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1122316 No.1122316 [Reply] [Original]

What are things we should avoid if we want to become rich?

I know videogames is a big one repeated here but what else? Are places like /pol/ or watching psuedo-intellectual circlejerking about politics on YouTube to be avoided?

What do you richfags think?

>> No.1122363

Your mom.

>> No.1122365

I dont know but you should definitely not avoid ethercuck.

>> No.1122366


>> No.1122374

Like on 4chan? Yes, avoid /pol/ and other such places like stormfront. Those guys will make you feel like it doesn't matter how much of a loser you are because the White race is so great or whatever.

IRL, You just need to avoid being unproductive. You should be regularly engaged in something that has a long-term benefit to you. Try to associate with people that share this point of view

>> No.1122375

Avoid becoming a poor nocoiner by buying ETH

>> No.1122383

Pol is a big one but I meant politics in general.

Like Libertarianism, communism, etc.

They all are starting to seem like huge mental masturbation wastes of time desu that achieve nothing.

>> No.1122391

Don't go to bars nor wings bar.

>> No.1122415

Women in general
Video games
Fast food and soda
Organic meme food
Believing /pol/
I can go on for a while but if you avoid all this then you will be so depressed you'll kill yourself. I enjoy boozing occasionally, weekends mostly, enjoy getting my nut on a slut a few times a months. The answer really is just moderation. But if you want to be rich it is more of activities that you should engage in not activities you should avoid.
Engage in fitness, Education, networking, reading, investing/money management in general
Challenge yourself anon, avoiding things won't make you rich, it just won't make you a poor piece of shit.

>> No.1122433

>>>1122316 (OP) (You)
I don't do this
I drink a few beers/champagne once - twice a year only.
I am a virgin
>Women in general
Involuntary desu
>Video games
I don't play them
Don't smoke
>Fast food and soda
I don't consume this
>Organic meme food
I don't fall for this
>Believing /pol/
This is my guilty habit

A-am I OK? I don't really enjoy any of them except I want a gf.

>> No.1122452

didnt mention pol enough

>> No.1122460

Pol is fine, but realize some of it is definitely satir(or just a really fucked ip of looking at the world). It's literally the most pessimistic place I've ever been. Enjoy life mate. If your a virgin then I recommend go for a girl, nothing makes your more confident than plowing a girl that you crave. But won't fall for the love meme, but I wasted 3 years of my life and potential savings/investments on a girl that I ended up cheating on me. I'm waiting till I have my career up and going to look for a potential mate.
I cannot stress enough that education and networking are the key to being successful. You gotta make yourself into an asset. I'm doing portfolio management and corporate finance and then I will start my own financial advising firm after I have experience, partners, and cash.
Get laid but don't fall in love, shits overrated man.

>> No.1122473

I don't know how to get a gf or network.

I try to talk to a lot of people and be friendly like at the gym and stuff but I don't know how to get to the "next step". I don't want to just say "so what do you do?" And start telling them my lifestory...

>> No.1122480


that's redundant senpai

>> No.1122483

Having a girlfriend is a waste of time.

>> No.1122490

So true m80 the last part I mean

>> No.1122492

Sounds like your doing more basic networking, i.e. just meeting people, just keep doing what your doing and then add them on Facebook(don't fall for the /pol/ kikebook meme) it's super easy to keep in touch with people and remember birthdays, career, etc... Just please please don't be creepy when doing this.
It's much easier to see what someone does for a career online than asking them about it in the gym or other public places when you don't know them otherwise.
Your not going to win or get to know everyone doing this, some people will think your a creep but that's life.
Trying meeting people in places like class, work, or at clubs. If your not in any of those then it's time to sign up. That's how you really network, I meet people in finance club due to common intrests or Ive meet other college students at work that I would of never known from class. Just be chill and easy going and most college aged kids will like you. Don't try hard, nobody like a try hard.
For a girl, you can apply what I just said and then once you feel a vibe or comfortable ask her to hangout sometime. Girls are just people like you and I. Find an interest of hers (creep on FB if needed) and conversation will flow easily. Idk your age but honestly maybe download tinder or other dating apps. I've never found good gf material before but I've had plenty of good experiences with some of them and it's also great practice to talk to girls and build up confidence.

>> No.1122497

Not really...
Alcohol is a socially approved activity in the west and is at most parties/events, I've dated girls that didn't drink even tho I did a lot
While doing lines of blow in the bathroom or smoking weed is only ok within those groups of users

>> No.1122503

For me it's bars. I always blow my money at them because it's where everyone I know hangs out. Me and a buddy blew over a grand in a weekend and I realized I had to stop.

I quit smoking to save money too. 10.00 dollars a day was ridiculous.

>> No.1122504

That's a good way to describe pol. I don't hate them and I agree with some of their points but man do the ride off the success of other whites. They called themselves redpill but they are complacent as hell.

>> No.1122512


I agree, but not because /pol/ is some racist echo chamber that SJWs pretend it is, but for the same reason you should avoid all forums.

For whatever reason, all forums, whether it be Reddit, 4chan, or any vbulletin board, seem to devolve into either some kind of witch hunt/boogeyman or a dead end circle jerk

For Reddit/Tumblr, it's the racist white cis patriarchy
For /pol/, it's the jews
For /leftypol/, it's porky/Conservatives
For /biz/, it's pump n dump shitcoins

Any echo chamber is going to hinder you

>> No.1122540

Yea I mostly browse pol, biz,fit, and weapons.
Only been on biz for 3 months now but holy sheeet has it gone downhill quick with the fucking cyrptocoins and ETH. The mods REALLY need to make a cyrpto board or start banning the shills. I dont browse biz that often anymore due to the shills

>> No.1122598

I have no social media tho.

Not really into it. I fell for the /g/ privacy and freedom meme and I just don't like it.

Any other suggestions that don't involve goybook?

>> No.1122622

Not really desu.

I've found more specific forums to actually have good info without endless searching.

On /biz/ for example there's one good thread a week whereas specific biz forums have tons.

Same with programming forums and /g/ or /fit/. 4chan really is shit desu, better off staying off shithole unless for laughs I guess

But yeah about the politics thing it does seem pol and tumblr are like two sides of the shit coin.

>> No.1122691

honestly, video games are great. that and netflix will keep you entertained for 20$ a month

>> No.1122696


It's a lot more than $20 in opportunity cost, bucko.

>> No.1122701

Don't ignore politics, it's important for detect social trends and to anticipate risks that may crush you. Get conscious. What demands time is to be a activist, be aware of politics is a education for life.

>> No.1122709

How can I change the outcome even if it were to "crush" me tho?

>> No.1122811

Invest elsewhere.

>> No.1122881

/pol/ is for autistic stormfag NEETs. DO NOT go on there.

>> No.1122941

All of this /pol/ hate, lol.

Their sentiment is correct though. I don't understand why /biz/ is "bluepilling" itself.

>> No.1122952

Because no one on /pol/ is successful?

What is so "redpill"? Da joos are cucking us all?

>> No.1123018
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This. I've stuck to a path my whole life, climbed my way out of lower class and landed 80k job, paid off student loans, buying a house this year at 26. Finally getting things right despite a setback from broke family.

Then I went to bars, met the girl of my dreams, and now I'm out five nights a week until 2-4AM for hiking, barhopping, concerts, after parties, comedy shows, symphonies, LAN parties, amateur sports, crafting classes, and wild sex.

These are the best months of my life and I'm so fucking fired once it catches up.