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11238684 No.11238684 [Reply] [Original]

What are you waiting for anon? Edition

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks, and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

Basic rundown on options:
[YouTube] Option Basics Part I
[YouTube] Option Basics Part II

Suggested books:

Previous thread: >>11233033

>> No.11238689

what are the future blue chip stocks of the next 2 decades

i figure i should buy them now

>> No.11238695
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>A Federal Reserve bank is a privately owned corporation established pursuant to the Federal Reserve Act to serve the public interest




>> No.11238696
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>> No.11238699
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4th for $190 TSLA

>> No.11238700


>> No.11238708


>> No.11238715

They are trying hard as fuck to prop this pig up.

>> No.11238724

Shoop in the faces of the known tripfags. Pls make the green one comfy

>> No.11238729

If anyone else has the TD Ameritrade app, do you notice it’s Kinda bad with the live-streaming stock prices? I often have to switch out and go back which is kind of disconcerting

>> No.11238736

it's shooped

>> No.11238738 [DELETED] 
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Finally sold 25 AMD shares at 25.70 after bagholding for what seems like ages. Feels good man

>> No.11238739
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They already did both of those things

>> No.11238751 [DELETED] 


Whoops, meant 32.70

>> No.11238779
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>> No.11238789

typical friday bloodbath

>> No.11238792
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Pic related is me right now

>> No.11238801

that shit is shilled by TD’s crack team of 4chan gorilla marketers

>> No.11238813
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MSFT they have a monopoly

>> No.11238815
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>> No.11238821

I'm long IRDM, ROAD, RGSE, LTBR gimme a r8

>> No.11238841

ETFs are the new blue chips

>> No.11238848

Question to the people shilling ECR: when is it supposed to actually go up? It’s been falling for days now

>> No.11238852
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go OASM!

>> No.11238857

thats such cringe man

even 2x leveraged shit moves too slowly for me, of course i own a bunch of it but im looking for like the 75% annual gains from the new MSFT oR AAPL

we should be able to figure this out, what do we all use each day or will in the next decade and who is the biggest best company that makes that shit

>> No.11238870

>Negitive EPS
>Wall St is expecting -60.00% YoY EPS growth for $ECR in Q3, down from 200.00% in Q2 [Reporting 11/07 AMC]

Any second now I'm sure

>> No.11238880
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>> No.11238887
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going in for overtime so I can buy up some 40 shares of SDIV to add some dividend yield to my boomer portfolio. am I gonna make it?

>> No.11238900

Fuck. Should I just sell now

>> No.11238904

just through $100 at HMNY. Am I brainlet?

>> No.11238914


>> No.11238921


>> No.11238946

not sure how good SDIV will be long-term (e.g., 20-30 years from now), but that dividend yield sure is juicy

>> No.11238947

Yes, the correct action is to buy a single share of them, frame it on your wall to remind yourself that at least you didn't "invest" in this scam.

>> No.11238959

Source ?
ZH said nothing

>> No.11238961
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>stop loss triggers after 2 days of bleeding
>day trading privleges suspended due to equity call
>stock immediatley rebounds hard past my buy in price
Great way to start the day!

>> No.11238967
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green day eod

>> No.11238975

how do you guys deal with a big loss?
got a loaded shotgun here next to me, considering pulling the trigger.

>> No.11238984

I bought CHK yesterday but I wished I had rather bought IGC for the massive gains or even GALT because it looks like it's going up again for a bit. I'm stuck with small gains over bigger gains again.

>> No.11238991

if your losing heaps on shit stocks without stop losses you deserve to fail

you are why I succeed because I am superior and your money is sent to me every single day, passively without me doing anything, my brain already won

>> No.11238998

Did you not set a stop loss or something

>> No.11239000

How big is big? I had a 70% drawdown because I am betting on reality with puts but the stock trades on religion. Just learn and move on.

>> No.11239010

You deal with it with the fact that as long as you are alive you can make everything back and more.

>> No.11239020
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>> No.11239022

BB mooning, waiting till it cools down to pull the trigger

>> No.11239030

Vote scheduled for 1:30 this afternoon, should be fun. I hope we get some protesters in there today

>> No.11239032

well no shit, the smearfest is too blatant and ridiculous that theres no turning back for me, if he pulls out of the 'job interview' hes basically fucked

>> No.11239043


>> No.11239051
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>> No.11239052

I’ve been there a couple of times but not because of the markets. I hope you’re just larping cause it’s one of the darkest places a man can go. Sorry anon

>> No.11239058


>> No.11239060

but those are already bluechips and cant rocket up and become blue chips in the future

we literally need 50% annual gains for a decade+ to be worthwhile to invest into

>> No.11239071

Learn to set stop losses

The only way to really lose is to pull out of your life. It's just money man.

