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11231081 No.11231081[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Neobag200k here.

Ive been seeing the death threats on the team in recent posts and I should be upfront in saying, I 100% support it.

There is no way these fucks will be fined by the SEC, but why not teach them a lesson? Commit the equivalent crime of robbing a federal bank in the USA, running off with tens of millions of dollars in your bank account, and escape liability free?

Nah. they will pay for their crimes with their lives. I endorese the biz shooter and in fact, I will be willing to join the initiative to make sure Jun Hasegawa is dead before the holidays

Ill be damned if I let a Thailand street shitting third world manlet live the life of his dreams while I sell at a loss for a coin that was endorsed, but instead raped and shit on, by a third world piece of shit by the name of Jun.

Anyone have the number to the omise office? Ill call them right now to give them a heads up

>> No.11231116

Deadlift? You should buy OMG

>> No.11231119


and yes before you ask this is infact the real neo. i will be wiling to serve life in prison to make sure this fuck suffers an excruciatingly painful, torturous death. I lost almost everything, and I want to see this manlet faggot piece of shit suffer the way I did

>> No.11231155

why did everyone even fomo into this piece of shit token in the first place? why would some fucking payment processor and wannabe eth scaling solution ever be valued as high as it was in mid 2017?

most alts will go to 0 beause they don't need a token or they are simply shitty projects, usually both

>> No.11231167


because vitalik buterin posing with them. the naiviety was if he was an advisor then you could rest assured it was a legitimate project.

in actuality, vitalik got china hustled too, as these third world monkeys lied even to him to earn his endorsement and make off fiat millionaires.

Vitalik knows they are street shitting scammers. He just wont admit it and it explains why he hasnt been seen with them since late april/early may

>> No.11231260
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Honest question, I know they are falling behind schedule but how is OMG actually ""scamming"" people?

Did they exit?

>> No.11231357


Made a wallet sdk that was rehashed from their omise parent company
promised a network of conglomerates
during tech chrunch in july jun openly admits to having trouble finding blockchain talent because everyone is a millionaire including himself
thinks its funny and appropriate to say that as they didnt deliver shit in over a year and 2 months
partner with status as a fallback to not seem like an entire scam

Fuck this faggot manlet. He sold a token with no use case or real partners or plan to implement it outside of copying ethereum.

u think anyone wants to pay for this faggots caviar as he sleeps well at night? fucking scam if i ever saw one

>> No.11231419

Neo is a scam too.

>> No.11231431

>having trouble finding blockchain talent because everyone is a millionaire including himself
yea that's the problem that eats the whole space right now I think, even eth devs are all rich, the whole incentive model in crypto is fuckd up, who would even bother doing anything when they get $30M during the ico?

The entire game theory in crypto is tricky because it's hard to monetize open source projects outside of btc of course and some big established ones like maybe eth, but if all the devs get rich quick then we can only hope that some hobbists will continue

>> No.11231478

I'm getting the old 4cham vibes from this. There is emotion and passion in this thread, like before when we used to fuck up the internet when they attacked us. Is it time for the golden age again?

>> No.11231510


>> No.11231600

Godspeed neo