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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11238731 No.11238731 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do when you're so red pilled in most things like macroeconomics, our monetary policy, our debt-slave system, and (((them))), but it makes you depressed that you can't do anything about it because you're such a small fish, and you realize the only way to a happy life is to be a blue pilled normie, but it's too late because you already know too much.

I truly understand the phrase "ignorance is bliss". Normies live in their own little world but they don't know how bad things truly are.

>> No.11238741


>> No.11238756

If you can't fight them join them. That's why I left pol and joined biz.

>> No.11238776

Join who. You Became a blue pill or you converted and got your babymaker snipped?

>> No.11238778
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Combine that with being redpilled on hypergamy, the fact all women are sexually perverted sluts who want to be dominated by alphas, and prudes for betas...

Those two redpills, the financial and sexual redpills, are possibly life ending. If you don't have the strength to act on the knowledge, and an oz of testosterone in your body, suicide or going ER is almost guaranteed

>> No.11238781

Welcome brother

>> No.11238788

that's why I left /pol/, I just couldn't take it anymore, all those redpills were great and stuff but that feeling of being completely powerless was overwhelming.

/biz/ and its financial redpills isn't that much better tho, the kikes printing money, housng prices skyrocketing, our generation being destined to be rent slaves and so forth but at least I don't feel like this time is wasted because I make money with crypto

>> No.11238800
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I mean think for a second what life would be like if we had sound money...all the ways fiat money have absolutely completely fucked up our lives and the world...literally everything is fucked just because of central banking and big government.

We could all be living lives of leisure, instead we are trapped in a matrix of hell

>> No.11238804

/Pol is just for insecure doomers and neckbeards who have completely given up. There's no point to repeating all the bullshit they do on some random internet forum, but they do because they feel completely powerless

/Biz is for bloomers who are redpilled and still trying to make it

>> No.11238874

This I’ve moved to /Biz/ because I plan on becoming the Jew and buying real estate to rent to the goyim. I tried opening their eyes for years and despite how much evidence, graphs, and data you show them if it’s not on CNN they just say “nuh uh that’s raycis!”. I really did want to free them but my dealings with them have made me believe they deserve to be slaves for not having the drive to find out what’s really going on and being so close minded.

>> No.11238928

OP here, becoming the jew is something I've been thinking about quite a lot. Not in the sense of converting but living like them. I too want to accumulate as many rental properties as possible. And I also want a big family. They all have strong healthy well connected families. Faggots here will say having kids is blue pill but that's only if you're a blue pilled faggot. Family is the most imports thing because growing your own family makes you feel fulfilled. Without that you turn into a sack old millionaire who doesn't truly feel fulfilled no matter how many friends or hobbies or girlfriends he crams his day with

>> No.11238937

I feel you. In the beginning I was so excited to see bitcoin as a mean to free the society from the jews but now that I see the society is too fucking stupid to understand it and too ignorant I think most of them don't deserve any freedom, so I don't mind if bitcoin gets controlled by etfs etc, as long as I make money and buy land/real estate that's all that matters to me, fuck the goyim, they really are too stupid to be free

>> No.11238958

Realize the big movements are done by those only when the outcomes are known in advance. Position yourself to do well off from these big moves that inevitably happen.

Yes, elites may have centuries and generations of planning heads up on you, but you live in a ripe time of technological disruption. Centuries from now, people will be jealous that we got to see Bitcoin arise and establish itself.

Take the ripe opportunity now to establish your line as the elite, raise your children to succeed with or without your estate.

>> No.11238985

This. Bitcoin will never work as intended because Satoshi overestimated the intelligence of your average normie. To reach the mainstream means normies, and normies are too retarded to understand the long term benefits. It is just a currency to me now and nothing more, not an asset to hold.

When bitcoin reaches double what I need to buy my first rental property, I'm cashing out half my stack. When it doubles from that point I cash out another quarter. And on like this forever till I split up into eights, sixteenths, etc

>> No.11238988


now THIS is a based & redpilled post

>> No.11239003
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Your pic related their behaviour is so primitive it's disgusting so many people are like that it's pathetic and sad

>> No.11239005

Is the ultimate red pill really just the blue pill which normies swallow unknowingly ?
Funny how things come full circle

>> No.11239012

by that logic the ultimate red pill is to kys

>> No.11239018
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A family sounds great if you make it, but man once you see the reality of women’s nature it makes me very hesitant. Oh well I’m sure the Jews have air tight pre nups and marry into other connected and wealthy families, something I’m not opposed to in the slightest.
Pic related will be me on the day I’ve accumulated enough rental properties to make 6 figures and drop out of corporate wage slavery. I want to get a place on a hill that overlooks the city where my rental properties are so I can rub my hands together on my balcony thinking of the filthy goyim cattle inhabitants paying me while they get up day in and day out to slave away for someone else and are happy to do so, while I use my newfound freedom to better myself and create a legacy.

