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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 272 KB, 591x564, 1538105411948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11235630 No.11235630[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's over.
America won once again.

>> No.11235641

Fuck off faggot. There is no chance they have the votes. Plus, there's probably one more play we can use to delay.

>> No.11235676
File: 8 KB, 480x360, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Democratic socialist commie scum get out of my forum!!!

>> No.11235695
File: 7 KB, 206x196, 1462338260589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so delusional. there will be massive butthurt tomorrow.

>> No.11235733

Fuck off, /pol/.

>> No.11235735
File: 100 KB, 750x501, reaganbinladen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rubberstamps domestic spying
>rubberstamps torture
>rubberstamps secret prisons with no due process
America won once again.

>> No.11235740

fucking white males win again
midterms are going to be war

>> No.11235745


why are there so many MAGAtards on this board, it doesnt even make sense. theres no way any of them are smart enough to not immediately lose all their money trying to invest

>> No.11235750

Morning in russia.

>> No.11235780


Dumbass conservatards

>> No.11235795

I hate Trumpanzees so much

Trump is literally a Jew and his entire cabinet and family is Jewish yet all his dumbass supporters think he's a WN

>> No.11235799

and yet they still have power

>> No.11235803
File: 43 KB, 1343x396, emeramide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

liberals think that they have it bad now.
the shit hasn't even begun to get too close to the vicinity of the fan.
you have no idea.
nobody has any idea,

the link in pic related is

>> No.11235808

did you save your own post in order to repost it
that's the most self-masturbatory shit ever

>> No.11235826

> self-masturbatory

>> No.11235830
File: 9 KB, 250x243, 1537320989619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol what the fuck am i reading

>the ancaps were weird snake oil pharma shills all along

whoever is paying you to post this shit is even dumber than you are

>> No.11235841

meant self-absorbed/masturbatory
i deserve your greentext chuubh

>> No.11235905

It could be that... or it could be you have a skewed view of the way things are and the nature of roughly 50% of the voting population.

>> No.11235922

>Calling someone dumb while believing people are paid to post here

>> No.11235958

does that look like an organic post to you? it's not even related to the thread, or the thread in his pic, presumably

also most americans don't even vote so don't act like you mongs are actually a majority, kek

>> No.11235980



you lose, commie

>> No.11236022

>unironically believing the press
dude come on

>> No.11236037

lol, angry little nigger. Sorry porchmonkey, this is a whites only board

>> No.11236085

I'm also white just like you sister that gets fucked by niggers

>> No.11236097
File: 321 KB, 936x1078, medical_veritas_2_537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indeed i did
remember the name of that drug

the seething arrogance ignites my exhausted face
what you're mocking is my own discourse regarding the chemical that could save the entire west
the fact about all of this is, some people who come across this information will choose not to pay mind to it, and some will choose to look further into it

did you know that testosterone amplifies the toxic effects of mercury substantially
did you know that the ratio of males to females with autism is 4:1—sometimes 5:1
did you know that girls with autism are often born from mothers who have higher testosterone levels
did you know that seasonal flu vaccines are now recommended for pregnant mothers, and that organic mercury is able to enter an unborn fetus
did you know that mercury vapor from silver dental amalgam fillings can be passed along to an unborn child prenatally in the same manner that thimerosal is
did you know that the body has one system for mercury excretion, and it is easily overwhelmed in almost all individuals

it doesn't read organically because i've been up for ages
i'm not on a payroll, and i'm not here to convince you of anything
it's just something to look back on and remember fondly

>> No.11236103
File: 153 KB, 500x475, maga laff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MAGAtards were on this board before faggots like you started shitting up the place nigger

>> No.11236124

I voted for Kavanaugh. Did you guys do your part?

>> No.11236146
File: 255 KB, 300x243, 1537325457818.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, well, maybe you're not a shill but just a crazy person. if so my mistake, nobody knows what you're talking about but carry on i guess

potential MENSA member right here

i've been on 4chan longer than you've known how to power up a computer. you spergs need to stay on your containment board

>> No.11236147
File: 269 KB, 1282x1178, 1532312506394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont understand hype of this shit
I am not from murica
Can someone explain please ?