I'm having a shit time learning this market, cascading excessive use fee on my BA account have me negative on RH and all I'm holding is shit bags.

Missing out on some good action today but there will be others.

We're all gonna make it bro, just be patient like Buffet sama and set fucking stop losses next time

>> No.11239072

well sodastream was one but just got bought out by pep, so the guys kinda right

>> No.11239077

Hesitating bc it seems too good to be true. Really feel like Tesla is going down. Should I risk 400 bucks on $245 10/5 TSLA puts?

>> No.11239081

who's "we" and why do you guys need 50% gain? attempting to predict the next amazon is extremely difficult, unless you decided to buy every IPO

>> No.11239103

wtf is with SYN, its mooning like a falcon

>> No.11239116
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>G-GALT is dead I better capitulate like a little bitch


>> No.11239133

They unironically have a 500-1 reverse split coming up

>> No.11239139

the ones of us wanting to make it

sub 15% gains annually are for hyper cucks, thats a complete waste of time

>> No.11239154

i own 25 shares of that HMNY meme, paid like $2, what even happens when a company splits to where you own under 1 full share

do i just get liquidated and i cant even own the meme anymore

>> No.11239162
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fuck kraft heinz to the deepest darkest hell

>> No.11239163
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Rapid prototyping and 3d printing, it's the future yo

>> No.11239187

never heard of them and i work in that industry.

>> No.11239189

You get one full share, i did last time HMNY did this

>> No.11239197

>he doesn't know about compounding interest
as someone who's on his way to making it, if you're trying to beat the market its going to beat you. Invest wisely, take a few risks but there are people and businesses out there that are much smarter thank any of us. Which is why I allow them to invest most my money for me.

>> No.11239207
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Stop losses seem like a weird crutch to me. If you're investing in long-term holds, then you need to tolerate some ups and downs and not be spooked by a potentially temporary dip. If you're doing swing trading or day trading where you'll make quick moves based on short term price changes, then you need to be watching the market closely in order to work your strategy, so you don't need a stop-loss because you're right there looking at the market ready to sell if necessary. I don't see where the stop-loss really fits in to any of those scenarios. I guess maybe if you're going on vacation to some weird time zone like Japan and you're worrying about some Enron-like collapse happening while you're sleeping over there, then I guess it's a tail-risk instrument, but you could also just buy some puts for that instead.

>> No.11239221

the entire history of the US stock market the ideal leverage has been over 2 for the SP500 and around 2 for the NASDAQ, including the dotcom bubble, its way higher now.

I am 'beating the market' by basically doubling it annually, im strong enough to hold through downtrends to get insane average entry costs, a bear market is honestly ideal for a guy in his 20s wanting to pick up huge leveraged positions in ETFs

>> No.11239226

question: do stop losses work in after hours trading?

>> No.11239231
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If you save up to $350,000 at 15% a year you get $52,500 a year

You can retire on that in the midwest

>> No.11239237

Fuck that’s more than enough for my cabin innawoods to fuck milfs in.

>> No.11239243

No, numerous people are reporting that they've hit their Q3 production and delivery targets with two days to spare, which suggests that when this lawsuit hysteria blows over the stock will go shooting up again...

>> No.11239259
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>> No.11239261
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dont lose bigly

>> No.11239272
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>> No.11239276
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Yussss USD/CAD
dump for real this time @_@

>> No.11239279

>a bear market is honestly ideal for a guy in his 20s wanting to pick up huge leveraged positions in ETFs

that I agree with, however if history is any indicator, very few people will beat the market. most hedge funds don't do it. you only hear about them when they strike it rich

>> No.11239294

currently have $360K in the market, you're not going to get 15% income on that investment without risking being BTFO in a bear market with giant divvy cuts to the CEFs, MLPs or whatever risk stock is giving your that much interest.

However, my goal is to reach 60K per year then work part time to allow some more reinvestment and watch my dividends get raised every year.

>> No.11239297

Wall Street now hates AMD again get out.

>> No.11239301

AMD is poison. IMO it is at a psychological barrier and it is hard for investors to go over $30.

NVAX is about to peek above and I am wondering if anyone here has any idea how high Novavax is willing to go?

>> No.11239311
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1broker got shut down
i lost all my bitcoin, Im officially no coiner now

>> No.11239316

Also, thank you GALT cult. Going back up.

>> No.11239317
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average down

>> No.11239323

you will be able to withdraw presumably eventually right

they just cant allow trades anymore?

