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11225795 No.11225795 [Reply] [Original]

They demoed it so that it could use Chainlink to call the ETH price hourly so that you could, say, earn $20 an hour in the equivalent ETH.

When fiat onramps, stablecoins and atomic swaps get included in this (and that's a when, not an if) you will be able to be paid in stablecoins or in fiat, hourly. The next generation will look back at a time when people got paid weekly or even monthly, as being absolutely archaic.

Then when you factor in that the employment smart contract itself could have a function to transfer the base income tax rate to the government, and you have a completely automated pay system, that automatically pays basic income tax, and that can be triggered by, for example clocking in and out of an IoT device that sends an API trigger that you are "at work" or "not at work".

This is unbelievably massive. This is the beginning of an entirely new era of payment and taxation. There is simply no reason to stick with the "old" system once this smart contract ecosystem is properly up and running, and the efficiencies it provides in terms of accountability, accounting, auditing and taxation are difficult to overstate.

And here's the thing, it didn't even get mentioned, let alone discussed, on this subreddit. People here are still talking about how a mango stand in Guatemala is now accepting BTC. It's honestly baffling."

>> No.11225809

chainlink is shit

>> No.11225821

chainlink es mierda

>> No.11225828

The funniest think about this chainlink meem is that there are lurkers reading this shit and taking it seriously

>> No.11225834

come on I could write a fucking program in my ti80 calculator from middle school to pay a person in eth

>> No.11225846

Kek at the nervous swing traders getting recked once again. FOMO in and take the loss.

>> No.11225871

It reeks of desperation before the october appearances sergey has. I want to time my strokes in such a way that I cum the second he steps on stage.

>> No.11225905
File: 323 KB, 500x622, 6F12C045-4C3A-463E-BFA4-66570B06930E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pee pee poo poo

>> No.11225929
File: 134 KB, 500x333, 1338421737445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you morons shill this shit when there's a coin that literally do all this and then some without getting clogged by cats and fees
This is only big news if you are literal brainlet

>> No.11225939
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>> No.11225948


>> No.11225982
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>> No.11226075

i made nice 5% profit on last pump and you didn't. mad hodler redditor?

>> No.11226162

No you didn't

>> No.11227053

Chainlink will undoubtedly fail

>> No.11227113

Ok. What happened every other time Sergey presented? Remember Super conference? How about SXSW?

There will be another dump and/or no movement. He’s presenting as ChainLink is a bronze sponsor (along with SpankChain) at SF blockchain week. I’m sure that’ll really be a groundbreaker of a presentation. Maybe he’ll talk about the new decentralized Faux-kemon game.

>> No.11227129

chainlink is shit

>> No.11227134
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Sergey will harass vitalik with weird questions about permission less bigmacs

>> No.11227136

Don't give away the game

>> No.11227146

Bronze sponsor cos they only need 2 free tickets, everyone else is busy working. And muh "swag bag", pls

>> No.11227157

How do you all justify everything?