>> No.11236159
File: 37 KB, 597x392, dsfargeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt it.

>> No.11236177

war criminal will be supreme cult judge for life and have the final say on every law. nobody is debating that.
but dat nigga groped drunk bitched in high school. whoopty fuck'n doo.

>> No.11236184

The Supreme Court gets to decide how laws are interpreted. Appointees to the Supreme Court are not democratically elected, and they have no term limit. By filling the court with more Justices that support one party over the other, you effectvely guarantee dominance of that party's ideology for an indefinite period of time.

>> No.11236193

What is this referencing? Votes for what?

>> No.11236198

Chuck Palahniuk is that you?

>> No.11236234
File: 63 KB, 2430x432, emeralogo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not crazy! just—as the other anon had pointed out—very self-absorbed, very masturbatory
hard not to be, knowing what i know and what nobody else knows
thinking what i think and what certainly is that nobody else currently thinks is the case
we live in precarious times
society at large is performing a balancing act of misery on a single block that could be chelated away in no time at all
all the silly leftists with hideous heads of hair will once again be naive and beautiful unicorns with long, silky natural hair that smells of chamomile, and all the capitalists will once again wear their dashing outfits and handsome hats, carrying canes from event-to-event, flavoring themselves with fine and tasteful colognes
complexities will once again be possible

all that i'd said in the image of my post is true, and it's incredibly exciting
our lives and our children's lives are not destined for the standard continuation down the downward spiral, after all

save this one for your stack of neat screenshots; i will not disappoint you

>> No.11236323


>> No.11236324

>>11235780 the bitches complaining about all this groping crap are usually ugly or converted dykes since no guy ever wanted to touch them. The entire point of going to a party in high school and college is to get some ass you fucking losers!

>> No.11236331

hi big5guy

>> No.11236502
File: 428 KB, 729x781, tranny_jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you taken this drug?
do you have any relation to this company?

>> No.11236539
File: 146 KB, 554x439, 1514229758435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take that shariablue

Fuck the commie jews tryna run the USA!

>> No.11236567
File: 19 KB, 345x452, Moloch_Owl_Grace_Sandy_Hook_Anderson_Cooper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based schizoposter
I feel you bro

>> No.11236579

Fuck all you millennial fags. When you retards started pushing black lives matter and fucking personal pronouns you handed America to Trump on a silver platter. Thank you and your safe spaces you worthless cunts.

>> No.11236590

but its getting worse. trump hasnt done anything to stop it, just anger them more.

>> No.11236600

lol I used to be such a good liberal, then all that safe space anti-white shit started. I'm voting right wing for the rest of my life now, I really don't give a fuck how far it goes right. Anything but this commie anti-white shit.

>> No.11236634


the left can't meme

>> No.11236642

>ow this bee from this hive stung me
>i'm gonna take a stick and poke the hive
>What the fuck that didn't help at all.

No shit Trump hasn't done anything except anger them more.

>> No.11236653

Where the fuck to buy this shit? You've been shilling it since january and haven't provided a source. Have you even tried it yourself?

>> No.11236657


>> No.11236675

i mean he gave the average person the balls to speak up that would have otherwise kept quiet about everything. but the beehive took more than just a stick poke bruv

>> No.11236691

You have a point. Just look at what happened with Roseanne.

>> No.11236817

>no way any of them are smart enough
Republicans = richer = smarter

>> No.11237147
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>> No.11237148

>cures autism haha wtf
also suckdickfagsthatdontviewpoliticsobjectively

>> No.11237168

us is completely fucked. this dude should be butt fucked in some prison, not judging anything.

>> No.11237175


>> No.11237179

What votes whats happening ?

>> No.11237182
File: 26 KB, 226x200, D0C78DA5-BD76-415D-9C4A-37FD232A6901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11237188

how do you call turning into an authoritarian christian theocracy "winning"? how do you call isolating from the rest of the world "winning"? america is on the decline and going down fast.

>> No.11237211


Wrong board OP

>> No.11237231
File: 1.00 MB, 1255x703, jim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another luddite getting one most ultimate powerful positions in the US for a LIFETIME.

