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11222164 No.11222164 [Reply] [Original]

Start waking up at 4:30 in the morning anon.

>> No.11222174


>> No.11222185

That video is the ultimate boomer wagie propaganda

>> No.11222187


>> No.11222188


>> No.11222189

Early morning fapping is the best

>> No.11222193

I'm so tired...

>> No.11222205

LMAO fuck off I need my REM phase of sleep

>> No.11222207

I’m up at at 4am daily and I fucking hate this timeline fuck those motherfuckers

>> No.11222227

I already do to workout in my garage ya dingus

>> No.11222266

I woke up at 4:30pm today.

Jocko needs to get therapy for his PTSD instead of making it into a lifestyle

>> No.11222300

I woke up at 5 today and it's nice on days when I don't feel like killing myself. But today I just skipped most of my usual morning routine stuff, went to work on my day off for a few hours early enough to get out before anyone else showed up to speak words to me, drove around just for the sake of wasting time and gas, came home and read stuff on wikipedia about suicide and then I napped for like 5 hours. Contemplated doing things to make it appear like I'm not living in squalor, but only mustered up the motivation to pull like 5 weeds and picked up a couple sticks in the yard. Now I'm going to pick up publix subs I ordered online even though I'm in debt

Tomorrow it's back to the 80 hour work week, the schedule I've had for over 2 years, and every month I send 200+ hours of pay to a woman I haven't seen in years even though she only lives an hour away

>> No.11222321
File: 11 KB, 171x208, haaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf kind of name is that

>> No.11222334


>> No.11222343

Thanks to my new job, I might have to.

>> No.11222361

>every month I send 200+ hours of pay to a woman I haven't seen in years even though she only lives an hour away

>> No.11222367

Also, holy fuck are we a cucked numale generation when people like Jocko can pass for male role models.

>> No.11222433

she says it's not like that, and that I'm the last person she had sex with

first she was sick and got me to start helping her with money for surgery, now she is better but hasn't gotten a better job yet and is just living in some rental that she can't afford and she doesn't even like the place and I guess there's mold from leaky roofs and shit

sometimes I get on the self-improvement kick and I start waking up early before work to do things around the house and read and stuff but this shit sucks

I always thought providing for a woman would get me some kisses and blowjobs and that's what keeps me going so that maybe I can experience that sort of thing someday but we're both just living separate shitty lives

>> No.11222467

I was expecting alimony or child support. Jesus, anon, uncuck yourself.

>> No.11222515

Bad larp

>> No.11222556


Nah I will wake up whenver I want too. I have longer than 24 hour sleep pattern disorder so it's literally impossible for me to wake up at the same time every day, if I try it just makes it worse. Sometimes I will happen to wake up at 4:30 AM by chance though.

>> No.11222560 [DELETED] 

you put a lot of effort into making yourself miserable. do something to make your balls drop. start a new path.

>> No.11222573

'Success' is such a fucking meme. Selling your soul so you can be materially and socially comfortable is the opposite of success. Success is living life on your own terms.

>> No.11222593

Just stop it.

>> No.11222595

>everyone has the same schedule as me
>everyone has the same life as me
>everyone should do the same thing i do
Autistic boomer faggot.

>> No.11222621

wtf? why not just not send money to her

>> No.11222640

I already get up at 4:15, then go to the gym.

>> No.11222651
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why do boomers think that the earlier you wake up = the better person you are?

>> No.11222653

we all know what it's like to wake up when you aren't used to waking up. the more you use your "disorder" as an excuse the more you'll fail while the rest of us succeed. my psych prof freshman year told the class that humans sleep cycle is actually 25 hours anyway so quit bitching

>> No.11222670

>good goy, wake up at 3am so you can work for mr shekelberg even more. dont forget to work unpaid overtime since your salary, goy! oh you went to the gym? maybe you should in earlier too!

>> No.11222684

im a millennial faggot and i wake up at 5 (4:30 is too fucking early) to workout. Is good but not as miraculous as motivation guru faggots make it to be

>> No.11222706

You actually sound like me :/

It sucks

>> No.11222728

bruh this dude is only 23. fucking look at him. looks like a 50 year old man

>> No.11222753

I would be over an hour late for work

>> No.11222765

Lol agreed. Dude is definitely salty though. Silver Star, Bronze Star with a V, two Combat Action Ribbons. Fought in Ramadi. Dude is legit.

