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File: 1.08 MB, 1024x576, dag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11240261 No.11240261 [Reply] [Original]

What are you waiting for pajeet? Constellation soon going to make all investors rich, jump in now and order your lambo by years end

>> No.11240275

keep fudding plebs, fiat still takes time to reach exchanges

>> No.11240579

Yes perfect investment
CEO went missing and has the keys to all the funds
Team wont explain what happened or why
Allegations he was day trading and took deep losses
Team wont respond to that specific allegation either
VP of Product Engineering quit publicly yesterday and explained there are major issues and distanced himself from the team.
No volume on exchanges, bag holders cant get out and nobody buying

Yep, sounds like a great investment.

>> No.11240700

Fuck this team and their community. Pathetic. Bag holders pretending their investment didn't just go up in smoke. Even if the team admits he was trading they will never show their balance sheet or how he lost the money. They operate their business like dirty politicans

>> No.11240844

I can't believe their community isn't freaking out. This isn't fud these are serious issues that are going unaddressed for weeks. And the way they treat their investors is just wrong. They better hope they are in a legal disaster or this is going to be even more embarrassing how poorly they handled it. Either way you look at it they are fucked

>> No.11240904


its not "addressed" for 3 days at best, and team actually said statement incoming. stop believeing these impatient retarded trolls.

>> No.11241055

When asked a yes or no answer if the CEO was day trading investor funds
"we will not comment at this time, we will be releasing an update about restructuring in a couple weeks"

And you are OK with that? Give me one reason why you would need a few weeks to answer that question.

>> No.11241072
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>> No.11241081
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>> No.11241420

Not an employee, paid shill. Ask him yourself.
Did not answer question regarding FUD, this is a strawman

>> No.11241477

Think about it for a second. If Constellation turns out to be a scam, then Hello Kitty CEO just lost all his reputation. In Japan Face and reputation is everything, so a guy like this would never but his reputation on the line if he wasn't sure it was safe.
This guy could ruin his carrier and gain nothing in return if they succeed except for a boost to his reputation, why would he take the bet if Constellation wasn't special. If anyone can explain this to me, then i might contemplate selling all my dag and crashing the price

>> No.11241633

Nobody says its a scam. Not once.
This is about the team refusing to answer serious allegations about their missing CEO which they also refuse to discuss what happened and why he is gone.
Per the Hello Kitty guy, he is an advisor, he will lose nothing if the company he thought was solid ended up being a poorly run shithole. He doesnt see their finances and holds no power in the company. These things happen, especially in crypto. This is not a valid argument

>> No.11241713

He is a global ambassador. The idea of being an advisor is that you put your name to the project and give it a kind of legitimacy on the cost of your reputation, if it goes south your reputation takes a hit. This man was presenting with them at techcrunch and he is acting as a team member, not just the typical advisory stuff

>> No.11241809

Too bad for him he didn't know all this was happening. I'm sure he will distance himself once it comes out. He won't be blamed for their failures. Just because they have an advisor from hello Kitty doesn't mean the CEO didn't day trade investor funds and lose millions of dollars

>> No.11241867

Global Ambassador is a fancy name for advisor. Regardless this team sucks and won't execute. Falling apart from the top down and facing legal issues they won't survive. It was promising but years from a working product. This company is run by jackasses

>> No.11241871

Yeah it does. He is not an investor but part of the project. He is a pro in the business world which his track record clearly proves. Ray would not get involved with the kind of person who gambles investor money away

>> No.11241906
File: 1.74 MB, 1914x960, hello kitty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which other advisors did you see at techcrunch helping team presenting their project? He was like an integrated part of the team, also from one of the earlier pictures you could see him presenting at their all hands meeting.
An advisor would not be this integrated with a project. He is among the top in the business world, he wouldn't get fucked over like this by some random project that ico'ed not even 1 year ago

>> No.11241918

Which might explain why the CEO disappeared. They may have only a couple mil left at this point and the investors need to know if its doomed. They put their heads in the sand because that is what you do when you lost 90% of your investment and the house is on fire

>> No.11241934

Sucks to be him i guess.

Explain one thing. What is the possible reason the team will not confirm or deny if their CEO was day trading investor funds? What is a possible scenario where this makes sense.

>> No.11241953

It doesn't explain anything regarding the CEO dissappearing. You know where all of this fud surrounding the "CEO gambling money away" stem from?

