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1123064 No.1123064 [Reply] [Original]

Ok all you nocoiner phaggots listen up.

If you have a semblance of intelligence, you'd realize that ethereum isn't a pump and dump scheme. Spend a good 5 hours researching the fundamentals of the blockchain and its history and then spend a couple of hours looking at how ethereum is improving on that and revamping the entire setup.

You'd realize then that it's not a pump and dump scheme but possibly something to seriously invest in.

I know all you cynical NEETs and wannabe wishful thinkers without any real technical knowledge are gonna cry shill so I say to you stay poor phaggots.

Investing in a couple of stagnant grands into this and seeing where it goes. Don't even give a fuck about money made, but I got a feeling its something worth backing. The only way this cryptocurrency will plummet is:

>A) Another crypto comes and completely outdoes it in its objectives
>B) A serious flaw is found in its foundations

Goodluck. Get rich boiz.

>> No.1123084

Why don't you guys actually discuss the tech instead of memeing it up? How will it be accessible to the mainstream and would they even ever adapt.? What are other ways we can invest in eth instead of straight up buying it? What kind of websites and apps could be profitable?

>> No.1123086
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I'm with you, bro. All those nocoiner faggots that are obviously all NEETs dont know a blockchain from a black chin, amirite? They also don't know that ethercucks only direction is up. The only way it goes down is if:

>A) The world ends
>B) Monkeys fly out of my butt

>> No.1123090

>nocoiner phaggots

Bought at 9.8
Now it's at 8.8
I wish i can strangle each and every single shills here telling me to buy into the hype.

>> No.1123098

How does one exchange this garbage for actual money? Dont you basically have to convince some othe retard to buy your worthless code strings for a higher rpice than you did?

Cryptocurrency seems like a new age pyramid scheme

>> No.1123100
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Why all the cajoling and obvious manipulation attempts? Why do you care whether I buy ethereum or not?

When bitcoin was rising, were there hordes of people on here screaming at everyone to buy? I don't fuckin think so.

>> No.1123102

>The whole blockchain is turned into a virtual machine
>brb I can write and host any apps i want onto it without renting servers/dealing with interfacing bullshit. Don't have to pay except with ether. Look into "smart contracts"
>brb i'm literally using the whole network as my host, holy shit ghost in the shell goosebumps right now
>banks and financial institutions are looking into ways to monetize from it. examples: setting up automatic payments
>Microsoft has teamed up with them. You think this is still a joke?

Don't get your hopes up in turning that $100 you made from McDonalds last week into $1 mil anytime soon.

>> No.1123104


If I were trying to cajole people I'd be spamming,


Oh wait, I'm implicitly doing that. Basically my intention of this post is to say: well here's your chance to make some chump change off some crazy tech that's gaining steam, don't bawl your eyes out and regret the fact that you didn't invest when the price didn't stabilize.

>> No.1123109

Yeah, exactly the same message of the 18 other threads, so I ask again: why do you need me to buy this so badly?

>> No.1123115

I think actually this guy right here hit the nail right on the head.

>> No.1123116

Must be altruism kek

>> No.1123120

You're obnoxious

>> No.1123131

>$100 into $1 mil
I'm not even that greedy.
I just wanted ETH to rise to $100 so i can sell 10% to earn back the money i put in while still holding a 90% watching it rocket to the moon

>> No.1123135


Define actual money. Any centralized currency only has value because you place trust in that nation's economy.

Apply those same concepts to cryptocurrencies. People pay "real money" a.k.a. centralized currency for this garbage because they have confidence in it, that it'll grow in value.

Why do people exchange "real money" for garbage stocks. Same reason.

In the end, it's just another means of facilitating trades. Except this means isn't subject to fraud (it is but it's virtually impossible to conduct fraud unless you were able to attack and utilize every bitcoin mining pool to falsifying inputs), it's value isn't purely dependent on economies and banks managing its value, and its value is only determined by the people who want it.

So yes, this shit could all crash and burn tomorrow when people realize there's some deep, systematic flaw in it. But it's been running for almost half a decade and proven decent and now ethereum builds upon that previous blockchain technology.

I'm not saying go all out and live off the grid with only cryptocurrency, but a smart investor knows to diversify their assets.

