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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 17 KB, 1200x632, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1123284 No.1123284 [Reply] [Original]

Monero, the first truly private decentralized financial network has tripled in price to $1.20 in the past month. It could literally replace Bitcoin. It is the most amazing mathematical object our species has ever constructed. Take some time and Google it, and do the due diligence:

- No public ledger - the blockchain is encrypted.
- Flexible blocksize that never has a cap.
- Smooth emission with a minimum reward so miners always have something to mine.

What the hell are you waiting for?

>> No.1123293
File: 58 KB, 1966x1829, monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a long time, not even the smartest people on the planet thought Monero was possible to create.

And yet here we are, in 2016, with it in existence.

Decentralized, untraceable, digital money. No premine. No IPO. No schemes. No scammy nonsense.

A fair distribution with a pure Proof of Work algorithm. It is the fabled 'bitcoin 2.0' many have been waiting for.

>> No.1123294

buy etherkek

>> No.1123296
File: 663 KB, 1380x837, monerolegend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do some research, ok? I'm not saying 'buy monero'. I'm saying: do some reading and discover for yourself why it's no 'altcoin'.


>> No.1123306

is this the next eth?

>> No.1123315
File: 3.14 MB, 869x3967, bitcoinandmonero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monero is fundamentally different than ETH.

Ethereum aims to be a smart contracts and decentralized computing platform. It is at heart a resource.

Monero is only trying to be one thing: true digital cash, with all the privacy and fungibility that comes with that. It isn't just trying - it is wildly succeeding.

I can send $100,000 worth of Monero across the world instantly and nearly for free... but so could Bitcoin. But with Monero I can do it and no one can trace the transaction or see that I did it.

It is the holy grail of digital money.

As far as whether it will pump as high as Ethereum? I don't think it will 'pump' at all. I think it will move to $1000+ USD each one day and stay there.

If you missed Bitcoin, now is the hour of your redemption.

>> No.1123317
File: 3.24 MB, 863x3944, bitcoinandmonero2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1123327

how to you deal with people saying that the name is retarded

>> No.1123679


I dab away the tears with $100 bills.

>> No.1124817

Monero is among the few sane coins being traded and is indeed has the best crypto out there. Community is good and growing steadily.

It solves many bitcoin problems. Of course a small marketcap means that it cant be the safest but if it grows this changes.

A funny thing is that it is out for 2 years now, and all the coins that were its enemies have declined to no existence or are simply being ridiculed. Big news though keep spamming about anon coins that dont currently exist but may exist in the future...

>> No.1124821

Anyone have any good resources on mining Monero? My newest build has two superclocked 980tis (in anticipation of VR), so I'd like my GPUs to pay for themselves if I could and Monero legitimately looks promising.

>> No.1124824

Where can I go buy me some Monero?

>> No.1124853

Zcash will make monero look like a joke.

Patrician crypto investor would invest in ETH and Zcash

>> No.1124990
File: 370 KB, 1222x848, monero fractology 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZCash is untested crypto, and someone already discovered a math bug in it. Along with the fact that ZCash needs trusted Genesis keys which could, if compromised, give complete control of the blockchain to a single entity - ZCash can never honestly be trusted 100%.

As well, if a math bug were found in it after launch, a malicious entity could create and counterfeit infinite coins and no one would ever know.

Unacceptable. Monero is better than Zcash and exists *now*.

>> No.1125512
File: 40 KB, 604x537, skepticalukrainiangirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monero his a new channel high tonight of 0.0032 satoshi.... or about $1.25.

Anyway, when will /biz/ freak out and go full Ethercuck on it? If you had gone in when it was smart (but not popular) last year at 25 cents you could have had 5x returns.... and when/if we hit $20, then go on to $100....

Of course, only in my fantasies.

I mean, we're only the most advanced blockchain on Earth - literally. Surely there is a ceiling for this kind of technology.... right? What do you think it is?

>> No.1125517

Sorry fag. No one cares. People will forget about monero and its fat fuck fluffypony dev.

Its a coin for fat sweaty mexican pedophiles.

>> No.1125525

So many crypto coins being posted in this shithole and I've got no clue what any of they mean, or are, it all seems like a meme

>> No.1125543

where the hell does americanpegasus get money from? at this point I'm convinced exchanges have him on salary to go around and shitpost to drum up any kind of interest in any kind of crypto just so they can collect broker fees. its just insane. I've only ever seen him shill the biggest losers. I'll still never forget watching him buy leap call options on DDD at something like a strike price of 100$ and shilling it nonstop (DDD trades at about 12$ now for reference, an almost 50% gain from this years low price).

Like for real what does this guy do? He has been at it for years now.

>> No.1125544

He's fluffyponys alter ego. You can tell because he sounds exactly the same.

>> No.1125550

maybe. idk who that is honestly. is he the dev for monero? I'm not sure AP is smart enough to develop a coin but then again I don't really know the guy outside of seeing a flurry of shitposting from him every couple months when a new shitcoin comes out. I guess I gotta admire his drive and tenacity but I feel bad for anyone who gets swept up in his lies.