>> No.11239342
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>> No.11239344
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im at 56.8 now

doubt it, all the coins were raided

>> No.11239346

IGC lets go

>> No.11239363
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>> No.11239387
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I’m about to sell ECR at a loss. Is there any reason why I shouldn’t do this?

>> No.11239388

Lol I had 1000 shares at one point with a 0.50 avg... FML boyos

>> No.11239391
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cant believe 1broker got rekt :( it was too good to be true thats why me never signed up

>> No.11239408

About to buy 100 shares of F

Someone convince me that I'm a retard

>> No.11239413

this market is acting really fucky.

>> No.11239414
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Holy shit, NBEV! Take it easy.

>> No.11239423
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NBEV save meeeeeeee

>> No.11239429
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you're a retard

the only way they will moon is if trump slaps tariffs on all foreign auto and auto parts imports which will be wildly unpopular but will be great for the domestic car companies

>> No.11239451

my 50 shares got stopped lossed today. Also Trumps tariffs cost them 1 billion in profit due to chinese metal, they will probably continue to go down. Buy when the trade wars are rumored to be over.

>> No.11239459
File: 39 KB, 900x673, unitedhealth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UNH (UnitedHealth Group) as a long term hold for me.

Stays consistently above and follows the 200 day moving average almost perfectly, also pays dividends of $0.90/share, but that comes at a cost ~$265/share. They also regularly increase the dividend payout.

UNH might be heading for bad times soon. Analysts downgraded their targets, CEO sold ~26,000 shares recently ($7M transaction), and it hit a 52 week high.

I don't think that they will be in the red earnings wise, they are an insurance company. I would also expect it to be a defensive stock in the possible trade war (domestic company, insurance/services and not tech/mfg related).

>> No.11239464

As soon as you sell ECR, it'll moon. Murphy's Law 101.

>> No.11239470
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>> No.11239482

Anyone here in TBPMF? Looks like easy money to me, but wanted to get other people’s opinion before committing cash

>> No.11239495
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you got SOROS'd mang

>> No.11239502

My friend works for them, management is a trainwreck lol

>> No.11239504

they will suffer when the economy pops

>> No.11239512

I have 4x as many shares of INTC than AMD, so my AMD JUSTing got cancelled out. But goddamn it.

>> No.11239520

what makes you think this? Any news?

>> No.11239523
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this is just the beginning

get ready for the Credit Suisse deummpe soon on the 1st

>> No.11239527
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What just happened to amd

>> No.11239532
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NBEV is going up.

>> No.11239535

Leftist faggots eating another shit sandwich. Reminder that if they had their way you would pay 90% tax on all gains so they can import more somalis.

>> No.11239536

100%. Happened with me and IGC

>> No.11239538
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>> No.11239539

The pump is finally over

>> No.11239541

I warned you about fucking George Soros. He did this to MU, now it's AMD's turn.

>> No.11239542

Absolutely. Glad I bought more on Wednesday.

>> No.11239543

Seriously what the hell. What information am I missing?

>> No.11239546

At this rate my amd put at $22.50 might not expire worthless today.

>> No.11239550

welcome to my world of bgfv snap and tsla. all 20-40% losers since buying. all i had to do was just buy the dow like the boomer i am.

>> No.11239559
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Time to sell.

>> No.11239561
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Stop losses are for the loser """traders""" who inhibit this board who randomly pick shitty stocks that move +-50% in a day. if your'e a long time investor you shouldn't have stop losses at all. the market will always go up eventually.

If your'e a day/swing trader, you should be quick enough to short the position the second the stock hits your theoretical stop loss %.

Too bad this board is only inhabited by fat cheesefingered retards who ""trade"" using a slow buggy app on their android phones, based on rumors they hear on a Cantonese doll making forum.

No wonder they're all suicidal.

>> No.11239563
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>> No.11239570


>> No.11239573
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Been dropping news all month, market cap less than 200m

>> No.11239577
File: 164 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180928-115006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to diversity, I've never lost more than 1.5% in one day


Fugg, they at least refund you? Try out Robinhoods shitty coin selection?

Also should I pull my miniscule ammount of coin from coinbase?
Also just put coins in a thrwoaway HDD that you keep in the closet

It's going to drop for a good 2-4 years , you were warned months ago
Why do you think AMD is doing so well?

If you don't already own some F then you truly are retarded

This tbqh
Stop losses make you a bigger target to large specs than a Hillary Clinton tramp stamp

>> No.11239580

is going to get attacked by all of wall street like before. amd back to $9.

>> No.11239581

No, time to buy buy buy more shares. Only faggots panic selling because they didn't sell at 34 or 32 because they got too greedy.