The origin to this rumor is some salty bagholder, who posted the rumor in a 4chan post about him "overhearing" some random guys discussing this at an event. Nothing has been done to prove this claim. The story makes no sense, and they are 5 founders not 1, so there's no reason Brendan should have held the keys to funds over the other founders

>> No.11241967

It is a 4chan rumor for gods sake. The team will publish an announcement in due time. Think about it, he was one of the founders so they should take their time to not announce anything hasted. The laws surrounding this stuff is pretty complicated

>> No.11242067

Explain a scenario where the team would not be able to answer a direct question if the CEO was day trading investor funds if he didn't actually day trade investor funds.
Don't give me shit about the team will respond some day, that's obvious.

>> No.11242166

They haven't made a statement yet cause mostl ikely it is a complicated answer, CEO most likely not part of the team so there's is alot of juridical stuff that has to be sorted, 4chan fud is just not teams priority

>> No.11242192

What fucking project posts their financials?

What does EOS or ADA do with their funds. Fuck off you low IQ monkey. No business does that and they don't answer questions from the public about baseless rumors.

>> No.11242254

Like I said. Give me a scenario where this is a NO answer but requires 2 weeks to say NO and why. Explain

>> No.11242273

Ones that day trade third investor funds get raided by the SEC. I'm guessing you are one of the team members. No investor would be so adament in not wanting to see company financials or get answers from them about an alleged crime

>> No.11242289

2 weeks? Also if another guy claims that the CTO ran off with the ico money should the team also dissprove this?

Why would Brendan not just run with money instead of gambling millions on bitmex? Also how could he lose millions leveraged without huge impact on btc price?

>> No.11242342

No I am not part of the team, you have no proof. I just think you are the literal problem with society at the moment. Purely emotional and acting without fact or rational.

I posted two pictures of paid members (one co-founder) saying that things are fine and that is proof enough for me believe that. There isn't any talk in the TG about it or on Reddit or in private trading TG's that have large holders.

There was that Japanese VC the initially funded the project leaving and that was big but other then that there isn't any major drama so fuck off. Post some documents or private messages or funds being moved and I would believe it. I don't blindly follow projects and I hold very little DAG but these threads are just you having a public psychotic break.

>> No.11242363

Are you gonna pretend the CEO didn't disappear and the company won't comment? Really this is far fetched?
They aren't battling lots of rumors, just one rumor and they won't answer a simple NO. Why is this hard, are you kinda slow?

>> No.11242381

Either this is actual CEO posting or this man is delusional beyond repair

>> No.11242387

Naaa i believe CEO is not part of constellation anymore, and team stated comment will come.

Also if you have been around since the beginning then you know there have been tons of stupid rumors, when one is answered another emerge

>> No.11242394



very disappeared wow

>> No.11242403

Dude calm your tits.... You were given a brain for a reason use it instead of accusing someone like that

>> No.11242407

Post proof faggot, keep calling me whatever you want but you have no proof and I have more proof then you. Nothing you say holds up.

>> No.11242415


Still employed, still tweeting about DAG, still says he is the founder and CEO

>> No.11242434

Waiting on verifiable proof

>> No.11242450

Also he is a paid employee with a job title and you aren't a shill when you sit in a Telegram that people willingly join to ask questions fucking moron.

>> No.11242479

Still waiting on proof. 5 threads a day of nothing.

For those interested here is tech from the engineers.

>> No.11242501

Some angry bag holders in here. Can't blame them, they have no reasoning why the team couldn't answer a yes no question.
Must be frustrating

>> No.11242515

How about reading what the man says? Instead of proving you clearly just are here to decredit yourself with baseless fud?

>> No.11242519

Go ask him right now if he knows the answer and post his response here. You arent going to like what you see.

>> No.11242526

I posted two team members answering your claims, I haven't seen anyone in the TG ask. I really don't know what the fuck you are on about.

So again, post proof.

>> No.11242535

Ask him if he knows the answer to if the CEO was day trading funds. Then ask him if he finds the fact the team wont respond to a simple NO suspicious. Post results

>> No.11242545

lol they won't do that. They know what he's gonna say and it's going to kill their argument

>> No.11242564

A stupid rumors based on nothing, this is beyond stupid. Sell ur bags and move on, i will happily buy it all no matter the quantity below market price if ur game

>> No.11242598

Thats what I thought bitch, you dont want to know the truth enough to even ask because you already know the answer. Stupid people and money dont mix well

>> No.11242631

Yeah stupid people and money doesn't mix, that's why u have to fud a project that u were stupid enough to sell for cheap

>> No.11242664

Its that or:

CEO went missing and has the keys to all the funds
Team wont explain what happened or why
Allegations he was day trading and took deep losses
Team wont respond to that specific allegation either
VP of Product Engineering quit publicly yesterday and explained there are major issues and distanced himself from the team.
No volume on exchanges, bag holders cant get out and nobody buying so fud is pointless in trying to gain more coins

>> No.11242697

Dude this is not factual in any way. You know nothing of the insides and yet claim to do. The keys to the funds? How do you know he managed funds, he is the CEO not financial manager..... These allegations have nothing on them,, they are pure fud. VP of product was a contractor nothing else. Also it is a bear market low cap alts all out of volume

>> No.11242714

It's funny that all of this started right as they get added to Hyperledger, do TCD & get listed on HitBTC.

