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File: 441 KB, 862x478, MikeMaloney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11237413 No.11237413 [Reply] [Original]

*he looks at the audience with a smug face*
>everything is in uptrend, fiat is crushing, gold is going to $100k and SILVER is going to $1000!
>this is the GREATEST opportunity of your life

*tried to lure in zoomers with crypto, failed*

I fucking hate this scammer. Not only because he has zero idea what money is (despite making a 7 hour long documentary about) but because he lured thousands of low-to-median family to invest their savings into shiny rocks when they were at the top of a bubble. And he still keeps preaching his shit

Fuck you, Mike. I hope those bags and wrinkles are getting heavier

>> No.11237436

Mike is right tho

>> No.11237445
File: 194 KB, 680x464, 24b24b45a551d508f66897b3c0847d71 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats, youve been brainwashed. May god have mercy on your soul

>> No.11237458
File: 171 KB, 691x517, grug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shinier than you, rockmed.

>> No.11237511
File: 16 KB, 200x200, EOS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mike Maloney is beleive EOS

Mike Maloney says next video, "i want to buy more EOS"

look at next video 3:40


>> No.11237516

Holy fuck how can someone age so hard in 7 years? He must have fucked up big time, good thing this scammer got what he deserved.

>> No.11237544

White people age like milk

>> No.11237921

He deserves. Prices keeps falling while hes yelling buy

>> No.11238105

EOS is a shitcoin

>> No.11238126

unironically we have about 4-5 years before we get to "january"

>> No.11238269

If the economy wasn’t corrupted and manipulated Mike would be spot on.

>> No.11238314
File: 42 KB, 600x455, fetchimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for your capitulation OP, about to go buy a few more thousand oz of silver

>> No.11238325


best performing alt at this moment

EOS $ 30 - 50 by EOY

>> No.11238352

hang on a minute. Ive followed Mike well before the December peak. He started accepting gold for bitcoin at that time. Think about it, he was accepting 1 btc for 16 OZ of physcial gold at the peak. He literally got pajeeted too like so many others.

>> No.11238364

I'm planning on buying Silver this year though, just as a safety net. The current monetary system runs on ignorance of how it operates. Eventually this will be common knowledge and at that point that you should be buying.

I predict that within 5-10 years how the fractional banking reserve operates is common knowledge, that gives you a few years to stock up on the ''real money'' before the system collapses. Even the fed itself thinks that this point will be reached eventually.

>> No.11238369

* at that point its to late to buy excusé

>> No.11238490

kek *tips fedora*

>> No.11238626

Let me ask you guys something, how is mike any different from the users on this board screaming “this is your last chance to buy crypto before mmmooooooooOooooooooooon” for the past 8 months as alt markets have dumped over 90 percent in some cases

>> No.11238658

watch how slowly they're all waking up to the fact that gold is just another jew scam, and have instead all turned to bitcoin.

in fact, this guy owned bitcoin for quite a while, along with a lot of other gold boomers. they were smart enough to see the tide changing.

>> No.11238875

Bitcoin is better than gold. Buy bitcoin and silver

>> No.11238907

He saod crypto is an experiment that maybe 2ont work go watch his videos again boomer

>> No.11238923

>is believe EOS

Fuckoff pajeet

>> No.11239327

>he got me to buy gold & silver in 2011
>he got me to buy bitcoin in 2018

>> No.11239358

Well gold is used in JEWELERY

>> No.11239364

What a load of Maloney

>> No.11239462

OP you are an idiot. The dollar value of silver doesn't matter at all. You buy silver because fiat is a scam and you want money and wealth for when fiat collapses

Then when the deflationary collapse happens you are rich.

You value gold and silver using ratios to other real assets of which they are both very undervalued especially silver.... because fiat inflates the prices of all those other real assets.

Silver is literally the most undervalued asset in planet earth

>> No.11239778
File: 57 KB, 427x960, 1537386632874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yesh. youre an idiot

>> No.11239833

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.11239835

Always bet on jews.

>> No.11239865

This goy gets it. The gsr is above 80 and lcs are running low in inventory. I went to buy 45 oz of silver eagles and the girl told me she only had 100 oz of silver left, when usually she has 1000s of oz of silver.

Stock up on at least 1000oz and shoot for 5000 oz. When GSR drops to 20:1 then trade all your silver for gold. Actually silver might go 1:1 with gold.

Measure your wealth in ounces like a gentleman.

>> No.11239876

>Hoards wealth in fiat
>loses purchasing power through inflation

Nothing personal goyim
>rubbing of hands intensifies.

>> No.11239881
File: 35 KB, 480x360, U0lzwaFLNEshcM7TOTIpZa6h-lAt061toem-bjILY0M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are beyond retarded if you actually believe that.

>> No.11239907

no way silver can go 1 to 1 with gold it's too easy to mine

>> No.11239981

It could happen, it's called a bubble

>> No.11240009

Tell that to Mexico when they run out minable silver in the near future.

>> No.11240021

My grandfather retired in the 70s with about $60,000 in cash that he kept in a savings account. He kept that amount into the 2000s. If he'd held it in gold he would have been better off. Even better in an index fund, but still.

>> No.11240085
File: 88 KB, 780x483, 1536284059538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah except it's being used at a 200mil oz deficit per year.

This is what you brainlets don't understand: gold while Scarcer in the earth isn't really used in industry, it's just hoarded.

Silver is *effectively* Scarcer since most gets thrown into a junkyard after being used in solar panels

Silver 1k eoy

>> No.11240097

XMR is better than bitcoin.

Buying XMR and silver is the final redpill

>> No.11240107
File: 55 KB, 1000x541, 1047308820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this possible? Source on this srs

>> No.11240123

Green wojak to pink wojak kek

>> No.11240136

MM was talking bitcoin a few years back which is probably a lot ewrlier than 90% of the pajeets in here. MM is right about money etc but the problem is we dont uave sane markets at least not right now. People like him will be proven right eventually.

>> No.11240152


>Says the Jew

>> No.11240206
File: 54 KB, 1552x1098, metals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont have exact source but here is the report from the USGS.