>> No.11239583

You bought in awfully late, but people seem to have much more faith in AMD compared to TSLA. Stay strong.

>> No.11239586

I want off Lisa Su’s wild ride

>> No.11239591

donut panic

>> No.11239592

all the amd sell signals were there, cramer going bullish ,soros taking position, the fucking charts, if you didnt take profit several days ago you got fucked

>> No.11239593
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AMD is literally my first ever stock i bought

>> No.11239595
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buy FAS

>> No.11239599
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>> No.11239602

I'm in TBP, the canadian ticker. Got my free NBUD shares. Going at it long until I see double digits. Hoping for triple in 5 years but that's just delusion.
The best time to buy was below 1 dollar CAD.

>> No.11239605

Same, plus it is the only stock I hold.
Bought in at 13

>> No.11239606

>Try out Robinhoods shitty coin selection?
I dont trade coins, 1broker was for trading stocks with bitcoin
And no refunds yet, its all raided

>> No.11239611
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Apologize to Galectin Therapeutics

>> No.11239613

i'd consider buying AMD for a long hold too. at 20 though. so likely in a month or so.

>> No.11239621

>It's going to drop for a good 2-4 years , you were warned months ago
most of the faggots in here don't think in terms of quarterly or annual, except for the based dividend frens
INTC is not worth buy and hold status until 2020 comes around, only for swing/positional trading as of now

>> No.11239625
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Okay boyos, I'm super busy at work today and I have to go see my trauma thewapist at 2:00. I can't post the ding ding ding today, someone else needs to drive us to Romano's. Here's the pic, I'll be back tonite, luv u guys!

>> No.11239627
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get rekt

>> No.11239632

So glad I just jumped out of amd and igc. I put $80 on amd at $13 and $80 on igc at $4
Now waiting for my next buy.

>> No.11239634

>He isn't buying the oil rally

Crude to 100 with the Iran sanctions and Permian lock-in

>> No.11239635
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They have a sweet-ass Jeep though.

>> No.11239641

I'm the anon who scalps this shit for the 40-50 cent differential every time it goes sideways, which is what it's been doing for the past 2 weeks, except now my differential is a dollar range, shit is great
the sell signals have been a great boon to me
this is worth holding long, so don't fucking look at it everyday and panic sell
only sell when you want to reap some profits or to do what I do, buy low sell high and buy low again to keep for end of day

>> No.11239642

watch your corn hole, bud

>> No.11239643

honestly we’ll see but at this point the losses feel like they’re within tolerances. The year end goal is still $40.

>> No.11239644
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the red is getting less red

>> No.11239645

>Mkt Cap 142.78m
seems legit

>> No.11239647

somebody get the gong and hammer it's bwang bwang bwang day

>> No.11239648


>> No.11239651
File: 693 KB, 798x775, MU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow not a crazy conspiracy but you are right. RIP AMD.

>> No.11239659


You use a stop loss when you invest in AUSA on the first day it's available to trade.

>> No.11239669


Haha you fags get no sympathy from me. I doubt any of you were even long timers who bought in when it was sub $10. If you were you would still be 300% up. You also had numerous chances to cash out along the way but you got greedy and thought a company which just tripled its marcap in 6 months will continue to grow exponentially.

Get dabbed on.

>> No.11239674

that guy just looks evil lmao

>> No.11239678
File: 56 KB, 300x450, xbmxznxzxxn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy the DPST knife its the new FNGU

>> No.11239679

Yeah I'm out of amd thanks for 70%

>> No.11239680

Thanks for letting IGC moon. I told you guys to buy it last week.

>> No.11239683

If anyone wants to short something from the leafs, it's CIBC. Should have a US ticker since these morons are diversifying into the US. These are the same dumbasses that took a massive hit during Enron, and also the 2008 crash.
The fucker is going down and there is a massive online outage, probably a data breach in the works. Debit, credit cards don't work, going to a branch physically don't work. All online services down. And I mean all. Including their brokerages. Normalfags are raging.
This is a very risky buy opportunity, so be warned.

>> No.11239684 [DELETED] 
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*Dabs on you*

>> No.11239692

It's going to go up again to 32. Did you not fucking notice it's been ranging 30 to 32. For weeks.

>> No.11239696

I got it at 2.47, still holding strong. I bought more at 16, 23, and 26.

>> No.11239697

F that sold at the peak

>> No.11239703
File: 6 KB, 250x187, download (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did, but I've been long enough on this bull, time to let it do it's own thing. Enough gains

>> No.11239716
File: 2.87 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for the Lunchtime Checkup!