>> No.11242722

Not related i am pretty sure, it is just that they got burned and are mad now. They sold low and now want to be right so they try to make the coin tank

>> No.11242752

What tells the whole story is when asked if the CEO was day trading investor funds the team refused to comment a yes or no answer when being asked countless times in TG. The fact VP of Product Engineering was a contractor should give you a pretty solid idea how they are doing financially. No company that raises $33M has a freelance VP of Engineering. Show me one company in history that did this.
And bear market no volume kills your story this is all about fud to accumulate.
Face it, this shit looks very bad. You are holding heavy bags or work there otherwise you wouldnt be fighting this hard to not understand why the team cannot answer a simple NO about their CEO trading investor funds. Your head is buried, you arent even trying

>> No.11242765

Its that or:

CEO went missing and has the keys to all the funds
Team wont explain what happened or why
Allegations he was day trading and took deep losses
Team wont respond to that specific allegation either
Community ferociously attacks anyone who tries to ask these questions
VP of Product Engineering quit publicly yesterday and explained there are major issues and distanced himself from the team.
No volume on exchanges, bag holders cant get out and nobody buying so fud is pointless in trying to gain more coins

>> No.11242792

Dude as i already stated this is complicated, such matters are not something you just reply with a quick yes or no. IF they answered without the proper legal work they could get sued. This is a serious company and this freelance guy was not part of the team, he was just hired to do some work during the ico.

Why would the team risk anything answering these concerns, from some 4chan biz troll? Wouldn't that mean the bizz trolls won?

>> No.11242797

And evidence to support it all has been submitted to journalist and whistleblowers and SEC.
It will be interesting what bagholder say when this is published

>> No.11242818

Explain how this is complicated. In what situation would the CEO be trading with investor funds? If I asked the team if hes from mars it would be a simple no. What situation would saying NO make sense. Nobody can explain that. What are the risks?

>> No.11242820

Baseless fud can't be taken seriously, i would love to answer all your questions if we could keep it on a serious level, without baseless allegations towards a team that has done everything in their power to keep community happy thus far, right up until recent fud

>> No.11242826

This is why its not baseless

CEO went missing and has the keys to all the funds
Team wont explain what happened or why
Allegations he was day trading and took deep losses
Team wont respond to that specific allegation either
Community ferociously attacks anyone who tries to ask these questions
VP of Product Engineering quit publicly yesterday and explained there are major issues and distanced himself from the team.
No volume on exchanges, bag holders cant get out and nobody buying so fud is pointless in trying to gain more coins

>> No.11242842

Such an answer isn't just a simple yes or no, most people would want proof and there's also the ceo that perhaps is leaving. So if him leaving were to be true while trading funds false, then they can't make a full announcement without all of law sorted out.

>> No.11242856

Nobody asked for a full announcement. It was asked countless times in TG to answer one simple question. Did the CEO trade investor funds? The answer was we are not going to answer. And you cannot give me a reason why they couldnt just say NO and its been a week and asked 100 times by different people.

>> No.11242866

Also when the allegation came out the price of the coin dropped 20% and people were freaking. Still the team refused to give a solid NO. Explain that. No team would ever do that if it were not 100% true

>> No.11242872

dag is a scam

>> No.11242898

Price recovered fully in gwei. What do you know of law's, are you a lawyer? If not then i suggest you look into this stuff instead of trying to force team into fucking up

>> No.11242910

In your world who has the legal right to make a statement like that? The CEO has never hung out in the TG and I think he is the only one that could answer to that.

They said that if there was anything like that or his leaving the team that they would make an announcement about it and other then that they said that this is all fake.

If one of the people at the bottom said that he thought the CEO was a moron and wasted all of the companies money and it turned out that wasn't true they would be sued and if one of their investors bought cheap DAG because of the misrepresentation then it would be a fraud case.

I think that you are being paid by someone because nothing you say has any understanding of how companies operate or the legality of team members making defining statements on behalf of a company.

Again, you have no proof and are just asking for some horseshit that you made up that you more then likely know full well they can't answer unless it's in a statement drafted by their lawyer.