>> No.1123151
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See how you switch gears now from "Dumbass faggot, if you don't buy this you're a stupid poopy head!" to "Listen I'm a reasonable guy, and smart investors know my cool logic is infallible. Check em"

Sooo one more time: what's it to you if I buy ethereum or not? Why are you even trying to convince me?

>> No.1123158


10/10 analysis. You win. You're a genius for pulling off my veil and revealing the jew nose covering 75% of my face. Idgaf if you buy ethereum.

I'm an ethercuck and we're all going to lose our money.

>> No.1123164

Good. Now leave and don't come back until you get yourself sorted out. We're all very tired of your shit. Bye now.

>> No.1123168






>> No.1123174

I believe the correct term you are looking for is ETHERKEK. You're welcome.

>> No.1123180

You bought it at these levels? Lmfao
In at 4 and I doubled my money. You missed the train man.

>> No.1123194


Not our fault you have no idea when to buy in. Also wait dipshit and don't panic sell.

>> No.1123330

Go spend another 5 hours researching

>single-threaded blockchain
>scalability issues
Ethereum is a shit. That's not to say there isn't money to be made in the current pump and dump of eth though. Good luck

>> No.1123335

How do you cash out? Like i want to sell some for profit?

>> No.1123353

You don't. You go run your application you developed with it,

>> No.1123356


>I'm not that greedy, I just want it to go to the moon

$100 is the absolute max it will ever get to imo. There's no way any coin is topping bitcoin.

>> No.1123362

You dont cash out ethercuck. You hold it forever.

$100 per ethercuck? You are totally underestimating it. It will go to at least moon if not back again.

>> No.1123393

not understanding volatility

>> No.1123447

I don't im merely telling you to for your own good.

>> No.1124256
File: 7 KB, 300x256, 1443670682588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is capitalism

>> No.1124323

FIAT is megacap
Ethercuck is nanocap

I have ETH on margin, but don't misrepresent stability. It's extremely volatile, and only cucks with the balls for it should get in. That being said, if you're afraid of losing, you'll never win big.

>> No.1124327

>Get rich boiz.
price is too high now
not gonna throw my life saving into any crypto to get rich
fuck off

>> No.1124331
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Dapp question

what is the limitation of ethereum dapp

can you lets say host a minecraft server on it

or does the blockchain limit to lets say only high scores, and simple applications


>> No.1124335

These fluctuations are normal bro. Just wait. Investment does not have to make 10x the next day, hold for a year.

Buy the dip
Hold it

>> No.1124340

>price raises to 100$ next year
>this guy = suicide

>> No.1124342

Why stop at a year? Hold etherkek forever.

>> No.1125312

Well, after 10 years all Ethercucks will be millionaires.

>> No.1125443
File: 188 KB, 496x692, 1445692344406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to the value of BTC when new exchanges appeared? Did the value have a significant change? What are people basing their march 9 ETH value predictions on?

>> No.1125450

A meme.

Homestead is released on march 14th

On march 9th an indian exchange will begin offering INR-ETH

A minor event.

>> No.1125479

I honestly have absolutely no fucking clue what anyone is talking about, I barely have any money, should I even attempt to learn about what this shit is?

>> No.1125483

>still not knowing how crypto works

Its like you were just born. How does it feel to be behind the curve so very badly?

>> No.1125487
File: 67 KB, 184x168, 1373948948577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH is amazingly easy to buy

The fact that it's so "normie accessible" yet still not even out of its frontier stage is why it's going to be so big

Average normie had no idea how to buy bitcoins at first, now everyone thinks they missed the train and won't bother
This is different

>> No.1125490

Feels pretty aight man, I mean, I get money from freelancing and busking on the streets, I was just asking though, but it's cool

Feels like u r trikin me

>> No.1125491

There is more to learn than i can tell you in a few posts on 4chan. You want me to put 6 years of knowlege down. Cant do that. Go watch youtube videos on the subject.

>> No.1125493
File: 22 KB, 600x300, BjLOjNzIYAAV-bW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just now finally invested in eth
>not much, but still

did I do good /biz/?