What're you eating how're you doing?

I'm having a loaded chicken and broccoli salad and I'm red as shit today again. Thinking about nuking my portfolio and starting over desu, I'll give it until next week. Ever since LCI imploded I haven't had good luck trading.

>> No.11239719

Nice. Enjoy your gains m8

>> No.11239720

Read a real chart, it had a triple top at $33. That is an apocalyptic signal that predicts a sell off.

>> No.11239722

Think I’ll hold on for another week and see what happens

>> No.11239728
File: 318 KB, 1200x2000, port-wine-infographic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bong rips, some adderall, NXT's and a glass of fine ruby port

ended up sleeping in late today, so no food until dinner time

>> No.11239735

My condolences. I kinda wish that I didn't buy all these meme stocks chasing after memes and just bought bluechips now.

>> No.11239738
File: 687 KB, 879x679, xm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you never seem to have much luck in your trades
have you considered stopping options and moving to the redpilled Megacap trading?

>> No.11239739

I can't wait for him to die. I hope he suffers greatly on the way to Hell.

>> No.11239743

I don't care you dumb ass, I'm not in it for the long! I just want to make money off of the pump and dump you dumb twat.

>> No.11239746

mid breakfast here, bagel and cream cheese with coffee. a little up today

>> No.11239748

>complaining about greed in fucking /smg/

>> No.11239752


Lol retard. There wasn't fud on AMD while it was doing that. It was only positive news, but still it could not push higher.

It's time, I'll see you at $20.

>> No.11239755

cool here comes the dump

>> No.11239763
File: 137 KB, 692x952, _20180921_101650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda same, I'm getting good at commodities though

Thinking about it, I'm trying too hard to get fat gains fast desu. I'm not in danger or worried, but I should do a 50/50 stable and gamble split instead. I just need to slow it up.

>> No.11239765

lunchbro, please tell me you aren't B5G/Planes, my heart couldn't take it

>> No.11239766
File: 251 KB, 3521x2481, AAXN_09212018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based LunchBro

>LCI implosion
Another poor soul who got Big5Guy'd
Listen to AUIC Research instead fren

>> No.11239775
File: 8 KB, 363x139, images(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMD will be $50+ next year buddy boy.

>> No.11239779

niggas acting like AMD is on its death bed when it's only down 5%

>> No.11239780

redpilled and based, been in megacaps for years and they've done nothing but bring me gains

its been a bull run but when the shit hits the fan, i think they'll go down less than more volatile stocks

>> No.11239783


>> No.11239790

it was a good dip tho if you want to go for a long play, besides the pump didnt actually have a proper correction, maybe this was it

>> No.11239791
File: 105 KB, 700x710, _20180719_044529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I'm not, I made money off BGFV though, bought at 5.60 sold at 8.

To be fair though, it was my decision to buy in, thought it looked solid but that's the breaks. No hard feelings or anything, a few bad trades is expected.

Time to fully embrace my inner boomer

>> No.11239792



No wonder people lose money. AMD right now is Bitcoin at 18k.

>> No.11239794

You're the retard. It's trading sideways. This is good for me like when it traded sideways before this stupid pump up. I can scalp all the panic sellers. It's when it goes up like a rocket that's bad, I can't fucking do my trades.

>> No.11239799


>> No.11239803

>$65 stock currently trading at $69
>also trading at 133p/e

>> No.11239806
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>> No.11239809

and the usual suspect : AMZN

>> No.11239811
File: 85 KB, 674x960, 1535141275200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im getting bioteched with NOVO. only down about 2% total though so im not totally fucked for the day yet

>> No.11239817


Jesus, zoom the fuck out my man.

You're going to get burned.

>> No.11239821

>3 calls on amd @31
go up fucker!

>> No.11239824

the only good meme stocks are the weed stocks. they pump way longer then pharmaceutical meme stocks.

>> No.11239831

Again good job op

>> No.11239832

Anyone here think cron might bounce back up before the 17th, or is it too risky...

>> No.11239839

guys I just bought 30 shares of TSLA and made 97 cents
fuck i want to dab so bad but rules are rules i guess...

>> No.11239840

Read the conclusion senpai

AAXN is a buy under $65 and then you hodl. It is a great company with a great business model that is very likely to deliver positive surprises (and thus price upgrades) in the future

I wouldn't advice people to buy @ $69. It is a volatile stock so dips below $65 are bound to happen

Also, PE means shit when you have a company likely to achieve a monopoly situation within the anglosphere police forces.