>> No.11242931

You have no argument here and thats obvious. Nobody is trying to fuck up your investment bro, just trying to get answers you definitely dont want to hear. But you will, one way or another

>> No.11242952

The CEO was one of the most active members in TG until his disappearance. They never said this was all fake, the refused to respond to the one and only question countless times. Many of the investors are questioning the reason why and find it suspicious.
Dont need to be paid by somebody, this isnt a conspiracy. These are facts you simply dont want to hear.

>> No.11242955

U would be eaten raw in the stock market. Be happy the crypto world brings you easy gains and use the opportunities that arises, instead of thinking ur smarter than everyone else

>> No.11242966

This is just retarded

>> No.11242973

>has not proof at all
>not a conspiracy

All you are going to do is make some triumphant thread when a couple people that japan man brought on leave to the japan mans new venture. That's what has happened internally and you are full of shit.

So again post proof or fuck off.

>> No.11242980

Your arguments are all retarded, yuur sources are random biz posts. You prolly done no research yourself. The kind of transparency you find here is not matched in the stock market, and emotional people gets devoured by the big players

>> No.11242988

You know your arguing directly with the team themselves and frustrated bag holders about to lose everything. This is pointless there is nothing you can say to convince them that the team should answer no matter how bad it makes them look. They don't care they just want that pump so they can dump their bags before this thing burns

>> No.11242998

Yeah cause 4chan would be the right place to shill for a huge pump we all could dump unto. Nice logic you got there

>> No.11243012

OK everyone - we know that any Constellation post brings out what I assume is one 'challenged' individual who will take any opportunity to post his retarded theories on the team and it's internal events. Remember DYOR and do not be swayed by the ramblings of this madman/woman/neutral

>> No.11243025

I figured as much, no unbiased person could get this creative trying to explain why a team being bombarded with the question about CEO trading investor funds doesnt need to answer. I am literally probably arguing against the whole constellation team right now. Sad

>> No.11243038


>> No.11243166

Or the team could just answer Yes or No to a single question. But they wont, no matter how many people ask them. The only people who dont find that odd are the people who traded investors funds away and the bagholders about to lose their money because of it and dont want this information getting out

>> No.11243231

It's illegal and will result in a fraud case. They said that they would have an announcement if any major changes were occurring which is how every multi-million western company works Ranjeesh

>> No.11243387

Yes answering this question would be a fraud case but only if they lie. Obviously a team member posting, thanks though

>> No.11243446

Wrong it could also be fraud if not.....

>> No.11243479

Oh please explain a scenario where that happens?

>> No.11243513

Question for you. Lets say a publicly traded companys stock dropped 20% over rumors they were taking their investor funds and day trading them. And the company CEO had disappeared mysteriously for a month and a half. What would that companies shareholders expect from the company? Should they tell everyone to fuck off and stop asking while refusing to answer the question? Fuck no, they would be releasing a statement within an hour saying NO we did not day trade our investor funds. Thinking otherwise is idiotic

>> No.11243523

This guy doesn't get it, or he works there

>> No.11243802

You really think they're wasting their time arguing with racist NEETs on an anonymous Bengladeshi naan baking forum? If anything they are getting legal consultation before making any statement.

>> No.11243859

This coin is dog shit

>> No.11243945

Sounds about as guilty as it gets. Not one person here can explain a scenario where saying NO can't be done immediately let alone after a week.
Team deserves whatever they have coming, and the community deserves just as much for defending these assholes

>> No.11244114

eth has its own troubles right now

>> No.11244273

I still have a fairly big bag of this as suicide insurance since this actually has a lot of potential despite shady circumstances. Look at all the shit Tezos has gotten into and they're still top 20.

>> No.11244288

It's been pretty much confirmed by both parties that he was hired to help with the ICO and then completely left in the dark until his contract expired. No idea why they gave him that title though.

>> No.11244294

This project isn't Tezos. This team isn't Tezos team. And this community has morphed into delusion and desperation

>> No.11244354

No delusion on my end. Situation is obviously sketch but I'll wait it out. We all know this is either going straight to zero or pulling a 100x. I'm pretty comfy with my other holdings so I can take an L on this one if comes to that.

>> No.11244387

I think it could have had a chance, definitely not now. Even if they nail the tech which is a huge challenge, their team and community are self destructive. They really have no chance at this point, their decision making has been amatuer at best

>> No.11244410
File: 1.43 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just put up a massive buy order. All this publicity the last week. Its like Trump or Kanye. I want IN

>> No.11244417

Assuming you had holdings and dumped them, what are you into now?

>> No.11244438

kek this is extremely ballsy and based. I approve.