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File: 219 KB, 750x998, 4F5E2AA9-F8FF-42AF-BE33-D7CE5BD52019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11236207 No.11236207 [Reply] [Original]

you will never be me now have a pic

to the moon and beyond

>> No.11236219

imagine needing money to have kardashian looking thots pose with you

>> No.11236220
File: 88 KB, 660x440, 1323046347810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>wh*te girls in 2018

>> No.11236233

>two paid college girls
>actually dating football chads and not black manlets
>trying to keep distance
>they look away
>heavy sweaters minimalize the feel of the touch (that comforts them)
>manlet is in serious need for leg day
This is not the right place for you buddy. I want your sneakers though. They actually look good.

>> No.11236239

such cope
don't be so jealous of ian and his wicked willy

>> No.11236241
File: 140 KB, 1125x882, shilina cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11236243

lol when black people get money...

>> No.11236255

>what is a escort

>> No.11236256

another one of my hoes biz ain’t got shit on deez

>> No.11236286

jesus christ this nigger is pathetic. nouveau riche niglet should be on his clothing

>> No.11236303

jealous I’m a millionaire and you’re not?

>> No.11236333

I invested early in ETH, way before you appeared on youtube.

For shilling garbage to stupid people? No

>> No.11236354

t. jacks off every night

>> No.11236362

hate the game son don’t hate the player

>> No.11236374
File: 760 KB, 632x626, manlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how hard was it to find thots that are shorter than him?

>> No.11236473
File: 93 KB, 530x298, 1537515963397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mexican looking escorts, recoiling
>5 foot tall manlet who you can't see if he's not smiling.
Nice try, don't want to be you.

>> No.11236496

BBC wins again

wh*Te bois BTFO

>> No.11236520

white betaboys lose again

>> No.11236790

>5 foot tall niglet
Choose one

>> No.11236826

Exactly. I am sitting here just finished my 2 omelettes from my Royal Tudor Velvet plate and sipping breakfast tea from my Oxford mug and get insulted by a moor who posts pictures of himself with two cleaning ladies. The happening can't come fast enough boys.

>> No.11236880
File: 517 KB, 750x998, whiteboisbtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how will they ever recover

>> No.11236982

so much jealousy

>> No.11237054


>> No.11237161
File: 422 KB, 220x164, 1535946256401.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga blacker than Charlie Murphy

>> No.11238123

so many poorfags

>> No.11238139


>> No.11238140

who is he? is he someone famous in crypto?

>> No.11238184

Ian the macdaddy balina

>> No.11238405

What’s his name again lads?

>> No.11238416

What am I supposed to be jealous of?

Anyone can pay two girls to pose in a picture.

>> No.11238535

zero hype. no serious ico does 30% bonuses lmfao.

will scoop up below ico. screencap this

>> No.11238551

bob dobalina

>> No.11238563

These threads are pathetic
I don't even need to be rich to fuck these kind of thots


>> No.11239425

Oh yea but I’ve had more women than you

>> No.11239460

You a dork nigga

>> No.11239568

dam he short