>> No.1125551

Yeah its the monero dev. Theyre either the same person or both incredibly fat chucklefucks

>> No.1125561

muh kneegrow. holding thousands of these delicious bastards. gonna struggle to get past 400k, but once it does, and fuck me once there's a gui, we're gonna see some intense shit.

>> No.1125760

Ethercuck is obviously the best crytpokek.

>> No.1126024

I realise this is a stupid place to ask for some unbiased comparison...

...But somebody give me the low down on Dash vs Monero.

Dash always impressed me due to their "seriousness". Like it or not, ability to put a slick website and team together is part of success. And they clearly earned enough to fund their team. Monero feels a lot more like a bunch of chantards hacking away at something.

Does Monero have long term funding? Did the devs get rich enough on it for that?

Which Anon coins are actually used on the darknet markets?

>> No.1126870


there is nothing serious about dash, its leaded by one dude with highschool level of math, Monero has a team of academics that delivered actual improvements. lab.getmonero.org

>> No.1126997

So you still need a Poloniex or shapeshift account, correct? How safe are these sites? Have eithet of them been hacked? Also, has anyone exchanged back to cash?

>> No.1127076

I'm still waiting on Monero's GUI wallet.....has it been released yet?

>> No.1127142
File: 244 KB, 1088x601, fluffypony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually investing in a shitcoin invented by an african ponyfucker

>> No.1127146

>actually investing in a shitcoin
You should have stopped there. No extra qualifications needed. I can't believe anyone still thinks that buying cryptocurrencies is an investment.

>> No.1127149
File: 1.09 MB, 955x741, nethercucks gonna kuk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you even open these threads if crypto makes you so asspained? so you enjoy being angry?

>> No.1127234
File: 562 KB, 849x906, moneroministries2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen, you can attack the people involved, but that's weak sauce, newfriend.

Yes fluffyponyza needs to run around the track a few times in between creating the most advanced financial network on Earth.

Yes americanpegasus lost his life savings a few times now on ridiculous gambles like DDD and needs some financial management classes.

But what are you really attacking here? Look at the tech - look at the open source code that could easily change the entire world.

What are you really attacking here? Want to throw 2011-era insults at Voorhees, Shrem, and Gavin, and tell me Bitcoin will fail because of them?

This isn't about any one person.... unless you are unfortunate enough to have one main dev (ahem). This is a technology, and you are free to review the source code, math, and even the logo itself and find inconsistencies.

But you won't. You know why? Because if you do, someone smarter already would have, and we would welcome those so we could figure out a fix. Because Monero is not about getting rich, unlike 99% of the shite out there.

Monero is about creating true digital cash, and bringing equal monetary opportunity and privacy to the entire world... except.... unfortunately a few people are gonna have to get rich along the way.

If you have a monkey brain that can see the picture that is just a teensy-bit larger than 'lulz, moon' please climb aboard.

We are looking for future early adopters.

>> No.1127240
File: 395 KB, 1324x1072, monero special report.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ap did some videos for /r/wallstreetbets back in october about monero. look them up - the price was 40 cents then.

he might be deranged at times, but he's def not fluffypony, and you would be at over 100% if you had listened to his drunk ranting. Of course, you would also be forgiven for dismissing it.

>> No.1127255

Buy eth you monerocuck

>> No.1127262
File: 1.22 MB, 907x1335, moneyneverends2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see.... an asset at 1 billion market cap led by one developer which is switching to proof-of-fucking-stake (of all things). Also it's run up like 20x it's low price.

Or.... or, Monero. It's only 2.5x or so from it's low point recently. And it's pure proof-of-work with like 7 main developers and more coming. Major scientists and cryptographers have spoken out in favor of it.... and solves problems that even ETH still has.

It's not even a decision. Do you know the ETH emission schedule? Do you know the difference between POS and POW? Or did you just buy ETH because /biz/ told you to?

There are a ton of places you can come ask questions about Monero if you like, and friendly community members will be happy to answer.

>> No.1127285

This really is desperate and pathetic
m sure you spent hours on photoshop to shill your small amount of money you invested for this pump and dump shitcoin.
You maybe got a few retardes to fall for this raising the price 0.001%
If you actually do your research ethereum can accomplish the same thing regarding anonymity as monero inside a contract making this garbage obsolete
The only crypto that has potential is ethereum

>> No.1127404


You still would need to move your money into whatever solution ETH could come up with - openeingf the doors to be tracked or traced. ETH is not private on a protocol level.

Also since ETH aims to fulfill a resource-based purpose, it should be considered 'pure money'. XMR aims to be pure, private, money.

Finally, not that I'm worried, but the price has increased 3x from 40 cents each to $1.20 in the last month.

>> No.1128707
File: 231 KB, 610x360, dankmeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1130116

give it time anon, it's coming.

>> No.1130151

How do you buy this shit anyways?

>> No.1130306


>> No.1130313

Vitalik touching human female.


>> No.1130315

Monero is a currency for fat mexican pedophiles. Stay away. Invest in Ethereum instead

>> No.1130374

that's good, more time to accumulate