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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 126 KB, 1083x841, stripe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11237981 No.11237981 [Reply] [Original]

errrr. just passed this on my trip down the rabbit hole...

..stumbled onto it whilst down the cargo and freight rabbit hole.


https://www.glnk.com (BITA)
https://www.glvnet.com (BITA) same CEO^^

now see.


now see


now see partners




>> No.11237986
File: 156 KB, 1200x819, docu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

docu, sap, etc.

>> No.11237997

I don’t want to open it all. Is this good or bad?

>> No.11238014


>> No.11238025


also may or may not have seen this.

>> No.11238030

always good. I don't shit post.

>> No.11238058

Goood find anon. I follow alot of logistics and cargo tech, it will be one of the first large industries to see some rapid adoption early q1 19

>> No.11238075

same. logistics especially freight and cargo is mostly archaic but can adopt pretty easily when the right product comes along..

>> No.11238087

Ctrl+f chainlink
No resulta

>> No.11238088

But anon, I just woke up. Can't afford to get comfy right now, I have things to do today.
I will save this thread for later though.

>> No.11238106


Ctrl+f brainlet
1 result. >>11238087

>> No.11238110

Ctrl+fuck you!

>> No.11238112

nibba wtf are you talking about?!
there were everywhere salesforce connections before dreamforce. then it comes out that they will use some kind of private dlt.
everything is a fucking larp and you bastardos made me buy that shit cuz muh docusign and muh salesforce

>> No.11238122

I don't even need to open this to know it's bullshit.
4 random website partnership pages.

>> No.11238125
File: 661 KB, 1592x2094, marketwaves bita fedex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11238129
File: 221 KB, 1028x664, clause accord transport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11238132
File: 249 KB, 1212x1004, blockarray oracles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11238149

> I have things to do today.

Dont worry, in 3 years you will have 3 things to do every day, eat caviar, jump saltos from your yacht and fuck 10/10 models

>> No.11238153

reminder LINK is a psyop revenge attempt to steal back from all the neets they acidentally made rich with ETH.
The breadcrumbs all manufactured. Only literal whos? are partnered with chainlink.

>> No.11238160

Zero connections to LINK. Kek poor delusional faggots

>> No.11238186

But I just want her back.

>> No.11238318

the one great thing i always see about this threads, link related or not, is the amount of use-cases for it.

>> No.11238357

exochain will be at freightwaves and they will demo their product...

>> No.11238377

Why have I never heard of Stripe before?
Also, these partnerships all have one thing in common: literally nothing to do with LINK.

>> No.11238421

Because you're a filthy gentile

>> No.11238438

Try cargox son.

>working bill of lading platform. Bita approved and tested. Being rapidly adopted.

Just like link is the underlying tech, Cargox will be sold forward under another name and rebranded as a Bill of lading solution - blockarray freight trust

>> No.11238457

>demo lol

see >>11238438 for the real product behind Smart BOL's.

>> No.11238793

>I don't shit post.
Anon I...

>> No.11238802

you chinlink late adopters are premium cringe. there is literally nothing to what you're desperately posting about. trying to find connections when literally nobody is actually using or planning on using their tech.

>> No.11238824

This is probably the dumbest post "about LINK" I've seen on biz yet. Can you imagine being a zoomer with a 1k stack convincing yourself this is LINK related?

>> No.11238836

in the time they spent bagholding this funding token they could have rode any number of 20-50x gains over the past year.

getting emotionally attached to some funding token is just sad.

>> No.11238853

Kek what 20-50x gains? There are none in this market

>> No.11238863

There were during October-January while many of us were holding Link. On a positive note Link also didn't crash as bad as everything else, and has a good chance to moon in the next bull run.

>> No.11238864

What the fuck are you on about you spaz

>> No.11238919

So no pajeet there I was taking a slippery pajeet on the street, as I am known to do 7 or 9 times a day, when all of a sudden

>> No.11238934

I was selling the top of all my shitcoins in January.
Then bought link at the bottom like a smart anon.
t. 325k linklet.

>> No.11238956

hope you don't sell too early though

but in the end what does it matter, 20 mil or 50mil

4 million will be more then enough for me, i think it will fuck up my life otherwise

>> No.11238993
File: 271 KB, 800x533, 1531773510432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not selling friend.

>> No.11239089

She will come to you begging you to get her a second chance, but because of your fat pockets. Be carefull

>> No.11239108

A true marine ! But be carefull with that amount, dont crash us please.

>> No.11239130

I give my best

>> No.11239286

Don't worry marine I'm not retarded.
>passive income
>freeman for life.

>> No.11239333


10/10 are intimidating

im gonna go for a solid 7/10

>> No.11239893

Use time sparingly Despise insolence Act without repenting Keep yourself from insolence
Follow God Live without sorrow Master wedding-feasts Know the judge Accept due measure