>> No.11239041

>I want to get a place on a hill that overlooks the city where my rental properties are so I can rub my hands together on my balcony thinking of the filthy goyim cattle inhabitants paying me while they get up day in and day out to slave away for someone else and are happy to do so, while I use my newfound freedom to better myself and create a legacy.

that's a beautiful dream my friend. I have the exact same vision, imagining myself looking out of the window in the morning seeing stupid goyim getting angry in traffic on their way to wageslave factories while I'm comfypepe_under_the_blanket.jpg.
Basicly just driving around my hometown collecting paychecks from rentcucks like a pimp

>> No.11239042

You're right, it is, it frees you from being a debt slave. Without enough cogs in the machine, the machine grinds to a halt and stops producing money for them.

The only way to save the world is if everybody kills themselves.

OH I've taken the female red pill but I don't think it's impossible to find a proper good one. Avoid the whores who only Lust but don't love. Avoid those who think the ultimate joy in life and measure of success is amount of meaningless sex.
It's rare but there's a good few ones out there whose gol is also to build a strong family.
And, of course, have an undisclosed amount of Montero for when the inevitable divorce comes

>> No.11239079
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>>11238800 (doubly checked)
This is the ultimate truth of our reality. The extent of the human misery which has been created by the perversion of our money is incalculable and will never be known. If even 5% of the population was capable of comprehending the absolute devastation that has been done to Western civilization thanks to violent controlling interests that hide behind the authority of the state and academia, if there was a way to visualize in concrete form what has been done to us and our children, there would be a revolution tomorrow.
Sadly, the issue is too complicated and too abstract for most people to understand, and so we must work to undermine the system slowly by supporting HARD MONEY wherever we can in the hope that some day down the line future generations might truly become what we could not, FREE MEN.

>> No.11239085

Buy gold

>> No.11239110


Just trucking think of all the depression, anxiety, poverty, lost time of people's lives, lost human capital, unchecked immigration, social welfare leading to dysgenic selection of the population, support for racist programs, all of the brutal wars from Vietnam to Yemen and all of the infinite side effects of these wars...

Literally every problem except for maybe the destruction of the environment is just a direct result of fiat money, stealing from savers, and giving the government undue power it wouldn't be able to accrue through direct taxation.

Literally *all* of the problems the pol tarss complain about are due to central banking, but all they can bleet out is "much jews" without intelligently analyzing anything like the coping human trash they are

Satoshi may end up being the most important human being in history

>> No.11239119
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“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”

Trying to change things outside of your reach will make you anxious and depressed, its like thinking about the past or the future. The only reality is the "now", live one day at time

>> No.11239122
File: 71 KB, 1200x675, 1500301188657-Screen-Shot-2017-07-17-at-101941-AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn man reading this again, you took the words right out of my mouth. Am tearing up rn

This is what we must live for, future generations, our sons and grandson's, to become free for all time, with the adoption of cryptocurrency and *true* DECENTRALIZATION of government

>> No.11239161

Lol @ this cope. You'd love for women to engage in this primitive behavior with you you fucking cuck. But because you spent your life ingesting phytoestrogens in a basement and jerking to depraved porn, you fucked up your natural sexual will and so instead goes women as validation. The problem is they are built to serve men who conquer them and take them by force, a rage and passion you will never possess now that modern society has completely fucked you. And so to cope you claim the "moral" highground, which is pure bullshit designed to make you accept your place in society

The capacity for the human mind to engage in these mental gymnastics is staggering. I wish I could go back to doing this.

Theres hope tho: inject, lift, go outside, regular schedule, stop the porn and fapping. To do this requires superhuman will tho

>> No.11239170

>our sons and grandson's

>> No.11239184

Also, another redpill... *all* women are like this for the right guy, including our mothers and sisters.

"Finding a good woman" is pure santa Claus tier bullshit

>> No.11239244

If you think central banking/ monetary policy is inherently bad (i.e. the standard poltard opinion) then you aren't actually redpilled. The real redpill is understandig that central banking has many pros and cons. In general, a lot of the black and white opinions pushed on 4chan are extremely purple pilled. Normies AND poltards both tend to see things in black and white.

>> No.11239246

Yeah I know, just trying to be optimistic

>> No.11239253

All central banking does is centralized risk, so that short term frequent panics like 1907 are changed out for major ones like 1929.

There are no pros unless you're a big government cuck, so please shut the fuck up. The free banking era was the greatest period of financial stability in human history but cucks like you will dent this

>> No.11239268

Agreed. /pol/ is for Doomers. Its a place where people go when they don't fit into society, then find comradry in identity politics based around being white. They think, "look how WOKE I am," but all they are doing is repeating what a bunch of 12 year olds on the internet scream about. In their desire to empower themselves, they become ideologue zombies.

Then, constantly surrounded by hatred, and people talking about why everyone is doomed, they become more and more bitter. The red pill, as taken by /pol/ only leads to the black pill. Then, you end up just being a depressed, self doubting social isolate.

It's not a good route to take. Its the same route that the leftists take on social media, just in another form. What a waste of time. If you want to throw your life away, look no further than /pol/ or social media. Both are pathways to complacency and doom.

>> No.11239271

You will never make money

>> No.11239290

And don't attach too much importance to the cosmic tragedy of human ignorance.

>> No.11239299


>> No.11239304

best post itt

>> No.11239315

fuck off

>> No.11239435

What you say is true, it's also true that what you say is true due to ill nature of some people, you are one of those people.

>> No.11239797

Yea, as I said this is a perfect example of seeing things black and white. You don't even understand the pros of central banking. Ignorance is bliss.