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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11224555 No.11224555 [Reply] [Original]

Fucking pathetic

>> No.11224643

was like a 1/10 larp.
I mean, familyfriend was also obviously just as fake but at least his thread was fun and made us feel good.
I miss AB, but at least SL is still around (and his stuff is 80% good if you account for vagueness)

>> No.11224660
File: 127 KB, 633x758, hopeislost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro you got any more of that hopium, im down 40% bro
come on bro dont hold out on a nigga
come on bro just a bit bro shill me link one more time bro
bro please man just one more

>> No.11224689

Familyfriend was hands down the worst ever, when you consider shittyness and attention.
And if you haven't that drunkanon IS assblaster I dont know what to tell you.

>> No.11225159

whisper me sweet nothings

>> No.11225177

Just think how many nigger whore you could have fucked with that 40%

>> No.11225179

link to LINK thread pl0x

>> No.11225255

its really pathetic seeing all of these clueless idiots desperate to get reassurance from other clueless idiots that some project that's seeing little to no interest from anyone is somehow going to make all of these late adopters rich.

>> No.11225303

it really is crazy how deluded they are..dude literally didnt say anything we didnt already know except promises of seeing the coin in the single digits..let me remind you the same promise was made by ass blaster and it didnt come true haha

>> No.11225677

nice trips but i like my drunk anon rapping out about my stinky linkies

>> No.11225695
File: 58 KB, 677x1024, 1537552422907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I was getting trashed on Irish carbombs right now actually instead of shitposting on biz with the three others who didn't make it

>> No.11226296

They are all the same fucking faggot under the larp-mask of an insider: assblaster, astro, walletautism, favelabro, drunkanon, familyfriend. Can't you recognize the pattern?

Everytime is the same thing pump and dump.

>> No.11226322

Those numbers. /biz/ link is dead.