>inb4 nigger faggot /pol/sters bring up le jews

>> No.11222773

The only people who say this are bitter min wage fags. Its easier to blame some nonexistent entity than to accept that they're a failure.

>makes you wonder

>> No.11222787

That's kid payment or divorce settlement ?
If there's no kid involved, flee the country. I would never work 200+h for some bitch. Either I'm suiciding her or i'm leaving the country.

>> No.11222795

Yeah like Dr William Pierce, total failure.

>> No.11222987
File: 30 KB, 640x427, jocko-640px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Jocko makes a good argument. He says "what are you doing late at night, you are goofing off, watching tv, being lazy". So if you get up early its much easier to put yourself in "productive" mode. By the time 6-7pm rolls around you should be ready for bed.

I agree totally. But some kind of work is necessary to get somewhere in life i.e. house, provide for family, get you a car and allow you time and money for hobbies, interests.

>> No.11223021


Yes I already knew a human sleep cycle is 25 hours, mine is 28-29 hours long. I am not using it as an excuse like neets use their "disabilities" I used to try to fight it. Fuck I even signed up for the army knowing the strict sleep schedules there. Basic training was double hell for me.

>wake up at 6 AM not getting any sleep
>tired as fuck all day just begging to get a nap
>finally day ends after entire day of rigourous exercise
>body literally exhausted
>finally allowed to sleep at about 10 PM
>can't sleep at all
>suddenly laying wide awake in bed full of energy
>after laying there for hours fall asleep at maybe midnight
>wake up at 1 in the morning
>struggle to get to sleep again for hours
>fall asleep at 4
>get woken at 6
>rinse and repeat for weeks

That's when I realized my problem wasn't just a meme and was an actual condition that I couldn't change just by brute forcing it. Now I do shift work at irregular hours and it's like this type of work was made for people like me.

>> No.11223026

>That Chin
>That Jawline
>That Chin Dimple

He would be pretty handsome if his nose wasn't fucked up and his ears weren't low polygons models.

>> No.11223029
File: 310 KB, 680x519, 1348882927541n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck you

>> No.11223101

>tfw your face will never look as masculine as that and you are a 6'7 pretty boy who won't age well
fml i peaked at like 18, it's over bros

>> No.11223123

I wake up at 4:15 am everyday for work. It's not bad at all honestly. I enjoy driving when no ine else is around. It's a comfy easy office job and I'm out by 2:30. Could be worse.

>> No.11223132

>Yes I already knew a human sleep cycle is 25 hours, mine is 28-29 hours long.

Wait wtf? Are you awake for 28 hours then sleep for 28 hours or do you still sleep like 6-10 hours?

>> No.11223142


This isn't real.

>> No.11223149

same for me I peaked at a 17/18 after that I only give up the creepy adult vibe to people

>> No.11223172

I used to wake up super early, it doesn't change much, it only makes you sleepy earlier.

>> No.11223177

He's a poor man's Patrik Antonius

>> No.11223190

adderall fixed this for me. i would pop 10mg instant release at like 10am and would start crashing around 6pm. by the time midnight rolled around i was toast and would fall asleep in like 5 minutes after going to bed. it was amazing. taking a break from it this year and have noticed my sleep quality is a zillion times worse than it was the past few years

>> No.11223254


No it means the entire sleep cycle takes about 28 or so hours, which means it rolls over onto the next day and gets me completely out of whack with everyone else.

I am generally awake for 18 hours then sleep for 10 on average. If I woke up at 4:30 AM in the morning I wouldn't be tired enough to sleep until at least 10:30 PM that night and if woken up before 8:30 AM the next morning I'd be a reck.


I started taking Modafinil and I want to know some good sleep pills to counteract it since it's so strong. If I take a full pill I unironically can't sleep for almost 3 days. Half a pill so is alright. Sometimes I get bullshit shifts like come in at 4:30 PM in the afternoon and finish at 10:30 PM at night, but then you have a shift at 9:00 AM the next morning that lasts till fucking 3 PM. I just take half a modafinil and stay up 24 hours, then have a 10-12 hour sleep afterwards. It's impossible to sleep in that gap in the middle.

What is a good sleeping pill to counteract modafinil though? I wish I could just be super awake and super sleepy at the swallowing of a pill.

>> No.11223323


I usually go to sleep at 4:30 AM and wake up between 10 and 11 am. Also sometimes taking a nap around 6pm.