>> No.11239847
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>> No.11239850
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>> No.11239852

This unironically
Also setting stop loss by arbitrary % am retard too

>> No.11239854


>> No.11239860

better get in on this AMD bull run before end of day

>> No.11239866

wtf does NVAX have coming up? Thought it was just another pump and dump scheme manufactured by other /biz/raelies

>> No.11239873

The exception is a trailing stop loss, which is a great way to play uptrends.

>> No.11239882

Imagine how stupid you would have to be to sell AMD at ~30

>> No.11239884
File: 12 KB, 310x163, images(5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their future looks great faggot. More people/companies using AMD CPUs, taking market share from INTEL, etc..

>> No.11239888
File: 303 KB, 1405x828, AMZN 09282018 Week long candles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMZN will be the new six figure BRK.A if they dont reverse split soon

but if they reverse split they will get an instant boost from small specs buying in

>> No.11239898

Meant for >>11239792

>> No.11239901
File: 360 KB, 500x750, 1530642145387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow watch out guys, there's a high-roller over here.

>> No.11239919
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 1523670872512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna make it, friend. We're all gonna make it.

Except for bearfags.

>> No.11239932

>tfw bank is undergoing maintenance on a day that RIV decided to bounce.

Fuck this world. Reeeeeeeeee.

>> No.11239937
File: 78 KB, 1867x259, The_Legend_of_Big5Cuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, I seriously don't get how badly Big5Cuck fell off of his game. Like I can see how LCI and BGFV look tempting on paper but they really didn't have a shot at a future. I mean LCI is getting the fuck investigated out of it for fraud and has an overwhelming amount of debt and Big 5 Sporting Goods Store is getting slaughtered in retail land. What the fuck was that guy thinking...

>> No.11239943
File: 814 KB, 1440x1080, 1535297646369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reverse splitting makes a stock more expensive
It's dividing the total number of shares while still keeping the same value of the company

>> No.11239944

dude this shit has been getting assfucked

>> No.11239959

that is true but they can't compete against nvidia in the gpu market.

>> No.11239962

I honestly dont know what to do with IGC. I want to get in, but I feel like it's about to go through another drop. Fuck

>> No.11239971

The cpu market is much larger than the cpu market.

>> No.11239972
File: 17 KB, 495x362, 1522428788151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sell OGEN
>it moons harder

>> No.11239976

nvidia is a meme

>> No.11240002
File: 72 KB, 800x524, 1538069468459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amd mini bull run has run out of steam

>> No.11240011
File: 69 KB, 723x406, good advice from asuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

regular split then, whatever the one that makes 1 old share = 10 new ones

>> No.11240012
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>Spy drops like a knife

>> No.11240013

beach friends advised me to buy in though.

>> No.11240014

bezos hates splitting because the last time he did it, in a shocking development, the share price went down

>> No.11240018

nvidia is also leading both amd and intel on AI and ML. NVDA is a pretty good long term stock.

But the real undervalued chip stock right now is TSM. With GloFo dropping out and intel struggling, they are the only one with a capable 7nm process.

>> No.11240022


>> No.11240038

RICK up almost 3% today. go stripclubs.

>> No.11240039


>> No.11240047

>AI and ML
do you really think there’s a lot of consumer value in either of those things

nvidia is fine and everything but $280 per share with a $400 target is getting pretty carried away imo

>> No.11240051
File: 165 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180928-125521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whew lads, false alarm

The day is still green

>> No.11240068

bzzzzzzzz... bzzzzzzzzzzz

>> No.11240075

Not right now, but absolutely long term. Digital personal assistants and self-driving are just 2 applications that is about to get huge.

Also remember they also basically have a monoplay on gaming hardware. $400 isn't unrealistic IMO.

Right now, its TSM>NVDA>INTC>AMD for me.

>> No.11240076

you are the most conservative trader on this board. kudos

>> No.11240112
File: 237 KB, 588x434, 1510590620304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lunch time is over, volume will now rise again

eh its not so great
I once decided $200 for 1 LMT was a better idea than 1 BTC for $300
then a year later decided that 1 AMZN for $980 was better than 1 BTC for $1,000

conservative trading hurts me just as often as it helps...

>> No.11240117
File: 135 KB, 1024x545, 1498664694793234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*rejects call*

>> No.11240119
File: 553 KB, 959x932, TSM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can tell TSM is going to be huge in the future when they have the highest number of patents per capita. also they try very hard to protect trade secrets. not sure if I want to buy after they fuck me over on earns because the iphone x sold like shit. I would say they are the next Samsung stock.

>> No.11240121

Don't call be buddy, Friend.

>> No.11240124
File: 1.83 MB, 268x304, 1537845907135.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only good meme stocks are the weed stocks. they pump way longer then pharmaceutical meme stocks.