Yeeeeah, sounds painful.

>> No.11237243

So we are supposed to like Brett because the lefties hate him right?
What a stupid game. Heads they win tails we lose.

>> No.11237254

Right wing ideology is defence mode. It's like pulling the lid down on your bunker and welding the windows shut. It requires deciding that a bunch of people are the "out of the bunker" group and fucking them over, usually just conspicuous minorities because, when fear mentality is in control, people revert to prison logic. "Trust people who look like me" is a crude shorthand but at least it's a system.
There is a growing fear in regards to the decline of American hegemony, lowered standards of living, and the generally terrifying and uncontrollable "advance" of humanity. People parse that fear into all sorts of things, but in this case it's the idea that "we" (and that "we" is construed on very narrow terms) need to band together and find some sort of unity that we (apparently) had in the past.
Of course the reaction and the symptoms are largely disconnected. Right wing politicians use this "us and them" mentality to loot "us" in front of our noses and have done for centuries, but there's no reason to be especially dismayed. Humanity has not reached a new low, humans have always blamed conspicuous minorities for the problems caused by the people in power. Economic downturn = what small group of different people can we pick on to blow off the increasing social pressure.
It's essentially the political equivalent of putting your hands over your ears and rushing headlong into the catastrophe that you were hoping to avoid. My advice is to buy an off grid farm as soon as you can afford one.

>> No.11237312

or maybe you never matured past 12 years old and view anyone who disagrees with you as a demon to be scorned.

>> No.11237326

>view anyone who disagrees with you as a demon to be scorned.
You mean like SJWs, the LGBT community, black people, Mexicans, "Communists", Antifa, Environmentalists, climate scientists, Jews...?

>> No.11237391
File: 1.15 MB, 1607x1964, race_crime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice reddit post, all the worlds mega-corporations would approve of your message.
Unfortunately you left out the part that 15,000 years of evolution made the races vastly different in every single aspect including cognition and behavior. These differences are largely responsible for all societies being the way they are (ie: all black nations, from Haiti to Ghana, being absolute hell-holes, whereas Japan can be bombed into the stone age and still be highly orderly and advanced).
>pic related

>> No.11237423

Eugenics has been disproven time and again.
Also, if you took a baby homo sapiens from 10,000 years ago and gave him standard education and quality of life conditions, he would fare as good as anyone else with the same setup

>> No.11237430

you assume so much. sure sign of a braindead cultist

>> No.11237442
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>> No.11237444
File: 78 KB, 1306x354, 1534629182659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ threads on /biz

>> No.11237448


Yes, 1 torture for deepstate pedophiles please

>> No.11237449
File: 180 KB, 760x1194, IQ_DNA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Eugenics have been disproven" is simply a shitlib buzzphrase that cannot withstand even the tiniest scrutiny.
If you selectively bred for height (a highly genetic condition) over a few generations you would get taller people. Hence the Dutch being much taller than Congo Pygmies (this is genetic).
Intelligence is also genetic.
>pic related, both Harvard and MIT have independently proven accurate DNA-based IQ tests.

>> No.11237454

>made the races vastly different in every single aspect including cognition and behavior.
But there's tons of cognitive and behavioral differences within races as well, right?
Here's a thing I don't get that maybe you can clarify for me. Say you get invited to a family event at some distant cousin's place, where a large wing of your family is in attendance. You go there and over the course of the event you come to realise that this part of the family is just fundamentally less intelligent than you. Let's say that they all seem to fall about 10 points lower on the IQ scale than you do. Do you treat them differently? Do you treat them badly? Do you treat them like shit just because they're less intelligent than you are?
That's what I don't understand about the "blacks are dumber" argument. Even if they do form a bell curve that is further to the left than white people, does that mean you treat them badly? And even then it's just a bell distribution, it doesn't guarantee that any one white person is smarter than any one black person. I just never understood how, even if you accept the premise that the black intelligence bell curve is closer to zero than the white one, it actually justifies hostile behavior or exclusionary behavior towards them.

