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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11226470 No.11226470 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys! Just letting you know I installed a full node running 24/7. Now Bitcoin is slightly more secure thanks to me!

>> No.11226480

thanks anon

>> No.11226484

ill be doing similar once i move in a few weeks. waiting for mortgage to close and ill be doing my part.

>> No.11226487

How many more times does this picture have to get posted? The WD drive always triggers me. Get a fuckin NAS mate.

>> No.11226488

bitcone is shit
chainlink is shit

>> No.11226495
File: 25 KB, 419x419, 1521600585562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about time somebody else help out

>> No.11226505

ive ran freenas forever and after replacing drives a million times in raid-5 storage array, i wouldnt want the blockchain which gets a new block every 10 minutes to constantly have to write to it.

disposable drive makes sense.

>> No.11226526
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>> No.11226558
File: 178 KB, 575x602, 1524115570338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for your cooperation goy

>> No.11226566

>muh housing bubble
>muh poorfags
>muh jews
fuckyall ill be in debt swimming in my pool while you are all living in niggerzoos

>> No.11226600
File: 1.70 MB, 1080x1440, 10B00F8F-0347-4966-8C3D-5574235F8F84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and cash pilled

>> No.11226619

>slightly more secure
What do full nodes do that secures the network? I thought they just save whole copies of the blockchain. All tx confirmations are done by block producers (miners) and those are mostly owned by bitmain

>> No.11226623

sent ;)

>> No.11226627

it increases the chance for bitcoin to survive a global blackout

>> No.11226850

miner puts whatever TX he wants, node validates UTXO and if it's okay then it pass the block to other nodes
if you have more miners than nodes you can override the network with fake transactions, but it won't happen because of guys like OP

>> No.11227035

What is it lile being a debt slave?

>> No.11227056

why are your plugs korean

>> No.11227067

>he's letting his only opportunity to escape the kikes slip away by believing clear propaganda about why bitcoin (the only escape) is owned by jews
if you're this easily bluepilled you should just give up now

>> No.11227097

lmao those aren't even Korean plugs. I live in Korea myself you wannabe fucking koreaboo.

>> No.11227189

those are china plugs

>> No.11227198

>debt slave
>with assets
nice meme. ill rent you out my house next year when mortgage rates hit 6% for 2x my mortgage cost.

>> No.11227219

we have them in argentina too

>> No.11227336

The bank has assets, you don't.

>> No.11227347

i have enough money to pay off my house at any time, it was only ~500k

>> No.11227516

Then why don't you pay it off? Why pay 10% for your house?

>> No.11227542

then i will be cash poor and unable to invest. liquid cash for me right now is better to keep around, all I need to make is > 4.5% return with it to beat out loan. My gamble is, in the next ~10 years, bitcoin will be worth significantly more than 6k and ill be done working for good.

If not, oh well - I work ~15 more years. But the gamble is worth it. and I need a fucking place to live anyway - throwing away rent is dumb.

>> No.11227617

With bitcoins daa thats not gonna matter... you cant do shit without hashpower.

If it worked on a block by block basis, then maybe, but you still have to provide hashpower