That's because the dude weed has the feel of a slippery slope towards federal legalization in several first world countries in addition to Canada. Whether or not that turns out to be the true reality remains to be seen. It doesn't matter so long as enough money in the market either believes it or is willing to substantially speculate on the possibility.

Anyway. Day is looking peachy for me. Weed bouncing. HVT warrants were lagging the common so i bought up the entire lowest ask price this morning. RIV building up supports on the lows. Support 1 is around 6.80, support 2 at 6.00. First resistance is around 7.50. It would have been great to have my 5.50 order fill during a panic sell earlier today but no dice.

>> No.11240138

Don’t call him friend, guy

>> No.11240153

AMD makes actual products

>> No.11240159

Don't call him guy, buddy

>> No.11240181

most stocks right now are bitcoin at 18k ....
everything is overpriced

>> No.11240183
File: 126 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_Robinhood_20180928-121304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to I get better at this game?

>> No.11240191

Don't call him buddy, sir.

>> No.11240200
File: 162 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180928-131501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit nice start date!

1 make sure a majority of your money is in blue chips, with dividends
2 never listen to biz
3 never spend more than 1-2% on a meme
4 defense stocks

>> No.11240222

GALT is underpriced

>> No.11240225

>How to I get better at this game?

weed meme stocks or stocks that have a very good 180 MA like MSFT if you are going long.

>> No.11240237
File: 12 KB, 187x269, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FNGU w-what are ya doin.

>> No.11240254
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>2 never listen to biz
ST too.

>> No.11240259
File: 148 KB, 251x266, 5as55x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you were supposed to sell yesterday

>> No.11240267
File: 26 KB, 640x248, intelligent speculation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do your own research before you buy stocks
ideally, buy proven companies with solid fundamentals, but if you choose to buy more volatile and cheap stocks, make sure they have good fundamentals too (like GALT)
don't trade based on emotions and think in the long term, not the short term

>> No.11240276
File: 102 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180928-132431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


5. Vidya (ATVI, TTWO, SNE, MSFT)

>> No.11240281

Which weed stocks should I invest in?

>> No.11240284
File: 135 KB, 282x238, 75x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it hasnt

Buy here and buy again at 28, then again IF it goes to 27

>> No.11240305

>look at Boeing's page on yahoo finance
>click on "Conversations" tab to see what the general consensus of the village idiots is
>Boeing's entire comments section is full of Dem vs Repub shitposting about the Kavanaugh drama
>no one's even talking about the company or stock

Politics were a mistake.

>> No.11240312

don't forget NTDOY

>> No.11240335

BA still has room to grow, they're sitting below 25X P/E at least.

>> No.11240341
File: 167 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180928-133121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never trust anyone but yourself when it comes to your money

Na, AMZN, defense industry ,and indexes, with some dividends stocks and meme AMD (that eventually stopped beinga meme)

>> No.11240360

>2 never listen to biz
Good advise thanks

>> No.11240374

boost me to retirement

>> No.11240408

personally I’d go with NBEV but it’s not like any of them are sure things right now

eventually it’s basically guaranteed that there will be high preforming marijuana industry stocks it’s just hard to peg which ones are actually going to get there and which ones are going to die along with the initial hype

>> No.11240411

V or MA?

>> No.11240418

I like V

>> No.11240420

CRON is looking good for next week. Longer term is shaky for picking a sole player. CGC has that deal lined up though.

>> No.11240429

V just issued a statement saying they don’t want anything to do with bitcoin so management seems pretty astute

>> No.11240432

A sign.

>> No.11240438

>he didnt buy SHLD at 85 cents

>> No.11240453

Acreage Holdings in early November. Don't buy it on the first listing day unless the opening price is within reasonable range of the most recent financing round price. Wait for it to set some kind of half ass trend if it's stupid high. Recent new dude weed listings this month mostly dumped for a few days from their debut because they opened at too much of a premium above IPO price.

But don't just blindly take my advice here. Research Acreage and learn why there is so much hype about them going public.

>> No.11240458

>he didn’t buy MSFT at 3 dollars in 1992

>> No.11240460
File: 12 KB, 221x228, images(6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If AMD pulls a RYZEN for their GPUs then it's over. Very likely if they keep it up.

>> No.11240463
File: 46 KB, 480x515, DMAA1PeUIAAqfmf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god dammit i missed it cause i was busy

>> No.11240470
File: 146 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180928-134919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Das rite

>> No.11240472

anything that is CDB infuse because it going to be more legal then actual marijuana. NBEV and IGC are two stocks doing that but wait for the dips.