>> No.11237455


were all bizpol here and were gonna fund right wing death squads all the way to your front door

>> No.11237461

Anyone who actually wants to understand how racial differences came to be, read this short synopsis of "Richard Lynn, Race Differences in Intelligence: An Evolutionary Analysis".

“The position of environmentalists that over the course of some 100,000 years peoples separated by geographical barriers in different parts of the world evolved into ten different races with pronounced genetic differences in morphology, blood groups, and the incidence of genetic diseases, and yet have identical genotypes for intelligence, is so improbable that those who advance it must either be totally ignorant of the basic principles of evolutionary biology or else have a political agenda to deny the importance of race. Or both.”

>> No.11237464
File: 426 KB, 931x682, 1537760926745.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fund your own personal army. kiddo.

>> No.11237478

The Dutch didn't breed selectively for height you dumb fuck.
Also, your intelligence is directly correlated to the intelligence of your parents, i.e., if your parents are smart you have a high probability of being smart too. It does not come down to race. That shit you posted does not prove eugenics

>> No.11237482

I'll break down what you said into two sections, and mind you, it is very late for me and I need to sleep soon.
1) Aren't there tons of differences within a race?
This argument is basically "there is greater variation within a group than between a group".
That is like saying, "the difference between the tallest man and the shortest man is greater than the average difference between men and women. Therefore there are no significant differences between men and womens height. An obvious fallacy.

2) How should we treat people:
Well I'm not saying be mean to anyone, but we need to realize GROUP DYNAMICS if we want to have a safe and prosperous civilization. Any area that is majority black will be highly dangerous, polluted, and overall horrible. This pattern exists over all the world. Black areas of Colombia are horrible, same in Ghana, Jamaica, etc...
The entirely of civilization rests on allowing whites and East Asians to have their own homelands where they can prosper (and ultimately trickle down all the worlds technology onto the rest of the world).
If we "ignore" race, we are fundamentally destroying the pillar that all of civilization depends on.

>> No.11237492

But if you're specifically talking about black people in America they were largely forced onto the American continent against their will, multiple generations ago. Don't they have some claim to America as their homeland as well?

>> No.11237494

> The Dutch didn't breed selectively for height you dumb fuck.
Surviving 100,000 cold winters was an evolutionary pressure for height. So yes, they were selectively bred, by mother nature.
>Also, your intelligence is directly correlated to the intelligence of your parents
That's exactly what I am saying, you are just too stupid to understand you are proving my point.

I never even brought up eugenics to begin with, I was talking about racial differences. But YES, genetic traits are changeable through either selective breeding or environmental pressures. The very definition of eugenics.

>> No.11237497

fuckfoff commie dumbfuck - go to leddit safe spaces

>> No.11237500

Sure, I would give them reservations in the South, the place their ancestors had been for centuries.

>> No.11237501

>only the dutch had cold winters

>> No.11237506

why are redd!t dumbfucks such as yourself here? go back cunt

>> No.11237510

Why only reservations? They make up 10% of the population, why not give them 10% of the country?

>> No.11237518

I was only using the Dutch as a single example you absolutely mindless faggot.
Here is a study on height and selective pressures, you are too much of a mindless faggot to understand it:

Adaptations to Climate-Mediated Selective Pressures in Humans

I would happily give them 10% if it meant my people didn't have to suffer the extreme levels of violence and destruction they inflict.

>> No.11237521


kys nigger. Your blind zealotism makes you look autistic and gay.

>> No.11237524

You faggots act like 4chan has always been Stormfront. It used to be a place where people said nigger but had no strong political views beyond trolling and apathy. The fact you all got hooked by that alcoholic cunt a couple of years ago and whipped into a frenzy by SJW strawmen to agitate against your own interests is newfag shit.

>> No.11237528
File: 55 KB, 450x437, 1537371242318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a lefty

/pol/'s only argument.

>> No.11237530
File: 151 KB, 898x960, detriot_before_after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.11237537
File: 731 KB, 1223x1763, california.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also pic related. I have witnessed my hometown, and every town in my area turn into a miserable Mexican shithole that no one wants to live in. This is what happens when the population is brainwashed to not understand race and society (sociobiology) and allows millions of third-worlders to pour in.

