimum amount of energy to obtain (you have put x amount of energy into people and mining equipment to get new stuff out of the ground. No short cuts, no funny business; Nature demands her joules). Bitcoin is backed by confidence in it's integrity, network effect, and continuing global demand for uncensorable transactions.

So what sort of confidence backs XRP? IF the global financial system adopts it, then it would be confidence that the back bone of institutional settlement will stay valuable.

>> No.11242093


Shit nigga you'll make money just having 100 of these when it comes down to it

>> No.11242865


>> No.11243273

>has inflation
pick one