>> No.11240473
File: 437 KB, 541x538, 1481659393813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need a better anime girl on the bottom

and top too now that i think of it//

>> No.11240487

Just quick JEWGLEING desu. Google

>> No.11240495
File: 269 KB, 234x249, 1535884198096.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Buying weed stocks? Make sure they are companies that are doing medical and recreational.

>> No.11240498

always buy below 60 and sell 63-66-70
but I believe to 70 before it goes to 59 again so just hold it

>> No.11240506

LOL Jeff Flake fucked us,

>> No.11240528


>> No.11240531

are you serious

fucking coward

>> No.11240539

He pulled a double fake senpai, he said aye

>> No.11240543

Ehh he is saying he isnt comfortable voting on the issue without a week delay with fbi investigation.
fucking traitorous faggot

>> No.11240549

Is that you, GRU?

>> No.11240551

>it's going to hold 270

>> No.11240554

He voted yes though

>> No.11240564

thats the confusing part, he voted to move the vote to the whole senate but hes being vague af dog whistling about fbi investigation. he might be hoodwinking them...

>> No.11240569

He will vote yes for all of the votes. He knows the FBI can't really do shit with this case. He's just stalling to make himself look good.

>> No.11240581

Arizona is nothing but RINOs (see McCain). He’s just trying to save face for the dems.

>> No.11240604

It's not doing nearly as bad as I though, not even touched the previous low of 260 right now.

>> No.11240622

you just know its going to 310 again, lets be real

>> No.11240649
File: 263 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180928-130714_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bad I fuck up here? I've been buying AMD at every dip and then selling again made a good amount but this dip was pretty big this time. I'm worried about it recovering now.

>> No.11240659

>110% of your portfolio in a highly volatile meme-stock

>> No.11240665

Who the hell is manipulating the spy, look at that shit

>> No.11240664

How much did you lose?

>> No.11240668

Guys? Why does it say my sell may cause day trading? I need to sell my shit now before it dips more

>> No.11240674

I sold off a lot of other stocks and decided to go all in on AMD been buying 50 shares every dip and selling at 2% profit and buying at the next dip so it's worked so far

>> No.11240675
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>> No.11240678

lol the whole bathtub situation is shopped

>> No.11240682

>he doesn't have at least $25k in his account

kek, have fun getting your account restricted for violating the pattern day trading rule

>> No.11240683

Haven't sold so nothing and im still profitable right now negative $90

>> No.11240688

Could see 29s next week.

>> No.11240691
File: 13 KB, 640x360, twice, double grave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average price: $31.82
>portfolio diversity: 111%
you played yourself son
if you were really buying the dip and selling at the peaks your average cost would be less than $25
but more importantly, you bet your whole portfolio AND some leverage
thats twice, 2x grave right there

>> No.11240703

itll be power hour before you know it
Bullish bias

>> No.11240704
File: 303 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180928-131450_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whys that I dont mind holding for a good while
I have been anon I'll post all history if you want I dont sell till I see good enough profit I try to make it 2%

>> No.11240715
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>> No.11240718

What percentage is that. Losing 5-10% hurts but it’s nothing you can’t bounce back from.

>> No.11240733

this the eternal hodl cultists make it instabottom as soon as there's one sell off
if there was ever a stock you unironically buy the dip on no matter what it's tesla
soon it'll be right back up as more fomofags buy in again. I buy the dip sell the recovery all the time for the easiest most brainless gains in the world

>> No.11240737

I have 5 extra bucks in my account, shill me on what's good.

>> No.11240753
File: 235 KB, 917x845, 1529524164122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i hold my 31 amd 10/26 calls through the weekend tho

>> No.11240754


>> No.11240760
File: 292 KB, 750x845, 180E42D1-738D-465F-AEFC-8B013B56F1DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll post a /pol/ mem just because this thead is already done but this summarizes the situation

>> No.11240761

Simple glance, it’s correcting, and the 20 is going to cross down through the 50.

>> No.11240764
File: 75 KB, 495x528, its for you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then dont worry and just hold. or maybe you shouldnt have sold in the first place?

shorts always get fudd'd, buy and hold is all you need

>you have two choices
>answer the call
>answer the call

>> No.11240857

>the best time to buy was below 1 dollar CAD
>hoping for triple (digits) in 5 years
So the best time to buy really isn’t under 1 CAD but before the FDA approves these meds for use

>> No.11241018

Why is everyone trading options all of a sudden what the fuck

>> No.11241461

There is going to be a sudden market correction on Tuesday.

>> No.11241888

Well I'm currently long SPY, so that would make sense.