>> No.11237569
File: 60 KB, 764x512, 1491967779656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup guess you're right.
hold me bros

>> No.11237587

This is a pajeet board, sweetie.

>> No.11237589

>people have always blamed conspicuous minorities for the problems caused by people in power
is this the moment where we quote public data regarding jewish household income and overrepresentation in circles of power? i.e. jews are 2% of the population but 50% of the billionaire population
now's your next move:
- 50% chance you run away from the thread
- 50% chance you double down and claim stats are wrong and racist and jews are good guys because "muh hollywood flicks tell me so and i got a jew friend and he's alright"
(or the special card played by actual jews: ignore this post entirely and carry on pretending it never happened)
truth denialists need to fuck off from /biz/, ignoring reality makes you a greedy gambler at best not an "investor"

>> No.11237598
File: 107 KB, 700x695, 1537673195327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone who disagrees with me is /pol/
Retard's only argument

>> No.11237600
File: 3.72 MB, 4652x2692, jew_media.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews don't control the m...

>> No.11237603

Pathetic denial

>> No.11237609

That sound fucking retarded, holy shit america...

>> No.11237613

overdosing hard on dunning-kruger there buddy. eugenics isn't even something to be proven or disproven, it's simply the selective breeding of population members to produce specific traits. blonde fucking blonde to have a higher chance of blonde kids is eugenics, black fucking white to produce brown is ALSO eugenics (if you buy the diversity is strength propaganda; ofc, those at the top know they're doing dysgenics)
from nazis to jews, goals may differ but strategies are the same

>> No.11237636
File: 14 KB, 336x346, liberal-tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this. I was probably closer to the middle than you, but if I vote in the coming election it's going to be conservative. This socialist movement which has infected the democratic party needs to be dealt with before they do any more damage to this country.

Also nice double dubs.

>> No.11237672
File: 955 KB, 330x245, 6714075F-D770-47C0-947B-24FBF11DA3D4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Mad liberal

>> No.11237688

>complimenting "dubs"
>claims to be middle although 2016 was probably the first election he was allowed to vote
>edgy "liberal tears" picture

Yep its a poltard.

>> No.11237701

Its not over until they vote.

>> No.11237713

But I thought minorities pulling themselves up and working hard is exactly what you wanted them to do? Isn't that what you're always saying about niggers, that you wouldn't be racist if they just worked hard and didn't commit crime. You know, like the Jews have done?

>> No.11237840
File: 32 KB, 645x729, 1534129563907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That makes no sense. It's clear you have no argument because you're a undeveloped virgin. Otherwise you would address your side without deflecting the question like a coward.

Sooo, you're an idiot.

>> No.11237852
File: 94 KB, 975x1278, the sad truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>hey guys I'm /pol/tard look at me, look at my contrarian opinions?

>do you notice me yet?

>give me attention guys, I'm from the edgiest board on the internet.

>g-guys.. notice me.. guys.

>> No.11237862
File: 107 KB, 822x1024, betterdeadthanred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to Venezuela you socialist piece of shit

being a lefty is the same thing as attempted genocide. mass starvation everywhere they win.

you worthless fucks literally need to be locked up when you grow in numbers for public safety

>> No.11237877

What do liberals say? They say things like "who's going to pick the Lettuce? Who's going to pick the strawberries?"

What they are really worried about is the fact that they go to a nice restaurant and their Caesar salad won't be delivered to them.

Liberals literally want corporations to exploit 3rd world wealth for their slave labor in order to maintain their "white privilege"

Liberals are unironically the true white supremacists.

>> No.11237882

Exploit 3rd worlders* i meant

>> No.11237908

you realize their problem was that america kind of screwed them and made them dependent on american produce and when america didnt continue to buy their oil they got raped economically right. america gave them a deal which basically was dont expand your farms and we will buy your oil. so in a instant they lost both cash flow and the ability to continue to buy food from america

>> No.11237915

always an excuse with you socialists faggots. tell us about how red china and the USSR and every other catastrophic failure was great

or better yet just go jump out of a helicopter you worthless piece of shit

>> No.11237919

When I saw the (You) I thought that what followed would have some tangential connection to what I said.