>> No.1125495

I wasn't asking you to explain your life acquired, capitalism king knowledge on an image board that you obviously frequent to deepen your insight into the market

I was just asking why would I fucking care to do research about this, on a nice manner, of course

>> No.1125496
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Enjoy missing the train for the second time

>> No.1125509

Alright, alright, I'm looking into the thing, but I have low funds... How much money should I actually apply onto this currency to make it worth it? (I'm learning Ruby to make an app in the short future)

>> No.1125563

Wow, you faggots are useful

>> No.1125578

>trying to xfer 2 BTC to my Poloniex account
>0 confirmations

nice technology faggots

>> No.1125583
File: 325 KB, 694x730, 1435280433061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already told you how to do it, and you still want me to hold your hand?
It's your money, invest it however you want.

If you're that helpless, I'd recommend $100-$300, the limit you can get at first with circle.
If you want to make money, consider investing $1000, so when it reaches even 1/10 of the max bitcoin achieved, you can make a cool 10k.

>> No.1125601

Im here to shill ethereum. My insight is just fine. It's the other fags here like you that need hand holding.

>> No.1125606

to the MOOn MOOn says the motherfucking cow

>> No.1125610
File: 41 KB, 506x494, 1439708511304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to buy some ETH. What wallet should I use?

>> No.1125612

Mist wallet. Or myetherwallet.com

>> No.1125618
File: 2 KB, 125x101, 1456854622221s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long should a BTC to ETH shapeshift take?

>> No.1125621

Alright faggots just bought 35 ethercucks. I should have bought when either was worth $1. Oh well. There better be a moon.

>> No.1125632

Did 2 transactions so far, only took couple of minutes.

>> No.1125655

Mine showed signs of life and then completion just a minute after posting. All is right with the world.

>> No.1125706
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You cant. Youre stuck with it FOREVER.

>> No.1125707

How do you think ETH will hold into April? I want to buy with my tax return.

>> No.1126439


>> No.1126440

i just dumped all my ETH.

good luck suckers.

>> No.1126441

>When bitcoin was rising, were there hordes of people on here screaming at everyone to buy?

>> No.1126446

have fun limping back in at $15

>> No.1126456


Lol, S Capital Solutions is launching an Ether exchange on the 9th and you decide to sell now

>> No.1126512

lol your fault for believing shills

>> No.1126533


You realize he's made profit at this moment since we're up at $11, right?

>nocoiners in charge of basic math

>> No.1126542

Poloniex takes about 5 minutes to even show "Pending" in my experience

>> No.1126572

They require 360 confirmations. Put the fee up, poorfags.

>> No.1126581

sold my ETH today. enjoy the crash

>> No.1126609


Lol did you sell just now during the dip?

>> No.1126611

Been anti-shilling ETH since it was at $2.... pretty fucking mad right now

>> No.1126633

>implying anti-ethshills get emotional over something they arent invested in
Nice try ethshill

>> No.1126636

Mad because I'm gonna buy now, and could have made more $$$

>> No.1126652

im an etherfag and I don't get the point of shilling, anyone that is curious will do independent learning about the tech. If they comprehend the tech they'll make an informed decision about whether to buy or not, why are etherfags forcing this down people's throat? just make an /ETH/ general and let people come and go as they please. It's that simple. Also the memeing is getting out of hand, critical thinking, plz /biz/.

>> No.1126653

kek that kid is so goofy looking

only a fool would put real money into this garbage

>> No.1126657

So you decide to buy at the absolute worst time when it is at the peak of hype? Nice one.

>> No.1126669

I dont think that they get that the extreme shilling and the condescending tones are actually counterproductive to their goals of people buying. Nobody likes shit forced on them.

>> No.1126671 [DELETED] 

I dont think that they get that the extreme shilling and the condescending tones are actually counterproductive to their goals of people buying. Nobody likes shit forced on them.

>> No.1126676

I dont think that they get that the extreme shilling and the condescending tones are actually counterproductive to their goals of people buying. Nobody likes shit forced on them.

>> No.1126685

That goofy looking kid quadrupled my money. Do you have any other arguments against ethereum? You must be the "ethereum is a russian scam" guy back from when it was at $2.

>> No.1126692
File: 38 KB, 1134x312, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh you deleted your accidental shilling post? here I'll fix that for you.

not as if anyone needed proof none of 90% of these posts are fake

>> No.1126744 [DELETED] 

Huh? You think theres a conspiracy because I deleted a duplicate post that I didnt mean to make 2 of? OK bud.

>> No.1126744,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.1126744,2 [INTERNAL] 

ETH has lots of room to grow